4 research outputs found

    On Broken Triangles (CP 2014)

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    International audienceA binary CSP instance satisfying the broken-triangle property (BTP) can be solved in polynomial time. Unfortunately, in practice, few instances satisfy the BTP. We show that a local version of the BTP allows the merging of domain values in binary CSPs, thus providing a novel polynomial-time reduction operation. Experimental trials on benchmark instances demonstrate a significant decrease in instance size for certain classes of problems. We show that BTP-merging can be generalised to instances with constraints of arbitrary arity. A directional version of the general-arity BTP then allows us to extend the BTP tractable class previously defined only for binary CSP

    Same-Relation Constraints

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    The ALLDIFFERENT constraint was one of the first global constraints [17] and it enforces the conjunction of one binary constraint, the not-equal constraint, for every pair of variables. By looking at the set of all pairwise not-equal relations at the same time, AllDifferent offers greater filtering power. The natural question arises whether we can generally leverage the knowledge that sets of pairs of variables all share the same relation. This paper studies exactly this question. We study in particular special constraint graphs like cliques, complete bipartite graphs, and directed acyclic graphs, whereby we always assume that the same constraint is enforced on all edges in the graph. In particular, we study whether there exists a tractable GAC propagator for these global Same-Relation constraints and show that AllDifferent is a huge exception: most Same-Relation Constraints pose NP-hard filtering problems. We present algorithms, based on AC-4 and AC-6, for one family of Same-Relation Constraints, which do not achieve GAC propagation but outperform propagating each constraint individually in both theory and practice.</p

    Some New Tractable Classes of CSPs and their Relations with Backtracking Algorithms

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    International audienceIn this paper, we investigate the complexity of algorithms for solving CSPs which are classically implemented in real practical solvers, such as Forward Checking or Bactracking with Arc Consistency (RFL or MAC).. We introduce a new parameter for measuring their complexity and then we derive new complexity bounds. By relating the complexity of CSP algorithms to graph-theoretical parameters, our analysis allows us to define new tractable classes, which can be solved directly by the usual CSP algorithms in polynomial time, and without the need to rec- ognize the classes in advance. So, our approach allows us to propose new tractable classes of CSPs that are naturally exploited by solvers, which indicates new ways to explain in some cases the practical efficiency of classical search algorithms References for 1.2.2 and 1.2.3

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