123 research outputs found

    Відчуження об’єкта незавершеного будівництва за договором купівлі-продажу

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    Гостєв А. В. Відчуження об’єкта незавершеного будівництва за договором купівлі-продажу / А. В. Гостєв // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – Вип. 68. - С. 372-378.У статті проаналізовано особливості відчуження об’єкта незвершеного будівництва. Визначена процедура купівлі-продажу нерухомого майна. Виявлені особливості правового режиму об’єкта, будівництво якого не завершено

    The mass of the black hole in the X-ray binary LMC X-1

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.A dynamical estimate of the mass of the black hole in the LMC X-1 binary system is obtained in the framework of a Roche model for the optical star, based on fitting of the He I 4471 Å and He II 4200 Å absorption lines assuming LTE. The mass of the black hole derived from the radial-velocity curve for the He II 4200 Å line is mx = 10.55 M⊙, close to the value found earlier based on a model with two point bodies [1]

    Femtosecond primary charge separation in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 photosystem I

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    AbstractThe ultrafast (<100fs) conversion of delocalized exciton into charge-separated state between the primary donor P700 (bleaching at 705nm) and the primary acceptor A0 (bleaching at 690nm) in photosystem I (PS I) complexes from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was observed. The data were obtained by application of pump–probe technique with 20-fs low-energy pump pulses centered at 720nm. The earliest absorbance changes (close to zero delay) with a bleaching at 690nm are similar to the product of the absorption spectrum of PS I complex and the laser pulse spectrum, which represents the efficiency spectrum of the light absorption by PS I upon femtosecond excitation centered at 720nm. During the first ∼60fs the energy transfer from the chlorophyll (Chl) species bleaching at 690nm to the Chl bleaching at 705nm occurs, resulting in almost equal bleaching of the two forms with the formation of delocalized exciton between 690-nm and 705-nm Chls. Within the next ∼40fs the formation of a new broad band centered at ∼660nm (attributed to the appearance of Chl anion radical) is observed. This band decays with time constant simultaneously with an electron transfer to A1 (phylloquinone). The subtraction of kinetic difference absorption spectra of the closed (state P700+A0A1) PS I reaction center (RC) from that of the open (state P700A0A1) RC reveals the pure spectrum of the P700+A0− ion–radical pair. The experimental data were analyzed using a simple kinetic scheme: An* →k1 [(PA0)*A1→<100fs P+A0−A1] →k2P+A0A1−, and a global fitting procedure based on the singular value decomposition analysis. The calculated kinetics of transitions between intermediate states and their spectra were similar to the kinetics recorded at 694 and 705nm and the experimental spectra obtained by subtraction of the spectra of closed RCs from the spectra of open RCs. As a result, we found that the main events in RCs of PS I under our experimental conditions include very fast (<100fs) charge separation with the formation of the P700+A0−A1 state in approximately one half of the RCs, the ∼5-ps energy transfer from antenna Chl* to P700A0A1 in the remaining RCs, and ∼25-ps formation of the secondary radical pair P700+A0A1−


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    In the present research a synthesis and investigation of novel promising nanocarriers based on amphiphilic copolymers with prolonged resistance to biodegradation was proposed

    Этиологическая характеристика внебольничной пневмонии у детей в зависимости от возраста

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    Aim. The study was aimed at investigation of etiology of communityacquired pneumonia (CAP) in children in relation to age.Methods.Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniaе, respiratory viruses, Epstein–Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and human herpes virus type 6 were searched using bacteriological, serological and molecular methods.Results. We examined 145 hospitalized children aged 1 month to 17 years withrespiratory infection complicated by moderate CAP. Viruses were detected in 62 % of children under 4 years old, in 43 % of children of 4 to 7 years old and in 17 % of schoolage children. A rate of mixed viralbacterial CAP decreased with aging and was found in 30 % of children under 4 years old and in 4 % of schoolage children.Conclusion. Viral infection, mainly respiratory syncytial virus and cytomegalovirus, prevailed in the etiology of CAP in children under 4 years; C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae prevailed in schoolage children.Представлены результаты этиологической диагностики у детей (n = 145) в возрасте от 1 мес. до 17 лет, получавших лечение в клинике ФГБУ "Научноисследовательский институт детских инфекций" ФМБА России по поводу респираторной инфекции, осложненной развитием внебольничной пневмонии (ВП) средней степени тяжести. Для определения бактериальных агентов, возбудителей респираторного хламидиоза и микоплазмоза, острых респираторных вирусных инфекций, вируса Эпштейна–Барр, цитомегаловируса (ЦМВ) и вируса герпеса человека 6го типа использовались бактериологические, серологические и молекулярнобиологический методы. Показана доминирующая роль вирусных возбудителей в формировании ВП у детей до 4 лет, главным образом респираторносинцитиального вируса и ЦМВ, а также возбудителей респираторного микоплазмоза и хламидиоза – у детей школьного возраста

    Blogging the Virtual: New Geographies of Domination and Resistance In and Beyond Russia

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    Russia’s accelerating authoritarian turn has not ignored the internet, and in recent years, the Russian state has clamped down on internet activities that diverge from the statist line, employing a variety of strategies to dominate online spaces. Nevertheless, oppositional voices flourish on the Russian internet, taking shape in independent blogs and videos. This paper explores three political bloggers through surveillant and resistance assemblages, making sense of this contestation through an interpretation of the Deleuzian virtual that underscores the emancipatory potential of online activities for producing more egalitarian configurations, but also taking stock of the ways that these technologies have increased domination. Encompassing the blurriness between digital and corporeal spaces, the paper contributes by revealing new geographies of contestation against state strategies to dominate the Russian internet. Overlapping with but not corresponding to Russian territorial boundaries, these dynamics highlight shifting spaces of power and resistance in the increasingly illiberal world


