1,480 research outputs found

    Aliran Minoritas dalam Islam di Indonesia

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    Indonesia menjadikan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara, dan pandangan hidup dalam kehidupan bangsa dan negara. Meskipun bukan negara agama, mayoritas penduduk Indonesia menganut agama Islam, khususnya mazhab Ahlussunnah Waljamaah (Sunni). Di antara masyarakat Sunni tersebut berafiliasi dengan organisasi Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Persis, dan Muhammadiyah yang memiliki wakil di Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). Meskipun didominasi oleh masyarakat Muslim Sunni, aliran baru juga muncul seperti Syiah dan Ahmadiyah yang dinilai oleh MUI sebagai aliran yang menyimpang. Tidak jarang muncul diskursus dan konflik antara kelompok Sunni dan aliran minoritas Muslim tersebut. Artikel ini mengkaji keberadaan aliran minoritas yang dinilai menyimpang di Indonesia, dan respons MUI terhadap berbagai aliran tersebut. Berdasarkan observasi dan studi dokumen, ditemukan aliran dan paham menyimpang di Indonesia dengan jumlah pengikut signifikan yang memunculkan respons dari MUI, termasuk organisasi-organisasi Islam, yang pada gilirannya melahirkan fatwa keagamaan tentang aliran dan paham menyimpang di Indonesia

    Modeling and Control of Multivariable Distillation Column Using Model Predictive Control Using Unisim

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    Distillation columns are widely used in chemical industry as unit operation and required advance process control because it has multi input multi output (MIMO) or multi-variable system, which is hard to be controlled. Model predictive control (MPC) is one of alternative controller developed for MIMO system due to loops interaction to be controlled. This study aimed to obtain dynamic model of process control on a distillation column using MPC, and to get the optimum performance of MPC controller. Process control in distillation columns performed by simulating the dynamic models of distillation columns by UNISIM R390.1 software. The optimization process was carried out by tuning the MPC controller parameters such as sampling time (Ts = 1 – 240 s), prediction horizon (P = 1-400), and the control horizon (M=1-400). The comparison between the performance of MPC and PI controller is presented and Integral Absolut Error (IAE) was used as comparison parameter. The results indicate that the performance of MPC was better than PI controller for set point change 0.95 to 0.94 on distillate product composition using a modified model 1 with IAE 0.0584 for MPC controller and 0.0782 for PI controller

    Hubungan Explosive Power Otot Tungkai dan Koordinasi Mata-kaki dengan Accuracy Shooting pada Tim Sepak Bola SMA Negeri 1 Dumai

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    Abstrack: The problem of this research is not optimal of leg muscle power and coordination eye-leg to do shooting football. This research was conducted to determine whether there is relationship of explosive leg muscle power and coodination of eye-leg with shooting accuracy on the football team of SMA N 1 Dumai. Sample in this study is the football team of SMA N 1 Dumai and totaled 18 people. The technique to collecting of sample was ( total sampling). The instrument of this research is test vertical power test jump which aims to measure the skill of shooting a ball. After that processing data with statistic, to test for normality with lilifor test at significant level α0,05. Based on the result of research, it can be concluded as follows. Of the result obtained explosive leg muscle power has no significant relationship with the result accuracy shooting on the football team of SMA N 1 Dumai rcount(0,178) rtab (0,468), there is significant relationship together between explosive leg muscle power and coordination eye-leg against result acuracy shooting on fotball team of SMA N 1 Dumai because Rcount (0,706) >Rtab (0,468)

