27 research outputs found

    The puzzle of longitudinal electric field interaction with transparent media

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    Cylindrically polarized beams produced by femtosecond laser written S-waveplate are used to modify amorphous silicon films. Paradoxically, no crystallization is observed in the maximum of longitudinal electric field despite the strongest light intensity

    Anomalous interaction of longitudinal electric field with hydrogenated amorphous silicon films

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    Cylindrically polarized beams produced by femtosecond laser written S-waveplate are used to modify amorphous silicon films. Paradoxically, no crystallization is observed in the maximum of longitudinal electric field despite the strongest light intensit

    Creation of metastable defects in microcrystalline silicon films by keV electron irradiation

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    Creation of Metastable Defects in Microcrystalline Silicon Films by keV Electron Irradiatio

    Photoconductivity of two-phase hydrogenated silicon films

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    LGEP 2010 ID = 592International audienc

    Anisotropy of optical, electrical, and photoelectrical properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon films modified by femtosecond laser irradiation

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    Two types of independent anisotropic structures have been formed simultaneously in amorphous hydrogenated films by applying a femtosecond laser pulse to them, i.e., a structure with a period of several micrometers to several tens of micrometers and a structure with a period of several hundred nanometers. The formation mechanisms of these strictures are different, which allows us to orient them relative to each other in a desirable way. Both structures independently influence the optical properties of the modified films, which causes the diffraction of transmitted light and making the films polarization-sensitive. The conductivity of the modified films correlates with the mutual orientation of the anisotropic structures, whereas no interrelation between the photoconductivity and optical performance of the modified films has been observed

    Polarization sensitive printing by ultrafast laser nanostructuring in amorphous silicon

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    We demonstrate femto- and picosecond laser assisted nanostructuring of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). The laser-induced periodic sub-wavelength structures exhibit the dichroism and giant form birefringence giving extra dimensions to the polarization sensitive image recording