285 research outputs found

    Turbulent kinetic energy in the energy balance of a solar flare

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    The energy released in solar flares derives from a reconfiguration of magnetic fields to a lower energy state, and is manifested in several forms, including bulk kinetic energy of the coronal mass ejection, acceleration of electrons and ions, and enhanced thermal energy that is ultimately radiated away across the electromagnetic spectrum from optical to X-rays. Using an unprecedented set of coordinated observations, from a suite of instruments, we here report on a hitherto largely overlooked energy component -- the kinetic energy associated with small-scale turbulent mass motions. We show that the spatial location of, and timing of the peak in, turbulent kinetic energy together provide persuasive evidence that turbulent energy may play a key role in the transfer of energy in solar flares. Although the kinetic energy of turbulent motions accounts, at any given time, for only \sim (0.5-1)\% of the energy released, its relatively rapid (\sim1-10~s) energization and dissipation causes the associated throughput of energy (i.e., power) to rival that of major components of the released energy in solar flares, and thus presumably in other astrophysical acceleration sites

    Instanton bundles on Fano threefolds

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    We introduce the notion of an instanton bundle on a Fano threefold of index 2. For such bundles we give an analogue of a monadic description and discuss the curve of jumping lines. The cases of threefolds of degree 5 and 4 are considered in a greater detail.Comment: 31 page, to appear in CEJ

    Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergy to Alternaria alternata in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Perennial Allergic Rhinitis

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    The aim of our study was to determine the degree of sensitization to Alternaria alternata in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR), and evaluate the effectiveness of SIT in patients sensitized to Alternaria alternata. Material and Methods: All patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 included 130 patients (53 women and 77 men) with COPD aged from 24 to 50 years. Group 2 included 162 patients (90 women and 72 men) with PAR aged from 15 to 46 years. The allergen-specific IgE to fungi of the genera: Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Penicillinum notatum, as well as the allergen-specific serum IgG antibodies to Alt a 1 of Alternaria alternata were determined. To perform subcutaneous SIT, we used purified major Alt a 1 allergen of Alternaria alternate. Results: Our study showed that specific IgE antibodies to Alt a 1 were found in 38% and 44.6% patients with COPD and PAR, respectively. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) induced the IgG response against Alt a 1. The concentration of specific IgG antibodies to Alt a 1 increased approximately 8-fold in COPD patients and 15-fold in PAR patients after 8 months of treatment

    Resonances and O-curves in Hamiltonian systems

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    We investigate the problem of the existence of trajectories asymptotic to elliptic equilibria of Hamiltonian systems in the presence of resonances.Comment: 12 page

    Separation of variables for the quantum SL(2,R) spin chain

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    We construct representation of the Separated Variables (SoV) for the quantum SL(2,R) Heisenberg closed spin chain and obtain the integral representation for the eigenfunctions of the model. We calculate explicitly the Sklyanin measure defining the scalar product in the SoV representation and demonstrate that the language of Feynman diagrams is extremely useful in establishing various properties of the model. The kernel of the unitary transformation to the SoV representation is described by the same "pyramid diagram" as appeared before in the SoV representation for the SL(2,C) spin magnet. We argue that this kernel is given by the product of the Baxter Q-operators projected onto a special reference state.Comment: 26 pages, Latex style, 9 figures. References corrected, minor stylistic changes, version to be publishe

    The evolution and structure of ignited high-pressure cryogenic hydrogen jets

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    The anticipated upscaling of hydrogen energy applications will involve the storage and transport of hydrogen at cryogenic conditions. Understanding the potential hazard arising from leaks in high-pressure cryogenic storage is needed to improve hydrogen safety. The manuscript reports a series of numerical simulations with detailed chemistry for the transient evolution of ignited high-pressure cryogenic hydrogen jets. The study aims to gain insight of the ignition processes, flame structures and dynamics associated with the transient flame evolution. Numerical simulations were firstly conducted for an unignited jet released under the same cryogenic temperature of 80 K and pressure of 200 bar as the considered ignited jets. The predicted hydrogen concentrations were found to be in good agreement with the experimental measurements. The results informed the subsequent simulations of the ignited jets involving four different ignition locations. The predicted time series snapshots of temperature, hydrogen mass fraction and the flame index are analyzed to study the transient evolution and structure of the flame. The results show that a diffusion combustion layer is developed along the outer boundary of the jet and a side diffusion flame is formed for the near-field ignition. For the far-field ignition, an envelope flame is observed. The flame structure contains a diffusion flame on the outer edge and a premixed flame inside the jet. Due to the complex interactions between turbulence, fuel-air mixing at cryogenic temperature and chemical reactions, localized spontaneous ignition and transient flame extinguishment are observed. The predictions also captured the experimentally observed deflagration waves in the far-field ignited jets

    Plan de actividades recreativas utilizando como medio el juego de balonmano adaptado, para los adolescentes entre 12 y 16 años del sexo masculino, de la circunscripción 117 El Batey de Sánchez, del Consejo Popular Las Ovas del municipio Pinar del Río

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    Este trabajo fue realizado en la circunscripción 117 “El Batey de Sánchez”, del Consejo Popular Las Ovas municipio Pinar del Río, el mismo surge debido a la carencia de actividades-físico recreativas destinadas a los adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 16 años. Para su realización nos trazamos como problema científico el siguiente: ¿Cómo mejorar la recreación física en los adolescentes entre 12 y 16 años de edad del sexo masculino de la circunscripción 117 “El Batey de Sánchez”, del consejo popular las Ovas? el mismo surge por la problemática que presentan los adolescentes de esta circunscripción, dentro de los cuales podemos mencionar las peleas de gallos, perros, tomeguines, lo cual se pudo comprobar con la aplicación de los diferentes métodos utilizados en nuestro trabajo. Debido a la importancia del mismo nos propusimos el siguiente Objetivo: Aplicar un plan de actividades recreativas utilizando como medio el juego de balonmano adaptado para los adolescentes entre 12 y 16 años de edad del sexo masculino de la circunscripción 117 “El Batey de Sánchez”, del consejo popular Las Ovas municipio Pinar del Rió. Al final del mismo se presentan conclusiones y recomendaciones, las cuales dan respuestas a las interrogantes planteadas al comienz

    Quantum and Classical Integrable Systems

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    The key concept discussed in these lectures is the relation between the Hamiltonians of a quantum integrable system and the Casimir elements in the underlying hidden symmetry algebra. (In typical applications the latter is either the universal enveloping algebra of an affine Lie algebra, or its q-deformation.) A similar relation also holds in the classical case. We discuss different guises of this very important relation and its implication for the description of the spectrum and the eigenfunctions of the quantum system. Parallels between the classical and the quantum cases are thoroughly discussed.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX2.09 with AMS symbols. Lectures at the CIMPA Winter School on Nonlinear Systems, Pondicherry, January 199