226 research outputs found

    Superconducting phase fluctuations in SmFeAsO0.8_{0.8}F0.2_{0.2} from diamagnetism at low magnetic field above TcT_{c}

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    Superconducting fluctuations (SF) in SmFeAsO0.8_{0.8}F0.2_{0.2} (characterized by superconducting transition temperature Tc≃52.3T_{c} \simeq 52.3 K) are investigated by means of isothermal high-resolution dc magnetization measurements. The diamagnetic response to magnetic fields up to 1 T above TcT_{c} is similar to what previously reported for underdoped cuprate superconductors and it can be justified in terms of metastable superconducting islands at non-zero order parameter lacking of long-range coherence because of strong phase fluctuations. In the high-field regime (H≳1.5H \gtrsim 1.5 T) scaling arguments predicted on the basis of the Ginzburg-Landau theory of conventional SF are found to be applicable, at variance with what observed in the low-field regime. This fact enlightens that two different phenomena are simultaneously present in the fluctuating diamagnetism, namely the phase SF of novel character and the conventional SF. High magnetic fields (1.5 T â‰ČHâ‰ȘHc2\lesssim H \ll H_{c2}) are found to suppress the former while leaving unaltered the latter one.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    1D Seismic Response Analysis of Soil-building Systems Including Failure Shear Mechanisms

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    Modelling of soil shear rupture due to an earthquake is not generally implemented in the common codes for 1D seismic response analysis. It requires the use of advanced plasticity-based constitutive models of soil, that are often neglected in practice. A good balance between simplicity and reliability can be achieved with methods based on simplified formulations of the mathematical equations and of the constitutive models. The paper presents a computer code based on this philosophy conceived, addressed and optimised to reliably model both the 'transient' seismic response ('stick' mode) and the permanent deformation mechanisms accounting for the coupled effects of deformability and strength ('slip' mode). The code can be adopted to evaluate the seismic performance of different geotechnical systems that can be reasonably approximated to a 1D problem. In the paper, the code is applied to model a soft-storey failure occurred in a framed structure heavily damaged during a strong-motion earthquake

    Il ruolo degli effetti di sito sulla risposta strutturale degli edifici nella conca aquilana

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    Il terremoto de L’Aquila del 6 aprile 2009 Ăš stato significativamente caratterizzato dagli effetti di sito, evidenziati sia dalla variabilitĂ  delle registrazioni accelerometriche in zona near fault che dalla disuniforme distribuzione del danno rilevato. In particolare, nel quartiere aquilano di Pettino, in corrispondenza di un complesso residenziale composto da sette edifici della stessa tipologia strutturale, Ăš stato osservato un danneggiamento molto diversificato. La nota riporta i risultati di una serie di analisi di risposta sismica locale 1D, condotte in corrispondenza di alcuni degli edifici del quartiere, per i quali si disponeva di indagini geotecniche di dettaglio, finalizzate a valutare l’influenza degli effetti di sito sulla risposta delle strutture. I risultati delle analisi condotte in condizioni di campo libero hanno mostrato significative amplificazioni del moto proprio in corrispondenza delle frequenze fondamentali del moto di input. Le analisi del sistema sottosuolo-edificio, condotte mediante l’utilizzo di un codice con formulazione a masse concentrate hanno inoltre consentito di verificare l’incidenza dell’interazione inerziale sul moto in superficie, nonchĂ© di riprodurre in forma semplificata il meccanismo di piano soffice osservato

    Evidence for electromagnetic granularity in polycrystalline Sm1111 iron-pnictides with enhanced phase purity

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    We prepared polycrystalline SmFeAsO1-xFx (Sm1111) bulk samples by sintering and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) in order to study the effects of phase purity and relative density on the intergranular current density. Sintered and HIPped Sm1111 samples are denser with fewer impurity phases, such as SmOF and the grain boundary wetting phase, FeAs. We found quite complex magnetization behavior due to variations of both the inter and intragranular current densities. Removing porosity and reducing second phase content enhanced the intergranular current density, but HIPping reduced Tc and the intragranular current density, due to loss of fluorine and reduction of Tc. We believe that the HIPped samples are amongst the purest polycrystalline 1111 samples yet made. However, their intergranular current densities are still small, providing further evidence that polycrystalline pnictides, like polycrystalline cuprates, are intrinsically granular.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Transport and superconducting properties of Fe-based superconductors: SmFeAs(O1-x Fx) versus Fe1+y (Te1-x, Sex)

