12 research outputs found


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    From all group of infectious pathology viral hepatitises, from which the most priority are the parenteral hepatitises B and С, are essential for health of mankind, also the Irkutsk region isn’t an exception. The aim of the study: to assess an epidemiological situation in sharp and chronic forms of the viral hepatitises B and С in the territory of the Irkutsk region for the long-term period. Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis of an epidemiological situation on viral hepatitises B and C in Russia, Siberian Federal District and in the Irkutsk region for 2008–2016 is carried out. Results. The expressed decrease in incidence of acute viral hepatitis B is noted, at a chronic form of this disease rates of decrease had less expressed character that can be connected with carrying out by mass vaccinal prevention. The carried-out ranged distribution of territories for all forms of viral hepatitis B and viral hepatitis C in the Irkutsk region has allowed to reveal territories of risk. Conclusion. Parenteral viral hepatitises (sharp and chronic forms) are widespread in the territory of the Irkutsk region. From 43 administrative territories of the area, 24 belong to unsuccessful on incidences from which five are to territories of high epidemiological risk: cities of Irkutsk, Angarsk and Ust-Ilimsk and also Katangsky and Shelekhovsky districts

    Многоуровневые инъекции ботулинического токсина типа А (Абоботулотоксина) при лечении спастических форм детского церебрального паралича: ретроспективное исследование опыта 8 российских центров

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    Background: The contemporary application of Botulinum toxin A (BTA) in cerebral palsy (CP) implies multilevel injections both in on-label and off-label muscles. However, there is no single international opinion on the effective and safe dosages, target muscles, and intervals between the injections.Objective: Our aim was to analyze the Russian multicenter independent experience of single and repeated multilevel injections of Abobotulinum toxin А in patients with spastic forms of CP.Methods: 8 independent referral CP-centers (10 hospitals) in different regions of Russia. Authors evaluated intervals between the injections, dosages of the BTA for the whole procedure, for the body mass, for the each muscle, and functional segment of the extremities.Results: 1872 protocols of effective BTA injections (1–14 repeated injections) for 724 patients with spastic CP were included. The age of the patients was between 8 months to 17 years 4 months at the beginning of the treatment (with a mean of 3 years 10 months). Multilevel BTA injections were indicated for the majority (n = 634, 87.6%) of the patients in all the centers. The medians of the dosages for the first BTA injection were between 30–31 U/kg (500 U), the repeated injections doses up to 45 U/kg (1000 U) (in most centers). The median intervals between the repeated injections were 180–200 days in 484 (66.9%) patients and 140–180 days in 157 (24.7%) patients. In 2 centers, children with GMFCS IV–V were injected more often than others.Conclusion: Multilevel BTA injections were indicated for the most patients. The initial dose of Abobotulinum toxin A was 30–31 U/kg. The repeated injections dose could increase up to 40 U/kg. The repeated injections were done in 140–200 days after the previous injection.Современная концепция ботулинотерапии при детском церебральном параличе (ДЦП) предлагает использование многоуровневых инъекций в расширенное число мышц. Однако по-прежнему отсутствует консенсус относительно выбора оптимальных доз, мышц и интервалов между инъекциями.Цель исследования: изучить российский опыт применения однократных и повторных многоуровневых инъекций абоботулотоксина при лечении спастичности у пациентов с ДЦП.Методы: в ретроспективном исследовании проанализирован опыт ботулинотерапии при ДЦПв 8 специализированных центрах России. Изучали протоколы клинически эффективных инъекций. Оценивали общие дозы препарата БТА, дозы на единицу массы тела пациентов, на всю инъекционную сессию и отдельные мышцы, а также интервалы между инъекциями.Результаты: изучено 1872 протокола клинически эффективных инъекций, всего от 1 до 14 повторных инъекций, сделанных 724 пациентам в возрасте от 8 мес до 17 лет 4 мес (медиана возраста на момент первой инъекции БТА — 3 года 10 мес) на момент начала ботулинотерапии. Большинство пациентов (n = 634; 87,6% инъекций) получили многоуровневую ботулинотерапию. Во всех центрах при первичных инъекциях БТА медиана доз находилась в пределах 30–31 Ед/кг массы тела (общая — 500 Ед). При повторных инъекциях в большинстве учреждений максимальные дозы превышали 45 Ед/кг (1000 Ед). Средние интервалы между повторными инъекциями колебались в пределах 140–180 сут для 157 (24,7%) и 180–200 сут для 484 (66,9%) пациентов. В 2 из 8 центров пациенты с наиболее выраженными двигательными нарушениями (GMFCS IV–V) требовали более частых повторных инъекций БТА.Заключение: в специализированных центрах большинству пациентов с ДЦП ботулинотерапию проводили по многоуровневой схеме. Общая доза абоботулотоксина при первичных инъекциях составляла 30–31 Ед/кг; при повторных инъекциях она могла быть увеличена до 40 Ед/кг и более. Вопрос о повторном проведении инъекции БТА рассматривался в интервале 140–200 сут после предшествующей инъекции

    Project of method developing of quality control of spruce essential oil by gas-liquid chromatography

