32 research outputs found

    Frequency Index for Learning Space in Higher Education Institutions

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to measure the learning space usage rate based on the teaching and learning schedule (timetable) provided by the institutions. The Frequency Index of learning space is developed by analyzing the timetable data and the list of learning spaces available at the institution. The Frequency Index is classified according to the level of usage and the interval percentage according to learning space usage frequency. This classification of Frequency Index is expressed in terms of linguistic value and the color-coded key. From this index, the institution can identify whether the existing learning space is best used or vice versa, which in turn can be a reasonable basis for the institution in need of new learning space

    Analisa faktor kecacatan pada usia bangunan masjid terapung: aplikasi matriks Condition Survey Protocol (CSP) 1

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    Kertas kerja ini membentangkan hasil dapatan terhadap masjid terapung, analisa faktor kecacatan pada usia bangunan menggunakan aplikasi matriks CSP 1. Masjid terapung didefinisikan sebagai masjid yang dibina di atas permukaan air laut, perairan muara sungai, kolam mahupun tasik buatan. Masjid terapung dikategorikan sebagai masjid negeri dan juga dijadikan sebagai masjid perlancongan bagi setiap negeri masing-masing. Oleh kerana masjid ini merupakan masjid perlancongan dan aset negara yang penting, maka masjid terapung ini perlulah diselenggara dengan baik dan sistematik agar dapat mengekalkan nilai astetik bangunan yang menjadi tumpuan orang ramai serta bersesuaian dengan kos pembinaan yang tinggi. Kertas ini membincangkan kajian terhadap lima (5) buah masjid terapung yang dikhususkan pada pembinaan diatas permukaan air laut dan muara sungai sahaja. Pembinaan pada masjid ini adalah berbeza-beza tahun pembinaannya. Matriks Condition Survey Protocol (CSP) 1 digunakan untuk mengukur dan menilai tahap kondisi sesebuah bangunan. Kecacatan dan kerosakan setiap bangunan direkodkan untuk menilai kaitan dengan faktor usia bangunan masjid berkenaan. Tiga perkara utama dikenalpasti melalui analisis Matriks CSP1 iaitu bilangan keseluruhan kerosakan bangunan, markah keseluruhan kerosakan bangunan dan pengkadaran keseluruhan bagi setiap masjid terapung. Analisis yang dijalankan terhadap lima (5) buah masjid terapung mendapati bahawa terdapat 536 bilangan kerosakan pada keseluruhan bangunan masjid dan markah keseluruhan yang diperolehi adalah 4616 manakala pengkadaran keseluruhan pula adalah 8.61 iaitu berada pada tahap yang sederhana. Kesemua buah masjid terapung berada pada pengkadaran yang sederhana baik

    Adaptasi bangunan pencakar langit dalam persekitaran bersejarah

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    Pada masa kini pembinaan bangunan tinggi yang berlaku secara mendadak di serata bandar telah menimbulkan beberapa persoalan tentang bangunan terdahulu ataupun erti kata lain bangunan bersejarah. Sebahagian dalam pembinaan bangunan tinggi ini terdiri daripada perjabat berbilang tingkat, kediaman dan pembangunan bercampur yang sedang rancak dibina atau peringkat perancangan di pusat-pusat bandar mahunpun di pinggir bandar. Dalam penulisan ini, beberapa bangunan diambil sebagai kajian kes. Terdapat beberapa karateria asas yang perlu diambil kira sebelum pemilihan tapak bangunan tinggi dicadangkan. Dalam sesebuah persekitaran sejarah kebiasaannya mempunyai geografi ciri-ciri khas dengan persekitaran berbukit puncak yang tinggi, dan watak ini meningkatkan nilai latar langit (skyline) di sesebuah bandar. Latar langit ini sebahagian besarnya dipengaruhi oleh jisim (massing) bangunan-bangunan tinggi. Dalam perkembangan pembangunan pada hari ini, dapat dilihat bahawa bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi tidak berada dalam keadaan yang harmoni pada latar langitnya. Bangunan-bangunan tinggi memberi impak dan kesan negatif pada latar langit bersejarah kerana ciri-ciri topografi khas bandar. Penulisan ini membincangkan kriteria bangunan tinggi dalam persekitaran bandar warisan dan latar langit bersejarah di sesebuah bandar, dan mengupas elemen utama bagi penerapan nilai sejarah warisan pada bangunan tinggi dimana mampu membaiki kualiti rekabentuk rupabandar

    Penggunaan perisian grafik berkomputer dikalangan pelajar senibina di UKM

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    Hari ini, penggunaan perisian grafik digital telah menjadi satu keperluan asas bagi bidang kreatif, termasuk seni bina. Teknologi digital yang dahulunya digunakan sebagai alatan elektronik untuk tujuan lakaran yang menggantikan pen dan pensel di masa lalu telah berkembang dengan pesat menjadi teknologi yang lebih holistik yang menawarkan keupayaan baru termasuk pengeditan imej berdefinisi tinggi, pemodelan dan simulasi tenaga dan sistem kerjasama secara langsung. Sehubungan dengan perkembangan teknologi digital dalam industri, Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) telah selama bertahun-tahun membekalkan industri dengan tenaga kerja yang mahir dan mampu menerapkan teknologi tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun, IPT perlu memastikan bahawa mereka tidak ketinggalan dari arus terkini industri dan memastikan graduan mereka dilengkapi dengan kemahiran terbaru, khususnya dalam aplikasi teknologi digital. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk meneroka persepsi pelajar mengenai pengajaran perisian grafik digital dalam program Sarjana Muda Seni Bina di Universiti Kebangsaaan Malaysia (UKM). Instrumen utama yang digunakan oleh pasukan penyelidik untuk mengumpul data primer adalah dengan kaedah tinjauan, yang dijalankan pada 31 pelajar tahun akhir

