19 research outputs found

    Development and testing of a fast fourier transform high dynamic-range spectral diagnostics for millimeter wave characterization

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    A fast Fourier transform (FFT) based wide range millimeter wave diagnostics for spectral characterization of scattered millimeter waves in plasmas has been successfully brought into operation. The scattered millimeter waves are heterodyne downconverted and directly digitized using a fast analog-digital converter and a compact peripheral component interconnect computer. Frequency spectra are obtained by FFT in the time domain of the intermediate frequency signal. The scattered millimeter waves are generated during high power electron cyclotron resonance heating experiments on the TEXTOR tokamak and demonstrate the performance of the diagnostics and, in particular, the usability of direct digitizing and Fourier transformation of millimeter wave signals. The diagnostics is able to acquire 4 GHz wide spectra of signals in the range of 136-140 GHz. The rate of spectra is tunable and has been tested between 200 000 spectra/s with a frequency resolution of 100 MHz and 120 spectra/s with a frequency resolution of 25 kHz. The respective dynamic ranges are 52 and 88 dB. Major benefits of the new diagnostics are a tunable time and frequency resolution due to postdetection, near-real time processing of the acquired data. This diagnostics has a wider application in astrophysics, earth observation, plasma physics, and molecular spectroscopy for the detection and analysis of millimeter wave radiation, providing high-resolution spectra at high temporal resolution and large dynamic range

    Commissioning of inline ECE system within waveguide based ECRH transmission systems on ASDEX upgrade

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    A CW capable inline electron cyclotron emission (ECE) separation system for feedback control, featuring oversized corrugated waveguides, is commissioned on ASDEX upgrade (AUG). The system is based on a combination of a polarization independent, non-resonant, Mach-Zehnder diplexer equipped with dielectric plate beam splitters [2, 3] employed as corrugated oversized waveguide filter, and a resonant Fast Directional Switch, FADIS [4, 5, 6, 7] as ECE/ECCD separation system. This paper presents an overview of the system, the low power characterisation tests and first high power commissioning on AUG

    Sensitivity analysis of methane emissions derived from SCIAMACHY observations through inverse modeling

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    Satellite observations of trace gases in the atmosphere offer a promising method for global verification of emissions and improvement of global emission inventories. Here, an inverse modelling approach based on fourdimensional variational (4D-var) data assimilation is presented and applied to synthetic measurements of atmospheric methane. In this approach, emissions and initial concentrations are optimised simultaneously, thus allowing inversions to be carried out on time scales of weeks to months, short compared with the lifetime of methane. Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) have been performed to demonstrate the feasibility of the method and to investigate the utility of SCIAMACHY observations for methane source estimation. The impact of a number of parameters on the error in the methane emission field retrieved has been analysed. These parameters include the measurement error, the error introduced by the presence of clouds, and the spatial resolution of the emission field. It is shown that 4D-var is an efficient method to deal with large amounts of satellite data and to retrieve emissions at high resolution. Some important conclusions regarding the SCIAMACHY measurements can be drawn. (i) The observations at their estimated precision of 1.5 to 2% will contribute considerably to uncertainty reduction in monthly, subcontinental ( 500 km) methane source strengths. (ii) Systematic measurement errors well below 1% have a dramatic impact on the quality of the derived emission fields. Hence, every effort should be made to identify and remove such systematic errors. (iii) It is essential to take partly cloudy pixels into account in order to achieve sufficient spatial coverage. (iv) The uncertainty in measured cloud parameters may at some point become the limiting factor for methane emission retrieval, rather than the uncertainty in measured methane itself

    Observations of the moon by the global ozone monitoring experiment: radiometric calibration and lunar albedo

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    The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) is a new instrument, which was launched aboard the second European Remoting Sensing satellite ESA-ERS2 in 1995. For its long-term radiometric and spectral calibration the GOME observes the sun and less frequently the moon on a regular basis. These measurements of the lunar radiance and solar irradiance have been used in a study to determine, for the first time to the authors' knowledge, the geometric lunar albedo from 240 to 800 nm at high spectral resolution from space. For a waning moon there is good agreement with ground-based measurements in the visible region and with recent space-based measurements in the ultraviolet region. In addition, the use of these measurements for the characterization of in-orbit degradation of instruments operating in this spectral region has been adequately demonstrated

    Sensitivity analysis of methane emissions derived from SCIAMACHY observations through inverse modeling

