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    Artrópodes predadores associados à oliveira no Planalto Mirandês

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    A oliveira é atacada por mais de 250 espécies fitófagas, contudo, apenas um reduzido número apresenta importância económica. A reduzida importância da maioria das espécies deve-se principalmente à acção dos factores de limitação natural, com relevância para os predadores. Com o objectivo de contribuír para o conhecimento do complexo de artrópodes predadores associados à oliveira no Planalto Mirandês, entre Março e Outubro de 2005 a 2008, realizaram-se amostragens em dois olivais, um situado no concelho de Vimioso (Campo de Víboras) e outro no de Mogadouro (Vilarinho dos Galegos). As amostragens foram efectuadas mensalmente através da técnica de pancadas, recolhendo-se cinco amostras por olival e por data de amostragem. O material recolhido foi separado e os artrópodes predadores foram contados e identificados até à ordem ou família. Os artrópodes predadores encontrados em maior número pertencem à ordem Araneae, que representaram entre 49,6% e 82,7% do total de predadores recolhidos, dependendo da data de amostragem, olival e ano, seguidos da famílias Formicidae e Coccinellidae com representatividades entre 2,1% a 35,6% e 5,9% e 20,4%, respectivamente. Os da ordem Neuroptera foram os menos abundantes e representaram entre 3,1% e 7,8% do total das capturas. Comparando os dois olivais, verificou-se que as capturas foram, na generalidade dos casos, mais elevadas em Vilarinho dos Galegos e o maior número de indivíduos capturados ocorreu em Junho e Setembro. The olive tree has more than 250 phytophagous species that potentially can attack the plant. However, only a low number of species are economically important. The reduced importance of several phytophagous species can be attributed to the action of natural control factors, with special emphasis for predators. This study aims to contribute for the knowledge of the communities of predator arthropods associated with the olive tree in Planalto Mirandês region. The experimental work took place in two olive groves that were sampled between March and October of 2005 to 2008. One olive grove was located in Vimioso (Campo de Víboras) and the other in Mogadouro (Vilarinho dos Galegos). The arthropod community was sampled by using the beating technique on an approximately monthly basis and five samples were collected per olive grove and sampling date. All captured individuals were sorted, counted and identified till order or family under a binocular microscope. The order Araneae was the group found in higher abundance with a representatively between 49.6% e 82.7% of the total collected predators, varying with the sampling date, the olive grove and the year, followed by families Formicidae and Coccinellidae with relative abundances between 2.1% to 35.6% and 5.9% to 20.4%, respectively. The order Neuroptera was the less abundant and represented between 3.1% and 7.8% of the total captures. Comparing the two studied olive groves, the number of captures was generally higher in Vilarinho dos Galegos and the number of captured individuals occurred in July and September

    Análisis de supervivencia de Ageniaspis fuscicollis (Dalman), parasitoide de la polilla del olivo

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    Muchos parasitoides adultos necesitan líquidos azucarados como el néctar o las melazas de insectos para garantizar su supervivencia. Ageniaspis fuscicollis es un importante parasitoide de la polilla de olivo, Prays oleae (Bernard), siendo el más abundante en la práctica totalidad de las regiones productoras de olivo. Aunque se conocen algunos detalles sobre su reproducción, existe un escaso conocimiento acerca de su supervivencia o los recursos alimenticios de los adultos. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis de supervivencia de A. fuscicollis alimentado con sacarosa, fructosa y glucosa a varias concertaciones, debida la importancia de estos compuestos como constituyentes del néctar y las melazas de insectos. Así mismo se analizó la supervivencia del parasitoide alimentado con melazas de la cochinilla negra, Saissetia oleae (Olivier 1791), y del algodón del olivo, Euphyllura olivina (Costa 1839). Los ensayos fueron realizados en cámaras climáticas con humedad y temperatura controladas (70% H.R.), siendo testadas dos temperaturas (21 y 25 ºC) en el caso de las melazas. Los azucares y la melaza de S. oleae aumentaron la supervivencia de A. fuscicollis. La melaza de E. olivina no mostró diferencias con respecto al control negativo. Así mismo, la supervivencia de A. fuscicollis fue inferior con temperaturas más elevadas. Los resultados de este trabajo sugieren que la presencia de líquidos azucarados como el néctar y las melazas de insectos en el agroecosistema olivar podrían beneficiar la supervivencia de A. fuscicollis. Sin embargo, la melaza de E. olivina parece tener características que limitan la supervivencia del parasitoide. Temperaturas podrían perjudicar la presencia del parasitoide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Abundance and diversity of soil arthropods in olive grove ecosystem (Portugal): effect of pitfall trap type

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    Soil arthropod biodiversity is an indicator of soil quality and can be studied using pitfall trapping. In this research, olive grove edaphic fauna was assessed at different sampling dates by comparing two different diameters (7 and 9 cm) and three different contents (empty, water and preservative) of pitfall traps in order to determine which type of pitfall trap is more efficient. Considering all pitfall trap types and sampling times, a total of 12,937 individual edaphic arthropods belonging to 11 taxa were recovered. Smaller traps with preservative collected significantly more individuals than the other pitfalls tested. Larger and empty traps collected significantly more spiders and traps with preservative collected more beetles. Smaller and empty traps collected fewer individuals than the other trap types. Both Shannon’s diversity and Pielou’s evenness indexes were higher in the larger and empty traps and richness was higher in the smaller traps filled with water. The study of myrmecocenosis was emphasised because olive grove soil fauna was numerically dominated by Formicidae (56.6% of all organisms captured) belonging to 12 genera and 24 species; Tapinoma nigerrimum, Messor barbarus, Cataglyphis hispanicus, Tetramorium semilaeve, Cataglyphis ibericus, Messor bouvieri and Camponotus cruentatus were the most abundant ant species. Traps with preservative reached the highest accumulation of species for a small number of pitfalls when compared with the other pitfalls studied and a sampling effort of 20 samples is apparently sufficient to sample the greater part of the ant species of the olive grove. From this study, it seems that traps with preservative are the best choice to use in further studies concerning the epiedaphic fauna of the olive grove

    Dynamic of predators in an ecological olive grove in Trás-os-Montes (Northeast of Portugal).