    The identity of open space: adapting from the model of traditional neighborhood center

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    The City form consists of some different elements, which have been joined in the functional and spatial form. If these elements have an appropriate spatial organization the strong coherence is created among them. In the traditional urban spaces, most of the times, this spatial regularity among city elements is the result of thoughtful developed urban patterns. Many non-local agents influence on the form of new cities while the forming of traditional urban spaces depends on the morphology of the site, the historical background and the culture of local people. In this way, we were looking for some of the important researches by focus the open spaces and exactly neighborhood centers in Iran. We also choose the analysis literature review for our methodology. All our attention was on two case studies in Iran (Tehran and Shiraz). In this paper, we tried to find ways to evaluate the value of neighborhood centers in the traditional urban for fulfillment to sustainable development urbanism. Urban planners and designers should find out the secret of the traditional cities' sustainability and the factors which make the responsive environment, and think that what the reasons prevent using them in contemporary cities. And then they should find a way to update those factors based on today demands, and design new patterns according to old on

    Sense of community through neighborhood center

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    Understand and perception of place happened due to connection between Humans and their surrounding environment. In this study, feature of a neighborhood center as community is considered as the base of research. Against conducted researches just through attention to physical factors cannot achieve to cohesion and sense of place. In this paper argued that physical place affected by social relations of people. People’s activities also are effective in their environmental perception. For recognizing the sense of place dimension have reviewed argument and results of scholars. In this paper analyzed researches that have done, to some extent. Furthermore, in the important part of those researches Sense of place has three dimensions include, (identity, attachment, dependence) and measurement has done with another dimension such as the social relation (activity, behavior, and habit), and sense of community. At the final we draw important factors to measurement of sense of place relation income principle that existed in the neighborhood center. This analysis will be investigated with the effect of a variable on another variable. The aim is benefited of places potential to strengthen the people’s feeling about their environment. Thereupon local community is formed due to neighborhood capabilities. Hierarchy of human needs, lead to enact roles of sense of place by social context for making sustainable urban

    Constructing place and space in the design of learning environments for PBL in Malaysian universities

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    Malaysia’s provisional entry into the Washington Accord has resulted in an overhaul of engineering education in this country. Gone are the days of traditional teaching in engineering. A myriad of changes have been introduced including changes in attitudes, orientation, curriculum, and delivery, to name a few. One important aspect that architects and planners have neglected is in the area of educational infrastructure, namely the place and space of the learning environment. The advent of new teaching methods has brought with it different infrastructural needs. Problembased learning (PBL) is achieving great currency in engineering education these days. However, the present-day teaching-learning environment is seen as defective: it does not provide optimum learning in the PBL context. This paper attempts to reconsider the relationship of physical settings to the student learning experience. This paper will also look at the problems of place and space in the engineering education in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, with a comparison made with the integrated architectural program, and provide examples of the environmental design that would be conducive to PB

    Investigation on the causes of variation orders in the construction of building project - a study in the state of Selangor, Malaysia

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    This paper investigates the most significant causes contribute to the variation orders in the construction of building projects in the States of Selangor Malaysia. Data was collected from questionnaires survey which is based on the literature reviews and also provisions in the ‘Persatuan Akitek Malaysia” (PAM 1998) standard form of building contract that are associated with the variation orders. The data were analyzed by using mean score method and rank to formulate the findings. The result from questionnaires survey revealed three most significant causes variation orders which are: ‘Change of plan by owner’, ‘Substitution of materials by owner ’, and ‘Changes of design by consultant’. The finding concludes that owner is the major source of the variation orders in construction of building projects and suggested that owner should have adequate planning and recourses before initiating a project in order to avoid variation order during the construction stage

    CCC Method: The Rules Of Professionals As A Building Certifier

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    In order developers handing over a building to the client, the building must comply with the various rules and procedures set by the respective local authorities. Before submission for CCC can be carried out by the developer, it is necessary to get a certificate of completion for the building construction. For this purpose, a more effective system introduced by the Malaysian government namely the Certificate Completion and Compliance (CCC). This system used respective professional services to recommend the issuance of building certificates for the building to be occupied. Under this approach, professional architects and engineer have been identified by government as a profession who is responsible for overseeing the entire project’s development and building that resulting in the issuance of CCC. Appointed architect or engineer called the Principle Submitting Person (PSP).This research uses qualitative method involving seven local authorities as respondents based on the “Snowball Sampling”. This approach asked the last respondents’ opinions on who are the next respondent that are appropriate for interview. The selection of respondents in a row expected to acquire direct information for the subject issue. PBT of Selangor and Malacca only (developed states) was selected and all types of buildings involved in this study. Reliability and normality tests of the variables showed normal distribution and a high level of reliability (above 0.8). Research results obtained through interview revealed that all respondents agreed that the implementation of the new system CCC is rather effective than the old system. However, to achieved the CCC goal comprehensively the PSP appointed needs to maintain their work ethic and a best practice in ensuring the service provided could be able to satisfy all stakeholders