14 research outputs found

    Materials on the Lepidoptera fauna of the Dagestan Republic (Northeastern Caucasus, Russia): autumn aspect (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

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    The article provides the list of Lepidoptera (the families: Cossidae, Coleophoridae, Choreutidae, Ethmiidae, Pterophoridae, Pyralidae, Crambidae, Lemoniidae, Lasiocampidae, Drepanidae, Geometridae, Sphingidae, Erebidae, Noctuidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Pieridae), collected in four localities in the Republic of Dagestan in September 2020. In total, 207 species have been recorded. Five species are reported for the fauna of Russia for the first time: Casignetella texanella (Chambers, 1878) (Coleophoridae), Agriphila cyrenaicellus (Ragonot, 1887), Thyridiphora furia (Swinhoe, 1884), Haritalodes derogata (Fabricius, 1775) (Crambidae), and Scopula minorata (Boisduval, 1833) (Geometridae); 23 species - for the fauna of Eastern Caucasus: Perygra glaucicolella (Wood, 1892), Ecebalia halophilella (Zimmermann, 1926), E. linosyris (E. Hering, 1937), Ionescumia clypeiferella (O. Hofmann, 1871), Carpochena trientella (Christpoh, 1872) (Coleophoridae), Tebenna micalis (Mann, 1857) (Choreutidae), Ethmia candidella (Alpheraky, 1908) (Ethmiidae), Stenoptilia zophodactyla (Duponchel, 1838), Stenoptilodes taprobanes (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875), Crombrugghia laetus (Zeller, 1847) (Pterophoridae), Glyptoteles leucacrinella Zeller, 1848, Cadra calidella (Guenée, 1845), (Pyralidae), Agriphila selasella (Hübner, 1813), Agriphila tolli (Bleszynski, 1952), Agriphila poliellus (Treitschke, 1832), Pediasia contaminella (Hübner, 1796), Pediasia fascelinella (Hübner, [1813]), Uresiphita gilvata (Fabricius, 1794), Antigastra catalaunalis (Duponchel, 1833) (Crambidae), Watsonalla binaria (Hufnagel, 1767) (Drepanidae), Idaea degeneraria erschoffi (Christoph, 1872), Scopula nigropunctata (Hufnagel, 1767), and Rhodometra sacraria (Linnaeus, 1767) (Geometridae)

    Syngrapha venustula Volynkin & Matov 2011, sp.n.

