20 research outputs found

    Plasma of electric arc discharge between Cu-Mo electrodes

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    The radial profiles of the plasma parameters of the electric arc between electrodes from composition materials on the base of cooper Cu-Mo are studied by optical spectroscopy techniques in the assumption of the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The occurrence of the secondary structure in electrodes’ working layers under effect of the electric discharge was found by metallographic technique. The influence of the investigated electrode composition and its secondary structure nature on the plasma axial temperature and its radial distribution is shown.Методами оптичної спектроскопії в припущенні локальної термодинамічної рівноваги (ЛТР) досліджено радіальні профілі параметрів плазми електричної дуги між електродами з композиційних матеріалів на основі міді Cu-Mo. Металографічними методами виявлено утворення вторинної структури у робочому шарі електродів під впливом електричного розряду. Показано вплив структури досліджуваних електродів та їх робочих поверхонь на температуру плазми на осі розряду та її радіальний розподіл.Методами оптической спектроскопии в предположении локального термодинамического равновесия (ЛТР) исследованы радиальные профили параметров плазмы электрической дуги между электродами из композиционных материалов на основе меди Cu-Mo. Металлографическими методами установлено возникновение вторичной структуры в рабочем слое электродов под влиянием электрического разряда. Показано влияние структуры исследуемых электродов и их рабочих поверхностей на температуру плазмы на оси разряда и ее радиальное распределение


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    Objective: Improving treatment outcomes for patients with spontaneous esophageal rupture by determining optimal surgical tactics. Methods: The results of the treatment of 25 patients with spontaneous esophageal rupture were studied. The average age of patients was 47±7 years. In the first 6 hours to the hospital admission the diagnosis of spontaneous esophageal rupture was established in 6 patients, Boerhaave syndrome was diagnosed in 7 patients in the period from 6 to 12 hours, in 6 patients – from 12 to 24 hours, in 6 – from 24 to 36 hours. All patients were operated. Results: Complicated course of the postoperative period observed in all cases. The main complications were pneumonia (60%), mediastinitis (50%), pleural empyema (60%), and sepsis (30%). The most complicated number of cases is that patients who were underwent laparotomy, right thoracotomy or laparotomy and thoracotomy. Lack of esophageal sutures developed in 10 (40%) patients on 5-6 days of the postoperative period. Of these 6 cases were used conservative methods: esophageal stent placement (2), endovac therapy (2), drainage of the pleural cavity, and exclusion of the esophagus from digestion (2). Four patients were re-operated: suturing of the esophageal defect, and drainage of the pleural cavity. The duration of hospitalization was 35±8 days, and mortality rate – 28%. Conclusion: The results of treatment depend on the type of operative access through which implementing the esophagus suture and the sanitation of the pleural cavity. The optimal operative approach is left-sided thoracotomy. Despite the achievements of modern medicine and emergency surgery, the treatment of patients with spontaneous esophageal ruptures remains an insufficiently studied problem. Having considered the small number of patients and clinical observations for further it is necessary to investigate in this direction for the purpose of validating the results


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    The article considers the problem of recycling of poultry waste, in particular, feather-downy waste and chicken dung. Traditional ways of poultry waste disposal have been shown and their shortcomings have been described. The main advantages of use of bioprocessing methods to implement the process of waste conversion with the formation of effective products - biohumus - have been determined. Biofertilizers or biohumus is a modern innovative means applied not only for the purpose of an increase in productivity, but also for land recultivation and resuscitation. The authors have studied the biohumus obtained by means of processing of mixture of feather-downy waste and dung in the ratio of 8 : 2 with the application of the biological product containing the consortium of decomposer microorganisms: Bacillus pumilus AL16, Microbacterium terregens AC1180, Aeromonas sp. B5376, Arthrobacter globiformis AC1529, Streptomyces olivocinereus AC1169 and Acinetobacter sp. B390. An assessment of efficiency of application of various rates of the developed biohumus for winter wheat crops has been made. It isshown that the application of a comparison sample - the organic mineral fertilizer "Universal'noe" (the expense is 150 g/m2) and the use of the developed biohumus (the expense is 150 g/m2) provided an increase in its growth, compared with the control sample of the wheat '"Skipetr", by 12 and 15 cm (the stem elongation stage), by 15 and 18 cm (the earing stage), by 21 and 30 cm (the milk stage) and by 19 and 30 cm (the firm ripe stage) respectively. The above values for the grade Zimushka were within the similar limits: an increase in its growth, compared with the control sample, by 17 and 18 cm (the stem elongation stage), by 19 and 21 cm (the earing stage) and by 19 and 31 cm (the milk stage and the firm ripe stage) respectively.An increase in the productivity of grades of the winter wheat "Skipetr" and "Zimushka" by 1.5 times (1.25 ± 0.25 t/hectare) has been established during the application of the obtained biohumus with the rate of 150 g/m2. The results of studies of change of fractional composition of grain proteins testify that the application of biohumus provides an increase in gluten fractions of winter wheat grains. An assessment of economic efficiency has been performed, it has been established that the highest rates of profitability refer to the variant with the application of the developed biohumus (the expense is 150 g/m2) - 63.2%, the lowest rates are 39.2% in the control sample

