31 research outputs found

    Dietary contribution of wild edible plants to women's diets in the buffer zone around the Lama forest, Benin - an underutilized potential

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    Rural populations in developing countries face food insecurity and malnutrition despite being surrounded by extraordinary biodiversity. The international community increasingly recognizes the role of agro-biodiversity and Wild Edible Plants (WEPs) in their contributions to managing risk and building resilience and sustainable food systems. Studies on real contributions of WEPs to peoples’ diets, however, are uncommon. This study assessed the contribution of WEPs to diets of women living in the buffer zone of the Lama forest in southern Benin. During the long dry season, a cross-sectional survey was carried out on 120 women, covering their knowledge and attitudes towards WEPs and two non-consecutive 24-h recalls of their WEP consumption. Contribution of WEPs to total dietary intake was low due to infrequent use and small portion sizes. The highest nutrient contributions of WEPs measured were for copper (13.9 %) and iron (4.6 %) but the majority of the women had intake values below the Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) for these elements - copper 65 % and iron 91 % Women’s dietary diversity was significantly higher among WEP consumers than non-consumers, mainly due to higher consumption of dark green leafy vegetables. WEPs were less consumed as a replacement for other foods but rather as a complement to the diet. The study population generally appreciated WEPs, while some constraints were reported regarding preparation, conservation and commercialization. Before widely promoting WEP consumption in order to exploit their dietary potential, additional investigations are needed into their nutrient composition, cultural and market value, their sustainable harvest levels and possible integration into innovative farming systems

    A more complete definition for promiscuous soybean

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    Open Access JournalAbstract Following a series of research on promiscuous nodulation, it came out that it is incomplete to define ‘promiscuous soybean’ as soybean cultivars with the sole ability to form nodules freely with indigenous Bradyrhizobium strains without requiring the specific type, Bradyrhizobium japonicum. This paper proposes a more complete definition which caters for both nodulation and biological nitrogen fixation ability. Keywords : Promiscuous soybean; Nodulation; Biological nitrogen fixation; Bradyrhizobiu

    Multi-environmental evaluation of vegetable soybean for adaptation and stability in Benin

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    Vegetable soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) is a highly nutritious crop in Africa whose attributes make it a product of choice to formulate diets with numerous human health benefits. The crop is still novel in West Africa, but is making inroads in many countries of the region. The objective of this study was to evaluate selected vegetable soybean varieties for agronomic performance and stability for fresh pod yield across Benin. Thirty-five vegetable soybean varieties were planted at three locations, namely Calavi, Grand-Popo and Sèmè, for two seasons. There was a significant variation (P < 0.05 ; P< 0.01 and P < 0.001) among genotypes for most quantitative traits; with highly significant environmental (P < 0.001) and GEI effects on fresh pod yield (P < 0.001). Genotype Maksoy 3N (15.9 t ha-1) had the highest fresh pod yield; while genotype AGS466 was the most stable across environments. Based on GGE, Sèmè-2 was the ideal environment for growing vegetable soybean in Benin. The study confirmed that vegetable soybean is well adapted to be grown in Benin and varieties AGS466, AGS346 and Ashorowase are candidates for wide cultivation in the country. Also, grain soybean varieties (S1079-6-7 and Maksoy 3N) are well suited to produce vegetable soybean in Benin. &nbsp


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    Baobab ( Adansonia digitata ) leaves represent a key nutritional resource; although their consumption is apparently restricted to local communities, mainly as a sticky sauce, cosmetics and a variety of purposes. Ready-to-use powder of oven-dried baobab leaves can improve the availability of the product on markets, and hence its utilisation and shelf life. This study was carried out to optimise the oven-drying temperature and duration for the best conservation of baobab leaf powder and its sustainable availability for multipurpose uses. Different combinations of values of temperature and drying duration were generated, using a central composite design, in response surface methodology framework. Findings showed that dry matter, hue, chroma and lightness were significantly influenced by oven-drying temperature and duration; while the least gelation concentration was significantly influenced by the temperature. Based on leaf dry matter, hue and chroma models, the optimal oven drying conditions for baobab leaves for good preservation leading to human consumption and other purposes are set at 45 \ub0C for 23.5 hours.Les feuilles de baobab ( Adansonia digitata ) repr\ue9sentent une resource nutritionnelle principal; bien que leur consommation soit apparemment limit\ue9e aux communaut\ue9s locales, principalement sous forme de sauce collante, de cosm\ue9tiques et \ue0 diverses fins. La poudre de feuilles de baobab qui est s\ue9ch\ue9e dans le four et qui est pr\ueate \ue0 \ueatre utilis\ue9e peut am\ue9liorer la disponibilit\ue9 du produit sur les march\ue9s, son utilisation et sa dur\ue9e de conservation. Cette \ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9e afin d\u2019optimiser la temp\ue9rature et la dur\ue9e de s\ue9chage dans le four pour la meilleure conservation de la poudre de feuilles de baobab et sa disponibilit\ue9 durable pour des usages polyvalents. Les diff\ue9rentes combinaisons de valeurs de temp\ue9rature et de dur\ue9e de s\ue9chage ont \ue9t\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9r\ue9es, en utilisant une conception composite centrale, dans le cadre de la m\ue9thodologie de surface de r\ue9ponse. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que la mati\ue8re s\ue8che, la teinte, la chrominance et la l\ue9g\ue8ret\ue9 \ue9taient significativement influenc\ue9es par la temp\ue9rature et la dur\ue9e de s\ue9chage dans le four four; tandis que la moindre concentration de g\ue9lification \ue9tait significativement influenc\ue9e par la temp\ue9rature. En se basant sur des mod\ue8les de mati\ue8re s\ue8che, de teinte et de chrominance des feuilles, les conditions optimales de s\ue9chage au four des feuilles de baobab pour une bonne conservation conduisant \ue0 la consommation humaine et \ue0 d\u2019autres fins sont fix\ue9es \ue0 45 \ub0 C pendant 23,5 heures


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    Plant species are basic component of agro-biodiversity and a complex situation created by their own ability to disperse; and the rapid changes of land use and climate is endangering their efficient conservation and use. In order to increase knowledge of bitter and sweet African bush mango trees (ABMTs) ( Irvingia spp.: Irvingiaceae) and support small-scale farmers in establishing uniform plantations, germinability of earlier fruited trees was assessed. Germination rate and speed, from both systems were analysed in order to differentiate bitter and sweet bush mango trees and identify types of seeds suitable to overcome the climatic hindrances for uniform plantations establishment in the Dahomey Gap, a drier eco-region where savannah reach the sea coast including Benin and Togo. Fresh seeds of both bitter and sweet fruited trees, showed the highest growth performance (98 - 100%). Seed germination speed significantly depended on the drying level and the germination system (sunshine versus covered condition). The speed was higher for fresh seeds in closed condition, confirming bush mango seeds as typically recalcitrant, but not strictly photoblastic. Results also demonstrated that bush mango seeds do not require specific treatments for optimising germination. Germination did not depend on mango tree type (bitter or sweet) and fresh seeds were the best material for establishing viable and uniform plantations.Les plantes sont une composante essentielle de l\u2019agrobiodiversit\ue9; leur habilet\ue9 \ue0 se propager cr\ue9e une situation complexe et le changement rapide des syst\ue8mes d\u2019utilisation des terres menace leur conservation et utilisation. Afin d\u2019am\ue9liorer l\u2019\ue9tat de nos connaissances sur les types amer et sucr\ue9 de manguiers sauvages d\u2019Afrique ( Irvingia spp.: Irvingiaceae) et aider les petits paysans \ue0 disposer de plantations uniformes, la germination des fruits pr\ue9coces de Irvingia a \ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9e en syst\ue8mes ouvert et ferm\ue9. Le taux et la vitesse de germination dans ces deux milieux ont \ue9t\ue9 analys\ue9s afin de diff\ue9rencier les arbres producteurs de fruits versus sucr\ue9s et d\u2019identifier les types de semences qui sont appropri\ue9s pour r\ue9duire les contraintes climatiques pour l\u2019\ue9tablissement des plantations uniformes dans le Dahomey-Gap, une \ue9cor\ue9gion s\ue8che o\uf9 la savane atteint la c\uf4te, beaucoup plus au Benin et au Togo. Seul le niveau de s\ue9chage influence significativement le taux de germination. Les graines fraiches des deux types d\u2019arbres ont le taux de germination le plus \ue9lev\ue9 (98 - 100 %). La vitesse de germination d\ue9pend \ue0 la fois du taux de s\ue9chage et du syst\ue8me de germination. La vitesse est plus \ue9lev\ue9e pour les graines fraiches en syst\ue8me d\u2019ombrage, confirmant les graines de mangues sauvages comme \ue9tant typiquement r\ue9calcitrantes, mais non pas photoblastique strictes. Les r\ue9sultats ont aussi montr\ue9 que les graines de mangues sauvages ne n\ue9cessitent aucun traitement sp\ue9cifique pour optimiser leur germination. Enfin l\u2019\ue9tude d\ue9montre que la germination ne d\ue9pend pas du type d\u2019arbre de manguier (arbres \ue0 fruits amers de ceux \ue0 fruits sucr\ue9s) et que les graines fraiches sont les meilleurs mat\ue9riels pour l\u2019\ue9tablissement des plantations viables et uniformes

