71 research outputs found

    The barrel DIRC of PANDA

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    Cooled antiproton beams of unprecedented intensities in the momentum range of 1.5-15 GeV/c will be used for the PANDA experiment at FAIR to perform high precision experiments in the charmed quark sector. The PANDA detector will investigate antiproton annihilations with beams in the momentum range of 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c on a fixed target. An almost 4π acceptance double spectrometer is divided in a forward spectrometer and a target spectrometer. The charged particle identification in the latter is performed by ring imaging Cherenkov counters employing the DIRC principle

    The barrel DIRC of PANDA

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    Cooled antiproton beams of unprecedented intensities in the momentum range of 1.5-15 GeV/c will be used for the PANDA experiment at FAIR to perform high precision experiments in the charmed quark sector. The PANDA detector will investigate antiproton annihilations with beams in the momentum range of 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c on a fixed target. An almost 4π acceptance double spectrometer is divided in a forward spectrometer and a target spectrometer. The charged particle identification in the latter is performed by ring imaging Cherenkov counters employing the DIRC principle

    Modern non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis

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    The purpose of the literature review was to summarize the current data on promising noninvasive markers of endometriosis determined in various biological media.Цель работы − обобщить современные данные о перспективных неинвазивных маркерах эндометриоза, определяемых в различных биологических средах


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    To achieve goal, the following tasks were solved: recipes for a new type of functional canned food – "Dessert of Jerusalem artichoke", consisting of a mixture of vegetables and fruits (based on Jerusalem artichoke), which has good organoleptic characteristics, experimental samples were made and their physico-chemical and organoleptic characteristics were determined. At the same time, when developing the formulations of the selected range of functional foods, it is necessary to proceed from the requirements of GOST R 52349-2005 "functional Foods" from which it follows that each portion of the functional product must contain at least 15% of the daily consumption rate established By the Institute of nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a specific physiologically functional ingredient. To choose the best recipe of "Dessert" were made comparative experimental samples of canned food with the content of Jerusalem artichoke, as the main component, from 30 to 45%. The best composition of canned food "Dessert of Jerusalem artichoke", which received an average rating of 4.5 points, as a result of sensory analysis by rating, using a score scale, the following content of components: puree of Jerusalem artichoke – 40%, mashed carrots – 30%, mashed apples – 30%. According to the results of sensory evaluation of the intensity of the characteristics of the profiles for each of the five indicators: taste, color, aroma, appearance and consistency, as well as a diagram of the overall organoleptic evaluation of a new type of functional product "Dessert of Jerusalem artichoke".В статье описано решение основной задачи по теме исследований – создание нового ассортимента для функционального питания с разработкой рецептуры поликомпонентного продукта из овощей на основе топинамбура. Созданный новый пищевой продукт должен отвечать требованиям функционального профиля с высоким содержанием биологически активных веществ, за счет использования в его рецептуре компонентов, богатых нативными физиологически функциональными ингредиентами. Разработана рецептура для нового вида функциональных консервов – «Десерт из топинамбура «Лакомка» и проведена его сенсорная оценка. При моделировании рецептуры «Десерта» в качестве основного компонента использовали топинамбур, вторым компонентом – тыква. Кроме того, было использовано яблочное пюре, в составе которого содержатся органические кислоты (0,5-1%), придающие продукту гармоничный вкус, а также пектиновые вещества (до 1,4%), обеспечивающие стабильность консистенции продукта. Для улучшения органолептических характеристик и с целью повышения содержания в продукте кальция, необходимого для улучшения состояния костной ткани, в качестве дополнительного компонента, были использованы натуральные молочные сливки. При подборе рецептур исходили из того, что каждая порция функционального продукта должна содержать не менее 15% от суточной нормы потребления физиологически функционального ингредиента. Для выбора лучшей рецептуры были изготовлены сравнительные экспериментальные образцы консервов с содержанием основного компонента – топинамбура – от 30 до 50%, остальные компоненты комбинировали по минимальному и максимальному их содержанию. Образцы были подвергнуты сенсорному анализу оценки интенсивности характеристик методом присвоения рейтинга с применением балловой шкалы. Лучшей рецептурой, получившей общую оценку – 4,9 балла, была установлена следующая: пюре из топинамбура – 40%, пюре из моркови – 30%, пюре из яблок – 20%, сливки натуральные 10% жирности – 10%. По результатам сенсорной оценки были построены профили для каждого из пяти характеристик: вкус, цвет, аромат, внешний вид и консистенция, а также диаграмма общей органолептической оценки нового вида функционального продукта «Десерт из топинамбура «Лакомка»

    Status of the PANDA barrel DIRC

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    The PANDA experiment at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH (FAIR) at GSI, Darmstadt will study fundamental questions of hadron physics and QCD using high-intensity cooled antiproton beams with momenta between 1.5 and 15 GeV/c. Hadronic PID in the barrel region of the PANDA detector will be provided by a DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) counter. The design is based on the successful BABAR DIRC with several key improvements, such as fast photon timing and a compact imaging region. Detailed Monte Carlo simulation studies were performed for DIRC designs based on narrow bars or wide plates with a variety of focusing solutions. The performance of each design was characterized in terms of photon yield and single photon Cherenkov angle resolution and a maximum likelihood approach was used to determine the π/K separation. Selected design options were implemented in prototypes and tested with hadronic particle beams at GSI and CERN. This article describes the status of the design and R&D for the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector, with a focus on the performance of different DIRC designs in simulation and particle beams

    Feasibility studies of the time-like proton electromagnetic form factor measurements with PANDA at FAIR

