145 research outputs found

    Right Engel elements of stability groups of general series in vector spaces

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    Let V be an arbitrary vector space over some division ring D, L a general series of subspaces of V covering all of V \ {0} and S the full stability subgroup of L in GL(V). We prove that always the set of bounded right Engel elements of S is equal to the w-th term of the upper central series of S and that the set of right Engel elements of S is frequently equal to the hypercentre of S

    On the fixed-point set of an automorphism of a group

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    Let Ø be an automorphism of a group G. Under variousfiniteness or solubility hypotheses, for example under polycyclicity, the commutator subgroup [G; Ø] has finite index in G if thefixed-point set CG(Ø) of Ø in G isfinite, but not conversely, even for polycyclic groups G. Here we consider a stronger, yet natural, notion of what it means for [G;Ø] to have finite index' in G and show that in many situations, including G polycyclic, it is equivalent to CG(Ø) being finite

    On groups of finite rank

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    We study the structure of groups of finite (Prufer) rank in a very wide class of groups and also of central extensions of such groups. As a result we are able to improve, often substantially, on a number of known numerical bounds, in particular on bounds for the rank (resp. Hirsch number) of the derived subgroup of a group in terms of the rank (resp. Hirsch number) of its central quotient and on bounds for the rank of a group in terms of its Hirsch numbe

    Automorphism groups of polycyclic-by-finite groups and arithmetic groups

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    We show that the outer automorphism group of a polycyclic-by-finite group is an arithmetic group. This result follows from a detailed structural analysis of the automorphism groups of such groups. We use an extended version of the theory of the algebraic hull functor initiated by Mostow. We thus make applicable refined methods from the theory of algebraic and arithmetic groups. We also construct examples of polycyclic-by-finite groups which have an automorphism group which does not contain an arithmetic group of finite index. Finally we discuss applications of our results to the groups of homotopy self-equivalences of K(\Gamma, 1)-spaces and obtain an extension of arithmeticity results of Sullivan in rational homotopy theory

    A note on the Mittag–Leffler condition for Bredon-modules

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    In this note we show the Bredon-analogue of a result by Emmanouil and Talelli, which gives a criterion when the homological and cohomological dimensions of a countable group GG agree. We also present some applications to groups of Bredon-homological dimension 11.Comment: 10 page

    Faithful linear representations of certain free nilpotent groups

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    A Jordan-Hölder Theorem for Finitary Groups

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    On soluble groups of module automorphisms of finite rank

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    summary:Let RR be a commutative ring, MM an RR-module and GG a group of RR-automorphisms of MM, usually with some sort of rank restriction on GG. We study the transfer of hypotheses between M/CM(G)M/C_{M}(G) and [M,G][M,G] such as Noetherian or having finite composition length. In this we extend recent work of Dixon, Kurdachenko and Otal and of Kurdachenko, Subbotin and Chupordia. For example, suppose [M,G][M,G] is RR-Noetherian. If GG has finite rank, then M/CM(G)M/C_{M}(G) also is RR-Noetherian. Further, if [M,G][M,G] is RR-Noetherian and if only certain abelian sections of GG have finite rank, then GG has finite rank and is soluble-by-finite. If M/CM(G)M/C_{M}(G) is RR-Noetherian and GG has finite rank, then [M,G][M,G] need not be RR-Noetherian
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