52 research outputs found

    Characterization and identification of dityrosine cross-linked peptides using tandem mass spectrometry

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    The use of mass spectrometry coupled with chemical cross-linking of proteins has become a powerful tool for proteins structure and interactions studies. Unlike structural analysis of proteins using chemical reagents specific for lysine or cysteine residues, identification of gas-phase fragmentation patterns of endogenous dityrosine cross-linked peptides have not been investigated. Dityrosine cross-linking in proteins and peptides are clinical markers of oxidative stress, aging, and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. In this study, we investigated and characterized the fragmentation pattern of a synthetically prepared dityrosine cross-linked dimer of Aβ(1–16) using ESI tandem mass spectrometry. We then detailed the fragmentation pattern of dityrosine cross-linked Aβ(1–16), using collision induced dissociation (CID), higher-energy collision induced dissociation (HCD), electron transfer dissociation (ETD), and electron capture dissociation (ECD). Application of these generic fragmentation rules of dityrosine cross-linked peptides allowed for the identification of dityrosine cross-links in peptides of Aβ and α-synuclein generated in vitro by enzymatic peroxidation. We report, for the first time, the dityrosine cross-linked residues in human hemoglobin and α-synuclein under oxidative conditions. Together these tools open up the potential for automated analysis of this naturally occurring post-translation modification in neurodegenerative diseases as well as other pathological conditions

    Spin-Peierls transition in NaV2O5 in high magnetic fields

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    We investigate the magnetic field dependence of the spin-Peierls transition in NaV2_2O5_5 in the field range 16T-30T. The transition temperature exhibits a very weak variation with the field, suggesting a novel mechanism for the formation of the spin-Peierls state. We argue that a charge ordering transition accompanied by singlet formation is consistent with our observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. B (RC

    Enhancement of the electron electric dipole moment in gadolinium garnets

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    Effects caused by the electron electric dipole moment (EDM) in gadolinium garnets are considered. Experimental studies of these effects could improve current upper limit on the electron EDM by several orders of magnitude. We suggest a consistent theoretical model and perform calculations of observable effects in gadolinium gallium garnet and gadolinium iron garnet. Our calculation accounts for both direct and exchange diagrams.Comment: 9 page

    The prospect on the use of Be mirrors in a fusion reactor with Be first wall

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    Many methods of plasma diagnostics in a fusion reactor (FR) require the use of so called first mirrors (FM) disposed inside the vacuum vessel. One reason of FM degradation is the deposition on the FM surface of material eroded from the inner components subjected to most intensive plasma impact, i.e., deposition of beryllium in the case of experimental FR (ITER) with Be wall protection. Thus, in ITER only Be mirror can sustain its optical properties for long time and in the present paper results are presented of the simulation experiments on some ITER environment effects on FM made of Be. Namely, effects of bombardment by D ions on reflectance, R(λ), in the λ=220-650 nm range was studied as modelling the impact of charge exchange atoms. It was found that with high ion energy (600-1350 eV) the sharp drop of R(λ), 5-20 %, rising with decreasing wavelength of reflected light, was observed after ion fluence ~10¹⁸ions/cm². It was supposed that under deuterium ions the BeO surface film was transformed into the Be(OD)₂ film accompanying by changing the refraction and extinction indices of the film, as was registered by ellipsometry measurements. Effects of ion energy and ion fluence variation on R(λ) of Be mirrors are discussed in detail.Багато методів діагностики плазми в реакторі синтезу (РC) вимагають використання так званих перших дзеркал (ПД), розташованих у внутрішній частині вакуумної камери. Одна з причин деградації ПД - осадження на поверхні ПД матеріалу ерозії внутрішніх компонентів, що піддавались найбільш інтенсивній плазмовій дії, тобто, осадження берилiю у випадку експериментального РС (ІTER) із захистом стінки з Be. Таким чином, тільки в ІTERі дзеркало з Be може зберігати оптичні властивості протягом довгого часу, і в наведеній роботі представлені результати експериментів моделювання деяких ефектів середовища ІTER для ПД, виготовленого з Be. А саме, вплив бомбардування іонами D на коефіцієнт відображення, R(λ), у діапазоні λ=220–650 нм вивчався у рамках моделі ударного впливу атомів перезарядження. При високих енергіях іонів (600-1350 eВ) було виявлене різке зниження R(λ), 5-20 %, зростаюче при зменшенні довжини хвилі відбитого світла, яке спостерігалось після флюенса іонів ~10¹⁸ іонів/cм². Передбачалося, що під дією іонів дейтерію поверхнева плівка Be була перетворена на Be(OD)₂ плівку, що супроводжувалось зміною показників рефракції і экcтинкції плівки, як було зареєстровано вимірами эліпсометрії. Докладно обговорювалось вплив енергії іонів і варіацій флюенсу іонів на R(λ) Be дзеркала.Многие методы диагностики плазмы в реакторе синтеза (РC) требуют использования так называемых первых зеркал (ПЗ), расположенных во внутренней части вакуумной камеры. Одна из причин деградации ПЗ – осаждение на поверхности ПЗ материала эрозии внутренних компонент, подвергавшихcя наиболее интенсивному воздейcтвию плазмы, то есть, осаждение бериллия в экспериментальном РC (ITER) с защитой cтенки из Be. Таким образом, только в ITERе зеркало из Be может cохранять оптические свойства в течение долгого времени. В данной работе представлены результаты экспериментов моделирования некоторых эффектов влияния cpеды ITER на ПЗ, изготовленное из Be. А именно, влияние бомбардировки ионами D на коэффициент отражения, R(λ), в диапазоне λ=220-650 нм изучалоcь в рамках модели ударного воздействия атомов перезарядки. Пpи высоких энергиях ионов (600–1350 эВ) было обнаружено резкое снижение R(λ), 5-20%, возpаcтающее пpи уменьшении длины волны отраженного света, которое наблюдалоcь после воздействия флюенса ионов ~10¹⁸ ионов/cм². Предполагалось, что под дейcтвием ионов дейтерия поверхностная пленка BeO преобразовалась в Be(OD)₂ пленку, что сопровождалоcь изменением показателей рефракции и экcтинкции пленки, как было зарегистрировано измерениями эллипсометрии. Подробно обcуждалоcь влияние энергии ионов и вариаций флюенса ионов на R(λ) Be зеркала

