1,859 research outputs found

    Thermal conductivity via magnetic excitations in spin-chain materials

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    We discuss the recent progress and the current status of experimental investigations of spin-mediated energy transport in spin-chain and spin-ladder materials with antiferromagnetic coupling. We briefly outline the central results of theoretical studies on the subject but focus mainly on recent experimental results that were obtained on materials which may be regarded as adequate physical realizations of the idealized theoretical model systems. Some open questions and unsettled issues are also addressed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Discrete kink dynamics in hydrogen-bonded chains I: The one-component model

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    We study topological solitary waves (kinks and antikinks) in a nonlinear one-dimensional Klein-Gordon chain with the on-site potential of a double-Morse type. This chain is used to describe the collective proton dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional networks of hydrogen bonds, where the on-site potential plays role of the proton potential in the hydrogen bond. The system supports a rich variety of stationary kink solutions with different symmetry properties. We study the stability and bifurcation structure of all these stationary kink states. An exactly solvable model with a piecewise ``parabola-constant'' approximation of the double-Morse potential is suggested and studied analytically. The dependence of the Peierls-Nabarro potential on the system parameters is studied. Discrete travelling-wave solutions of a narrow permanent profile are shown to exist, depending on the anharmonicity of the Morse potential and the cooperativity of the hydrogen bond (the coupling constant of the interaction between nearest-neighbor protons).Comment: 12 pages, 20 figure

    Vacuum creation of quarks at the time scale of QGP thermalization and strangeness enhancement in heavy-ion collisions

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    The vacuum parton creation in quickly varying external fields is studied at the time scale of order 1 fm/cc typical for the quark-gluon plasma formation and thermalization. To describe the pre-equilibrium evolution of the system the transport kinetic equation is employed. It is shown that the dynamics of production process at times comparable with particle inverse masses can deviate considerably from that based on classical Schwinger-like estimates for homogeneous and constant fields. One of the effects caused by non-stationary chromoelectric fields is the enhancement of the yield of ssˉs\bar{s} quark pairs. Dependence of this effect on the shape and duration of the field pulse is studied together with the influence of string fusion and reduction of quark masses.Comment: REVTEX, 11pp. incl. 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Lett.

    An algorithm to obtain global solutions of the double confluent Heun equation

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    A procedure is proposed to construct solutions of the double confluent Heun equation with a determinate behaviour at the singular points. The connection factors are expressed as quotients of Wronskians of the involved solutions. Asymptotic expansions are used in the computation of those Wronskians. The feasibility of the method is shown in an example, namely, the Schroedinger equation with a quasi-exactly-solvable potential

    Relativistic ponderomotive force, uphill acceleration, and transition to chaos

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    Starting from a covariant cycle-averaged Lagrangian the relativistic oscillation center equation of motion of a point charge is deduced and analytical formulae for the ponderomotive force in a travelling wave of arbitrary strength are presented. It is further shown that the ponderomotive forces for transverse and longitudinal waves are different; in the latter, uphill acceleration can occur. In a standing wave there exists a threshold intensity above which, owing to transition to chaos, the secular motion can no longer be described by a regular ponderomotive force. PACS number(s): 52.20.Dq,05.45.+b,52.35.Mw,52.60.+hComment: 8 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures in PostScript, see also http://www.physik.th-darmstadt.de/tqe

    Transition Spectra for a BCS Superconductor with Multiple Gaps: Model Calculations for MgB_2

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    We analyze the qualitative features in the transition spectra of a model superconductor with multiple energy gaps, using a simple extension of the Mattis-Bardeen expression for probes with case I and case II coherence factors. At temperature T = 0, the far infrared absorption edge is, as expected, determined by the smallest gap. However, the large thermal background may mask this edge at finite temperatures and instead the secondary absorption edges found at Delta_i+Delta_j may become most prominent. At finite T, if certain interband matrix elements are large, there may also be absorption peaks at the gap difference frequencies | Delta_i-Delta_j | . We discuss the effect of sample quality on the measured spectra and the possible relation of these predictions to the recent infrared absorption measurement on MgB_2

    Spin transport of electrons through quantum wires with spatially-modulated strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction

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    We study ballistic transport of spin-polarized electrons through quantum wires in which the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is spatially modulated. Subband mixing, due to SOI, between the two lowest subbands is taken into account. Simplified approximate expressions for the transmission are obtained for electron energies close to the bottom of the first subband and near the value for which anticrossing of the two lowest subbands occurs. In structures with periodically varied SOI strength, {\it square-wave} modulation on the spin transmission is found when only one subband is occupied and its possible application to the spin transistor is discussed. When two subbands are occupied the transmission is strongly affected by the existence of SOI interfaces as well as by the subband mixing

    Energy gap and proximity effect in MgB2MgB_2 superconducting wires

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    Measurements of the penetration depth λ(T,H)\lambda (T,H) in the presence of a DC magnetic field were performed in MgB2MgB_2 wires. In as-prepared wires λ(T,H<130Oe)\lambda (T,H<130 Oe) shows a strong diamagnetic downturn below 10K\approx 10 K. A DC magnetic field of 130Oe130 Oe completely suppressed the downturn. The data are consistent with proximity coupling to a surface MgMg layer left during synthesis. A theory for the proximity effect in the clean limit, together with an assumed distribution of the MgMg layer thickness, qualitatively explains the field and temperature dependence of the data. Removal of the MgMg by chemical etching results in an exponential temperature dependence for λ(T)\lambda (T) with an energy gap of 2Δ(0)/Tc1.542 \Delta (0)/T_c\approx 1.54 (Δ(0)2.61meV\Delta(0) \approx 2.61 meV), in close agreement with recent measurements on commercial powders and single crystals. This minimum gap is only 44% of the BCS weak coupling value, implying substantial anisotropy.Comment: RevTeX 4, 4 EPS figure

    From Storage and Retrieval of Pulses to Adiabatons

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    We investigate whether it is possible to store and retrieve the intense probe pulse from a Λ\Lambda-type homogeneous medium of cold atoms. Through numerical simulations we show that it is possible to store and retrieve the probe pulse which are not necessarily weak. As the intensity of the probe pulse increases, the retrieved pulse remains a replica of the original pulse, however there is overall broadening and loss of the intensity. These effects can be understood in terms of the dependence of absorption on the intensity of the probe. We include the dynamics of the control field, which becomes especially important as the intensity of the probe pulse increases. We use the theory of adiabatons [Grobe {\it et al.} Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 73}, 3183 (1994)] to understand the storage and retrieval of light pulses at moderate powers.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, typed in RevTe

    Two-bands superconductivity with intra- and interband pairing for synthetic superlattices

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    We consider a model for superconductivity in a two-band superconductor, having an anisotropic electronic structure made of two partially overlapping bands with a first hole-like and a second electron-like fermi surface. In this pairing scenario, driven by the interplay between interband Vi,jV_{i,j} and intraband Vi,iV_{i,i} pairing terms, we have solved the two gap equations at the critical temperature T=TcT = T_c and calculate TcT_c and the chemical potential μ\mu as a function of the number of carriers nn for various values of pairing interactions, V1,1V_{1,1}, V2,2V_{2,2}, and V1,2V_{1,2}. The results show the complexity of the physics of condensates with multiple order parameters with the chemical potential near band edges.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure