1,312 research outputs found

    Measuring antibiotic availability and use in 20 low- and middle-income countries

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    Objective To assess antibiotic availability and use in health facilities in low- and middle-income countries, using the service provision assessment and service availability and readiness assessment surveys. Methods We obtained data on antibiotic availability at 13 561 health facilities in 13 service provision assessment and 8 service availability and readiness assessment surveys. In 10 service provision assessment surveys, child consultations with health-care providers were observed, giving data on antibiotic use in 22 699 children. Antibiotics were classified as access, watch or reserve, according to the World Health Organization’s AWaRe categories. The percentage of health-care facilities across countries with specific antibiotics available and the proportion of children receiving antibiotics for key clinical syndromes were estimated. Findings The surveys assessed the availability of 27 antibiotics (19 access, 7 watch, 1 unclassified). Co-trimoxazole and metronidazole were most widely available, being in stock at 89.5% (interquartile range, IQR: 11.6%) and 87.1% (IQR: 15.9%) of health facilities, respectively. In contrast, 17 other access and watch antibiotics were stocked, by fewer than a median of 50% of facilities. Of the 22 699 children observed, 60.1% (13 638) were prescribed antibiotics (mostly co-trimoxazole or amoxicillin). Children with respiratory conditions were most often prescribed antibiotics (76.1%; 8972/11 796) followed by undifferentiated fever (50.1%; 760/1518), diarrhoea (45.7%; 1293/2832) and malaria (30.3%; 352/1160). Conclusion Routine health facility surveys provided a valuable data source on the availability and use of antibiotics in low- and middle-income countries. Many access antibiotics were unavailable in a majority of most health-care facilities


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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of various fat sources and their combination (coconut oil and soybean oil) on growth performance of broiler. A total of 80 one-day old female 1-d-old Arbor Acres were randomly assigned into four groups (4 treatment) with 10 replicates (6 birds per pen) within 42 days. The experimental groups consisted of four treatment of diets: 1) a basal-diet containing beef oil (BO),  2) a basal diet containing coconut oil (CO), 3) a basal diet containing soybean oil (SO), and 4) a basal diet containing coconut oil and soybean oil (CO+SO) as were used. Performance data were obtained during the feeding period. The result was shown that using combination of medium chain fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid (CO+SO) were increased growth performance demonstrated by highest bodyweight (59.62 g) compared with other treatments (P 0.05) throughout the experimental period (0-42 days). The lower group for feed conversion ratio was obtained in the diet containing beef oil (BO) compared with other groups (1.32; P 0.05). Feed consumption and bodyweight have significantly different (P 0.05) but not different for feed conversion ratio (P 0.05). It can be concluded that feeding combination CO+SO in the diet may improve the performance of broiler.Beef oil; broiler; coconut oil; growth performance; soybean oi

    Multiscale Modeling of Superior Cavopulmonary Circulation: Hemi-Fontan and Bidirectional Glenn Are Equivalent

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    Superior cavopulmonary circulation (SCPC) can be achieved by either the Hemi-Fontan (hF) or Bidirectional Glenn (bG) connection. Debate remains as to which results in best hemodynamic results. Adopting patient-specific multiscale computational modeling, we examined both the local dynamics and global physiology to determine if surgical choice can lead to different hemodynamic outcomes. Six patients (age: 3-6 months) underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and catheterization prior to SCPC surgery. For each patient: (1) a finite 3-dimensional (3D) volume model of the preoperative anatomy was constructed to include detailed definition of the distal branch pulmonary arteries, (2) virtual hF and bG operations were performed to create 2 SCPC 3D models, and (3) a specific lumped network representing each patient's entire cardiovascular circulation was developed from clinical data. Using a previously validated multiscale algorithm that couples the 3D models with lumped network, both local flow dynamics, that is, power loss, and global systemic physiology can be quantified. In 2 patients whose preoperative imaging demonstrated significant left pulmonary artery (LPA) stenosis, we performed virtual pulmonary arterioplasty to assess its effect. In one patient, the hF model showed higher power loss (107%) than the bG, while in 3, the power losses were higher in the bG models (18-35%). In the remaining 2 patients, the power loss differences were minor. Despite these variations, for all patients, there were no significant differences between the hF and bG models in hemodynamic or physiological outcomes, including cardiac output, superior vena cava pressure, right-left pulmonary flow distribution, and systemic oxygen delivery. In the 2 patients with LPA stenosis, arterioplasty led to better LPA flow (5-8%) while halving the power loss, but without important improvements in SVC pressure or cardiac output. Despite power loss differences, both hF and bG result in similar SCPC hemodynamics and physiology outcome. This suggests that for SCPC, the pre-existing patient-specific physiology and condition, such as pulmonary vascular resistance, are more deterministic in the hemodynamic performance than the type of surgical palliation. Multiscale modeling can be a decision-assist tool to assess whether an extensive LPA reconstruction is needed at the time of SCPC for LPA stenosis

