57 research outputs found

    Sociaalpsychologische impactfactoren bij rampen, crises & aanslagen: Een literatuurstudie naar impactverhogende en -verlagende factoren bij rampen, crises en aanslagen

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    Rampen, crises en aanslagen hebben een wisselende impact op de samenleving. Soms hebben ook incidenten zonder maatschappelijke ontwrichting toch een grote impact op de samenleving. Factoren die de impact lijken te verhogen zijn bijvoorbeeld de betrokkenheid van kinderen, 'man-made' incidenten versus meer 'natuurlijke' rampen en crises, identificatie met slachtoffers en het gevoel geen controle te hebben. Dit is een literatuurstudie naar de impact van rampen, crises en aanslagen op de samenleving als geheel. De volgende vragen staan daarbij centraal: 1. Welke factoren verhogen respectievelijk verlagen volgens de wetenschappelijke literatuur bij rampen, crises en aanslagen de sociaalpsychologische impact, zoals gedefinieerd in de strategie Nationale Veiligheid? Welke juist niet of nauwelijks? 2. In hoeverre zijn wetenschappelijke inzichten over verhogende/verlagende factoren in de afgelopen decennia veranderd

    Sociaalpsychologische impactfactoren bij rampen, crises & aanslagen: Een literatuurstudie naar impactverhogende en -verlagende factoren bij rampen, crises en aanslagen

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    Rampen, crises en aanslagen hebben een wisselende impact op de samenleving. Soms hebben ook incidenten zonder maatschappelijke ontwrichting toch een grote impact op de samenleving. Factoren die de impact lijken te verhogen zijn bijvoorbeeld de betrokkenheid van kinderen, 'man-made' incidenten versus meer 'natuurlijke' rampen en crises, identificatie met slachtoffers en het gevoel geen controle te hebben. Dit is een literatuurstudie naar de impact van rampen, crises en aanslagen op de samenleving als geheel. De volgende vragen staan daarbij centraal: 1. Welke factoren verhogen respectievelijk verlagen volgens de wetenschappelijke literatuur bij rampen, crises en aanslagen de sociaalpsychologische impact, zoals gedefinieerd in de strategie Nationale Veiligheid? Welke juist niet of nauwelijks? 2. In hoeverre zijn wetenschappelijke inzichten over verhogende/verlagende factoren in de afgelopen decennia veranderd

    Sociaalpsychologische impactfactoren bij rampen, crises en aanslagen

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    Rampen, crises en aanslagen hebben een wisselende impact op de samenleving. Soms hebben ook incidenten zonder maatschappelijke ontwrichting toch een grote impact op de samenleving. Factoren die de impact lijken te verhogen zijn bijvoorbeeld de betrokkenheid van kinderen, "man-made" incidenten versus meer "natuurlijke" rampen en crises, identificatie met slachtoffers en het gevoel geen controle te hebben. In opdracht van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) van het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie heeft de Radboud Universiteit onderzocht welke factoren volgens de (wetenschappelijke) literatuur de sociaalpsychologische impact en maatschappelijke onrust bij rampen, crises en aanslagen verhogen respectievelijk verlagen

    Effect of ischemia of the rabbit bladder on Ca-Mg-activated ATP-ase activity

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    PubMedID: 8916118This investigation is concerned with the effect of ischemia on the activity of Ca-Mg-stimulated ATP-ase in rabbit bladder tissue. White New Zealand male rabbits were used for the experiments. Ischemia was produced by clamping of the vesical arteries. After 1 and 2 hours the clamps were removed, and the animals were sacrificed 2 days later. The bladders were removed, and the muscle and mucosal parts of the bladders were separated. In some experiments with 2-hour ischemia the animals were allowed to recover for 7 days. Homogenates were made of the muscle and mucosal tissue and separated by differential centrifugation into three parts: 1) an initial particulate fraction obtained by low-speed centrifugation; 2) a supernate fraction free of mitochondria; and 3) a mitochondrial-rich fraction. ATP-ase activity was determined in the different fractions in the presence of magnesium or calcium as the activating ion, and the results were expressed as nmols/mg protein/minute. The following results were obtained: with the supernates, ischemia was found to produce a marked inhibition of enzyme activity that was large and significant in muscle tissue after 1 hour and in mucosal tissue after 2 hours. Seven days after termination of 1 hour of ischemia, the ATP- ase activity of the muscle fraction had been partially restored towards normal. Activity of ATP-ase when measured in the particulate fraction was less sensitive to the effect of ischemia; a significant diminution of enzyme activity in preparations from muscle was seen only after 2 hours of ischemia, and no inhibition was observed with mucosal tissue. ATP-ase of muscle mitochondria was severely inhibited by ischemia, and the effect of 1 hour of ischemia was not reversed 7 days after the insult. Mitochondria from mucosal tissue were affected to only a small extent by ischemia. In all cases, results were similar whether magnesium or calcium was used for activation of the enzyme