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    The possibility of measuring the proton electromagnetic form factors in the time-like region at FAIR with the \PANDA detector is discussed. Detailed simulations on signal efficiency for the annihilation of pˉ+p\bar p +p into a lepton pair as well as for the most important background channels have been performed. It is shown that precision measurements of the differential cross section of the reaction pˉ+pe++e\bar p +p \to e^++ e^- can be obtained in a wide angular and kinematical range. The individual determination of the moduli of the electric and magnetic proton form factors will be possible up to a value of momentum transfer squared of q214q^2\simeq 14 (GeV/c)2^2. The total pˉ+pe++e\bar p +p\to e^++e^- cross section will be measured up to q228q^2\simeq 28 (GeV/c)2^2. The results obtained from simulated events are compared to the existing data. Sensitivity to the two photons exchange mechanism is also investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 4 tables, 8 figures Revised, added details on simulations, 4 tables, 9 figure


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    In recent years, the demand for food has sharply increased in functional ingredients, especially in pectin. At present, there is no production of pectin substances in the Russian Federation, and the demand for them is satisfied, mainly due to the use of imported pectin. At the same time, the country has prerequisites for its own production of pectin from non-traditional types of raw materials, for example, bark of coniferous trees, which in the form of waste is produced in large quantities when processing wood in the timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, and goes to incineration, although its can be used to obtain such a valuable substance as pectin. The article considers the possibility of using pectins from the bark of coniferous trees in the production of fruit and vegetable nectars with pulp as a biological additive that improves the consistency of the product. To confirm this, VNII researchers of conservation technology conducted studies to test pectin from the bark of spruce and larch on their structure-forming ability. For this purpose, experimental samples of fruit and vegetable nectars with pulp were made: apricot, quince, cherry, redcod, plum and carrot, obtained on the basis of fruit and vegetable purees, as well as the calculated amount of sugar syrup with a certain concentration, with the addition of pectin from the spruce bark and larch, and for comparison samples with the addition of ordinary apple pectin. Pectin was added as a 10% solution in an amount of 9.0% of the total weight of nectar (in terms of dry pectin – 0.9%), which allowed to provide a homogeneous, non-dissolving consistency of nectars.В последние годы резко возросла потребность пищевой отрасли в функциональных ингредиентах, особенно в пектине. В настоящее время в России отсутствует производство пектиновых веществ, а потребность в них удовлетворяется, в основном, за счет использования импортного пектина. В то же время, в стране имеются предпосылки собственного производства пектина из нетрадиционных видов сырья, например, коры хвойных пород деревьев, которая в виде отходов в больших количествах образуется при переработке древесины в лесной, деревообрабатывающей и целлюлозно-бумажной промышленностях и идет на сжигание, хотя ее можно использовать для получения такого ценного вещества как пектин. В статье рассмотрена возможность использования пектинов из коры хвойных пород деревьев при изготовлении фруктовых и овощных нектаров с мякотью в качестве биологической добавки, улучшающей консистенцию продукта. Для подтверждения этого сотрудниками ВНИИ технологии консервирования были проведены исследования с целью испытания пектинов из коры ели и лиственницы на их структурообразующую способность. С этой целью были изготовлены экспериментальные образцы фруктовых и овощных нектаров с мякотью: абрикосовый, айвовый, вишневый, красносмородиновый, сливовый и морковный, полученные на основе фруктовых и овощных пюре, а также расчетного количества сахарного сиропа с определенной концентрацией, с добавлением пектина из коры ели и лиственницы, а для сравнения – образцы с добавлением обычного яблочного пектина. Пектин добавляли в виде 10% раствора в количестве 9,0% от общей массы нектара (в пересчете на сухой пектин – 0,9%), которое позволило обеспечить однородную, не расслаивающуюся консистенцию нектаров


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    Aim. The results of cryoballoon ablation (CBA) are known from the studies performed in the experienced centers of catheter treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). The current study presents the results of CBA in real practice in centers with various experienceMaterial and methods. Among 62 Russian sites performing catheter treatment of AF, in 15 the CBA methods were in use to isolate pulmonary veins, in the years 2012-2014. Centers staff were surveyed for the detailed description of all performed CBA till 10.2014. The questionnaire included 74 lines about the centers experience, patients properties and ablation procedures, management of patients and complications. At the second step the questionnaire was used about complications.Results. Thirteen centers provided full data on all patients with CBA (457 procedures; 94% for paroxysmal AF; >95% CBAs in Russia). Six centers were marked as highly experienced for CBA for AF (mean 414,2±339,4 ablations for AF per year), and 7 — with lesser experience (33,2±34,3 ablations for AF per year). Ten centers provided the results of 6/12 month observation, and 11 centers — detalization of the complications data. there were no statistically significant differences in arrhythmia absence in patients from both types of centers (61,9±10,0 versus 61,3±30,4%). Serious complications developed in 1,5% of patients (4 tamponades, 2 strokes and 1 diaphragmal nerve palsy) and were similarly spread among more and less experienced centers (1,4% vs. 2%, p>0,05). Minor adverse events (vascular, transient diaphragm nerve palsy, transient hemoptysis) were found in 37 (8%) patients and were more common in more experienced (teaching) centers. Overall frequency of adverse events and of vascular events was higher in females than males (12% and 4,9% vs. 6% and 0%, resp.; p<0,05).Conclusion. In the real clinical practice CBA is performed with acceptable efficacy and moderate frequency of adverse events development. In less experienced centers of catheter treatment of AF the prevalence of serious adverse events does not differ from less experienced. Women develop vascular complications more often