    Zebrafish globin switching occures in two developmental stages and is controlled by the LCR

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    Globin gene switching is a complex, highly regulated process allowing expression of distinct globin genes at specific developmental stages. Here, for the first time, we have characterized all of the zebrafish globins based on the completed genomic sequence. Two distinct chromosomal loci, termed major (chromosome 3) and minor (chromosome 12), harbor the globin genes containing α/β pairs in a 5'-3' to 3'-5' orientation. Both these loci share synteny with the mammalian α-globin locus. Zebrafish globin expression was assayed during development and demonstrated two globin switches, similar to human development. A conserved regulatory element, the locus control region (LCR), was revealed by analyzing DNase I hypersensitive sites, H3K4 trimethylation marks and GATA1 binding sites. Surprisingly, the position of these sites with relation to the globin genes is evolutionarily conserved, despite a lack of overall sequence conservation. Motifs within the zebrafish LCR include CACCC, GATA, and NFE2 sites, suggesting functional interactions with known transcription factors but not the same LCR architecture. Functional homology to the mammalian α-LCR MCS-R2 region was confirmed by robust and specific reporter expression in erythrocytes of transgenic zebrafish. Our studies provide a comprehensive characterization of the zebrafish globin loci and clarify the regulation of globin switching

    Point Prevalence Surveys of Antimicrobial Use among Hospitalized Children in Six Hospitals in India in 2016.

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    The prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in India is among the highest in the world. Antimicrobial use in inpatient settings is an important driver of resistance, but is poorly characterized, particularly in hospitalized children. In this study, conducted as part of the Global Antimicrobial Resistance, Prescribing, and Efficacy in Neonates and Children (GARPEC) project, we examined the prevalence of and indications of antimicrobial use, as well as antimicrobial agents used among hospitalized children by conducting four point prevalence surveys in six hospitals between February 2016 and February 2017. A total of 681 children were hospitalized in six hospitals across all survey days, and 419 (61.5%) were prescribed one or more antimicrobials (antibacterials, antivirals, antifungals). Antibacterial agents accounted for 90.8% (547/602) of the total antimicrobial prescriptions, of which third-generation cephalosporins (3GCs) accounted for 38.9% (213/547) and penicillin plus enzyme inhibitor combinations accounted for 14.4% (79/547). Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) was the most common indication for prescribing antimicrobials (149 prescriptions; 24.8%). Although national guidelines recommend the use of penicillin and combinations as first-line agents for LRTI, 3GCs were the most commonly prescribed antibacterial agents (55/149 LRTI prescriptions; 36.9%). In conclusion, 61.5% of hospitalized children were on at least one antimicrobial agent, with excessive use of 3GCs. Hence there is an opportunity to limit their inappropriate use

    Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns in Paediatric Primary Care in Italy: Findings from 2012–2018

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    Comprehensive data are needed to monitor antibiotic prescribing and inform stewardship. We aimed to evaluate the current antibiotic prescribing patterns, including treatment switching and prolongation, in the paediatric primary care setting in Italy. This database study assessed antibiotic prescriptions retrieved from Pedianet, a paediatric primary care database, from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2018. Descriptive analyses were stratified by diagnosis class, calendar year, and children’s age. Generalized linear Poisson regression was used to assess variation in the prescriptions. In total, 505,927 antibiotic prescriptions were included. From 2012 to 2018, the number of antibiotics per child decreased significantly by 4% yearly from 0.79 in 2012 to 0.62 in 2018. Amoxicillin prescriptions decreased with increasing children’s age, while macrolides and third-generation cephalosporins had the opposite trend. Prescriptions were associated with a diagnosis of upper respiratory infection in 23% of cases, followed by pharyngitis (21%), bronchitis and bronchiolitis (12%), and acute otitis media (12%). Eight percent of treatment episodes were prolonged or switched class, mostly represented by co-amoxiclav, macrolides, and third-generation cephalosporins. Our findings report an overall decrease in antibiotic prescriptions, but pre-schoolers are still receiving more than one antibiotic yearly, and broad-spectrum antibiotics prescription rates remain the highest

    Antibiotic Prescription Patterns in the Paediatric Primary Care Setting before and after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: An Analysis Using the AWaRe Metrics.

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    The containment measures following COVID-19 pandemic drastically reduced airway infections, but they also limited the access of patients to healthcare services. We aimed to assess the antibiotic prescription patterns in the Italian paediatric primary care setting before and after the containment measures implementation. For this retrospective analysis, we used a population database, Pedianet, collecting data of patients aged 0-14 years enrolled with family paediatricians (FP) from March 2019 to March 2021. Antibiotic prescriptions were classified according to WHO AWaRe classification. An interrupted time series evaluating the impact of the containment measures implementation on the monthly antibiotic index, on the access to watch index, and on the amoxicillin to co-amoxiclav index stratified by diagnosis was performed. Overall, 121,304 antibiotic prescriptions were retrieved from 134 FP, for a total of 162,260 children. From March 2020, the antibiotic index dropped by more than 80% for respiratory infections. The Access to Watch trend did not change after the containment measures, reflecting the propensity to prescribe more broad-spectrum antibiotics for respiratory infections even during the pandemic. Similarly, co-amoxiclav was prescribed more often than amoxicillin alone for all the diagnoses, with a significant variation in the trend slope for upper respiratory tract infections prescriptions

    A multiscale model for the study of cardiac biomechanics in single-ventricle surgeries: A clinical case

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    Complex congenital heart disease characterized by the underdevelopment of one ventricular chamber (single ventricle (SV) circulation) is normally treated with a three-stage surgical repair. This study aims at developing a multiscale computational framework able to couple a patient-specific three-dimensional finite-element model of the SV to a patient-specific lumped parameter (LP) model of thewhole circulation, in a closed-loop fashion. A sequential approach was carried out: (i) cardiocirculatory parameters were estimated by using a fully LP model; (ii) ventricular material parameters and unloaded geometry were identified by means of the stand-alone, three-dimensional model of the SV; and (iii) the three-dimensional model of SV was coupled to the LP model of the circulation, thus closing the loop and creating a multiscale model. Once the patient-specific multiscale model was set using pre-operative clinical data, the virtual surgery was performed, and the post-operative conditions were simulated. This approach allows the analysis of local information on ventricular function aswell as global parameters of the cardiovascular system. This methodology is generally applicable to patients suffering from SV disease for surgical planning at different stages of treatment. As an example, a clinical case from stage 1 to stage 2 is considered here

    Using Scenarios to Validate Requirements through the use of Eye-Tracking in Prototyping

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    Research has shown that eliciting and capturing the correct behavior of systems reduces the number of defects that a system contains. A requirements engineer will model the functions of the system to gain a comprehensive understanding of the system in question. Engineers must verify the model for correctness by either having another engineer review it or build a prototype and validate with a stakeholder. However, research has shown that this form of verification can be ineffective because looking at an existing model can be suggestive and stump the development of new ideas. This paper provides an automated technique that can be used as an unbiased review of use case scenarios. Using the prototype and a scenario, a stakeholder can be guided through the use case scenario demonstrating where they expect to find the next step while their eye movements are tracked. Analysis of the eye tracking data can be used to identify missing requirements such as interaction steps that should have alternative sequences or determining problems with the flow of actions
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