57 research outputs found

    The main groups of adjuvants and the prospects of their use for the specific prevention of particularly dangerous and other infectious diseases

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    The purpose of this review is to analyze scientific data on the adjuvant properties of substances of various origin and chemical nature (adjuvants) published in recent decades and to evaluate the effectiveness of their use in the vaccination against various infections, including particularly dangerous ones. The analysis of the literature data available in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, eLibrary databases, indicates that the search for new substances and drugs with the ability to enhance the immune response to antigens that are part of antibacterial and antiviral registered vaccines, as well as experimental preventive drugs, is an important and promising direction. The use of various substances and compounds as adjuvants enhances the immunogenic and protective properties of vaccines, reduces the antigenic load on the human body and causes a tense immune response in individuals with reduced functioning of immune system and in the elderly. When choosing an adjuvant, it is necessary to take into account the direction of its action on the formation of both local and systemic specific immune response, depending on the nature of the pathogen

    The development of functional cake technology based on processed Jerusalem artichoke products

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    Scientific and practical researches on the development of technologies of functional pastries with quality indicators satisfying customer and market demands of small enterprises are highly relevant. The purpose of studies was to develop a technology of functional cake based on processed Jerusalem artichoke products - cellulose and syrup.The recipe of the cake “Stolichnyi” was taken as a control sample.Test cake samples were prepared with partial or full replacement of sugar by Jerusalem artichoke syrup (0–100%) and raisins by Jerusalem artichoke fiber (0, 50, 100%). It was found that organoleptic quality indicators of products improved by the introduction of Jerusalem artichoke syrup instead of sugar, their specific volume decreased slightly compared to the control – by 1.9–3.0%.Specific volume of cakes increased compared to the control by 5.4–11%improved by the introduction of Jerusalem artichokefiber instead of raisins, but its surface became bumpier, there were deep cracks. Specific volume of products increased by 7.8–8.8%, the surface was convex, slightly bumpy with little nicked when Jerusalem artichoke syrup and fiberwere introduced together.The humidity and the alkalinity of samples practically unchanged. The sample prepared with full replacement of sugar by syrup and raisins by fiber of Jerusalem artichoke had the best quality indicators.During storage for 5 days the smallest changes in the crumb condition and flavor were observed in cake samples with complete replacement of sugar by Jerusalem artichoke syrup, the introduction of Jerusalem artichoke fiber resulted in a slight elasticity decrease and friability crumbimprovement. The use of Jerusalem artichoke syrup and fiber in the cakes manufacture allowsto receivegoods with high nutritional value, enriched with prebiotic inulin, to expand the range of functional pastry products


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    Работа посвящена проблеме педагогической диагностики коммуникативных учебных действий у обучающихся с умственной отсталостью (интеллектуальными нарушениями) в инклюзивном образовании. В статье подробно описан процесс последовательного педагогического обследования исследуемого феномена, результаты которого позволяют получить сведения об уровнях сформированности и особенностях формирования деловых и личностных взаимоотношений обучающихся. Особое внимание уделяется диагностике партнерских взаимоотношений при решении обучающимися учебных и практических задач, что в последующем позволит оптимизировать формирующуюся сферу деловых отношений при взаимодействии как со сверстниками, так и с взрослыми. Результаты педагогической диагностики могут ложиться в основу процесса составления программ коррекционных курсов, курсов внеурочной деятельности, программы воспитания. Материалы статьи могут быть использованы специалистами (педагогами, дефектологами, психологами) инклюзивной образовательной практики.The work is devoted to the problem of pedagogical diagnostics of communicative educational actions in students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) in inclusive education. The article describes in detail the process of a consistent pedagogical examination of the phenomenon under study, the results of which allow obtaining information about the levels of formation and features of the formation of business and personal relationships of students. Particular attention is paid to the diagnosis of partnerships in solving educational and practical problems by students, which in the future will optimize the emerging sphere of business relations when interacting with both peers and adults. The results of pedagogical diagnostics can form the basis for the process of drawing up programs for remedial courses, courses for extracurricular activities, and educational programs. The materials of the article can be used by specialists (teachers, speech pathologists, psychologists) of inclusive educational practice


