5,662 research outputs found

    Hepatic Regeneration

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    Further steps of hepatic stimulatory substance purification

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    The hepatic stimulatory substance (HSS) extracted from weanling rat livers was purified 381,000-fold using chromatographic techniques including nondissociating polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (nondenaturing PAGE). The activity of this highly purified HSS, named Acr-F4, was assessed in two in vivo models. In 40% hepatectomized rats, it produced a fivefold increase in the proliferative rate normally seen following this partial hepatectomy. In Eck fistula dogs, the level of base increase in hepatocyte renewal was amplified threefold by an infusion of Acr-F4 (50 ng/kg/day). Acr-F4 had no influence on the regenerative response of the kidney following a unilateral nephrectomy or of the bowel following a 40% resection of the small bowel. On the basis of these findings, it can be concluded that HSS (Acr-F4) has a high biological activity and is organ specific. © 1991 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Regenerating Rat Liver: Correlations Between Estrogen Receptor Localization and Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis

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    Estrogen receptor activity was quantitated in the cytosol and nucleus of normal rat liver and in regenerating rat liver at several time intervals after 75% hepatectomy. Cytosolic estradiol binding in regenerating liver decreases at 12, 24, and 48 h after hepatectomy and at 48 h is 30% of that in normal rat liver. Nuclear estrogen binding 48 h after surgery is elevated fivefold over normal values. No alterations in affinity of the receptor for estrogen have been observed. Specificity studies indicate that the estrogen receptors from both normal and regenerating liver were similar and are highly specific for estrogens. These changes in cellular distribution of receptors parallel increases in nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and mitotic indices in the liver. © 1984, American Gastroenterological Association. All rights reserved

    News media coverage of euthanasia: A content analysis of Dutch national newspapers

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    © 2013 Rietjens et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: The Netherlands is one of the few countries where euthanasia is legal under strict conditions. This study investigates whether Dutch newspaper articles use the term ‘euthanasia’ according to the legal definition and determines what arguments for and against euthanasia they contain. Methods: We did an electronic search of seven Dutch national newspapers between January 2009 and May 2010 and conducted a content analysis. Results: Of the 284 articles containing the term ‘euthanasia’, 24% referred to practices outside the scope of the law, mostly relating to the forgoing of life-prolonging treatments and assistance in suicide by others than physicians. Of the articles with euthanasia as the main topic, 36% described euthanasia in the context of a terminally ill patient, 24% for older persons, 16% for persons with dementia, and 9% for persons with a psychiatric disorder. The most frequent arguments for euthanasia included the importance of self-determination and the fact that euthanasia contributes to a good death. The most frequent arguments opposing euthanasia were that suffering should instead be alleviated by better care, that providing euthanasia can be disturbing, and that society should protect the vulnerable. Conclusions: Of the newspaper articles, 24% uses the term ‘euthanasia’ for practices that are outside the scope of the euthanasia law. Typically, the more unusual cases are discussed. This might lead to misunderstandings between citizens and physicians. Despite the Dutch legalisation of euthanasia, the debate about its acceptability and boundaries is ongoing and both sides of the debate are clearly represented

    Estrogen Binding Protein Activity in Morris Hepatoma 7777 Compared With Normal Rat Liver

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    Estrogen binding protein activities were determined in the cytosol from adult male Buffalo rat liver and Morris hepatoma 7777. Estrogen receptors were prepared using the protamine sulfate precipitation technique of Chamness. The ability of various unlabeled steroids competing with [3H]estradiol was examined to establish the binding specificity. Estradiol binding in Morris hepatoma 7777 cytosol was greatly decreased compared with that present in hepatic cytosol prepared from normal rat liver. The receptor concentration expressed as femtomoles per milligram of cytoplasmic protein was 31.1 ± 2.9 SD for normal rat liver and 0.41 ± 0.88 SD for the hepatoma. Gel filtration chromatography revealed the presence of an estrogen binder in hepatoma cytosol which was not present in either normal liver or in the protamine sulfate precipitates of hepatoma cytosol. The molecular weight, binding specificity, and precipitation of this protein by specific antiserum suggests that it is α-fetoprotein. © 1984, American Gastroenterological Association. All rights reserved

    Small‐for‐size liver transplanted into larger recipient: A model of hepatic regeneration

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    Orthotopic liver transplantation was performed in 60 recipient rats weighing 200 to 250 gm. Sixty rats of the same strain were used as liver donors, 30 weighing 100 to 140 gm (small for size) and the other 30 weighing 200 to 250 gm (same size). After 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 14 days (n = 5 each) DNA synthesis, nuclear thymidine labeling and mitoses were increased in both the small‐for‐size and same‐size groups, but significantly more in the former. These changes were maximal after 48 to 72 hr, similar to but later than the well‐known regeneration response after partial hepatectomy, which peaks at 24 hr in rats. Indirect indexes of regeneration of the transplanted livers also were measured: plasma or serum ornithine decarboxylase; insulin and glucagon serum levels; estradiol and testosterone serum levels (and their nuclear and cytosolic receptors); and transforming growth factor‐ß, c‐Ha‐ras and c‐jun mRNA expressions. With the small‐for‐size transplantation, these followed the same delayed pattern as the direct regeneration parameters. The small livers gradually increased in size over the course of 1 to 2 wk and achieved a volume equal to that of the liver originally present in the recipient. In contrast, no significant liver weight gain occurred in the transplanted livers from same‐size donors despite the evidence of regeneration by direct indexes, but not by most of the surrogate parameters, including ornithine decarboxylase. (Hepatology 1993;19:210–216). Copyright © 1994 American Association for the Study of Liver Disease