    Cowpea production practices, constraints, and end-users preferred varieties and traits in Southern Benin

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) is an important food and nutrition security crop in Benin, though its production is constrained by absence of information necessary for strategic planning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of preferred traits and production constraints of cowpea in southern Benin. A survey was conducted in three main cowpea-growing districts in southern Benin, namely Ketou, Zakpota and Klouekanmey. Data were collected from 175 respondents through structured survey, as well as using field observations and via focus group discussions. It was clear that the majority of farmers (82%) grew cowpea in association with other crops, though mostly with maize (Zea mays L.). A total of 75.9% of farmers purchased seeds from agro-dealers in local markets. The perception of cowpea production constraints varied among districts, with weeds infestation, unavailability of certified seeds, drought, low yield, and insect pest attacks as the major production constraints across the districts. Factorial analysis showed that for the sociocultural group Adja, selection of cowpea varieties is based on pod hardness and tolerance to Striga gesnerioides; while for the sociocultural group Fon, cooking time, grain colour and seed price were the main selection criteria. On the other hand, for sociocultural groups Nagot and Holli, selection of the cowpea varieties was based on the ease to separate the coat from the cotyledons and seed size (medium to large). These findings could guide cowpea breeders and extension officers in further research and dissemination programmes in Benin

    Source of resistance among cowpea accessions to bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus F. Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, in Benin