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    It is known that the combined use of vaccines, cytokines and various immunomodulatory drugs contributes to the development of a full-fledged immune response. This approach makes it possible to enhance the immunogenicity of modern vaccines and to direct the development of immune responses according to the humoral or cellular type, depending on the properties of the pathogen of a particular disease. The improvement of preventive drugs due to their combined use with cytokines and immunomodulators increases the intensity of immunity, increases the level of production of specific immunoglobulins, the protectivity of antigens, and also reduces the manifestation of adverse reactions leading to post-vaccination complications.Immunomodulators are already successfully used in drugs intended for the treatment and prevention of chronic herpes infections and influenza vaccines. Numerous experimental and clinical data indicate a positive effect of the use of immunomodulatory drugs in the vaccination of various viral and bacterial infections, including particularly dangerous ones.Improving the specific prevention of cholera can be achieved through immunomodulatory agents that can stimulate the formation of a local and systemic immune response.We conducted a comparative assessment of the feasibility of the combined use of the cholera bivalent chemical vaccine (the Federal Government Health Institution Antiplague Research Institute “Microbe”) and immunomodulators in order to increase the effectiveness of cholera vaccination.Since the cholera vaccine causes the activation of the humoral immune response, the production of specific immunoglobulins in the body of vaccinated experimental animals and the effect of immunomodulators on this process at different times of the post-vaccination period were evaluated.The ability of immunomodulators to increase the protective activity of the cholera vaccine was studied by infecting animals with a virulent strain of cholera one month and seven months after vaccination.It was found that immunomodulators increase the immunogenicity and protectivity of antigens that are part of the anti-cholera vaccine. The use of all immunopreparations increases the production of specific immunoglobulins in the serum of vaccinated experimental animals. It was shown that in the first month after vaccination, polyoxidonium most effectively stimulated the formation of antibodies, but lycopide contributed to a longer retention of anti-cholera immunoglobulins in the serum of vaccinated rabbits. The combined use of the vaccine and lycopide prevented the development of cholera in all animals taken in the experiment, including those vaccinated with a reduced dose. In the long-term post-vaccination period, this immunomodulator increased the protectiveness of the anti-cholera vaccine by three times. Polyoxidonium and derinate also increased the protective effect of the cholera vaccine, but were slightly inferior to lycopide. The combined use of cholera vaccine and immunomodulators, especially lycopide, can be used to improve specific cholera prevention


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    Objectives. The possibility of modeling wind flow during the design of buildings with complex geometric shapes in order to determine comfort parameters and zones is considered.Methods. The investigation of the impact of wind on a cylindrical building was carried out using Ansys 15.0 software.Results. A finite element model of a modern art museum building having a complex geometric shape is developed for the calculation of the wind flow and the definition of comfort zones. The computational region is chosen such that its borders do not affect the calculation results. The maximum wind speed is assumed to be 44 m/s at an altitude of 10 m from the ground level, this being the maximum in the region of Novorossiysk. The topography of the earth's surface around the model was considered flat. The surface of the building was assumed to be smooth while the surface of the surrounding terrain was assumed to be rough with a roughness parameter of 0,1 m. The parameters of the building orientation relative to the wind rise were varied during the numerical modeling. Three variants of computational models with varying building location and its geometric characteristics are developed. In the first variant, the building model is stretched along the X-axis; in the second variant, the acute angle of the building model's contour is oriented along the Y-axis; in the third variant, the building model is located and oriented along the Y-axis with its obtuse angle of the external contour of the building. The calculation results of a cylindrical building for wind impact correspond to SP 20.13330.2011. The comfort parameters and zones of a building having complex geometric shape are defined by means of numerical modeling of the wind flow. The discrepancy between the object's normative characteristics and the research results is revealed during the calculation of the wind load.Conclusion. The recommendations are given for choosing the optimal location of the museum building, taking into account the comfort parameters and the greatest wind pressure; the geometric shape of the outer contour affects the location of the zones of reduced comfort; a sharp change in the boundaries of the outer contour leads to the appearance of increased pressure and wind speed and, as a consequence, a change in the direction of the vortex flows; it is necessary to apply the finite element method when modeling the wind impact for buildings of complex geometric shapes; sudden changes in the object's contour should be avoided when designing buildings and structures