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    Conditions of the chromatography analyses of essential oils providing the yield of all components with the contents over 0.01% were selected. Essential oils of 10 samples of Norway spruce growing in the same edaphic-climatic conditions of the park UE “Brovki” were obtained by hydrodistillation. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the received essential oils were performed. More than 50 components composing the essential oil were identified. The obtained statistic data allowed to calculate standard deviation of repeatability, standard deviation of intermediate precision with a variable factor “time + operator”, expanded uncertainty of measurement results for the confidence level P = 0,95

    Influence of the constituent composition on antimicrobial and perfume properties of fir essential oils

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    The essential oils of 7 kinds of spruces by the method of steam distillation were obtained. The qualitative and quantitative composition of the received essential oils was studied by gas-liquid chromatography. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils on substances Staphilococcus aureusATSS 6538 P, Pseudomonas aeruginosaATSS 9027, Bacillus subtilisATSS 6633, Candida albicansATSS 885-653 was defined. Perfume tasting evaluation of the essential oils was made

    Evaluation of qualitative characteristics of essential oil of trees of the genus Abies and obtaining on their basis of perfumes

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    Detailed analysis of the resource base essential oils into the Republic of Belarus. It is shown that one of the sources of essential oils may be of wood greenery of coniferous breeds of trees. Essential oil from five kinds of the fir growing in id entical climatic and soil environments is received by the method of hy-drodistillation. Conditions of the chromatography analysis of essential oils providing an exit of all components with the contents over 0.01% are selected up. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of essential oils is carried out. In the structure of essential oils 55 components are identified. Based on the analysis of the quantitative content of components, recommendations on the use of essential oils of certain types of fir. The formulations of perfumes and samples of sh ampoo and hair balm based on essential oil-color fir (A. concolor ) and Siberian (A. sibirica). Tested indicators of quality and safety of the obtained samples. By all indicators the prototypes conform to the requirements of the standards. The experimental results obtained can be used for mass production of shampoo and hair bal

    Mathematical modeling of the temperature regime in industrial premises

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    Comfortable temperature conditions in any room are provided by heating systems, thermal insulation properties of enclosing structures, external environmental conditions. Practical experience, literature analysis show that the existing temperature control systems in industrial premises have disadvantages. Eliminating is possible by using a multi-circuit functional control structure, allowing to reduce the inertia of the temperature control system by taking into account the outdoor temperature, the influence of natural light on the temperature inside the production facility. For its operation, a practically oriented mathematical model is needed, which allows taking into account the influence of a large number of external factors on the temperature regime with minimal delay. A mathematical model has been developed for use as a program in industrial electronics devices for predicting, correcting the temperature field, regulating the temperature regime in the production areas of a room at any point. Based on experimental data, the analysis of the results of the adequacy of the mathematical model shows that the temperature values obtained by the mathematical model of forecasting, correction of the temperature regime fall within the confidence interval and are within the standard deviation. The mechanism of technical implementation is proposed and the prospects of its use are shown

    Elaboration of vegetable oils’ mixtures with a balanced fatty acid composition

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    Optimized mixtures of vegetable oils to ensure a balanced composition of ω-3 and ω-6 acids were developed. The analysis of the raw material base for oil industry of the Republic of Belarus were done. Oils of nine species were chosen for investigation, 5 of which are the traditional raw material for the production of vegetable oils, and 4 are alternative sources, the use of which is possible as enriching components of mixtures of vegetable oils. Imbalance of fatty acid composition of almost all vegetable oils was shown, which proves the need for development of oils mixtures. Different mixtures of vegetable oils that provide the necessary health ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acid were calculated by the method of linear programming formulations. GLC defined co-responsible resulting compositions blends calculated values. It was found that the proposal-conjugated ble nds No. 1 and No. 2 can be rec-ommended for daily and preventive feeding of population as PUFA ratio is 10 : 1, which fully meets the needs of the human body in the essential fatty acids. Sa mples No. 3 and No. 4 content the co-ratio of 5 : 1 because flaxseed oil rich in ω-3 fatty acids, which is sufficient for a recomme ndation of the prod-uct as a therapeutic feeding. The proposed blends of vegetable oils, are fully compliant with technical regulations on quality and safety of these products. In addition, the proposed mixtures of vegetable oils are undoubtedly due to the economic feasibility of the maximum using of the domestic raw canola, flax and blueberries, which fully corresponds to the direction of impor t substitution in the Republic of Belarus

    Theoretical basis of the company competitiveness assessment

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    The article deals with the basic theoretical questions of the company competitiveness assessment. The state of modern economic thought on this issue is shown. The main factors of the company competitiveness are specified. A specific role of staff of an enterprise is revealed: on the one hand, it is a resource, on the other is a subject, resulting in productive movement all factors of competitiveness, i.e. the staff is a critical factor in the company competitiveness. The criterion of company competitiveness is proposed, on its basis, the concept of "competitive enterprise" is defined. The most well-known approaches for assessing the company competitiveness are analyzed. The author's method of the company competitiveness assessment based on the dynamics of the integral index of competitiveness is provided. For those cases, when it is impossible to determine the proportion of products on the market, it is proposed to evaluate the company competitiveness on the profitability of its production. The article shows the experience in calculating of the company competitiveness on the proposed author's methods. © 2015 The Journal of Economic Theory.Рассмотрены основные теоретические вопросы оценки конкурентоспособности предприятий. Определены основные факторы конкурентоспособности предприятия, выявлена особая роль персонала предприятия. Показан опыт расчета конкурентоспособности предприятия