17 research outputs found

    Study of operating modes of STRAUS-R accelerator

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    The description of a pulsed electron accelerator STRAUS-R (3.5 MeV, 60 kA, 60 ns) and results of its experimental research for two operation modes are given. In the mode of electron beam focusing the accelerator provides the focal spot of 3-4 mm diameter on a target and maximum exposure dose of 27 R at 1-m distance from the output window. In the irradiating mode the maximum dose achieves 36 R at 1-m distance from the target with inhomogeneity ≤ 30% within the area 0.36 m² (irradiation spot diameter is 0.6 m).Приведены описание и результаты исследований импульсного электронного ускорителя СТРАУС-Р (3,5 МэВ, 60 кА, 60 нс) в двух режимах его работы. В режиме фокусировки электронного пучка ускоритель обеспечивает получение на мишени фокусного пятна диаметром 3…4 мм при максимальной дозе тормозного излучения 27 Р на расстоянии 1 м от выходного фланца. В облучательном режиме максимальная доза тормозного излучения на расстоянии 1 м от мишени по оси ускорителя достигает 36 Р с неоднородностью ≤ 30% на площади 0,36 м² (диаметр пятна облучения 0,6 м).Наведено опис і результати досліджень імпульсного електронного прискорювача СТРАУС-Р (3,5 МеВ, 60 кА, 60 нс) у двох режимах його роботи. У режимі фокусування електронного пучка прискорювач забезпечує одержання на мішені фокусної плями діаметром 3...4 мм при максимальній дозі гальмівного випромінювання 27 Р на відстані 1 м від вихідного фланця. При опроміненні максимальна доза гальмового випромінювання на відстані 1 м від мішені по осі прискорювача досягає 36 Р с неоднорідністю ≤ 30% на площі 0,36 м² (діаметр плями опромінення 0,6 м)

    Fungicidal and antistress properties of the preparation based on triterpene acids on spring barley

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    The most effective concentration range of the studied preparation synthesized on the basis of triterpene acids is in the range of 0.01-0.005 %. In the conditions of water-salt stress, the studied preparation increased laboratory germination of seeds, length of seedling and root of spring barley compared with the control variant. At a concentration of 0.01-0.005 %, the preparation reduced the intensity of the pathogenic complex development on the seed material of spring barley, but was significantly inferior in effectiveness to the synthetic protectant. At the same time, unlike a fungicide, the preparation did not have a depressing effect on the development of barley in the initial stages of ontogenesis

    Magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging (DWIBS) in bladder cancer diagnostics

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    The purpose of the article is to identify the most characteristic and significant changes in indicators in patients with bladder cancer during diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging (DWIBS). Materials: From September 2009 till 2011 98 patients have been examined (61 (62,24%) with morphologically verified bladder cancer and 37 (37,76%) with cystitis. Results: The study has revealed that the sensitivity of DWIBS-study in detecting bladder cancer is 98,36%, specificity of 10,81 %, the efficacy of 65,38%. Conclusions: DWIBS is an informative noninvasive method for screening diagnostics of bladder cancer, to identify suspicious areas on regional, and distant metastase

    Magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging (DWIBS) in the urinary bladder cancer diagnostics

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    The purpose of the article is to identify the most characteristic and significant changes of magnetic resonance indicators in patients with the urinary bladder cancer during diffusion-weighed whole-body imaging (DWIBS). Materials: From September 2009 till April 2011 98 patients have been examined: 61 (62.2%) with morphologically verified bladder cancer and 37 (37.8%) with cystitis. Results: The study has revealed that the sensitivity of DWIBS investigation in detecting bladder cancer is 98.36%, specificity is 10.81, and the efficacy is 65.38%. Conclusions: DWIBS is an informative noninvasive method for screening diagnostics of bladder cancer, as well as for identificating suspicious areas of regional and distant metastases

    Radiological methods for diagnostics of kidney cancer

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    It is stated that kidney cancer takes one of the leading places in the cancer incidence. Particular attention should be paid to renal cell carcinoma. By means of modern methods of volume visualization it is possible to diagnose small renal tumors, to prognose the process of tumor development and to save organs by surgical intervention