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    Satellite observations of trace gases in the atmosphere offer a promising method for global verification of emissions and improvement of global emission inventories. Here, an inverse modelling approach based on fourdimensional variational (4D-var) data assimilation is presented and applied to synthetic measurements of atmospheric methane. In this approach, emissions and initial concentrations are optimised simultaneously, thus allowing inversions to be carried out on time scales of weeks to months, short compared with the lifetime of methane. Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) have been performed to demonstrate the feasibility of the method and to investigate the utility of SCIAMACHY observations for methane source estimation. The impact of a number of parameters on the error in the methane emission field retrieved has been analysed. These parameters include the measurement error, the error introduced by the presence of clouds, and the spatial resolution of the emission field. It is shown that 4D-var is an efficient method to deal with large amounts of satellite data and to retrieve emissions at high resolution. Some important conclusions regarding the SCIAMACHY measurements can be drawn. (i) The observations at their estimated precision of 1.5 to 2% will contribute considerably to uncertainty reduction in monthly, subcontinental ( 500 km) methane source strengths. (ii) Systematic measurement errors well below 1% have a dramatic impact on the quality of the derived emission fields. Hence, every effort should be made to identify and remove such systematic errors. (iii) It is essential to take partly cloudy pixels into account in order to achieve sufficient spatial coverage. (iv) The uncertainty in measured cloud parameters may at some point become the limiting factor for methane emission retrieval, rather than the uncertainty in measured methane itself

    CO2 conversion via coupled plasma-electrolysis process

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    Surplus renewable electricity used to convert CO2 into CO, the building block of liquid fuels, advances the energy transition by enabling large-scale, long-term energy storage and the synthesis of fuel for long-haul transportation. Among the various technologies developed, renewable electricity driven conversion of CO2 by high-temperature electrolysis and by plasmolysis offer a tantalising potential. High-temperature electrolysis is characterized by high-yield and energy-efficiency and the direct separation of the CO2 dissociation products CO and O2. However, the difficulty to break the carbon-oxygen double bond poses challenging requirements on electrode materials. CO2 plasmolysis on the other hand, offers a similar energy efficiency, does not employ scarce materials, is easy to upscale, but requires efficient gas separation and recuperation because the produced CO remains mixed with O2 and residual CO2. Here, we demonstrate that the coupling of the two processes leads to a renewable-electricity-driven route for producing CO from CO2, overcoming the main bottleneck of CO2 plasmolysis. A simulated CO2 plasmolysis gas mixture is supplied to a high-temperature electrolyser to separate the product gases electrochemically. Our results show that the product stream of the coupled-process contains 91% less oxygen and 138% more CO compared with the bare plasmolysis process. Apart from upgrading the produced gas mixture, this coupled approach benefits from material stability. Durability tests (~100 h) show better stability in coupled operation when compared with conventional CO2 electrolysis. Synergy between plasmolysis and electrolysis opens up a novel route to efficient CO2 conversion into valuable CO feedstock for the synthesis of long-chain hydrocarbons

    Satellite chartography of atmospheric methane from SCIAMACHY on board ENVISAT: analysis of the years 2003 and 2004

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    The UV/Vis/near infrared spectrometer SCIAMACHY on board the European ENVISAT satellite enables total column retrieval of atmospheric methane with high sensitivity to the lower troposphere. The vertical column density of methane is converted to column averaged mixing ratio by using carbon dioxide retrievals as proxy for the probed atmospheric column. For this purpose, we apply concurrent total column measurements of CO2 in combination with modeled column-averaged CO2 mixing ratios. Possible systematic errors are discussed in detail while the precision error is 1.8% on average. This paper focuses on methane retrievals from January 2003 through December 2004. The measurements with global coverage over continents are compared with model results from the chemistry–transport model TM4. In the retrievals, the north-south gradient as well as regions with enhanced methane levels can be clearly identified. The highest abundances are found in the Red Basin of China, followed by northern South America, the Gangetic plains of India and central parts of Africa. Especially the abundances in northern South America and the Red Basin are generally higher than modeled. Further, we present the seasonal variations within the investigated time period. Peak values in Asia due to rice emissions are observed from August through October. We expand earlier investigations that suggest underestimated emissions in the tropics. It is shown that these underestimations show a seasonal behavior that peaks from August through December. The global measurements may be used for inverse modeling and are thus an important step towards better quantification of the methane budget