    Thermomagnetic studies of thermoexfoliated graphite-transition metal composites

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    Thermal stability and magnetic susceptibility of thermoexfoliated graphite-metal (TEG-Me) composites have been investigated in the temperature range 300-850 K. The TEG-Me (Co, Ni) composites have been produced by the metal cation reduction in aqueous medium with sodium tetrahydroborate. The structure and phase composition of the products was characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry. The results of these investigations show that the metal in the green composites must exist in the bound state as Me—B and Me—H. The gradual heating (up to 850 K) or annealing (at 825 K) of the TEG-Me composites results in the appearance of ferromagnetic properties. Thermal cycling of TEG-Me composites results in a decreased magnetic susceptibility due to oxidation of metallic particles

    Надання кардіохірургічної допомоги недоношеним дітям з функціонуючою артеріальною протокою в Перинатальному центрі Автономної Республіки Крим

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    The analyses of organization aspects and results of surgical treatment of hemodynamic meaningful patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in premature infants in the III level Perinatal center of Autonomous Republic of Crimea was carried out. PDA is the most frequent reason which complicates the state of newborns with very low and extremely low body weight. Such manifestations need prolonged mechanical respiratory support and medicamental hemodynamic supplementation. The part of infants with PDA needs its surgical closure. From April to July (2013) 9 operation of surgical ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus were performed in the III level Perinatal center of Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Conducted analyzes points at the necessity of early diagnosis and possibility of surgical closure of PDA in newborns in conditions of the III level Perinatal center.Проведен анализ организационных аспектов и результатов хирургического лечения гемодинамически значимого функционирующего артериального протока у недоношенных новорожденных в условиях перинатального центра III уровня Автономной Республики Крым. Функционирующий артериальный проток (ФАП) наиболее часто осложняет состояние новорожденных с очень низкой и экстремально низкой массой тела. Такое состояние требует длительной механической дыхательной поддержки и медикаментозного гемодинамического лечения. Часть детей нуждается в хирургическом закрытии ФАП. В перинатальном центре Автономной Республики Крым за период с апреля по июль 2013 г. проведено 9 оперативных вмешательств по закрытию ФАП. Проведенный анализ показывает необходимость ранней диагностики и возможность проведения хирургического закрытия ФАП у новорожденных в условиях перинатального центра III уровня.Проведено аналіз організаційних аспектів та результатів хірургічного лікування гемодинамічно значимої функціонуючої артеріальної протоки у недоношених новонароджених в умовах Перинатального центру III рівня Автономної Республіки Крим. Функціонуюча артеріальна протока (ФАП) найбільш часто ускладнює стан новонароджених з дуже низькою та екстремально низькою масою тіла. Такі прояви потребують тривалої механічної дихальної підтримки та медикаментозної гемодинамічної підтримки. Частина дітей з ФАП потребує її хірургічного закриття. В Перинатальному центрі Автономної Республіки Крим за період з квітня по липень 2013 року проведено 9 операцій хірургічного закриття ФАП. Проведений аналіз показує необхідність ранньої діагностики та можливість проведення хірургічного закриття ФАП у новонароджених в умовах Перинатального центру ІІІ рівня