    Role of the cellular immunity in the formation of the immune response in coronavirus infections

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    The data obtained during previous epidemics caused by coronaviruses, and current pandemic indicate that assessing the role of certain immune interactions between these viruses and the microorganism is the main pre-requisite for development of diagnostic test systems as well as effective medical drugs and preventive measures. The review summarizes the results of studying patho– and immunogenesis of SARSCoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 infections. These coronaviruses were proven to suppress development of adaptive immune response at the stage of its induction, affecting the number and functional activity of lymphocytes, effectors of cellular immunity, causing impairment of lymphopoiesis, apoptosis and «depletion» of these cells, thus leading to longer duration of the disease and increased viral load. Information about the role of cellular immunity in development of immune response to coronaviruses is presented. It was proven that the causative agents of SARS, MERS and COVID-19 trigger adaptive immune response in the microorganism according to both humoral and cellular types. Moreover, the synthesis of specific immunoglobulins does not yet point to presence of protective immune response. Activation of the cellular link of immunity is also important. A high degree of antigenic epitope homology in SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 is described, thus suggesting an opportunity for cross-immunity to coronaviruses. The review addresses issues related to the terms of specific memory immune cells to SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, and their role in providing long-term protection against these infections. Given that specific antibodies to SARS and MERS pathogens persisted for a year, were often not detected or briefly registered in patients with mild and asymptomatic infections, we can talk about important role of the cellular immune response in providing immunity to these coronaviruses. It was shown that, in contrast to antibodies, the antigen-specific memory T cells were registered in patients with SARS virus for 4 to 11 years, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome – up to two years. Further research is needed to determine presence and number of memory T cells in COVID-19. A comparative analysis of data obtained during previous epidemics with respect to formation of adaptive immunity to coronaviruses. Description of proteins and epitopes recognized by human T lymphocytes will be useful in monitoring immune responses in COVID-19 patients, as well as in developing informative tests to study T cell immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and new preventive drugs

    Features of post-vaccination humoral immune response in the persons who underwent COVID-19 of various severity

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    The studies on humoral immune response in the individuals who have undergone COVID-19 and vaccinated with anti-COVID vaccines allows us to assess the  development  of  “hybrid”  immunity,  which contributes to understanding the mechanisms of its formation from the effector phase to the step of immunological memory. We assessed the relative and absolute contents of B cell populations and subpopulations, development of humoral immunity in the patients who suffered with COVID-19 of varying severity being thereafter vaccinated with “KoviVak” and “Sputnik V”. The study involved volunteers (age 47.3±14.5 years) who beared COVID-19 asymptomatically (n = 32), at moderate severity (n = 21), or had severe form of the disease (n = 12), then being vaccinated with “KoviVak” and “Sputnik V” 6-9 months after their recovery. The groups of vaccinated persons consisted of those who beared severe disease being vaccinated with “KoviVak” (n = 6) or “Sputnik V” (n = 6); moderate cases, vaccinated with “KoviVak” (n = 10) and “Sputnik V” (n = 11); asymptomatic cases vaccinated with “KoviVak” (n = 10) and “Sputnik V” (n = 22). We have determined relative and absolute numbers of B lymphocytes (CD45+CD19+), B1 lymphocytes (CD45+CD5+CD19-CD27-), B2 lymphocytes (CD45+CD19+CD5-CD27-), total population of memory B cells (CD45+CD19+CD5-CD27+), non-switched (CD45+CD19+IgD+CD27+), and switched (CD45+CD19+IgD-CD27+) memory  B  cells;  mature  naive   B   lymphocytes   (CD45+CD19+CD27-IgD+),   plasmoblasts   (CD45+CD19+ CD38+++IgD-CD27+),   as  well as presence of IgG to S(RBD)-SARS-CoV-2 protein.We have found that the humoral immunity among survivors of COVID-19 of varying severity is expressed for up to nine months. The largest number of volunteers who raised antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 S-protein was registered in the group of seriously ill patients. As soon as 1 month after “Sputnik V” vaccination and until the end of the observation, all the examined subjects in this group became seropositive. 4-5 months after injection of this vaccine, specific immunoglobulins were present in all patients who had asymptomatic or average-severity infection. All volunteers who received “KoviVak” had antibodies to the COVID-19 viral S protein from the beginning to the end of the study. Vaccination, especially with “KoviVak”, contributed to the highest increase, both in relative and absolute numbers of memory B lymphocytes in asymptomatic patients. Less pronounced changes in the content of B lymphocytes in COVID-19 patients who had severe and moderate clinical course may be associated with higher levels of these cells prior to injection of the vaccines. A positive correlation was found between the number of memory B cells and presence of immunoglobulins to the S protein SARS-CoV-2 in all examined patients