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    First in Russia prospective non-interventional hospital-based study on Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes causing meningitis and acute otitis media (AOM) in children and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children and adults, as well as serotype coverage by pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV’s) of different composition has been conducted. Serotypes 19F, 14 and serogroup 6 are the leading in meningitis; serotype coverage is 70,6% for PCV7, and 76,5% – for PCV10 and PCV13. Among S. pneumoniae serotypes causing AOM 19F, 3, 23F and serogroup 6 have been the most prevalent in Saint Petersburg. PCV7 and PCV10 provide equal serotypes coverage in AOM – 63,2% among children 0–2 years old, and 32,5% among children 5–17 years old. PCV13 covers up to 79% of serotypes in infants. In CAP PCV7 and PCV10 provide 57,1% serotype coverage in children and 56,1% – in adults. Serotype coverage in CAP for PCV13 has been 14,3% and 34,5% higher for children and adults, correspondingly. Obtained data supports PCV inclusion in children immunization program in Saint Petersburg, whereas PCV13 provides the broadest serotype coverage. In the course PCV’s implementation continued pneumococcal infection surveillance is advisable.Впервые в России в проспективном неинтервенционном госпитальном эпидемиологическом исследовании изучен серотиповой состав Streptococcus pneumoniae, вызывающих менингиты, внебольничную пневмонию и острый средний отит (ОСО), а также охват циркулирующих серотипов пневмококковыми конъюгированными вакцинами (ПКВ) различного состава. К ведущим серотипам S. pneumoniae, вызывающим у детей гнойный менингит, относятся 19F, 14 и серогруппа 6. Охват серотипов S. pneumoniae, вызывающих гнойный менингит для ПКВ7, составляет 70,6%, а для ПКВ10 и ПКВ13 – 76,5%. Ведущими серотипами пневмококков, вызывающих ОСО, в Санкт-Петербурге являются серотипы 19F, 3, 23F и серогруппа 6. Охват серотипов для ПКВ7 и ПКВ10 одинаков и составляет 63,2% для детей в возрасте 0–2 лет и 32,5% для детей в возрасте 5–17 лет. Для ПКВ13 эти показатели составляют соответственно 79% и 55%. При внебольничной пневмонии ПКВ7 и ПКВ10 обеспечивали одинаковый охват: 57,1% у детей и 56,1% у взрослых. Для ПКВ13 эти показатели были на 14,3% больше у детей и на 34,5% у взрослых. Полученные данные обосновывают целесообразность применения пневмококковых конъюгированных вакцин для массовой иммунизации детей в Санкт-Петербурге, при этом ПКВ13 обеспечивает наибольший охват серотипов S. pneumoniae, вызывающих основные пневмококковые заболевания. Для оценки эффективности вакцинации целесообразно продолжить эпидемиологическое наблюдение за пневмококковыми инфекциями после проведения массовой иммунизации ПКВ13

    Mupirocin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Mupirocin is widely used for nasal decolonization of Staphylococcus aureus to prevent subsequent staphylococcal infection in patients and healthcare personnel. However, the prolonged and unrestricted use has led to the emergence of mupirocin-resistant (mupR) S. aureus. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the prevalence, phenotypic and molecular characteristics, and geographic spread of mupR S. aureus in Africa. Methods We examined five electronic databases (EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, ISI Web of Science, MEDLINE, and Scopus) for relevant English articles on screening for mupR S. aureus from various samples in Africa. In addition, we performed random effects meta-analysis of proportions to determine the pooled prevalence of mupR S. aureus in Africa. The search was conducted until 3 August 2016. Results We identified 43 eligible studies of which 11 (26%) were obtained only through Google Scholar. Most of the eligible studies (28/43; 65%) were conducted in Nigeria (10/43; 23%), Egypt (7/43; 16%), South Africa (6/43; 14%) and Tunisia (5/43; 12%). Overall, screening for mupR S. aureus was described in only 12 of 54 (22%) African countries. The disk diffusion method was the widely used technique (67%; 29/43) for the detection of mupR S. aureus in Africa. The mupA-positive S. aureus isolates were identified in five studies conducted in Egypt (n = 2), South Africa (n = 2), and Nigeria (n = 1). Low-level resistance (LmupR) and high-level resistance (HmupR) were both reported in six human studies from South Africa (n = 3), Egypt (n = 2) and Libya (n = 1). Data on mupR-MRSA was available in 11 studies from five countries, including Egypt, Ghana, Libya, Nigeria and South Africa. The pooled prevalence (based on 11 human studies) of mupR S. aureus in Africa was 14% (95% CI =6.8 to 23.2%). The proportion of mupA-positive S. aureus in Africa ranged between 0.5 and 8%. Furthermore, the frequency of S. aureus isolates that exhibited LmupR, HmupR and mupR-MRSA in Africa were 4 and 47%, 0.5 and 38%, 5 and 50%, respectively. Conclusions The prevalence of mupR S. aureus in Africa (14%) is worrisome and there is a need for data on administration and use of mupirocin. The disk diffusion method which is widely utilized in Africa could be an important method for the screening and identification of mupR S. aureus. Moreover, we advocate for surveillance studies with appropriate guidelines for screening mupR S. aureus in Africa