1,016 research outputs found

    Ground motion selection for simulation-based seismic hazard and structural reliability assessment

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    This paper examines four methods by which ground motions can be selected for dynamic seismic response analyses of engineered systems when the underlying seismic hazard is quantified via ground motion simulation rather than empirical ground motion prediction equations. Even with simulation-based seismic hazard, a ground motion selection process is still required in order to extract a small number of time series from the much larger set developed as part of the hazard calculation. Four specific methods are presented for ground motion selection from simulation-based seismic hazard analyses, and pros and cons of each are discussed via a simple and reproducible illustrative example. One of the four methods (method 1 ‘direct analysis’) provides a ‘benchmark’ result (i.e. using all simulated ground motions), enabling the consistency of the other three more efficient selection methods to be addressed. Method 2 (‘stratified sampling’) is a relatively simple way to achieve a significant reduction in the number of ground motions required through selecting subsets of ground motions binned based on an intensity measure, IM. Method 3 (‘simple multiple stripes’) has the benefit of being consistent with conventional seismic assessment practice using as-recorded ground motions, but both methods 2 and 3 are strongly dependent on the efficiency of the conditioning IM to predict the seismic responses of interest. Method 4 (‘GCIM-based selection’) is consistent with ‘advanced’ selection methods used for as-recorded ground motions, and selects subsets of ground motions based on multiple IMs, thus overcoming this limitation in methods 2 and 3

    Drift Chamber Utilizing Microstrip Readout for Testing a New Micro TPC Concept

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    A drift chamber type radiation detector is being used to examine design criteria for a new type of detector called a micro Time Projection Chamber (micro TPC) which is being proposed for use in high energy nuclear physics experiments. The main advantage of the micro TPC detector is its very low radiation thickness compared to its silicon counterpart. The micro TPC is a charged-particle detector which willbe optimized for good two track resolution which is needed inahigh track density environment. Such performance requires low electron diffusion and high resolution readout. The diffusion willbe reduced bylimiting the drift distance to 15 cm and by using a low diffusion gas such as dimethyl ether. High resolution willbe obtained by using a new readout technology called microstrips. Microstrips are a recent development using photolithography techniques that allow the creation of anodes a few microns in width with submicron precision. The main purpose of this test chamber is to demonstrate the feasibility of a micro TPC design using a low diffusion gas and to insure the sufficient signal remains after electron attenuation. The driftchamber design and the proposed testingprocedures are described

    Food allergy knowledge, attitudes and beliefs: Focus groups of parents, physicians and the general public

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Food allergy prevalence is increasing in US children. Presently, the primary means of preventing potentially fatal reactions are avoidance of allergens, prompt recognition of food allergy reactions, and knowledge about food allergy reaction treatments. Focus groups were held as a preliminary step in the development of validated survey instruments to assess food allergy knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of parents, physicians, and the general public.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight focus groups were conducted between January and July of 2006 in the Chicago area with parents of children with food allergy (3 groups), physicians (3 groups), and the general public (2 groups). A constant comparative method was used to identify the emerging themes which were then grouped into key domains of food allergy knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Parents of children with food allergy had solid fundamental knowledge but had concerns about primary care physicians' knowledge of food allergy, diagnostic approaches, and treatment practices. The considerable impact of children's food allergies on familial quality of life was articulated. Physicians had good basic knowledge of food allergy but differed in their approach to diagnosis and advice about starting solids and breastfeeding. The general public had wide variation in knowledge about food allergy with many misconceptions of key concepts related to prevalence, definition, and triggers of food allergy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Appreciable food allergy knowledge gaps exist, especially among physicians and the general public. The quality of life for children with food allergy and their families is significantly affected.</p

    Technical Review of Retrieval and Closure Plans for the INEEL INTEC Tank Farm Facility

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    The purpose of this report is to document the conclusions of a technical review of retrieval and closure plans for the Idaho National Energy and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC) Tank Farm Facility. In addition to reviewing retrieval and closure plans for these tanks, the review process served as an information exchange mechanism so that staff in the INEEL High Level Waste (HLW) Program could become more familiar with retrieval and closure approaches that have been completed or are planned for underground storage tanks at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Hanford sites. This review focused not only on evaluation of the technical feasibility and appropriateness of the approach selected by INEEL but also on technology gaps that could be addressed through utilization of technologies or performance data available at other DOE sites and in the private sector. The reviewers, Judith Bamberger of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Dr. Barry Burks of The Providence Group Applied Technology, have extensive experience in the development and application of tank waste retrieval technologies for nuclear waste remediation

    Crystal Structures of Native and Inactivated cis-3-Chloroacrylic Acid Dehalogenase. Structural Basis for Substrate Specificity and Inactivation by (R)-Oxirane-2-Carboxylate

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    The bacterial degradation pathways for the nematocide 1,3-dichloropropene rely on hydrolytic dehalogenation reactions catalyzed by cis- and trans-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenases (cis-CaaD and CaaD, respectively). X-ray crystal structures of native cis-CaaD and cis-CaaD inactivated by (R)-oxirane-2-carboxylate were elucidated. They locate four known catalytic residues (Pro-1, Arg-70, Arg-73, and Glu-114) and two previously unknown, potential catalytic residues (His-28 and Tyr-103'). The Y103F and H28A mutants of these latter two residues displayed reductions in cis-CaaD activity confirming their importance in catalysis. The structure of the inactivated enzyme shows covalent modification of the Pro-1 nitrogen atom by (R)-2-hydroxypropanoate at the C3 position. The interactions in the complex implicate Arg-70 or a water molecule bound to Arg-70 as the proton donor for the epoxide ring-opening reaction and Arg-73 and His-28 as primary binding contacts for the carboxylate group. This proposed binding mode places the (R)-enantiomer, but not the (S)-enantiomer, in position to covalently modify Pro-1. The absence of His-28 (or an equivalent) in CaaD could account for the fact that CaaD is not inactivated by either enantiomer. The cis-CaaD structures support a mechanism in which Glu-114 and Tyr-103' activate a water molecule for addition to C3 of the substrate and His-28, Arg-70, and Arg-73 interact with the C1 carboxylate group to assist in substrate binding and polarization. Pro-1 provides a proton at C2. The involvement of His-28 and Tyr-103' distinguishes the cis-CaaD mechanism from the otherwise parallel CaaD mechanism. The two mechanisms probably evolved independently as the result of an early gene duplication of a common ancestor

    Long-term treatment with egg oral immunotherapy enhances sustained unresponsiveness that persists after cessation of therapy

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    We previously reported results of a randomized, placebo-controlled study of egg oral immunotherapy (eOIT), in which 27.5% of subjects achieved sustained unresponsiveness (SU) after 2 years. Here we report results of treatment through 4 years and long-term follow-up

    The STAR Time Projection Chamber: A Unique Tool for Studying High Multiplicity Events at RHIC

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    The STAR Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is used to record collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The TPC is the central element in a suite of detectors that surrounds the interaction vertex. The TPC provides complete coverage around the beam-line, and provides complete tracking for charged particles within +- 1.8 units of pseudo-rapidity of the center-of-mass frame. Charged particles with momenta greater than 100 MeV/c are recorded. Multiplicities in excess of 3,000 tracks per event are routinely reconstructed in the software. The TPC measures 4 m in diameter by 4.2 m long, making it the largest TPC in the world.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure
