1,369 research outputs found


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    Holographic image formation in photorefractive crystals with use of a complex object wave front is studied both theoretically and experimentally. It is shown that the optimal conditions for holographic recording of a complex image differ from those required when a plane wave front is used as an object beam. Experimental measurements of the hologram's diffraction efficiency and the optical noise dependencies on the recording-beam polarization and intensity ratio are in good agreement with theory. An experimental approach designed to find the optimal configuration of optical elements in a holographic interferometer with a photorefractive crystal is presented.1161780178

    Casimir effect of electromagnetic field in Randall-Sundrum spacetime

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    We study the finite temperature Casimir effect on a pair of parallel perfectly conducting plates in Randall-Sundrum model without using scalar field analogy. Two different ways of interpreting perfectly conducting conditions are discussed. The conventional way that uses perfectly conducting condition induced from 5D leads to three discrete mode corrections. This is very different from the result obtained from imposing 4D perfectly conducting conditions on the 4D massless and massive vector fields obtained by decomposing the 5D electromagnetic field. The latter only contains two discrete mode corrections, but it has a continuum mode correction that depends on the thicknesses of the plates. It is shown that under both boundary conditions, the corrections to the Casimir force make the Casimir force more attractive. The correction under 4D perfectly conducting condition is always smaller than the correction under the 5D induced perfectly conducting condition. These statements are true at any temperature.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Mass hierarchy, mass gap and corrections to Newton's law on thick branes with Poincare symmetry

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    We consider a scalar thick brane configuration arising in a 5D theory of gravity coupled to a self-interacting scalar field in a Riemannian manifold. We start from known classical solutions of the corresponding field equations and elaborate on the physics of the transverse traceless modes of linear fluctuations of the classical background, which obey a Schroedinger-like equation. We further consider two special cases in which this equation can be solved analytically for any massive mode with m^2>0, in contrast with numerical approaches, allowing us to study in closed form the massive spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations and to compute the corrections to Newton's law in the thin brane limit. In the first case we consider a solution with a mass gap in the spectrum of KK fluctuations with two bound states - the massless 4D graviton free of tachyonic instabilities and a massive KK excitation - as well as a tower of continuous massive KK modes which obey a Legendre equation. The mass gap is defined by the inverse of the brane thickness, allowing us to get rid of the potentially dangerous multiplicity of arbitrarily light KK modes. It is shown that due to this lucky circumstance, the solution of the mass hierarchy problem is much simpler and transparent than in the (thin) Randall-Sundrum (RS) two-brane configuration. In the second case we present a smooth version of the RS model with a single massless bound state, which accounts for the 4D graviton, and a sector of continuous fluctuation modes with no mass gap, which obey a confluent Heun equation in the Ince limit. (The latter seems to have physical applications for the first time within braneworld models). For this solution the mass hierarchy problem is solved as in the Lykken-Randall model and the model is completely free of naked singularities.Comment: 25 pages in latex, no figures, content changed, corrections to Newton's law included for smooth version of RS model and an author adde

    Data on prevalence and risk factors associated with Toxocara spp infection, atopy and asthma development in Northeast Brazilian school children.

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    In the present article, we provide shortly, data on risk factors for acquiring Toxocara spp. infection and investigate possible associations between this infection with atopy and asthma in school children of a small town and its semi-rural areas of Northeast Brazil. The data set are composed by demographic, social and home environment variables. The detection of anti-Toxocara spp. IgG and specific IgE to aeroallergens was determined by ELISA and ImmunocAP/Phadiatrope systems, respectively. The data presented in this article are related to the article entitled "Risk factors for Toxocara spp. seroprevalence and its association with atopy and asthma phenotypes in school-age children in a small town and semi-rural areas of Northeast Brazil" (M.B. Silva, A.L. Amor, L.N. Santos, A.A. GalvĆ£o, A.V. Oviedo Vera, E.S. Silva et al., 2016) [1]

    Noncommutative Particles in Curved Spaces

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    We present a formulation in a curved background of noncommutative mechanics, where the object of noncommutativity ĪøĪ¼Ī½\theta^{\mu\nu} is considered as an independent quantity having a canonical conjugate momentum. We introduced a noncommutative first-order action in D=10 curved spacetime and the covariant equations of motions were computed. This model, invariant under diffeomorphism, generalizes recent relativistic results.Comment: 1+15 pages. Latex. New comments and results adde

    Crystallization, data collection and phasing of two digestive lysozymes from Musca domestica

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    Lysozymes are mostly known for their defensive role against bacteria, but in several animals lysozymes have a digestive function. Here, the initial crystallographic characterization of two digestive lysozymes from Musca domestica are presented. The proteins were crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method in the presence of ammonium sulfate or PEG/2-propanol as the precipitant. X-ray diffraction data were collected to a maximum resolution of 1.9 angstrom using synchrotron radiation. The lysozyme 1 and 2 crystals belong to the monoclinic space group P2(1) (unit-cell parameters a = 36.52, b = 79.44, c = 45.20 angstrom, beta = 102.97 degrees) and the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2 (unit-cell parameters a = 73.90, b = 96.40, c = 33.27 angstrom), respectively. The crystal structures were solved by molecular replacement and structure refinement is in progress.62875075

    Widespread sex differences in gene expression and splicing in the adult human brain

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    There is strong evidence to show that men and women differ in terms of neurodevelopment, neurochemistry and susceptibility to neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disease. The molecular basis of these differences remains unclear. Progress in this field has been hampered by the lack of genome-wide information on sex differences in gene expression and in particular splicing in the human brain. Here we address this issue by using post-mortem adult human brain and spinal cord samples originating from 137 neuropathologically confirmed control individuals to study whole-genome gene expression and splicing in 12 CNS regions. We show that sex differences in gene expression and splicing are widespread in adult human brain, being detectable in all major brain regions and involving 2.5% of all expressed genes. We give examples of genes where sex-biased expression is both disease-relevant and likely to have functional consequences, and provide evidence suggesting that sex biases in expression may reflect sex-biased gene regulatory structures

    Desire for a child among women living with HIV/AIDS in northeast Brazil

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    In Brazil, an increasing proportion of new HIV infections and AIDS cases involve women of reproductive age. To describe the reproductive desire of women with HIV/AIDS and to identify factors associated with the desire for motherhood, a cross-sectional study was carried out in the referral hospital for infectious diseases in Ceara State, northeast Brazil. In total, 229 women were included in data analysis. Median age was 32 years (interquartile range, 26-37), and 63% had a monthly family income of less than 210 USD. Forty-nine percent were using a contraceptive method, and 37% wished to undergo tubal ligation. Sixty-four percent of the latter women were motivated by the fear of having an HIV-positive child. Forty percent of the participants wanted to have a child. In the multivariate regression analysis, variables independently associated with women's desire to have a child were: younger age ( in years, odds ration [OR] = 0.94; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.90-0.98), number of children (OR = 0.73; 95% CI: 0.57-0.96), and partner's desire for a child (OR = 3.35; 95% CI: 1.75-6.39). Having a partner who did not know about the woman's positive serostatus was negatively associated with the woman's desire for a child (OR = 0.17; 95% CI: 0.04-0.69). No variable related to clinical status was significantly associated with the outcome variable. Our data showed that many unsterilized HIV-positive women in northeast Brazil, at whatever stage of illness, have a desire for children. We recommend that nondirective counseling, consisting of helping women evaluate their own feelings, goals and needs with respect to reproductive options be provided.21426126

    Raman, hyper-Raman, hyper-Rayleigh, two-photon luminescence and morphology-dependent resonance modes in a single optical tweezers system

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    We present a setup of optical tweezers combined with linear and nonlinear microspectroscopies that enhances the capabilities of capture and analysis of both techniques. We can use either a continuous-wave (cw) Ti:sapphire laser for Raman measurements or a pulsed femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser that permitted the observation of nonlinear results such as hyper-Raman, hyper-Rayleigh, and two-photon luminescence. Only the high peak intensity of the femtosecond laser allows the observation of all these nonlinear spectroscopies. The sensitivity of our system also permitted the observation of morphology-dependent resonance (MDR) modes of a single stained trapped microsphere of 6 mu m. The possibility of performing spectroscopy in a living microorganism optically trapped in any desired neighborhood would mean that one can dynamically observe the chemical reactions and/or mechanical properties changing in real time.721
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