1,092 research outputs found

    Rapid wound healing in a reef manta ray masks the extent of vessel strike

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    Increasing vessel traffic in the marine environment due to commercial and recreational activities has amplified the number of conflicts with marine animals. However, there are limited multi-year observations of the healing rate of marine animals following vessel strike. Here we document the healing rate of a reef manta ray Mobula alfredi, following lacerations caused by a propeller along the pectoral fin. We demonstrate a high healing capacity, with wound length following a negative exponential curve over time. Lacerations healed to 5% of the initial wound length (i.e. 95% closure) within 295 days. The wounds appeared to stabilise at this point as observed more than three years following the incident and resulted in a distinctive scarring pattern. Examination of an extensive photo-identification catalogue of manta rays from the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area showed that the scarring pattern occurs more frequently than previously recognised, as the wounds had been previously attributed to failed predation attempts. This study provides baseline information for wound healing from vessel strike in reef manta rays and indirect evidence for increased vessel strikes on manta rays within the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area. We discuss the implication for spatial and behavioural management of vessels around manta rays

    Inorganic suspended matter in sea water

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    The suspended matter in sea water has been separated with membrane filters· (down to 0.1 ” A.P.D.); the inorganic fraction, determined by ignition, has been partly analysed. The methods used are briefly described. An appreciable quantity of finely divided claylike material was found, and it is suggested that, by adsorption of organic matter from the water, this may support the bacterial flora. Samples taken regularly from the English Channel show a seasonal variation..

    Geochemistry and metallogeny of Neoproterozoic pyrite in oxic and anoxic sediments

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    The Neoproterozoic Dalradian Supergroup contains widespread diagenetic sulphides present as pyrite. The sulphides occur in both carbonaceous shales and glacial diamictites, that were deposited in relatively reducing and oxidising conditions respectively. The trace element compositions of the pyrite, and consequently the whole rock compositions, contrast between the two lithologies. The highest concentrations of selenium, tellurium and gold are all found in diamictite-hosted pyrite. The data suggest that increased mobility of these elements in oxidising conditions led to greater uptake when pyrite was precipitated. As one model for the formation of orogenic gold ore deposits assumes a sulphide-rich protolith, pyrite ultimately formed during relatively oxidising conditions could make a contribution, including the widespread pyrite precipitated during the Neoproterozoic ‘Snowball Earth’ glaciations

    A black shale protolith for gold-tellurium mineralisation in the Dalradian Supergroup (Neoproterozoic) of Britain and Ireland

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    The Dalradian Supergroup of Britain and Ireland is mineralised by gold-tellurium vein deposits. The host succession includes carbonaceous, pyritic shales (pelites) which were a source of trace elements, including gold and tellurium. LA-ICP-MS mapping of pyrite crystals shows that late stages are enriched in gold, tellurium and lead, representing concentration of these elements during metamorphism and related hydrothermal activity. The sulphur isotope composition of the pyrite varies with stratigraphic position, reflecting an origin for the pyrite in the depositional environment through microbial sulphate reduction. Where pyrite was converted to pyrrhotite, trace element contents are much lower, indicating element liberation during metamorphism. These observations are consistent with a model of black shale protoliths for orogenic gold deposits

    Roman Phrygia: cities and their coinage

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    The principal focus of this thesis is the Upper Maeander Valley in Phrygia, which is now part of modern Turkey, and in particular three cities situated in that region, namely Laodicea, Hierapolis and Colossae. The main source used is the coinage produced by these cities with the aim of determining how they viewed their place within the Roman Empire and how they reacted to the realities of Roman rule. Inscriptional, architectural and narrative sources are also used as well as comparative material from other Phrygian and Asian cities. In order to achieve its aim, the thesis is divided into two parts. Part One details the history of Laodicea, Hierapolis and Colossae and explains the coinage system in use within the province of Asia on a regional and a civic level. The final chapter in the first part of the thesis introduces the theme of the interaction between city, region and empire which is developed more fully in Part Two. Part Two discusses the types used on the coins of the cities of the Upper Maeander Valley in the context of the cultural and religious circumstances of Rome and also in reaction to the organisational and political changes affecting the province of Asia as well as the Empire as a whole. The main conclusions of the thesis are that the cities of Laodicea, Hierapolis and Colossae were very aware of Rome and of their own status, as well as that of their province, within the Roman Empire especially in the context of ongoing circumstances and developments within the Empire. As a whole, the thesis clearly highlights the ways in which city, region and empire interacted together and shows that studies of particular regions and their coinage deserve more attention than they have hitherto received

