97 research outputs found

    Controlling Helical Asymmetry in Supramolecular Copolymers by In Situ Chemical Modification

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    Amplification of asymmetry in complex molecular systems results from a delicate interplay of chiral supramolecular structures and their chemical reactivity. In this work, we show how the helicity of supramolecular assemblies can be controlled by performing a non-stereoselective methylation reaction on comonomers. By methylating chiral glutamic acid side chains in benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) derivatives to form methyl esters, the assembly properties are modulated. As reacted comonomers, the methyl ester-BTAs induce a stronger bias in the screw-sense of helical fibers predominantly composed of stacked achiral alkyl-BTA monomers. Hence, applying the in situ methylation in a system with the glutamic acid-BTA comonomer induces asymmetry amplification. Moreover, mixing small quantities of enantiomers of glutamic acid-BTA and glutamate methyl ester-BTA in the presence of the achiral alkyl-BTAs leads to deracemization and inversion of the helical structures in solution via the in situ reaction toward a thermodynamic equilibrium. Theoretical modeling suggests that the observed effects are caused by enhanced comonomer interactions after the chemical modification. Our presented methodology enables on-demand control over asymmetry in ordered functional supramolecular materials.</p

    Tendencies in baking quality of common wheat varieties realised in Ukraine and their influence on allele frequency of storage protein genes

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    Several conditions can mimic the clinical presentation of inflammatory breast cancer. Three women presented with a swollen, red and painful breast which turned out to be inflammatory breast cancer after being treated as infectious mastitis. Non-puerperal bacterial mastitis may be confused with inflammatory breast cancer, leading to potentially preventable delays in diagnosis and treatment. The skin changes in inflammatory breast cancer are caused by tumour emboli within the dermal lymphatics, and not by infiltration of inflammatory cells as is suggested by the nomenclature. Patients who are treated for suspected mastitis without clinical improvement in one week should be referred to outpatient care in the surgery department to exclude underlying malignancy

    Supply of non-GM feed in consumer-driven animal production chains

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    They studied the economic effects, the risks and the practical bottlenecks of the supply of non- GM feed for animal production in 4 different scenarios. To this purpose, a project team was formed with experts on plant sciences, genetic modification, analytical techniques, animal nutrition, chain management, and agro-economics. Design and progress of the project was evaluated with stakeholders in policy making, consumer organisations and feed and food producers. The scenarios were production of organic feed, and of feed with threshold levels of unintended GMO content at <0.9%

    Consequences of excessive glucosylsphingosine in glucocerebrosidase-deficient zebrafish

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    In Gaucher disease (GD), the deficiency of glucocerebrosidase causes lysosomal accumulation of glucosylceramide (GlcCer), which is partly converted by acid ceramidase to glucosylsphingosine (GlcSph) in the lysosome. Chronically elevated blood and tissue GlcSph is thought to contribute to symptoms in GD patients as well as to increased risk for Parkinson's disease. On the other hand, formation of GlcSph may be beneficial since the water soluble sphingoid base is excreted via urine and bile. To study the role of excessive GlcSph formation during glucocerebrosidase deficiency, we studied zebrafish that have two orthologs of acid ceramidase, Asah1a and Asah1b. Only the latter is involved in the formation of GlcSph in glucocerebrosidase-deficient zebrafish as revealed by knockouts of Asah1a or Asah1b with glucocerebrosidase deficiency (either pharmacologically induced or genetic). Comparison of zebrafish with excessive GlcSph (gba1-/- fish) and without GlcSph (gba1-/-:asah1b-/- fish) allowed us to study the consequences of chronic high levels of GlcSph. Prevention of excessive GlcSph in gba1-/-:asah1b-/- fish did not restrict storage cells, GlcCer accumulation, or neuroinflammation. However, GD fish lacking excessive GlcSph show an ameliorated course of disease reflected by significantly increased lifespan, delayed locomotor abnormality, and delayed development of an abnormal curved back posture. The loss of tyrosine hydroxylase 1 (th1) mRNA, a marker of dopaminergic neurons, is slowed down in brain of GD fish lacking excessive GlcSph. In conclusion, in the zebrafish GD model, excess GlcSph has little impact on (neuro)inflammation or the presence of GlcCer-laden macrophages but rather seems harmful to th1-positive dopaminergic neurons.Animal science

    Clinical implementation and feasibility of long-course fractionated MR-guided chemoradiotherapy for patients with esophageal cancer: An R-IDEAL stage 1b/2a evaluation of technical innovation

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    Purpose: This R-Ideal stage 1b/2a study describes the workflow and feasibility of long-course fractionated online adaptive MR-guided chemoradiotherapy with reduced CTV-to-PTV margins on the 1.5T MR-Linac for patients with esophageal cancer. Methods: Patients with esophageal cancer scheduled to undergo chemoradiation were treated on a 1.5T MR-Linac. Daily MR-images were acquired for online contour adaptation and replanning. Contours were manually adapted to match the daily anatomy and an isotropic CTV-to-PTV margin of 6 mm was applied. Time was recorded for all individual steps in the workflow. Feasibility and patient tolerability were defined as on-table time of ≤60 min and completion of >95% of the fractions on the MR-Linac, respectively. Positioning verification and post-treatment MRIs were retrospectively analyzed and dosimetric parameters were compared to standard non-adaptive conventional treatment plans. Results: Nine patients with esophageal cancer were treated with chemoradiation; eight patients received 41.4 Gy in 23 fractions and one received 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions. Four patients received all planned fractions on the MR-Linac, whereas for two patients >5% of fractions were rescheduled to a conventional linac for reasons of discomfort. A total of 183 (86%) of 212 scheduled fractions were successfully delivered on the MR-Linac. Three fractions ended prematurely due to technical issues and 26 fractions were rescheduled on a conventional linac due to MR-Linac downtime (n = 10), logistical reasons (n = 3) or discomfort (n = 13). The median time per fraction was 53 min (IQR = 3 min). Daily adapted MR-Linac plans had similar target coverage, whereas dose to the organs-at-risk was significantly reduced compared to conventional treatment (26% and 12% reduction in mean lung and heart dose, respectively). Conclusion: Daily online adaptive fractionated chemoradiotherapy with reduced PTV margins is moderately feasible for esophageal cancer and results in better sparing of heart and lungs. Future studies should focus on further optimization and acceleration of the current workflow