22 research outputs found

    Nonrelativistic Factorizable Scattering Theory of Multicomponent Calogero-Sutherland Model

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    We relate two integrable models in (1+1) dimensions, namely, multicomponent Calogero-Sutherland model with particles and antiparticles interacting via the hyperbolic potential and the nonrelativistic factorizable SS-matrix theory with SU(N)SU(N)-invariance. We find complete solutions of the Yang-Baxter equations without implementing the crossing symmetry, and one of them is identified with the scattering amplitudes derived from the Schr\"{o}dinger equation of the Calogero-Sutherland model. This particular solution is of interest in that it cannot be obtained as a nonrelativistic limit of any known relativistic solutions of the SU(N)SU(N)-invariant Yang-Baxter equations.Comment: 4 pages, latex(uses Revtex), one figur

    Two-Dimensional Unoriented Strings And Matrix Models

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    We investigate unoriented strings and superstrings in two dimensions and their dual matrix quantum mechanics. Most of the models we study have a tachyon tadpole coming from the RP^2 worldsheet which needs to be cancelled by a renormalization of the worldsheet theory. We find evidence that the dual matrix models describe the renormalized theory. The singlet sector of the matrix models is integrable and can be formulated in terms of fermions moving in an external potential and interacting via the Calogero-Moser potential. We show that in the double-scaling limit the latter system exhibits particle-hole duality and interpret it in terms of the dual string theory. We also show that oriented string theories in two dimensions can be continuously deformed into unoriented ones by turning on non-local interactions on the worldsheet. We find two unoriented superstring models for which only oriented worldsheets contribute to the S-matrix. A simple explanation for this is found in the dual matrix model.Comment: 36 pages, harvmac, 2 eps figure

    Dualities in Quantum Hall System and Noncommutative Chern-Simons Theory

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    We discuss different dualities of QHE in the framework of the noncommutative Chern-Simons theory. First, we consider the Morita or T-duality transformation on the torus which maps the abelian noncommutative CS description of QHE on the torus into the nonabelian commutative description on the dual torus. It is argued that the Ruijsenaars integrable many-body system provides the description of the QHE with finite amount of electrons on the torus. The new IIB brane picture for the QHE is suggested and applied to Jain and generalized hierarchies. This picture naturally links 2d σ\sigma-model and 3d CS description of the QHE. All duality transformations are identified in the brane setup and can be related with the mirror symmetry and S duality. We suggest a brane interpretation of the plateu transition in IQHE in which a critical point is naturally described by SL(2,R)SL(2,R) WZW model.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    A Vector Non-abelian Chern-Simons Duality

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    Abelian Chern-Simons gauge theory is known to possess a `SS-self-dual' action where its coupling constant kk is inverted {\it i.e.} k1kk \leftrightarrow {1 \over k}. Here a vector non-abelian duality is found in the pure non-abelian Chern-Simons action at the classical level. The dimensional reduction of the dual Chern-Simons action to two-dimensions constitutes a dual Wess-Zumino-Witten action already given in the literature.Comment: 14+1 pages, LaTeX file, no figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev

    On S-duality in (2+1)-Chern-Simons Supergravity

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    Strong/weak coupling duality in Chern-Simons supergravity is studied. It is argued that this duality can be regarded as an example of superduality. The use of supergroup techniques for the description of Chern-Simons supergravity greatly facilitates the analysis.Comment: 10+1 pages, latex, no figure

    G-flux in F-theory and algebraic cycles

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    We construct explicit G4 fluxes in F-theory compactifications. Our method relies on identifying algebraic cycles in the Weierstrass equation of elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds. We show how to compute the D3-brane tadpole and the induced chirality indices directly in F-theory. Whenever a weak coupling limit is available, we compare and successfully match our findings to the corresponding results in type IIB string theory. Finally, we present some generalizations of our results which hint at a unified description of the elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfold together with the four-form flux G4 as a coherent sheaf. In this description the close link between G4 fluxes and algebraic cycles is manifest.Comment: 55 pages, 1 figure; added refs, corrected typo

    Тромбоэмболия легочной артерии у раненого с сочетанной минно-взрывной травмой на фоне проведения антикоагулянтной профилактики (клинический случай)

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    Venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in healthy military are rare. Fighting surgical trauma is the trigger of a cascade of defense reactions of the body and the blood coagulation system, leading to stop bleeding. Hemostatic disorders, shifting the equilibrium toward hypercoagulable state, the emergence of the risk factors associated with the injury, lead to uncontrolled thrombosis with subsequent development of venous thromboembolic complications. We present the case of the left pulmonary artery thromboembolism in 41 year old wounded with a gunshot fracture of the right femur, obtained by blowing an unknown explosive device. Medical assistance was provided in three stages of evacuation. In order to stabilize a femur fracture the external fixation device was used. According coagulogram thrombinemia persisted for more than 30 days. Prevention of thrombosis carried LMWH (Clexane), with 9 days after injury. 31 day angiography was performed computer, identified thrombus by 70% ceiling clearance left pulmonary artery; by ultrasound scanning of the veins of the lower limbs was diagnosed asymptomatic thrombosis of the right iliofemoral. Against the background of complex treatment for 67 hours after the injury occurred recanalization. This case shows that the injured limb wound clinical symptoms of the disease symptoms negate venous thrombosis, which becomes the only manifestation of pulmonary embolism. Prevention of venous thromboembolic events, as well as monitoring of its effectiveness, should be carried out at all stages of the evacuation of the wounded and for the entire period of the presence of risk factors for their development.Венозный тромбоз и тромбоэмболия легочных артерий у здоровых военнослужащих встречается редко. Боевая хирургическая травма является пусковым механизмом каскада защитных реакций организма и системы свертывания крови, приводящих к остановке кровотечения. Нарушения в системе гемостаза, смещение равновесия в сторону гиперкоагуляции, появление факторов риска, связанных с ранением, приводят к неконтролируемому тромбообразованию с последующим развитием венозных тромбоэмболических осложнений. В статье представлен случай тромбоэмболии левой легочной артерии у раненого 41 года с огнестрельным переломом правой бедренной кости, полученным при подрыве неизвестного взрывного устройства. Медицинская помощь оказывалась на трех этапах эвакуации, для стабилизации перелома бедренной кости использовался аппарат внешней фиксации. По данным коагулограмм, тромбинемия сохранялась более 30 суток. Профилактика тромбообразования проводилась низкомолекулярными гепаринами (клексан) с 9-х суток после ранения. На 31-е сутки была выполнена компьютерная ангиопульмонография, выявлен тромб, на 70% перекрывающий просвет левой легочной артерии. При ультразвуковом ангиосканировании вен нижних конечностей был диагностирован бессимптомный илиофеморальный тромбоз справа. На фоне комплексного лечения на 67-е сутки после ранения наступила реканализация тромба. Данный случай показывает, что у раненых в конечности клинические симптомы раневой болезни нивелируют симптомы венозного тромбоза, единственным проявлением которого становится тромбоэмболия легочной артерии. Профилактику венозных тромбоэмболических осложнений, а также контроль за ее эффективностью, необходимо проводить на всех этапах эвакуации раненых и в течение всего периода наличия факторов риска их развития