1,409 research outputs found

    Dark Energy and the Hubble Age

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    I point out that an effective upper limit of approximately 20 Gyr (for a Hubble constant of 72 km/s/Mpc) or alternatively on the H0H_0-independent quantity H0t0<1.47H_0t_0 < 1.47, exists on the age of the Universe, essentially independent of the unknown equation of state of the dominant dark energy component in the Universe. Unless astrophysical constraints on the age of the Universe can convincingly reduce the upper limit to below this value no useful lower limit on the equation of state parameter ww for this component can be obtained. Direct dating by stars does not provide a useful constraint, but model-dependent cosmological limits from supernovae and the CMB observations may. For a constant value of ww, a bound H0t0−1.5H_0t_0 -1.5Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Ap. J. Lett (analytic asymptotic upper bound now added

    The X-ray Size-Temperature Relation for Intermediate Redshift Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the first measurements of the X-ray size-temperature (ST) relation in intermediate redshift (z~0.30) galaxy clusters. We interpret the local ST relation (z~0.06) in terms of underlying scaling relations in the cluster dark matter properties, and then we use standard models for the redshift evolution of those dark matter properties to show that the ST relation does not evolve with redshift. We then use ROSAT HRI observations of 11 clusters to examine the intermediate redshift ST relation; for currently favored cosmological parameters, the intermediate redshift ST relation is consistent with that of local clusters. Finally, we use the ST relation and our evolution model to measure angular diameter distances; with these 11 distances we evaluate constraints on Omega_M and Omega_L which are consistent with those derived from studies of Type Ia supernovae. The data rule out a model with Omega_M=1 and Omega_L=0 with 2.5 sigma confidence. When limited to models where Omega_M+Omega_L=1, these data are inconsistent with Omega_M=1 with 3 sigma confidence.Comment: ApJ: submitted April 7, accepted June 28, to appear Dec 1 (vol 544

    Optimizing Observational Strategy for Future Fgas Constraints

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    The Planck cluster catalog is expected to contain of order a thousand galaxy clusters, both newly discovered and previously known, detected through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect over the redshift range 0 < z < 1. Follow-up X-ray observations of a dynamically relaxed sub-sample of newly discovered Planck clusters will improve constraints on the dark energy equation-of-state found through measurement of the cluster gas mass fraction fgas. In view of follow-up campaigns with XMM-Newton and Chandra, we determine the optimal redshift distribution of a cluster sample to most tightly constrain the dark energy equation of state. The distribution is non-trivial even for the standard w0-wa parameterization. We then determine how much the combination of expected data from the Planck satellite and fgas data will be able to constrain the dark energy equation-of-state. Our analysis employs a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method as well as a Fisher Matrix analysis. We find that these upcoming data will be able to improve the figure-of-merit by at least a factor two.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Accuracy of Mesh Based Cosmological Hydrocodes: Tests and Corrections

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    We perform a variety of tests to determine the numerical resolution of the cosmological TVD eulerian code developed by Ryu et al (1993). Tests include 512^3 and 256^3 simulations of a Pk=k^{-1} spectrum to check for self-similarity and comparison of results with those from higher resolution SPH and grid-based calculations (Frenk et al 1998). We conclude that in regions where density gradients are not produced by shocks the code degrades resolution with a Gaussian smoothing (radius) length of 1.7 cells. At shock caused gradients (for which the code was designed) the smoothing length is 1.1 cells. Finally, for \beta model fit clusters, we can approximately correct numerical resolution by the transformation R^2_{core}\to R^2_{core}-(C\Delta l)^2, where \Delta l is the cell size and C=1.1-1.7. When we use these corrections on our previously published computations for the SCDM and \Lambda CDM models we find luminosity weighted, zero redshift, X-ray cluster core radii of (210\pm 86, 280\pm 67)h^{-1}kpc, respectively, which are marginally consistent with observed (Jones & Forman 1992) values of 50-200h^{-1}kpc. Using the corrected core radii, the COBE normalized SCDM model predicts the number of bright L_x>10^{43}erg/s clusters too high by a factor of \sim 20 and the \Lambda CDM model is consistent with observations.Comment: ApJ in press (1999

    Fluoropyrimidine sensitivity of human MCF-7 breast cancer cells stably transfected with human uridinehosphorylase

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    The relationship between uridine phosphorylase (UP) expression level in cancer cells and the tumour sensitivity to fluoropyrimidines is unclear. In this study, we found that UP overexpression by gene transfer, and the subsequent efficient metabolic activation of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) by the ribonucleotide pathway, does not increase the fluoropyrimidine sensitivity of MCF-7 human cancer cells. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Optical conductivity of the Frohlich polaron

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    We present accurate results for optical conductivity of the three dimensional Frohlich polaron in all coupling regimes. The systematic-error free diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo method is employed where the Feynman graphs for the momentum-momentum correlation function in imaginary time are summed up. The real-frequency optical conductivity is obtained by the analytic continuation with stochastic optimization. We compare numerical data with available perturbative and non-perturbative approaches to the optical conductivity and show that the picture of sharp resonances due to relaxed excited states in the strong coupling regime is ``washed out''by large broadening of these states. As a result, the spectrum contains only a single-maximum broad peak with peculiar shape and a shoulder.Comment: 4 pages, 6 ps-figure

    The Asymptotic Form of Cosmic Structure: Small Scale Power and Accretion History

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    We explore the effects of small scale structure on the formation and equilibrium of dark matter halos in a universe dominated by vacuum energy. We present the results of a suite of four N-body simulations, two with a LCDM initial power spectrum and two with WDM-like spectra that suppress the early formation of small structures. All simulations are run into to far future when the universe is 64Gyr/h old, long enough for halos to essentially reach dynamical equilibrium. We quantify the importance of hierarchical merging on the halo mass accretion history, the substructure population, and the equilibrium density profile. We modify the mass accretion history function of Wechsler et al. (2002) by introducing a parameter, \gamma, that controls the rate of mass accretion, dln(M) / dln(a) ~ a^(-\gamma), and find that this form characterizes both hierarchical and monolithic formation. Subhalo decay rates are exponential in time with a much shorter time scale for WDM halos. At the end of the simulations, we find truncated Hernquist density profiles for halos in both the CDM and WDM cosmologies. There is a systematic shift to lower concentration for WDM halos, but both cosmologies lie on the same locus relating concentration and formation epoch. Because the form of the density profile remains unchanged, our results indicate that the equilibrium halo density profile is set independently of the halo formation process.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to ApJ. Full resolution version avaliable at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mbusha/Papers/AccretionHistory.pd
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