799 research outputs found

    The decay omega(782) -> 5 pi in chiral theory

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    The arguments are put forward that the many pion decays omega ->2 pi^+ 2 pi^- pi^0 and pi^+ pi^- 3 pi^0 provide an ideal test site for testing the predictions of chiral models of the vector meson decays into many pions. Using the approach based on the Weinberg Lagrangian or, in a new language, the Lagrangian of hidden local symmetry added with the term induced by the anomalous Lagrangian of Wess and Zumino, the partial widths of these decays are evaluated, and their excitation curves in e^+e^- annihilation are obtained. The discussed are the perspectives of the experimental study of the decays omega -> 5 pi in e^+e^- annihilation and photoproduction.Comment: revtex, 12 pages include 2 ps figures; clarifying remarks and references added, 17-fold reduction of filesize of fig1.ps. Accepted in Phys. Lett.

    Delayed Reheating and the Breakdown of Coherent Oscillations

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    We analyze the evolution of the perturbations in the inflaton field and metric following the end of inflation. We present accurate analytic approximations for the perturbations, showing that the coherent oscillations of the post-inflationary condensate necessarily break down long before any current phenomenological constraints require the universe to become radiation dominated. Further, the breakdown occurs on length-scales equivalent to the comoving post-inflationary horizon size. This work has implications for both the inflationary "matching" problem, and the possible generation of a stochastic gravitational wave background in the post-inflationary universe.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, v2: references added, extended discussion in section

    The Rho-Meson as a Collective Excitation

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    A model of the rho-meson as a collective excitation of qqˉq\bar{q} pairs in a system that obeys the modified Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Lagrangian is proposed. The rho emerges as a dormant Goldstone boson. The origin of the rho-meson mass is understood as a result of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. The low-energy dynamics of rho, pi, omega and gamma is consistently described in this new framework. The model accounts for the origin of the celebrated Kawarabayashi--Suzuki--Riazuddin--Fayyazuddin relation.Comment: 8 pages, plain LaTe

    The Momentum--Space Bosonization of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model with Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons

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    The momentum-space bosonization method is extended to the case of a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio type model with vector and axial-vector mesons. The method presented gives the possibility of deriving any meson vertex function to all orders in momenta and to the leading order in 1/Nc1/N_c. Two-point functions, which describe one-particle transitions to the hadronic vacuum, and meson self-energies are considered. We find new relations which generalize the well-known KSFR relation and both the first and the second Weinberg sum rules. These result from a consistent treatment of higher order terms in the momentum expansion.Comment: 11pp, TeX, CRN 93-5

    Computing the Primordial Power Spectra Directly

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    The tree order power spectra of primordial inflation depend upon the norm-squared of mode functions which oscillate for early times and then freeze in to constant values. We derive simple differential equations for the power spectra, that avoid the need to numerically simulate the physically irrelevant phases of the mode functions. We also derive asymptotic expansions which should be valid until a few e-foldings before first horizon crossing, thereby avoiding the need to evolve mode functions from the ultraviolet over long periods of inflation.Comment: 11 pages, uses LaTex2

    Light Quark Masses in Multi-Quark Interactions

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    We suggest and discuss in detail a multi-quark three flavor Lagrangian of the Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio type, which includes a set of effective interactions proportional to the current quark masses. It is shown that within the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking regime, the masses of the pseudo Goldstone bosons and their chiral partners, members of the low lying scalar nonet, are in perfect agreement with current phenomenological expectations. The role of the new interactions is analyzed.Comment: 8 pages, published versio

    Conformal Symmetries of Adiabatic Modes in Cosmology

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    We remark on the existence of non-linearly realized conformal symmetries for scalar adiabatic perturbations in cosmology. These conformal symmetries are present for any cosmological background, beyond any slow-roll or quasi-de Sitter approximation. The dilatation transformation shifts the curvature perturbation by a constant, and corresponds to the well-known symmetry under spatial rescaling. We argue that the scalar sector is also invariant under special conformal transformations, which shift the curvature perturbation by a term linear in the spatial coordinates. We discuss whether these conformal symmetries can be extended to include tensor perturbations. Tensor modes introduce their own set of non-linearly realized symmetries. We identify an infinite set of large gauge transformations which maintain the transverse, traceless gauge condition, while shifting the tensor mode non-trivially.Comment: 16 page

    Damping of Tensor Modes in Cosmology

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    An analytic formula is given for the traceless transverse part of the anisotropic stress tensor due to free streaming neutrinos, and used to derive an integro-differential equation for the propagation of cosmological gravitational waves. The solution shows that anisotropic stress reduces the squared amplitude by 35.6 % for wavelengths that enter the horizon during the radiation-dominated phase, independent of any cosmological parameters. This decreases the tensor temperature and polarization correlation functions for these wavelengths by the same amount. The effect is less for wavelengths that enter the horizon at later times. At the longest wavelengths the decrease in the tensor correlation functions due to neutrino free streaming ranges from 10.7% for ΩMh2=0.1\Omega_Mh^2=0.1 to 9.0% for ΩMh2=0.15\Omega_Mh^2=0.15. An Appendix gives a general proof that tensor as well as scalar modes satisfy a conservation law for perturbations outside the horizon, even when the anisotropic stress tensor is not negligible.Comment: 14 pages. The original version of this paper has been expanded to deal with perturbations of any wavelength. While for wavelengths short enough to enter the horizon during radiation dominance, temperature and polarization correlations are damped by 35.6%, at the longest wavelengths the damping is from 9.0% to 11%. An added Appendix gives a general proof that tensor as well as scalar modes satisfy a conservation law outside the horizon, even during neutrino decoupling. Some references are also adde

    Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background I: Form Factors and their Calculation in Synchronous Gauge

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    It is shown that the fluctuation in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background in any direction may be evaluated as an integral involving scalar and dipole form factors, which incorporate all relevant information about acoustic oscillations before the time of last scattering. A companion paper gives asymptotic expressions for the multipole coefficient CC_\ell in terms of these form factors. Explicit expressions are given here for the form factors in a simplified hydrodynamic model for the evolution of perturbations.Comment: 35 pages, no figures. Improved treatment of damping, including both Landau and Silk damping; inclusion of late-time effects; several references added; minor changes and corrections made. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D1

    On semiclassical approximation and spinning string vertex operators in AdS_5 x S^5

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    Following earlier work by Polyakov and Gubser, Klebanov and Polyakov, we attempt to clarify the structure of vertex operators representing string states which have large (``semiclassical'') values of AdS energy (equal to 4-d dimension \Delta) and angular momentum J in S^5 or spin S in AdS_5. We comment on the meaning of semiclassical limit in the context of \alpha' perturbative expansion for the 2-d anomalous dimensions of the corresponding vertex operators. We consider in detail the leading-order 1-loop renormalization of these operators in AdS_5 x S^5 sigma model (ignoring fermionic contributions). We find new examples of operators for which, as in the case considered in hep-th/0110196, the 1-loop anomalous dimension can be made small by tuning quantum numbers. We also comment on a possibility of deriving the semiclassical relation between \Delta and J or S from the marginality condition for the vertex operators, using a stationary phase approximation in the path integral expression for their 2-point correlator on a complex plane.Comment: 35 pages, harvmac; v2: references adde