    Perkembangan Terkini Studi Hadis Di Indonesia

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    Diakui bahwa perkembangan studi hadis tidak berbanding lurus dengan percepatan bidang ilmu keislaman lainnya. Artikel ini mengkaji perkembangan mutakhir studi hadis di Indonesia. Penulis mengemukakan bahwa keterlambatan kajian Hadis di Indonesia berlangsung dalam kurun waktu yang panjang, mulai dari awal masuknya Islam sampai sekitar akhir abad ke-20. Fenomena kajian Hadis belakangan menunjukkan adanya perkembangan di Indonesia dan bahkan keadaan terkini, Hadis mengalami kemajuan yang pesat, baik dari aspek kuantitas, maupun kualitas. Penulis berargumen bahwa kemajuan tersebut dibuktikan dengan munculnya program studi Ilmu Hadis di PTKIN dan penelitian dan buku yang diterbitkan, tidak lagi bersifat konvensional, tetapi sudah menemukan terobosan-terobosan baru. Karena itu fenomena baru tentang pengkajian Hadis di Indonesia diproyeksikan memiliki prospek yang menjanjikan di masa mendatang

    Produksi Bioetanol Dari Tepung Agar Gracilaria Verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss Yang Dihidrolisis Dengan Menggunakan Larutan Asam Sulfat

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    Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuels and overexploited. It has an impact on depletion oil reserves so needed renewable energy such as bio-ethanol. Bioethanol is alternative fuel made from biomass containing component sugars, starches, and cellulose. Agar is polysaccharide in cell wall seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa. Polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed with chemically or enzymatically into monosaccharides and then be fermented into bioethanol. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of powder agar for bioethanol feedstock; optimum sulfuric acid to hydrolyze powder agar, and knowing optimum fermentation time on ethanol production. The study was conducted from February to June 2012 in Microbiology Laboratory, Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong. Powder agar is obtained from manufacturers in Malang. Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a collection of LIPI-MC. Reducing sugar content was analyzed by the method of Miller (1959), while concentration ethanol were analyzed by Gas Chromatography (GC). Method used in this study is an experimental laboratory for the hydrolysis and repeatable measurements for fermentation processes. Hydrolysis process using concentration H2SO4 of 0M, 0.1 M, 0.3 M, and 0.5 M. Fermentation using yeast S. cerevisiae with the incubation time 120 hours. Results showed powder agar can be used as raw material for bioethanol. Optimum reduction sugar 35.38 mg/ml ± 0.59 obtained in H2SO4 0.3 M. Ethanol Optimum 0.77%, obtained at 120 hours incubation

    Emotion classification and crowd source sensing; a lexicon based approach

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    In today's world, social media provides a valuable platform for conveying expressions, thoughts, point-of-views, and communication between people, from diverse walks of life. There are currently approximately 2.62 billion active users' social networks, and this is expected to exceed 3 billion users by 2021. Social networks used to share ideas and information, allowing interaction across communities, organizations, and so forth. Recent studies have found that the typical individual uses these platforms between 2 and 3 h a day. This creates a vast and rich source of data that can play a critical role in decision-making for companies, political campaigns, and administrative management and welfare. Twitter is one of the important players in the social network arena. Every scale of companies, celebrities, different types of organizations, and leaders use Twitter as an instrument for communicating and engaging with their followers. In this paper, we build upon the idea that Twitter data can be analyzed for crowd source sensing and decision-making. In this paper, a new framework is presented that uses Twitter data and performs crowd source sensing. For the proposed framework, real-time data are obtained and then analyzed for emotion classification using a lexicon-based approach. Previous work has found that weather, understandably, has an impact on mood, and we consider these effects on crowd mood. For the experiments, weather data are collected through an application-programming-interface in R and the impact of weather on human sentiments is analyzed. Visualizations of the data are presented and their usefulness for policy/decision makers in different applications is discussed

    Anaerobic mono-digestion of lucerne, grass and forbs - Influence of species and cutting frequency

