335 research outputs found

    Kajian Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Bor pada Tanah Berbatu Keras di Jembatan Tayan

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    Seiring dengan berkembangnya pembangunan diberbagai sektor khususnya pembangunan transportasi jalan raya dan jembatan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Barat merencanakan pembangunan jembatan Tayan di Kabupaten Sanggau.Proyek jembatan Tayan merupakan proyek strategis yang merupakan bagian dari program lintasan transportasi darat Trans Kalimantan yang menghubungkan Kalimantan Barat dengan Kalimantan Tengah sebagai koridor utama Kalimantan. Dalam perancangan konstruksi jembatan Tayan pada konstruksi bawah direncankan menggunakan sistem pondasi dalam yaitu pondasi tiang bor, pemilihan tiang bor sebagai pondasi mengingat jenis pondasi ini dapat digunakan untuk menahan struktur berat seperti bangunan tingkat tinggi dan jembatan, dan juga digunakan karena ditemukan adanya lapisan batuan di dekat permukaam tanah. Hasil perhitungan dan analisa yang dilakukan didapat bahwa pondasi tiang bor mampu menahan beban yang bekerja diatasnya memberikan daya dukung yang sangat besar serta aman dari keruntuhan materialnya

    Effect Of Student Perception Of Economic Effectiveness Of Learning Outcomes Learning Lessons Economy I Semester In Class XI SMA PGRI I Padang

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    The low student learning outcomes are caused by many factors, including the lack of good student perceptions and learning effectiveness to learning economics. One of the efforts made by the teacher to student learning outcomes is by telling the students that the lessons are not too difficult economy, so the perception of students and the effectiveness of learning in order to better student learning outcomes are also good / will increase.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of students perceptions of the learning outcomes of students in high school economics PGRI I Padang, to determine the effect of the learning effectiveness of the learning outcomes of students in high school economics I PGRI Padang and to determine the effect of perception of students and the effectiveness of learning together terhadab learning outcomes of students in high school economics PGRI I Padang.Based on the data analysis conducted in the form of hypothesis testing, where the value obtained F_hitung = 83.831 and obtained values of 3.10 F_tabel, then F_hitung> F_tabel and significant value <the value of α (5%) ie 0.00 <0.05 means H_a hypothesis accepted. So the perception of students and the effectiveness of the learning economy posirif significant effect or influence on learning outcomes of students in high school economics PGRI I Padang. Keywords : Student Perceptions, Learning Effectiveness and Learning Outcome

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Koneksi Matematika Siswa SMP dengan Menggunakan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menelaah: (1) Penigkatan kemampuan penalaran matematika siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran berbasis masalah lebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional, (2) Penigkatan kemampuan koneski matematika siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran berbasis masalah lebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional, (3) Kadar aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran berbasis masalah berlangsung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian semi eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP di kota Takengon tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Secara acak, dipilih dua sekolah sebagai subyek penelitian, yaitu SMP Negeri 4 Takengon dan MTsS Ulumul Qur'an Takengon. Kemudian secara acak dipilih dua kelas dari delapan kelas di kedua sekolah tersebut. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan kelas kontrol diberi perlakuan pembelajaran konvensional. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari: tes kemampuan penalaran matematika, tes kemampuan koneksi matematika dan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis kovarians (ANAKOVA). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah secara keseluruhan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran berbasis masalah secara signifikan lebih baik dalam meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematika dan koneksi matematika dibandingkan siswa yang pembelajaran konvensionAl dan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah adalah efektif

    Dampak Kebijakan Reach (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction Chemicals) Uni Eropa Terhadap Ekspor Tekstil Indonesia Tahun 2007-2012

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    The purpose of this research is explains the impactment of REACH (registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction chemicals) as a European Unions regulation to export textiles product of Indonesia. This research describes about the impact of REACH that created by ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) to improve protection of human health and the environment from the risks of chemicals. This research applies qualitative research method. The author collects data from books, encyclopedia, academic journals, mass media and sources from the internet that discuss about REACH and the impact to export of Indonesia textiles product. This research use nation state analysis, liberalism perspective, and mercantilism theory. The conclusion is the impactment of REACH is failed export textile product and the decrease export textiles product of Indonesia.Keywords: Chemicals, ECHA, REACH, Textile and Textiles produc

    Loss and Gain in Translation of Culture-Specific Items in Ahmad Tohari's Lintang Kemukus: a Semantic Study

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    Culture-specific items (CSIs) are difficult to translate since they are related to cultural knowledge and cultural background of the given culture. The distance and differences between two different cultures determine the extent of the gain or loss that will be exprienced by the CSIs as they are translated. From Indonesian into English The purposes of this research were to identify the translation procedures applied in translating CSIs which caused loss and gained in the translation process and to identify how the translator compensated the loss in translating CSIs. The method used was qualitative descriptive method. The result shows that loss is more prevalent than gain although the translator has enough knowledge on the source text culture as he has spent some years doing some researches in Banyumas society. There are two kinds of losses found in this research; inevitable and avertable losses. Translation procedures used which result in loss in translation are translation by a more general word (subordinate), translation by a more neutral/less expressive word and translation by cultural substitution. Gain is realized mostly through the creativity of the translator when they are able to explain the culture-specific items for effectivecommunication. In order to compensate the loss that might have occurred, translator uses some translation procedures. They are translation by loan word with explanation, translation by paraphrase using related word, and translation by paraphrase using unrelated word. In short, gain in translation for better communication is not easy to achieve especially in the case oftranslating CSIs