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    Are surrounding patches barriers for Prays oleae (Bernard) in the olive agroecosystem?

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    The increasing interest in organic products leads to a need of finding strategies for pest control free of pesticides. Conservation biological control, through habitat management, seeks to manage the environment in order to achieve pest reductions. In this context, the surrounding habitats of agroecosystems can be management in order to impede pest dispersion and for that is crucial to understand how landscape connectivity affects pest’s species. Thus, we studied the capability of Prays oleae (Bernard) to disperse through non-crop patches composed by woody and herbaceous vegetation. For that the flight activity of P. oleae was monitored in olive groves, and surrounding scrubland and herbaceous patches from the end of March to December of 2012 and 2013. Generalized Linear Models were used to analyze the abundance of P. oleae in the different patches and locations. P. oleae captures varied between years, likely because of a strong relation with the weather conditions. For the first time, landscape connectivity aspects were identified for P. oleae, being that was clearly able to disperse over scrublands and herbaceous patches. This study provides new data that contributes to the knowledge about P. oleae dynamic under adverse weather conditions and discloses new queries about the P. oleae dispersion and movement between patches.The authors are grateful to the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology for financial support through the project EXCL/AGRPRO/ 0591/2012 “Olive crop protection in sustainable production under global climatic changes: linking ecological infrastructures to ecosystem functions”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lifecycle of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu and diversity and importance of the native parasitoid community recruited in the Northern Region of Portugal

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    In this work, the objective was to learn the life cycle of D. kuriphilus and the diversity of native parasitoids in the northern region of Portugal between 2017 and 2019. The places studied belonged to the regions of Entre-Douro-e-Minho, Beira Interior, and Tr & aacute;s-os-Montes. To achieve the proposed objectives, buds were collected for egg and larva observation, galls were collected for larva, pupa, and adult observation and monitoring, and emergency boxes were used to identify the fauna present in the galls. In this study, 92% of D. kuriphilus adults emerged between June and July, with emergences occurring until September. We also obtained adults in winter, so it is important to study, in future works, the hypothesis of this pest performing diapause. Regarding the study of native parasitoids, compared to other countries, the same families emerged, with good rates of natural parasitism, although with fluctuations over the years. In the three municipalities under study, 11 species were identified (Eupelmus azureus Ratzeburg, Eupelmus urozonus Dalman, Eurytoma brunniventris Ratzeburg, Megastigmus dorsalis (Fabricius), Ormyrus pomaceus (Geoffroy), Sycophila iracemae Nieves Aldrey, Sycophila variegata (Curtis), Sycophila biguttata (Swederus), Torymus flavipes (Walker), Torymus auratus (Mueller), and Torymus notatus (Walker)). The average parasitism rates varied between 1.92% and 10.68%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sirfídeos associados ao olival transmontano Importância da vegetação herbácea espontânea na sua vitalidade

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    Os sirfídeos são insetos vulgarmente conhecidos por “moscas-das-flores” em virtude de, no estado adulto, serem frequentemente observados a pairar sobre flores. A nível mundial estão descritas nesta família mais de 6000 espécies (Bisby et al., 2012); na Europa existem atualmente 725 espécies válidas e 163 de carácter taxonomicamente incerto (Speight & Sarthou, 2011a) e em Portugal estão citadas 179 espécies (van Eck, 2011). A distribuição geográfica dos sirfídeos cobre todas as regiões biogeográficas do globo, com exceção da Antártida (Rojo et al., 2003). Este grupo de artrópodes habita, na sua maioria, em ecossistemas terrestres, incluindo zonas litorais, montanhas, desertos, áreas urbanas e agrícolas. No estado adulto têm hábitos diurnos e são muito ativos; algumas espécies são migratórias (Rojo et al., 2003). As larvas são sobretudo noctívagas (Hagen et al., 1999). A importância dos sirfídeos nos ecossistemas agrícolas está sobretudo associada ao facto das larvas de muitas espécies serem predadoras de pragas de várias culturas hortícolas, cereais e citrinos entre outras, enquanto os adultos são polinizadores (Tenhumberg & Poehling, 1995; Belliure & Michaud, 2001; Rojo et al., 2003; Bugg et al., 2008; Robinson, 2011). Os sirfídeos também são indicadores da qualidade do ecossistema (Sommaggio, 1999; Burgio & Sommaggio, 2007). A manutenção ou implementação de áreas com vegetação herbácea espontânea tem sido uma estratégia para promover o aumento da biodiversidade de sirfídeos no olival (Figura 1). Estas plantas fornecem alimento na forma de néctar, pólen e meladas e oferecem a possibilidade dos sirfídeos completarem o seu ciclo de vida no ecossistema agrícola potenciando, desta forma, a limitação natural por eles exercida sobre as populações de pragas da oliveira. Na presente publicação procede-se a uma breve caracterização da morfologia, biologia e comportamento dos sirfídeos e referem- se as espécies mais frequentemente encontradas no olival da Terra Quente Transmontana. Por outro lado, fornece-se informação considerada útil sobre o efeito de várias espécies de plantas herbáceas espontâneas na vitalidade destes auxiliares. Deste modo, será possível tomar decisões fundamentadas no sentido de conservar este grupo de insetos aquando da gestão da vegetação do olival