929 research outputs found

    VISTA Enhancer Browser—a database of tissue-specific human enhancers

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    Despite the known existence of distant-acting cis-regulatory elements in the human genome, only a small fraction of these elements has been identified and experimentally characterized in vivo. This paucity of enhancer collections with defined activities has thus hindered computational approaches for the genome-wide prediction of enhancers and their functions. To fill this void, we utilize comparative genome analysis to identify candidate enhancer elements in the human genome coupled with the experimental determination of their in vivo enhancer activity in transgenic mice [L. A. Pennacchio et al. (2006) Nature, in press]. These data are available through the VISTA Enhancer Browser (). This growing database currently contains over 250 experimentally tested DNA fragments, of which more than 100 have been validated as tissue-specific enhancers. For each positive enhancer, we provide digital images of whole-mount embryo staining at embryonic day 11.5 and an anatomical description of the reporter gene expression pattern. Users can retrieve elements near single genes of interest, search for enhancers that target reporter gene expression to a particular tissue, or download entire collections of enhancers with a defined tissue specificity or conservation depth. These experimentally validated training sets are expected to provide a basis for a wide range of downstream computational and functional studies of enhancer function

    Dynamic GATA4 enhancers shape the chromatin landscape central to heart development and disease.

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    How stage-specific enhancer dynamics modulate gene expression patterns essential for organ development, homeostasis and disease is not well understood. Here, we addressed this question by mapping chromatin occupancy of GATA4--a master cardiac transcription factor--in heart development and disease. We find that GATA4 binds and participates in establishing active chromatin regions by stimulating H3K27ac deposition, which facilitates GATA4-driven gene expression. GATA4 chromatin occupancy changes markedly between fetal and adult heart, with a limited binding sites overlap. Cardiac stress restored GATA4 occupancy to a subset of fetal sites, but many stress-associated GATA4 binding sites localized to loci not occupied by GATA4 during normal heart development. Collectively, our data show that dynamic, context-specific transcription factors occupancy underlies stage-specific events in development, homeostasis and disease

    Место комбинированной терапии М-холинолитиком и β2-адреномиметиком короткого действия в терапии бронхообструктивного синдрома

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    A role of combined therapy with M-cholinolytic and β2-adrenomimetic drugs for bronchial obstruction.Место комбинированной терапии М-холинолитиком и β2-адреномиметиком короткого действия в терапии бронхообструктивного синдрома

    Саркоидоз: обзор работ последних лет

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    Multiple conserved regulatory domains promote Fezf2 expression in the developing cerebral cortex.

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    BackgroundThe genetic programs required for development of the cerebral cortex are under intense investigation. However, non-coding DNA elements that control the expression of developmentally important genes remain poorly defined. Here we investigate the regulation of Fezf2, a transcription factor that is necessary for the generation of deep-layer cortical projection neurons.ResultsUsing a combination of chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) we mapped the binding of four deep-layer-enriched transcription factors previously shown to be important for cortical development. Building upon this we characterized the activity of three regulatory regions around the Fezf2 locus at multiple stages throughout corticogenesis. We identified a promoter that was sufficient for expression in the cerebral cortex, and enhancers that drove reporter gene expression in distinct forebrain domains, including progenitor cells and cortical projection neurons.ConclusionsThese results provide insight into the regulatory logic controlling Fezf2 expression and further the understanding of how multiple non-coding regulatory domains can collaborate to control gene expression in vivo

    Response to comment on "Human-specific gain of function in a developmental enhancer"

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    Duret and Galtier argue that human-specific sequence divergence and gain of function in the HACNS1 enhancer result from deleterious biased gene conversion (BGC) with no contribution from positive selection. We reinforce our previous conclusion by analyzing hypothesized BGC events genomewide and assessing the effect of recombination rates on human-accelerated conserved noncoding sequence ascertainment. We also provide evidence that AT → GC substitution bias can coexist with positive selection

    Co-option of the transcription factor SALL1 in mole ovotestis formation

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    Changes in gene expression represent an important source for phenotypical innovation. Yet, how such changes emerge and impact the evolution of traits remains elusive. Here, we explore the molecular mechanisms associated with the development of masculinizing ovotestes in female moles. By performing comparative analyses of epigenetic and transcriptional data in mole and mouse, we identified SALL1 as a co-opted gene for the formation of testicular tissue in mole ovotestes. Chromosome conformation capture analyses highlight a striking conservation of the 3D organization at the SALL1 locus, but a prominent evolutionary turnover of enhancer elements. Interspecies reporter assays support the capability of mole-specific enhancers to activate transcription in urogenital tissues. Through overexpression experiments in transgenic mice, we further demonstrate the capability of SALL1 to induce the ectopic gene expression programs that are a signature of mole ovotestes. Our results highlight the co-option of gene expression, through changes in enhancer activity, as a prominent mechanism for the evolution of traits

    Оценка влияния длительного приема фенспирида (Эреспала) на клинико-функциональное состояние больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких

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    This open comparative randomized study has shown that fenspiride is an effective and well-tolerated drug while being administered in combined therapy of COPD for 3 to 12 months. The anti-inflammatory action of fenspiride 80 mg t. i. d. significantly reduced cough in COPD patients and enhanced the effect of bronchodilators. Fenspiride (Erespal) can be included in standards of combined treatment of patients with mild, moderate and severe COPD.В открытом сравнительном рандомизированном исследовании фенспирида (Эреспала) были показаны эффективность и хорошая переносимость при его включении в комплексную терапию больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) в течение как 3, так и 12 мес. Исследование подтвердило достоверное влияние Эреспала (80 мг 3 раза в день) на частоту кашлевого синдрома у больных ХОБЛ за счет противовоспалительного действия. Противовоспалительным эффектом можно объяснить также и потенцирование бронхолитического ответа. Эреспал может быть рекомендован для включения в протоколы комплексного лечения больных ХОБЛ легкой, среднетяжелой и тяжелой степени тяжести