    Are urodynamic tests useful tools for the initial conservative management of non-neurogenic urinary incontinence? A review of the literature

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    Objectives: To summarise the evidence for the role of urodynamic tests in the diagnosis and classification of urinary incontinence. Methods: Reference lists in relevant papers were reviewed and MEDLINE searches conducted. Results: The mean sensitivity (specificity) of clinical history versus urodynamic tests was 0.82 (0.57) for stress incontinence, 0.69 (0.60) for urge incontinence/overactive bladder, and 0.51 (0.66) for patients with mixed incontinence. The proportion of women with a clinical diagnosis of urinary incontinence but with normal findings from urodynamic tests ranged from 3 to 8%. Overall sensitivity of urodynamic tests was about 85\u201390% in the diagnosis of urodynamic stress incontinence, but generally lower following diagnosis of urge and mixed incontinence. No relationship emerged between urodynamic test results and response to medical treatment. Conclusions: This literature review shows that the sensitivity of clinical history versus urodynamic tests was 0.82, 0.69 and 0.51 respectively for stress, urge and mixed urinary incontinence. It also suggests that urodynamic diagnosis does not predict response to treatment. These data add to the ongoing \u2018urodynamics or no urodynamics\u2019 debate in the evaluation of urinary incontinence and show that urodynamic testing may not be helpful for patients receiving initial non-invasive therapy. These data are in line with the conclusions of the 1st and 2nd International Consultations on incontinence

    Can we harness the placebo effect to improve care in lower urinary tract dysfunction? ICI-RS 2019

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    The proposal "Can we harness the placebo effect to improve care in lower urinary tract dysfunction?" was discussed at the International Consultation on Incontinence-Research Society (ICI-RS) 2019 meeting. The placebo effect can change the treatment outcome whether the treatment is an active treatment or placebo. The total active treatment outcome is a combination of the placebo and the active treatment effect which is seen in placebo-controlled trials. The placebo effect plays an important role in the treatment of lower urinary tract dysfunction in overactive bladder, bladder pain syndrome, and stress urinary incontinence. In clinical practice, a number of factors can be employed to use the placebo effect to maximize its effect on patients receiving an active treatment, such as having the same environment for review such as the same appointment time, same room, and same clinician. Clinicians should also be aware of the nocebo effect which is increased with an overemphasis on side effects or negative outcomes

    Properties of Ca2+-Mg2+ ATP-ase in rabbit bladder muscle and mucosa: Effect of urinary outlet obstruction

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    PubMedID: 8857622The contractile response of the smooth muscle of the urinary bladder is dependent upon both the entrance of extracellular calcium through receptor- operated calcium channels and the stimulated release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. In addition, partial outlet obstruction induces marked alterations in the utilization of intracellular calcium. Although calcium ATP-ase provides the energy for the translocation of intracellular free calcium into storage sites within the sarcoplasmic reticulum, very little is known about the properties of this enzyme in bladder muscle and mucosa. As an initial study, divalent ion specific ATP-ase activity was measured in extracts of rabbit bladder muscle and mucosa from control animals and from rabbits following partial urinary outlet obstruction. In both normal bladder muscle and mucosa, magnesium and calcium ions were equally effective in activating the enzyme. Seven days following partial urinary outlet obstruction, the ATP-ase activity in both bladder muscle and mucosa was significantly depressed by over 70%. The degree of the decreased enzyme activities observed within the muscularis and mucosa would indicate that specific membrane functions supported by divalent-ion-ATP-ase are dysfunctional. This hypothesis is supported by marked alterations in the utilization of intracellular calcium following partial outlet obstruction and the marked dysfunctions in both mucosal permeability and bacterial adherence to mucosa observed following partial outlet obstruction
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