297,919 research outputs found

    AUTOTEM - Automated geometry meshing and heat conduction calculation

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    Temperature distribution for an arbitrary irregular body is calculated by AUTOTEM, which generates required input data automatically by computer. Temperature distribution is calculated for a two-dimensional plane section in /x,y/ coordinates or for an axisymmetric irregular body in /r,z/ coordinates

    Majorana Fermion Induced Resonant Andreev Reflection

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    We describe experimental signatures of Majorana fermion edge states, which form at the interface between a superconductor and the surface of a topological insulator. If a lead couples to the Majorana fermions through electron tunneling, the Majorana fermions induce \textit{resonant} Andreev reflections from the lead to the grounded superconductor. The linear tunneling conductance is 00 (2e2/h2 e^2/h) if there is an even (odd) number of vortices in the superconductor. Similar resonance occurs for tunneling into the zero mode in the vortex core. We also study the current and noise of a two-lead device.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Discussion on STM tunneling into the Majorana zero mode in the vortex core is adde

    Dynamics of thermalisation in small Hubbard-model systems

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    We study numerically the thermalisation and temporal evolution of the reduced density matrix for a two-site subsystem of a fermionic Hubbard model prepared far from equilibrium at a definite energy. Even for very small systems near quantum degeneracy, the subsystem can reach a steady state resembling equilibrium. This occurs for a non-perturbative coupling between the subsystem and the rest of the lattice where relaxation to equilibrium is Gaussian in time, in sharp contrast to perturbative results. We find similar results for random couplings, suggesting such behaviour is generic for small systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic-gravity waves and vortices in the solar atmosphere

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    With the adaptation of the FLASH code we simulate magnetohydrodynamic-gravity waves and vortices as well as their response in the magnetized three-dimensional (3D) solar atmosphere at different heights to understand the localized energy transport processes. In the solar atmosphere strongly structured by gravitational and magnetic forces, we launch a localized velocity pulse (in horizontal and vertical components) within a bottom layer of 3D solar atmosphere modelled by initial VAL-IIIC conditions, which triggers waves and vortices. The rotation direction of vortices depends on the orientation of an initial perturbation. The vertical driver generates magnetoacoustic-gravity waves which result in oscillations of the transition region, and it leads to the eddies with their symmetry axis oriented vertically. The horizontal pulse excites all magnetohydrodynamic-gravity waves and horizontally oriented eddies. These waves propagate upwards, penetrate the transition region, and enter the solar corona. In the high-beta plasma regions the magnetic field lines move with the plasma and the temporal evolution show that they swirl with eddies. We estimate the energy fluxes carried out by the waves in the magnetized solar atmosphere and conclude that such wave dynamics and vortices may be significant in transporting the energy to sufficiently balance the energy losses in the localized corona. Moreover, the structure of the transition region highly affects such energy transports, and causes the channelling of the propagating waves into the inner corona.Comment: 11 Pages, 12 Figures, Accepted for the publication in MNRA

    Feshbach resonant scattering of three fermions in one-dimensional wells

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    We study the weak-tunnelling limit for a system of cold 40K atoms trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice close to an s-wave Feshbach resonance. We calculate the local spectrum for three atoms at one site of the lattice within a two-channel model. Our results indicate that, for this one-dimensional system, one- and two-channel models will differ close to the Feshbach resonance, although the two theories would converge in the limit of strong Feshbach coupling. We also find level crossings in the low-energy spectrum of a single well with three atoms that may lead to quantum phase transition for an optical lattice of many wells. We discuss the stability of the system to a phase with non-uniform density.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Transport phenomenology for a holon-spinon fluid

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    We propose that the normal-state transport in the cuprate superconductors can be understood in terms of a two-fluid model of spinons and holons. In our scenario, the resistivity is determined by the properties of the holons while magnetotransport involves the recombination of holons and spinons to form physical electrons. Our model implies that the Hall transport time is a measure of the electron lifetime, which is shorter than the longitudinal transport time. This agrees with our analysis of the normal-state data. We predict a strong increase in linewidth with increasing temperature in photoemission. Our model also suggests that the AC Hall effect is controlled by the transport time.Comment: 4 pages, 1 postscript figure. Uses RevTeX, epsf, multico

    Design of photonic crystal optical waveguides with single-mode propagation in the photonic bandgap

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    The authors present a systematic method for designing dielectric-core photonic crystal optical waveguides that support only one mode in the photonic bandgap (PBG). It is shown that by changing the sizes of thc air columns (without perturbing the positions of the centres of the air column) in the two rows that are adjacent to the middle slab, the higher order mode(s) can be pushed out of the photonic bandgap, resulting in single-mode wave propagation in the bandgap