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    In the present study, biogas potentials of multispecies swards including grass, lucerne, caraway, ribwort plantain and chicory from two- and four-cut regimes (Mix-2 and Mix-4) for mono-digestion applying batch and continuous modes under lab-scale conditions were investigated. The gas yields in terms of volatile solids (VS)loaded from Mix-2 and Mix-4 were compared with pure stand lucerne from the four cuts regime (Lu-4). The batch test results indicate that methane yield on a VS basis was highest from Mix-4 (295 L kg−1), followed by Mix-2 (281 L kg−1) and Lu-4 (255 L kg−1). The results were confirmed with continuous experiments, during which the reactor digesting Mix-4 was stable throughout the experiment with low ammonia and volatile fatty acid (VFA)concentration. Meanwhile, mono-digestion of Lu-4 led to elevated VFA levels, even at a comparatively low organic loading rate of 1.76 g L−1 d−1 but it was not possible to ascertain whether this was due to organic overload alone or if high ammonia levels during Lu-4 digestion were contributing to the reduced performance. It was found that four cuts per year was suitable for a lab-scale mono-digestion system as the substrate was less fibrous and has lower dry matter content, which minimize blockage during feeding and digestate unloading. Micronutrient concentrations, including cobalt, nickel and molybdenum decreased over time during the continuous experiments and were critically lower than the optimum concentration required by methanogens, particularly in Mix-4, but the gas yields of the reactor treating this substrate showed no decrease over time

    Pengembangan Wisata Bahari di Pulau Raas dalam Rangka Menggerakkan Perekonomian Lokal

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    This community service aims to improve the potential of the archipelago, especially from the marine tourism sector. Against the background of not optimal management of tourism potential in the District of Raas which is an archipelago and has potential places to become a tourist. Development of Marine Tourism on Raas Island in Order to Mobilize the Local Economy. The process of developing marine tourism is done by mapping, observation, community empowerment and literature study. Based on the results of mapping and observation shows that there are 3 beaches that have attraction and are very potential, just need to be developed again and also managed properly. The three beaches also have different characteristics so that if the tours offered are not monotonous. The conclusion of the process of developing marine tourism is the need for awareness of the local community and also the cooperation of various parties and also agencies to work together to develop and build supporting facilities that can support these three potential beaches into a marine tourism that is not only a power pull Raas District alone, but also can be a pillar of the people's econom

    Optimization of Multiple Response Using Taguchi-WPCA in ST 60 Tool Steel Turning Process with Minimum Quantity Cooling Lubrication (MQCL) Method

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    A research was conducted for the optimization of the turning process st 60 tool steel with multiple performance characteristics based on the orthogonal array with Taguchi-WPCA method. Minimum Quantity Cooling Lubrication (MQCL) metode was applied as a coolant. The experimental studies were conducted under varying the cutting speed, feeding, depth of cut and type of coolant. The optimized multiple performance characteristics were surface roughness, and material removal rate. An orthogonal array, signal-to-noise ratio, grey relational analysis, weighted pricipal component analysis and analysis of variance were employed to study the multiple performance characteristics. Experimental results show that cutting speed gives the highest contribution for minimize of surface roughness and maximize of material removal rate, followed by feeding speed, type of coolant and depth of cut. The minimum of surface roughness and maximize of material removal rat could be obtained by using the values of cutting speed, feeding speed, depth of cut and type of coolant of 172.95 m/minute, 0.053 mm/rev, 0.25 mm, and vegetable oil as a coolant respectively

    Perjanjian Perkawinan Pasca Perkawinan: Kajian untuk Menciptakan Parameter Yurisprudensi (Studi Kasus Penetapan Pengadilan Agama Bantul Nomor 0211/pdt.p/2013/pa.btl)

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    Jurisprudence as a source of law in Indonesia is perceived as a form of justicewithin the legal system for its social orientation. However, problem arises when itrules out the written positive norms in the existing laws. On the other hand, thelegal status of jurisprudence in Indonesia, that is governed under the principle ofthe persuasive force of precedent, affirms that judges are not bound to previousjurisprudence, this results in the freedom of ratio decidenci in deciding caseseither those which are based on jurisprudence or not. The need of restricting thisfreedom becomes urgency in formulating the ideal parameters of properjurisprudence to be a consideration in case decision, as well as the philosophical,juridical, historical, and sociological background which are ideal elements inmeasuring jurisprudences, are to be taken into account in case decision
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