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    We present transport and superconducting properties - namely resistivity, magnetoresistivity, Hall effect, Seebeck effect, thermal conductivity, upper critical field - of two different families of Fe-based superconductors, which can be viewed in many respects as end members: SmFeAs(O1-xFx) with the largest Tc and the largest anisotropy and Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex), with the largest Hc2, the lowest Tc and the lowest anisotropy. In the case of the SmFeAs(O1-xFx) series, we find that a single band description allows to extract an approximated estimation of band parameters such as carrier density and mobility from experimental data, although the behaviour of Seebeck effect as a function of doping demonstrates that a multiband description would be more appropriate. On the contrary, experimental data of the Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex) series exhibit a strongly compensated behaviour, which can be described only within a multiband model. In the Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex) series, the role of the excess Fe, tuned by Se stoichiometry, is found to be twofold: it dopes electrons in the system and it introduces localized magnetic moments, responsible for Kondo like scattering and likely pair-breaking of Cooper pairs. Hence, excess Fe plays a crucial role also in determining superconducting properties such as the Tc and the upper critical field Bc2. The huge Bc2 values of the Fe1+y(Te1-x,Sex) samples are described by a dirty limit law, opposed to the clean limit behaviour of the SmFeAs(O1-xFx) samples. Hence, magnetic scattering by excess Fe seems to drive the system in the dirty regime, but its detrimental pairbreaking role seems not to be as severe as predicted by theory. This issue has yet to be clarified, addressing the more fundamental issue of the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity

    Magneto-transport and magnetic susceptibility of SmFeAsO1-xFx (x = 0.0 and 0.20)

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    Bulk polycrystalline samples, SmFeAsO and the iso-structural superconducting SmFeAsO0.80F0.20 are explored through resistivity with temperature under magnetic field {\rho}(T, H), AC and DC magnetization (M-T), and Specific heat (Cp) measurements. The Resistivity measurement shows superconductivity for x = 0.20 sample with Tc(onset) ~ 51.7K. The upper critical field, [Hc2(0)] is estimated ~3770kOe by Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory. Broadening of superconducting transition in magneto transport is studied through thermally activated flux flow in applied field up to 130 kOe. The flux flow activation energy (U/kB) is estimated ~1215K for 1kOe field. Magnetic measurements exhibited bulk superconductivity with lower critical field (Hc1) of ~1.2kOe at 2K. In normal state, the paramagnetic nature of compound confirms no trace of magnetic impurity which orders ferromagnetically. AC susceptibility measurements have been carried out for SmFeAsO0.80F0.20 sample at various amplitude and frequencies of applied AC drive field. The inter-granular critical current density (Jc) is estimated. Specific heat [Cp(T)] measurement showed an anomaly at around 140K due to the SDW ordering of Fe, followed by another peak at 5K corresponding to the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of Sm+3 ions in SmFeAsO compound. Interestingly the change in entropy (marked by the Cp transition height) at 5K for Sm+3 AFM ordering is heavily reduced in case of superconducting SmFeAsO0.80F0.20 sample.Comment: 18 pages text + Figs: comments/suggestions welcome ([email protected]

    Growth conditions, structure, and superconductivity of pure and metal-doped FeTe1-xSex single crystals

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    Superconducting single crystals of pure FeTe1 xSex and FeTe0.65Se0.35 doped with Co, Ni, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Cd, In, Pb, Hg, V, Ga, Mg, Al, Ti, Cr, Sr or Nd into Fe ions site have been grown applying Bridgman's method. It has been found that the sharpness of transition to the superconducting state in FeTe1 xSex is evidently inversely correlated with crystallographic quality of the crystals. Among all of the studied dopants only Co, Ni and Cu substitute Fe ions in FeTe0.65Se0.35 crystals. The remaining examined ions do not incorporate into the crystal structure. Nevertheless, they form inclusions together with selenium, tellurium and/or iron, what changes the chemical composition of host matrix and therefore influences Tc value. Small disorder introduced into magnetic sublattice, by partial replacement of Fe ions by slight amount of nonmagnetic ions of Cu (~ 1.5 at%) or by magnetic ions of Ni (~ 2 at%) and Co (~5 at%) with spin value different than that of Fe ion, completely suppresses superconductivity in FeTe1 xSex system. This indicates that even if superconductivity is observed in the system containing magnetic ions it can not survive when the disorder in magnetic ions sublattice is introduced, most likely because of magnetic scattering of Cooper pairs.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Point-contact study of ReFeAs(1-x)Fx (Re=La, Sm) superconducting films