    Анализ надежности буксовых подшипниковых узлов грузовых вагонов

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    The authors present an analysis of reliability of axle boxes. Provided data characterize its level in relation to the total freight car fleet. The estimation of parameters of failure flow due to damage to roller axle boxes in cars of total fleet compared with universal covered car fleet is given. The question arises on causes of failures and possibility of having a mathematical model that could help in determining the reliability degree of axle boxes.Авторами представлен анализ надежности буксовых узлов. Приведенные данные характеризуют ее уровень в отношении общего парка грузовых вагонов. Приведена оценка параметров потока отказов из-за повреждения роликовых букс в вагонах общего парка в сравнении с парком крытых универсальных вагонов. Ставится вопрос о причинах отказов и возможности иметь математическую модель, способную помогать в определении меры надежности буксовых узлов

    Первый опыт применения российских коллагеновых покрытий

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    Modern management of wounds of various etiologies is a comprehensive approach which includes correction of patient's general somatic state and adequate local treatment strictly corresponding to the stage of wound healing process. In the outpatient unit, it is a local gentle management of wound defects with proper wound coatings that meet various tasks at various stages of wound healing process. One of the problems of modern wound management is stimulation of epithelialization, namely the restoration of subdermal, dermal and epithelial layers. One of the most promising directions in solving this problem is application of collagen, due to its optimal manipulation characteristics, biocompatibility, controlled biodegradation, ability to form complexes with pharmaceuticals as well as to stimulate regeneration. Collagen coatings may be used both independently and in the complex of local treatment when collagen dressings alternate with other interactive dressings. Such an approach ensures high-quality regeneration of wound defects and prevents complications.Современное лечение ран различной этиологии представляет собой комплексный подход, включающий коррекцию общего соматического состояния и адекватное местное лечение в строгом соответствии со стадиями раневого процесса. Применительно к амбулаторному звену – это местное щадящее ведение раневых дефектов одним из видов раневых покрытий, отвечающим различным задачам в зависимости от стадии течения раневого процесса. Одной из проблем современного лечения является стимуляция эпителизации, а именно восстановление субдермальных, дермальных и эпителиальных слоев. Перспективным направлением в решении данной проблемы становится использование коллагена благодаря оптимальным манипуляционным характеристикам, биосовместимости, управляемой биодеградации, способности образовывать комплексы с лекарственными препаратами и стимулировать регенерацию. Включение в комплексное местное лечение коллагеновых покрытий может быть использовано как самостоятельно, так и при чередовании с другими интерактивными перевязочными средствами. Это обеспечивает качественную регенерацию раневых дефектов и позволяет не допускать развития осложнений

    Medicines used to relieve symptoms of bronchial asthma: effect on the oral cavity

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of LP for the relief of bronchial asthma on the tissues of the PR, to determine the intensity of tooth damage.Цель исследования - провести анализ влияния ЛП для купирования бронхиальной астмы на ткани ПР, определить интенсивность поражения зубов