    Reevaluation of Land Fitness For Soybean Plant in Kabamatan Stabat, Langkat District

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    A decrease in the area of soybean farming has an effect on reducing soybean production from year to year so that it has not been able to meet the needs of national soybean consumption. Land suitability assessment is an effort to be able to optimize land use. In the process of assessing land suitability manually, it is considered inaccurate. The purpose of this study was to determine the land suitability class for soybean plants. The land suitability classification system used is the FAO land suitability classification classified at the sub-class level. Land suitability evaluation uses a matching system, as well as comparing the characteristics of land with plant growing community formulated in the technical evaluation of land guidelines for agricultural commodities. In the matching process Leibig's minimum law is used to determine the limiting factors that will affect the suitability of the class and sub-class of the land. Requirements for growing plants become kiteria in conformity evaluation. The results showed that the limiting factors of land suitability for soybean plants that had to be improved were temperature, rainfall, soil texture, C-Organic, N-Total and P-Available soil. The limiting factor of temperature and soil texture cannot be improved so that the marginal fit class (S3) on actual land suitability remains marginal fit (S3) in terms of potential land suitability

    Aspek Biologi Ikan Sebelah (Psettodes Erumei) yang Tertangkap dan Didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (Ppp) Tawang Kabupaten Kendal

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    Flatfish (Psettodeserumei) is kind of demersal fish that lives in seabed. The aimed of this research is to find out the biological aspect of flatfish of Kendal Regency waters. The research was done in May to June of 2016. The method used in this research is descriptive method. In taking the sample, it uses simple random sampling method. The primary data include long weight, gonad maturity level and fecundity to know the biological aspect of flatfish. Secondary data include flatfish production data during research. The result shows the flatfish length is about 140 – 310 mm and its weight is about 31– 332 gram. The length of first caught flatfish (L50%) is 228 mm. Its nature of growth is allometrikpositif, and its Kn value is 1,19. The gonad maturity level of male flatfishis dominated by TKG III and IV, and the gonad maturity level of female flatfish is dominated by TKG IV. The lowest value of gonad maturity level of male flatfish is 0,07% and the highest IKG value is 1,03%, while the lowest IKG value of female flatfish is 0,24% and the highest IKG value is 4,41%. The fecundity is about 38.832 – 64.318 egg. The smallest egg diameter is in TKG IV and the biggest is in TKG VI. The highest CPUE of first week sampling is 5.607 kg/ship, while the lowest CPUE is occurred on the fourth week, i.e. 3.623 kg/ship


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    Rumusan masalah  dalam penelitian ini yaitu : 1). Bagaimana analisis usahatani dan pemasaran semangka terhadap pendapatan petanidi Desa Arapayung Kecamatan Pantai Cermin  Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai.       Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah metoda penentuan daerah penelitian yang ditetapkan secara purposive (sengaja), sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah petani di Desa Arapayung, Kecamatan Pantai Cermin, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data pada perumusan masalah menggunakan fungsi Cobb Dauglas, rumus penerimaan, rumus keuntungan dan rumus analisis R/C ratio kelayakan usahatani semangka.       Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Variabel independent (X1,X3, X4 dan X5) secara serempak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan petani semangka (Y) pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% yaitu (253,498 2,060). Secara parsial variabel sewa lahan (X1), benih (X3), pupuk (X4) dan pestisida (X5) berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan petani semangka, , tenaga kerja (X2) tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan petani semangka (Y). Koefisien  Determinasi () menunjukkan nilai sebesar 0,949 artinya variabel independent  (X1, X3, X4 dan X5) secara serempak mampu memberikan penjelasan terhadap pendapatan petani semangka sebesar 94,9%, sedangkan sisanya 5,1% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam estimasi. 2) Variabel  independent status sewa  lahan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan petani semangka. 3) Adapun rata-rata pendapatan yang diperoleh  oleh petani di daerah penelitian sebesar Rp. 17.562.345,- dari sewa lahan 0,65 ha. 4) Usahatani tanaman semangka layak diusahakan karena nilai R/C rationya lebih besar dari satu (3,53 1)

    Contemporary Nigerian Sculpture: Where are the Flowers?

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    There is general assumption that flowers are Western not African. Mazrui et al (2004) opines that ‘there is a “floral gap” in African culture’. By this he refers to an insignificant representation of flowers in African Culture. This study investigates the possibilities of including flowers in contemporary sculpture as a way of bridging the floral gap. This study will not be sufficient to fill the floral gap but is aimed at promoting a flower culture in Nigeria.  It brings to fore the issues of extinction, adaptation and its Consequences. It emphasises the dire need for artists in Nigeria to respond to the environment and issues that pertain to her. Five flowers have been selected; hibiscus, lily, zinnia, sunflower and rose; they are explored to create sculptures in relief and round forms to satisfy the canons of representational and abstract art. The approach of this study is studio-experiment. The purpose of this research is to promote a flower culture in Nigeria, making flowers a relevant subject matter in expressing thoughts and ideas in art