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    Point-contact (PC) Andreev-reflection (AR) measurements of the superconducting gap in iron-oxipnictide ReFeAsO_{1-x}F_x (Re=La, Sm) films have been carried out. The value of the gap is distributed in the range 2\Delta \simeq 5-10 meV (for Re=Sm) with a maximum in the distribution around 6 meV. Temperature dependence of the gap \Delta(T) can be fitted well by BCS curve giving reduced gap ratio 2\Delta /kT_c^*\simeq 3.5 (here T_c^* is the critical temperature from the BCS fit). At the same time, an expected second larger gap feature was difficult to resolve distinctly on the AR spectra making determination reliability of the second gap detection questionable. Possible reasons for this and the origin of other features like clear-cut asymmetry in the AR spectra and current regime in PCs are discussed.Comment: 6 two-column pages, 6 figs., 26 Refs., to be published in Superconductor Science and Technolog

    Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity and appearance of a second superconducting transition in alpha-FeSe at high pressure

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    We synthesized tetragonal alpha-FeSe by melting a powder mixture of iron and selenium at high pressure. Subsequent annealing at normal pressure results in removing traces of hexagonal beta- FeSe, formation of a rather sharp transition to superconducting state at Tc ~ 7 K, and the appearance of a magnetic transition near Tm = 120 K. Resistivity and ac-susceptibility were measured on the annealed sample at hydrostatic pressure up to 4.5 GPa. A magnetic transition visible in ac-susceptibility shifts down under pressure and the resistive anomaly typical for a spin density wave (SDW) antiferromagnetic transition develops near the susceptibility anomaly. Tc determined by the appearance of a diamagnetic response in susceptibility, increases linearly under pressure at a rate dTc/dP = 3.5 K/GPa. Below 1.5 GPa, the resistive superconducting transition is sharp; the width of transition does not change with pressure; and, Tc determined by a peak in drho/dT increases at a rate ~ 3.5 K/GPa. At higher pressure, a giant broadening of the resistive transition develops. This effect cannot be explained by possible pressure gradients in the sample and is inherent to alpha-FeSe. The dependences drho(T)/dT show a signature for a second peak above 3 GPa which is indicative of the appearance of another superconducting state in alpha-FeSe at high pressure. We argue that this second superconducting phase coexists with SDW antiferromagnetism in a partial volume fraction and originates from pairing of charge carriers from other sheets of the Fermi surface

    Murge and Pre-murge in southern Italy: the last piece of Adria, the (almost) lost continent, attempting to became an aUGGp candidate (MurGEOpark)

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    In 2019, the executive of the Alta Murgia National Park (southeastern Italy) decided to propose its territory as possible inclusion in the network of the UNESCO Global Geoparks. Since then, in cooperation with the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Aldo Moro University of Bari) and SIGEA, it is working to candidate the area as an aUGGp (called “MurGEOpark”). The MurGEOpark comprises the Alta Murgia area, where a Cretaceous sector of the Apulia Carbonate Platform crops out, and the adjacent Pre-Murge area, where the southwestward lateral continuation of the same platform, being flexed toward the southern Apennines mountain chain, is thinly covered by Plio-Quaternary foredeep deposits. The worldwide geological uniqueness is that the area is the only in situ remnant of the AdriaPlate, the old continent almost entirely squeezed between Africa and Europe. In such a contest, AltaMurgia is a virtually undeformed sector of Adria (the Apulia Foreland), while other territories of theplate are, and/or were, involved in the subduction/collision processes. In the MurGEOpark, the crustof Adria is still rooted to its mantle, and the Cretaceous evolution of the continent is spectacularlyrecorded in Alta Murgia thanks to the limestone succession of one of the largest peri-Tethyancarbonate platform (the Apulia Carbonate Platform). The MurGEOpark comprises also the Pre-Murge area, which represents the outer south-Apennines foredeep, whose Plio-Quaternaryevolution is spectacularly exposed thanks to an “anomalous” regional middle-late Quaternary uplift.The international value of the proposal is enriched by the presence of several geological singularities such as two paleontological jewels of very different age: a Neanderthal skeletonpreserved in speleothems within a karst cave, and one of the largest surfaces in the world withupper Cretaceous dinosaur tracks (about 25.000 footprints). Moreover, the close relationships between man and geology are spectacularly documented in the MurGEOpark: among the others, the use and conservation of water in a karst area, the prehistoric and ancestral choices ofurbanization, karst caves traditionally used as religious sites, etc. All these examples demonstratehow the MurGEOpark could offer a good opportunity to spread the geological culture to a wide and diverse audienc