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    Syngrapha venustula Volynkin & Matov, sp.n. (Figs. 3–5, 11–14, 19–20, 27) Material examined. Holotype: male, [Russia, Tyva Republic], 27.vii.[19]75, W. Sayan [Sajlyg Ridge], Sayansky pass, [51 0 42’6’’ N, 89 0 53’6’’ E], 2300 m, leg. Yu. Korshunov / " Caloplusia devergens Hub., G. Zolotarenko [det.]" [Coll. SZMN], prep. A. Volynkin; paratypes: 1 male, 2 females, with the same data as holotype, prep. A. Volynkin (female) [Coll. SZMN]; 1 male, [Russia, Altai Rep.], Altai, E. Katunsky Ridge, left side of Koksu river downstream, in Argut (Dirantai) river headwater, 20.vii.1988, leg. O. Kosterin, prep. A. Volynkin [Coll. SZMN]; 1 male, 1 female, [? NW China], Tarbagatai, Saur, Mustau riv., Ul'kun-Ulasty, near glacier, 13.vi.1904, Coll. Tshetverikov, slide 0259 Matov (male) [Coll. ZISP]; 2 males, [E.- Kazakhstan], Uidene and Chagan-Obo watershed, Tarbagatai, Saur, 4.vii.1904, Coll. Tshetverikov, slide AV0004 Volynkin [Coll. ZISP]; 33 males, 26 females, [E.- Kazakhstan], Upper reach of Uidene river., Tarbagatai, Saur, 3.vii.1904, slide AV0005 Volynkin (female) [Coll. ZISP]. All labels are in Russian. Diagnosis. The new species belongs to the Syngrapha devergens-parilis species-complex, including four described species (Goater et al. 2003; Ronkay & al. 2008): S. devergens (Hübner, [1813]) (Fig. 6), S. rilaecacuminum Varga & Ronkay, 1982 (Fig. 7), S. alticola (Walker, [1858]) (Fig. 8) and S. parilis (Hübner, 1809) (Fig. 9). Externally it differs from other Eurasian congeners by greyish-brown ground colour of forewing, diffused forewing pattern and paler hindwing; from Nearctic S. alticola by smaller size, paler forewing ground colour, more dentate subterminal line, paler hindwings with narrower black border. The male genitalia of S. venustula (Figs. 11–14, 19–20) differ from S. devergens (Figs. 15, 21) by somewhat slender uncus, relatively shorter dorso-apical process of juxta, broader, apically non-arcuate and less twisted harpe, more tapered apical part of cucullus, distally broader aedeagus, broader basal and medial parts of vesica; from S. rilaecacuminum (Figs. 16, 22) by slender dorso-apical process of juxta, broader, apically non-arcuate and less twisted harpe, broader valva, distally broader aedeagus, broader basal and medial parts of vesica; from S. alticola (Figs. 17, 23) by longer and narrower valva, broader and shorter harpe and broader basal and medial parts of vesica; from S. parilis (Figs. 18, 24) by shorter and broader valvae, narrower and longer harpe, broader basal and medial parts of vesica. The female genitalia of S. venustula (Fig. 27) differ from S. devergens (Fig. 28) by horseshoe-shaped antrum, relatively shorter ductus bursae, larger and more conical appendix bursae with stronger sclerotisation; from S. rilaecacuminum (Fig. 29) by horseshoe-shaped antrum, relatively shorter ductus bursae, narrower junction with corpus bursae, somewhat larger appendix bursae with stronger sclerotisation; from S. alticola (Fig. 30) by horseshoe-shaped antrum, shorter ductus bursae, larger appendix bursae and broader corpus bursae; from S. parilis (Fig. 31) by narrower corpus bursae, smaller appendix bursae. The new species is sympatric with S. hochenwarthii cuprina (Warren, 1913) (Fig. 10), but is smaller in size, having shorter gamma mark and more dentate subterminal line. The male genitalia (Fig. 25) differ by shorter and wider valva, triangular harpe, shorter aedeagus, and vesical shape. The female genitalia (Fig. 26) differ by shape of the antrum, shorter and not twisted appendix bursae, broader, sack-like corpus bursae. Description. External morphology of adults (Figs. 3–5). Wingspan 22–27 mm, forewing length 10–13 mm. Antennae filiform. Labial palps slightly longer than head capsule, upcurved, on 2nd segment covered with brown scales, on 3rd segment covered with dark-brown with violet scales; 3rd segment about one-third length of the 2nd. Head, thorax and abdomen dark brown. Ground colour of forewing greyish-brown, often with violet tint. Medial area between medial cell and terminal margin dark, blackish-brown. Wing pattern diffused. Subbasal line as short, indistinct pale stroke between costal and subcostal veins, curved from costa basally. Antemedial line evenly curved from dorsum to cell then sharply angled outwards to costa; indistinct in cell. Postmedial line sinuous, curved around cell. Both lines pale, darkedged. Reniform and orbicular pale-brown. Reniform medially constricted, edged with blackish-brown. Orbicular rounded, prominent. Gamma mark creamy-white, with short tail and short and hardly divergent arms. Subterminal area pale-brown. Subterminal line dark brown, strongly and irregularly dentate, shaded blackish-brown basally. Terminal line blackish-brown. Cilia brown. Hindwing yellow with narrow black border. Discal spot semilunar, smudged. Cilia yellowish-white, with thick dark band near base. Male genitalia (Figs. 11–14, 19–20). Uncus long, thick, distally slightly curved, apically pointed and hooked. Tegumen narrow, medium-long. Penicular lobes narrow, weak. Juxta with elliptical-rounded basal plate and strong dorso-apical process. Vinculum short, V-shaped. Valva narrow, medium-long, with mostly parallel dorsal and ventral margins medially. Cucullus triangular, with broad, evenly rounded finely tapered apex. Sacculus strongly sclerotised, short. Clavus weak, short, triangular, apically finely pointed and setose. Harpe positioned medially, medium-long, broad, strong, triangular, not reach costa. Aedeagus cylindrical, distally broader. Carina with stronger ventral plate and slender, short ventro-lateral bar. Vesica short, broadly tubular, gradually tapered distally, projected forward, distally upturned dorsally; basally with extensive dense fine spines. Proximally vesica broad, dorsally globular, with fine scobination, medially without scobination, distally densely, finely scobinate. Female genitalia (Fig. 27). Ovipositor short, subconical. Papillae anales quadrate, rounded, setose. Apophyses posteriores long, thin; apophyses anteriores shorter, thicker. Ostium bursae sclerotised, short and narrow, more or less quadrangular, strongly sclerotised, with lateral margins dorsally upturned. Ductus bursae short, tubular, weakly ribbed and finely verrucose, anteriorly somewhat twisted, broadened at junction with corpus bursae. Appendix bursae relatively small, rounded conical, membranous, finely sclerotised. Corpus bursae large, elliptical-saccate. Distribution. The new species is allopatric to its congeners. It is known from high altitudes of the Altai Mountain Country: Saur Ridge in E. Kazakhstan (and probably NW China), Katunsky and Sajlyg Ridges in the Russian part of the Altai Mountain Country (Fig. 2). We thank László Ronkay (Budapest, Hungary) for valuable consultations and pictures of female genitalia of S. devergens and S. rilaecacuminum; Vladimir S. Kononenko (Vladivostok, Russia) and Roman V. Yakovlev (Altai State University, South Siberian Botanical garden) for valuable suggestions. Volynkin was supported by a grant from RFBR Number 11-04-90769-mob_st; Matov was supported by a grant from RFBR Number 11-04-01119.Published as part of Volynkin, A. V. & Matov, A. Yu., 2011, A new Syngrapha Hübner, [1821] from the Altai Mountain Country (Lepidoptera Noctuidae), pp. 46-52 in Zootaxa 3110 (1) on pages 46-52, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3110.1.4, http://zenodo.org/record/524609

    Records of some rare noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Daghestan republic (Russia) in 2009

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