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    Post-harvest loss in cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L.) is essentially caused by bruchid (Callosobruchus maculatus F.), the most damaging storage pest causing up to 95% loss of produce kept for long in non-treated conditions. In managing storage pests, host plant resistance proves to be a better approach than chemicals control, especially for food produce. However, no investigation in Benin has tackled resistance of cowpea germplasm to bruchid. The obective of this study was to identify sources of resistance to cowpea bruchid in Benin. A total of 174 cowpea accessions were evaluated in storage. Fourteen cowpea accessions were found resistant to bruchid including: IT06K-123-1, ALEGI*SECOW3B, IT86D-1038, WC35B, IT86D-1033, TOUMKALAM, KPLOBEROUGE, WC66*NE50, IT06K-270, IT84S-2246-4, WC36, TVU1471, TVU-1367-7 and WC66*5T with respective Dobie susceptibility indices of : 2.96, 2.71, 2.67, 2.58, 2.55, 2.49, 2.46, 2.36, 2.11, 1.42, 1.15, 0.53, 0.00 and 0.00. Pest tolerance of cowpea (0.00 to 100.00%) varied according to the resistance and susceptibility statuses of accessions screened. Correlations showed that seed damage, number of adult emerged, weight loss and Dobie susceptibility index, could be considered essential while selecting bruchid tolerant accessions. The resistant accessions observed during this experiment can serve as parental lines in breeding programmes.Le ni\ue9b\ue9 ( Vigna unguiculata L.) est fortement attaqu\ue9 par les bruches du ni\ue9b\ue9 ( Callosobruchus maculatus F.) causant 95% de d\ue9g\ue2ts. L\u2019usage des plantes r\ue9sistantes constitue une alternative aux produits chimiques. Ainsi, au B\ue9nin, en absence d\u2019\ue9tudes ant\ue9rieures sur la r\ue9sistance du ni\ue9b\ue9 aux bruches les accessions susceptibles sont toujours cultiv\ue9es. L\u2019objectif g\ue9n\ue9ral de cette \ue9tude est l\u2019\ue9valuation de la r\ue9sistance des diff\ue9rentes accessions de ni\ue9b\ue9 cultiv\ue9 au B\ue9nin. En effet, 174 accessions de ni\ue9b\ue9 ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9es en stock. Plusieurs param\ue8tres ont \ue9t\ue9 d\ue9termin\ue9s : poids initial et final des graines; pourcentage d\u2019insecte \ue9merg\ue9; pourcentage de perte de poids, de graines endommag\ue9es et de tol\ue9rance des insectes; p\ue9riode m\ue9diane de d\ue9veloppement; indice de susceptibilit\ue9 de Dobie; indice de croissance; nombre moyen de trous, nombre moyen d\u2019\u153ufs pondus. Les donn\ue9es collect\ue9es ont \ue9t\ue9 soumises \ue0 ANOVA One-way, corr\ue9lation de Pearson et \ue0 une r\ue9gression lin\ue9aire multiple. Quatorze accessions \ue9taient r\ue9sistantes aux bruches \ue0 savoir\ua0: IT06K-123-1, ALEGI*SECOW3B, IT86D-1038, WC35B, IT86D-1033, TOUMKALAM, KPLOBEROUGE, WC66*NE50, IT06K-270, IT84S-2246-4, WC36, TVU1471, TVU-1367-7 et WC66*5T respectivement avec la susceptibilit\ue9 de Dobie: 2.96, 2.71, 2.67, 2.58, 2.55, 2.49, 2.46, 2.36, 2.11, 1.42, 1.15, 0.53, 0.00 et 0.00. La corr\ue9lation de Pearson montre que pourcentage de graine endommag\ue9e, nombres d\u2019insectes \ue9merg\ue9s, la perte de poids et l\u2019indice de susceptibilit\ue9 de Dobie sont les param\ue8tres \ue0 prendre en compte dans un processus de s\ue9lection des accessions r\ue9sistantes aux bruches. En cons\ue9quence, les accessions r\ue9sistantes observ\ue9es dans ce travail peuvent \ueatre utilis\ue9es dans des programmes d\u2019am\ue9lioration

    Habitat range shift and prediction of the potential future distribution of Ricinodendron heudelotii (Baill.) Heckel in Benin (West Africa)

