13 research outputs found

    Changes in the location of biodiversity–ecosystem function hot spots across the seafloor landscape with increasing sediment nutrient loading

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    Declining biodiversity and loss of ecosystem function threatens the ability of habitats to contribute ecosystem services. However, the form of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function (BEF) and how relationships change with environmental change is poorly understood. This limits our ability to predict the consequences of biodiversity loss on ecosystem function, particularly in real-world marine ecosystems that are species rich, and where multiple ecosystem functions are represented by multiple indicators. We investigated spatial variation in BEF relationships across a 300 000 m2 intertidal sandflat by nesting experimental manipulations of sediment pore water nitrogen concentration into sites with contrasting macrobenthic community composition. Our results highlight the significance of many different elements of biodiversity associated with environmental characteristics, community structure, functional diversity, ecological traits or particular species (ecosystem engineers) to important functions of coastal marine sediments (benthic oxygen consumption, ammonium pore water concentrations and flux across the sediment–water interface). Using the BEF relationships developed from our experiment, we demonstrate patchiness across a landscape in functional performance and the potential for changes in the location of functional hot and cold spots with increasing nutrient loading that have important implications for mapping and predicating change in functionality and the concomitant delivery of ecosystem services

    Macrofaunal Functional Diversity Provides Resilience to Nutrient Enrichment in Coastal Sediments

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    The degradation of ecosystems is often associated with losses of large organisms and the concomitant losses of the ecological functions they mediate. Conversely, the resilience of ecosystems to stress is strongly influenced by faunal communities and their impacts on processes. Denitrification in coastal sediments is a process that may provide ecosystem resilience to eutrophication by removing excess bioavailable nitrogen. Here, we conducted a large-scale field experiment to test the effect of macrofaunal community composition on denitrification in response to two levels of nutrient enrichment at 28 sites across a biologically heterogeneous sandflat. After 7 weeks of enrichment, we measured denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) along with benthic macrofaunal community composition and environmental variables. We normalised treatment site specific DEA values by those in ambient sediments (DEACN) to reveal the underlying response across the heterogeneous landscape. Nutrient enrichment caused reductions in DEACN as well as functional changes in the community; these were both more pronounced under the highest level of nutrient loading (on average DEACN was reduced by 34%). The degree of suppression of DEACN following moderate nitrogen loading was mitigated by a key bioturbating species, but following high nitrogen loading (which reduced the key species density) the abundance and diversity of other nutrient processing species were the most important factors alleviating negative effects. This study provides a prime example of the context-dependent role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning, underlining that different elements of biodiversity can become important as stress levels increase. Our results emphasise that management and conservation strategies require a real-world understanding of the community attributes that facilitate nutrient processing and maintain resilience in coastal ecosystems

    Nachweis genetischer Veraenderungen in repetitiven DNA Sequenzen in somatischen menschlichen Zellen nach Bestrahlung im niedrigen Dosisbereich

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    Bestimmung der Instabilitaet von Mikrosatelliten in Zellpopulationen nach Behandlung mit niedrigen Dosen ionisierender Strahlung und in strahlenassoziierten Schilddruesentumoren aus Weissrussland. (orig.)Determination of microsatellite instability in cells after low-dose irradiation, as well as in radiation-associated thyroid tumor in Belarus people.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 3190(2002-606) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman