40 research outputs found

    Results of applying the georadiolocation method to estimate snow volume in small avalanche assemblages on Sakhalin Island

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    In this paper, the authors present the results of snow volume estimation in small avalanche accumulations on Sakhalin Island using GPR. Sakhalin Island using GPR. As a result of using the GPR method, data on snow cover height, snow volume and density on the slope were obtained. The values obtained using GPR correlate well with data from pits and observations from the Nevelsk weather station, which is located at a close altitude. GPR was modified to complete the study. We used metal markers in the control points to clarify the height of layers when linking them to radarograms. GeoScan32 software was used to determine the dielectric permittivity of the snow cover. The application of the georadiolocation method allows to safely and accurately estimate the snow volume in avalanche accumulation

    GPR results for indicating layers of snow strata

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    The authors of this article describe the results of GPR tests for indicating the layers of snow strata and determining their properties, allowing for forecasting of avalanche hazards. The GPR tests were carried out during the winter season 2021/2022. Trenches were dug in the snow, in the wall of which long metal rods (markers) were installed, which are the reflectors for the GPR and make it possible to distinguish the boundaries of layers on the radarogram. As a result of conducting GPR sounding of the snow cover, radarograms were obtained, on which the layered structure of snow can be read. Using the GeoScan32 software, dielectric permittivity values were obtained for 19 layers of snow strata with different properties. Correlations were obtained between dielectric permittivity and temperature, crystal diameter, snow layer density, and snow layer water storage. The resulting dielectric permittivity relationships reveal the strongest correlations between dielectric permittivity and density, with a higher correlation coefficient for dry snow than for wet snow. The values of dielectric permittivity obtained from GPR were also compared with calculated values derived from a number of empirical correlations with snow density


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    Background: Methods of repair for iatrogenic extrahepatic bile ducts injuries are still under discussion. Aim: To improve surgical outcomes in patients with diseases and iatrogenic injuries of extrahepatic bile ducts. Materials and methods: The new surgical method for treatment of the diseases and traumatic injuries of extrahepatic bile ducts improves immediate and long-term outcomes in patients with iatrogenic injuries and diseases of bile ducts. The method provides a direct endoscopic access allowing for minimally invasive biliodigestive anastomosis interventions (balloon dilation, endoprothesis positioning and change, etc.) under direct vision. Results:  The new method is associated with less surgical trauma, reduced intra-/postoperative complications, better quality of life and no impact on patients’ life-style. Conclusion:  In our study, endoscopic repair of biliodigestive anastomoses through persistent gastroenteroanastomosis was a simple, available and safe method. The procedure may be performed by surgeon-endoscopist under local anesthesia. If needed, multiple procedures are possible.Актуальность.  До настоящего времени вопрос выбора способа коррекции ятрогенных повреждений внепеченочных желчных протоков (ВЖП) остается предметом оживленных дискуссий. Цель исследования – улучшение результатов хирургического лечения больных с заболеваниями и ятрогенными повреждениями ВЖП. Материал и методы. Представлен новый метод лечения заболеваний и  травматических повреждений ВЖП, позволяющий улучшить непосредственные и отдаленные результаты лечения больных с ятрогенными повреждениями и заболеваниями желчных протоков. Способ дает возможность осуществлять в  послеоперационном периоде прямой эндоскопический доступ к  зоне билиодигестивного анастомоза и  под визуальным контролем выполнять малоинвазивные манипуляции: баллонную дилатацию, установку и смену эндопротезов и др. Результаты. Предлагаемый метод значительно снижает травматичность операции, уменьшает риск интра- и постоперационных осложнений, улучшает качество жизни больных, позволяя им вести привычный образ жизни. Заключение. Эндоскопическая коррекция билиодигестивных анастомозов через сформированный гастроэнтероанастомоз – простой, доступный и безопасный метод. Манипуляции могут проводиться хирургом-эндоскопистом под местной анестезией. При необходимости возможны их многократные повторения

    Synthesis of 2-aryl-substituted 3-allyl-7-carboxyphthalamidines - new synthons for preparation of isoindolo[2,1-alpha]quinolines

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    Synthesis of 2-aryl-substituted 3-allyl-7-carboxyphthalamidines - new synthons for preparation of isoindolo[2,1-alpha]quinolines

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