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    Open Access ArticleRicinodendron heudelotii (Baill.) Heckel is an important nutraceutical reservoir. Its Sustainable exploitation requires information on its potential distribution in the current context of rapid population growth and climate change threats. This study aimed to map the suitable areas for its domestication and conservation under current and future climate conditions in Benin. Occurrence data were recorded and combined with the environmental layers of two climatic scenarios (optimistic RCP 4.5 and pessimistic RCP 8.5) following the biodiversity modelling approach (biomod2). Currently, about four percent (5082 Km2) of the country’s area mainly located in the sub-humid and the humid zones were potentially suitable for R. heudelotii distribution. Under future climatic conditions the potentially suitable areas were mainly in the sub-humid zone, but almost all the highly suitable areas located in the humid zone will become medium suitable areas by the years 2055 and 2085 horizons. This study shows that, whatever the future climatic scenarios, R. heudelotii will substantially maintain the size of its range across the country. These findings allow undertaking anticipated actions to better adapt to the potential effects of climate change and to better guide policies for the conservation and development of forest resources

    Status and utilisation of Moringa oleifera Lam: A review

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    Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a medium-size agroforestry tree that originated from south Asia, but has become naturalised in many countries globally. Moringa oleifera has gained importance due to its multipurpose uses and good adaptability to both humid and dry climates. Almost all parts of the plant are used. The species is considered as a neglected and underutilised as its potential is still not well economically known and valued. This review presents the status and factors responsible for underutilisation of this, otherwise important crop as a basis for formulation of viable development strategies of knowledge on taxonomy, distribution, diverse utilisations, nutritional value, socioeconomic importance, morphological and genetic diversity, domestication, propagation and management of M. oleifera. Knowledge gaps, and research and development avenues are suggested and discussed for improved valorisation. To that purpose, articles were searched in Google Scholar, Web of Science and BioMed Central database with relevant keywords on M. oleifera. All the articles found, including reviews and peer-reviewed articles were critically read and analysed for inclusion in this review. Findings revealed that the species is one of the most studied and used species with various uses stretching from food and medicinal uses to water purification, biopesticide and production of biodiesel. Findings also highlight high morphological and genetic diversity of the species, which may become a resource for the conservation and the selection of germplasm. However, many aspects of the species are still waiting for further research.Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) est un arbre de taille moyenne originaire du sud de l\u2019Asie, mais naturalis\ue9 dans de nombreux pays d\u2019Afrique, d\u2019Asie, d\u2019Am\ue9rique et d\u2019Australie. M. oleifera jouit d\u2019une grande importance en raison de ses multiples usages et de sa bonne adaptabilit\ue9 aux climats humides et secs. Les feuilles du Moringa sont parmi les l\ue9gumes \ue0 feuilles les plus promus pour assurer la s\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire et nutritionnelle des m\ue8res et des nourrissons dans les pays en d\ue9veloppement. Presque toutes les parties de la plante sont utilis\ue9es en m\ue9decine. Jusqu\u2019\ue0 pr\ue9sent, l\u2019esp\ue8ce est consid\ue9r\ue9e comme n\ue9glig\ue9e et sous-utilis\ue9e car son potentiel n\u2019est toujours pas bien valoris\ue9. Cet article r\ue9sume l\u2019\ue9tat actuel des connaissances sur la taxonomie, la distribution, les utilisations diverses, la valeur nutritionnelle, l\u2019importance socio\ue9conomique, la diversit\ue9 morphologique et g\ue9n\ue9tique, la domestication, la propagation et la gestion de M. oleifera. Les gaps en termes de connaissances sur l\u2019esp\ue8ce ont \ue9t\ue9 identifi\ue9es et des axes de recherche-d\ue9veloppement ont \ue9t\ue9 propos\ue9s et discut\ue9s pour am\ue9liorer sa valorisation. A cet effet, des articles ont \ue9t\ue9 recherch\ue9s dans les bases de donn\ue9es Google Scholar, Web of Science et BioMed Central avec des mots-cl\ue9s pertinents sur l\u2019esp\ue8ce. Tous les articles trouv\ue9s, y compris les revues et les articles \ue9valu\ue9s, ont \ue9t\ue9 lus et analys\ue9s de mani\ue8re critique pour leur inclusion dans cet article. Les r\ue9sultats ont r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 que le Moringa est l\u2019une des esp\ue8ces les plus \ue9tudi\ue9es et utilis\ue9es au monde avec de multiples usages allant de l\u2019alimentation et la m\ue9decine \ue0 la purification de l\u2019eau, au biopesticide and \ue0 la production de biodiesel. Les r\ue9sultats ont \ue9galement r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 une grande variabilit\ue9 morphologique et g\ue9n\ue9tique de l\u2019esp\ue8ce, qui peut \ueatre une ressource pour la conservation et l\u2019am\ue9lioration g\ue9n\ue9tique de l\u2019esp\ue8ce. Cependant, beaucoup d\u2019autres aspects de l\u2019esp\ue8ce n\ue9cessitent encore des investigations