    Double beta decay: present status

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    The present status of double beta decay experiments (including the search for 2β+2\beta^{+}, ECβ+\beta^{+} and ECEC processes) are reviewed. The results of the most sensitive experiments are discussed. Average and recommended half-life values for two-neutrino double beta decay are presented. Conservative upper limits on effective Majorana neutrino mass and the coupling constant of the Majoron to the neutrino are established as <0.75 < 0.75 eV and <gee><1.9104<g_{ee} > < 1.9 \cdot 10^{-4}, respectively. Proposals for future double beta decay experiments with a sensitivity for the at the level of (0.01-0.1) eV are considered.Comment: 33 pages included 7 figures and 14 tables; an extended version of the invited talk at 13th Lomonosov Conference of Elementary Particle Physics, 23-29 August, 2007, Moscow, Russi

    The transformation of the isis’s strategy in libya

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    The article analyzes the prospects of the presence of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” in Libya after the defeat of 2016. Although the Libyan authorities, with help of the international community, managed to deprive the ISIS of its stronghold in Sirte in 2016, the radical organization was able to recover, reorganize and once again claim to determine the future of Libya and the Sahel. The relevance of this study is due to the influence that the growth of radicalism in Libya has on international security, the environments in the Sahel and neighboring Arab and African countries. The situation is complicated by the fact that in Libya, from 2011 to the present time, there is a devastating civil war on calling into question the very existence of the Libyan state, creating a ground for the spread of radicalism and crime in the region and in the Mediterranean as a whole. Based on the analysis of reports from Libyan and Arab news agencies, data from European and American analytical centers, the authors draw conclusions about the prospects of the ISIS’s presence in Libya. Its future will depend on the success of state reconstruction. Organizations of this type emerge and can develop where national states are collapsing and a vacuum of power, chaos and lawlessness arise. The measures taken in the last year by the Libyan National Army to liberate southern Libya from terrorists and to open its oil fields may become a real obstacle for the ISIS there. If these measures have an effect, the “Islamic State” in Libya may face the impossibility of continuing its previous activities in the Libyan Fezzan. Conversely, if a new round of inter-tribal and inter-ethnic struggle breaks out in Fezzan as a result of the disruption of social and power balance due to the LNA campaign or inability of the Government of National Accord and Libyan National Army to work together, the “Islamic State” will only strengthen its positions. The ISIS has clearly demonstrated that it is able to gain and accumulate resources in conditions of instability. © 2019, Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved

    Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition of Methane-Oxygen Mixtures in Narrow Tubes

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    Метод ступенчатого травления оптического волокна

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    A method for stepped etching of optical glass fibers using various compositions of etching agents based on a 40% hydrofluoric acid (HF) and aqueous solutions of ammonium fluoride (NH4F) has been considered. Compositions, etching rates, the dependence of etching rate on temperature, and tyeh dependence of etching forms on composition have been determined. The potential use of the method for stepped etching of optical glass fibers in the manufacture of microelectronic devices has been demonstrated.Рассмотрен метод ступенчатого травления оптического волокна с использованием различных составов травителей на основе 40%-ной плавиковой кислоты (HF) и водных растворов фтористого аммония (NH4F). Определены составы, скорости травления, зависимости скорости травления от температуры и формы травления от состава. Показана перспективность использования метода ступенчатого травления оптического волокна в производстве приборов микроэлектроники

    Experiments on Guderley Mach reflection

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