    An interactive web-based educational tool improves detection and delineation of Barrett’s esophagus related neoplasia

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    Background & Aims: Endoscopic detection of early Barrett’s esophagus-related neoplasia (BORN) is a challenge. We aimed to develop a web-based teaching tool for improving detection and delineation of BORN. Methods: We made high-definition digital videos during endoscopies of patients with BORN and non-dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus (NDBE). Three experts superimposed their delineations of BORN lesions on the videos using special tools. In phase 1, 68 general endoscopists from 4 countries assessed 4 batches of 20 videos. After each batch, mandatory feedback compared assessors interpretations with those from experts . These data informed selection of 25 videos for the phase 2 module, which was completed by 121 new assessors from 5 countries. A 5-video test batch was completed before and after scoring of the four 5-video training batches. Mandatory feedback was as in phase 1. Outcome measures were scores for detection, delineation, agreement delineation, and relative delineation of BORN. Results: A linear mixed-effect model showed significant sequential improvement for all 4 outcomes over successive training batches in both phases. In phase 2, median detection rates of BORN in the test batch increased by 30% (P [less than].001) after training. From baseline to the end of the study, there were relative increases in scores of 46% for detection, 129% for delineation, 105% for agreement delineation, and 106% for relative delineation (all P [less than].001). Scores improved independent of assessors’ country of origin or level of endoscopic experience

    Regge description of two pseudoscalar meson production in antiproton-proton annihilation

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    A Regge-inspired model is used to discuss the hard exclusive two-body hadronic reactions (pbar p ----> pi+ pi-, pi0 pi0, K+ K-, Kbar0 K0) for the FAIR facility project at GSI with the Panda detector. The comparison between the differential cross sections predictions and the available data is shown to determine the values of the few parameters of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Microstructural evolution and transmutation in tungsten under ion and neutron irradiation

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    This study aims to compare the effects of neutron and self-ion irradiation on the mechanical properties and microstructural evolution in W. Neutron irradiation at the HFR reactor to 1.67 dpa at 800 °C resulted in the formation of large Re and Os rich clusters and voids. The post-irradiation composition was measured using APT and verfified against FISPACT modelling. The measured Re and Os concentration was used to create alloys with equivalent concentrations of Re and Os. These alloys were exposed to self-ion irradiation to a peak dose of 1.7 dpa at 800 °C. APT showed that self-ion irradiation leads to the formation of small Os clusters, wheras under neutron irradiation large Re/Os clusters form. Voids are formed by both ion and neutron irradiation, but the voids formed by neutron irradiation are larger. By comparing the behaviour of W-1.4Re and W-1.4Re-0.1Os, suppression of Re cluster formation was observed. Irradiation hardening was measured using nanoindentation and was found to be 2.7 GPa, after neutron irradiation and 1.6 GPa and 0.6 GPa for the self-ion irradiated W-1.4Re and W-1.4Re-0.1Os. The higher hardening is attributed to the barrier strength of large voids and Re/Os clusters that are observed after neutron irradiation

    Ensuring and sustaining a pandemic workforce

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    Current efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic aim to slow viral spread and increase testing, protect health care workers from infection, and obtain ventilators and other equipment to prepare for a surge of critically ill patients. But additional actions are needed to rapidly increase health workforce capacity and to replenish it when personnel are quarantined or need time off to rest or care for sick family members. It seems clear that health care delivery organizations, educators, and government leaders will all have to be willing to cut through bureaucratic barriers and adapt regulations to rapidly expand the U.S. health care workforce and sustain it for the duration of the pandemic