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    The African baobab ( Adansonia digitata L.) is a large tree of great socio-economic and cultural importance in Africa, with almost all the parts of the species used for various purposes. A major concern about baobab fruit pulp production is the long time it takes for first fruiting (about 15 years). Vegetative propagation offers several advantages with regard to consumers\u2019 preferences and precociousness of fructification. The objective of this study was to synthesise existent knowledge related to vegetative propagation methods of baobab and examine future prospects for improving the species propagation. This will ultimately contribute to better integrate baobab-based agroforestry systems into the diversification and poverty alleviation programmes. It is clear that cutting, grafting and in vitro multiplication are the vegetative propagation methods already tested on baobab. The success of grafting methods ranges from 10 to 89%, depending on the technique used. The Murashige and Skoog environment, supplemented with or without growth regulator hormones is by far the best condition for the in vitro reactivity of baobab explants, regardless of their types. With regards to cuttings, the average success rates stand around 30% when Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) hormone is used. Other approaches such as marcotting techniques are yet to be tested and data on fruit production using these techniques are still needed in order to determine the best promising method for rapid and efficient vegetative propagation of baobab.Adansonia digitata L. est un grand arbre d\u2019importance socio-\ue9conomique et culturelle en Afrique. Toutes les parties de l\u2019arbre sont utilis\ue9es \ue0 diverses fins. L\u2019une des principales pr\ue9occupations concernant la pulpe de baobab est le temps n\ue9cessaire \ue0 la premi\ue8re fructification de l\u2019arbre (environ 15 ans). La multiplication v\ue9g\ue9tative pr\ue9sente plusieurs avantages en ce qui concerne les pr\ue9f\ue9rences des consommateurs et permet la pr\ue9cocit\ue9 de fructification. Ce travail a synth\ue9tis\ue9 les connaissances actuelles sur les m\ue9thodes de propagation v\ue9g\ue9tative du baobab et a discut\ue9 des perspectives futures pour l\u2019int\ue9gration des syst\ue8mes agroforestiers \ue0 base de baobab dans les programmes de diversification agricole et de r\ue9duction de la pauvret\ue9. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que le bouturage, le greffage et la multiplication in vitro sont les m\ue9thodes de multiplication v\ue9g\ue9tative d\ue9j\ue0 test\ue9es sur le baobab \ue0 ce jour. Le succ\ue8s du greffage varie de 10 \ue0 89% selon la technique de greffage utilis\ue9e. L\u2019environnement Murashige and Skoog compl\ue9t\ue9 avec ou sans phytohormones de croissance est \ue0 l\u2019heure actuelle la meilleure condition pour la r\ue9activit\ue9 in vitro des explants de baobab, quels que soient leurs types. En ce qui concerne le bouturage, le taux de r\ue9ussite moyen s\u2019\ue9levait \ue0 30% avec utilisation de l\u2019hormone Acide Indole-3-butyrique (IBA). D\u2019autres approches telles que la technique du marcottage a\ue9rien devront \ueatre test\ue9es. Aussi, les donn\ue9es sur la production de fruits issus de ces techniques sont n\ue9cessaires. Ces informations permettront de d\ue9terminer la meilleure m\ue9thode \ue0 recommander pour une propagation v\ue9g\ue9tative rapide et efficace du baobab