31 research outputs found


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    The clinical efficacy of tenoten (pediatric formulation) was comparatively studied in children with tick hyperkinesis. One hundred and thirty children (34 girls and 96 boys) aged 3 to 5 years were examined. The drug of comparison was persen in local ticks and fenibut in generalized ticks. An attempt was also undertaken to treat patients with generalized ticks (Tourette's syndrome), by using tenoten (pediatric formulation). As shown by the results of the study, tenoten (pediatric formulation) is most effective in local ticks. In generalized hyperkinesis, tenoten is as effective as fenibut and the former is, in some cases, superior to the latter. Monotherapy with tenoten (pediatric formulation) is insufficiently effective in Tourette's syndrome. Tenoten (pediatric formulation) has been also shown to diminish anxiety and to have a positive effect on the biological activity of the brain. The agent is safe and there have been no adverse reactions due to its use


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    The aim of this work was to study the effect of pressure (50; 90; 160; 250; 350 MPa) on a physical property of casein micelle: hydrodynamic radius, tyrosine and tryptophan fluorescence and IR spectra characteristics. According to photon-correlation spectroscopy, the average hydrodynamic radius of the casein micelle was 128 nm, increasing at 50 MPa to 467 nm with the formation of conglomerates. Further increase of pressure led to the formation of two fractions of particles, differing in hydrodynamic radius. At a pressure of 350 MPa, an average radius of 75 % of particles was 121 nm. Comparison of hydrodynamic radius and tyrosine fluorescence revealed a decrease in the intensity of the glow with an increase in the proportion of large particles and an increase in the radiation in the solution with a decrease of the micelles size. The increase of casein fluorescence by tryptophan and its decrease by tyrosine indicate a change in the conformation of protein molecules during pressure treatment. FTIR spectroscopy revealed a change in the intensity of the optical density in the range of amide I, amide II and valence bonds of tyrosine, confirming the absence of new bonds. The obtained physical data indicate a change in the structure of casein micelles with an increase in the proportion (25 %) of large particles after the action of high pressure (350mpa), which should be taken into account in milk processing. The fluorescence of casein during pressure treatment is a poorly investigated physical indicator and can be important for the processing of raw milk.Целью данного исследования было изучение влияния воздействия давления (50; 90; 160; 250; 350 МПа) на ряд физических свойств мицеллы казеина: гидродинамический радиус, флюоресценцию тирозина и триптофана и характеристику ИК-спектров. По данным фотонно-корреляционной спектроскопии средний гидродинамический радиус мицеллы казеина составил 128 нм, увеличиваясь при 50 МПа до 467 нм с образованием конгломератов. Дальнейшее увеличение давления привело к формированию двух фракций частиц, различающихся по величине гидродинамического радиуса. При давлении в 350 МПа основную часть (75 %) составляли частицы со средним радиусом 121 нм. Сопоставление гистограмм гидродинамического радиуса и флуоресценции тирозина обнаружило снижение интенсивности свечения при увеличении доли частиц больших размеров и рост излучения в растворе при уменьшении размера мицелл. Рост флуоресценции казеина по триптофану и её снижение по тирозину указывают на изменение конформации белковых молекул при обработке давлением. ИК-Фурье спектроскопия выявила изменение интенсивности оптической плотности в диапазоне амид I, амид II и валентных связей тирозина, подтверждая отсутствие появления новых связей.Полученные физические данные указывают на изменение структуры казеиновых мицелл с увеличением доли (25 %) крупных частиц после действия высокого давления (350МПа), что следует учитывать в переработке молока. Флюоресценция казеина при обработке давлением является слабо исследованным физическим показателем и может нести прикладное значение для технологической обработки молочного сырья

    Features of 80S mammalian ribosome and its subunits

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    It is generally believed that basic features of ribosomal functions are universally valid, but a systematic test still stands out for higher eukaryotic 80S ribosomes. Here we report: (i) differences in tRNA and mRNA binding capabilities of eukaryotic and bacterial ribosomes and their subunits. Eukaryotic 40S subunits bind mRNA exclusively in the presence of cognate tRNA, whereas bacterial 30S do bind mRNA already in the absence of tRNA. 80S ribosomes bind mRNA efficiently in the absence of tRNA. In contrast, bacterial 70S interact with mRNA more productively in the presence rather than in the absence of tRNA. (ii) States of initiation (Pi), pre-translocation (PRE) and post-translocation (POST) of the ribosome were checked and no significant functional differences to the prokaryotic counterpart were observed including the reciprocal linkage between A and E sites. (iii) Eukaryotic ribosomes bind tetracycline with an affinity 15 times lower than that of bacterial ribosomes (Kd 30 μM and 1–2 μM, respectively). The drug does not effect enzymatic A-site occupation of 80S ribosomes in contrast to non-enzymatic tRNA binding to the A-site. Both observations explain the relative resistance of eukaryotic ribosomes to this antibiotic

    A Review of Evidence for the Involvement of the Circadian Clock Genes into Malignant Transformation of Thyroid Tissue

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    (1) Background: In 2013, the results of a pioneer study on abnormalities in the levels and circadian rhythmicity of expression of circadian clock genes in cancerous thyroid nodules was published. In the following years, new findings suggesting the involvement of circadian clockwork dysfunction into malignant transformation of thyroid tissue were gradually accumulating. This systematic review provides an update on existing evidence regarding the association of these genes with thyroid tumorigenesis. (2) Methods: Two bibliographic databases (Scopus and PubMed) were searched for articles from inception to 20 March 2023. The reference lists of previously published (nonsystematic) reviews were also hand-searched for additional relevant studies. (3) Results: Nine studies published between 2013 and 2022 were selected. In total, 9 of 12 tested genes were found to be either up- or downregulated. The list of such genes includes all families of core circadian clock genes that are the key components of three transcriptional–translational feedback loops of the circadian clock mechanism (BMAL1, CLOCK, NPAS2, RORα, REV-ERBα, PERs, CRYs, and DECs). (4) Conclusions: Examination of abnormalities in the levels and circadian rhythmicity of expression of circadian clock genes in thyroid tissue can help to reduce the rate of inadequate differential preoperative diagnosis for thyroid carcinoma

    Three-dimensional temporal migration according to initial data of areal seismic exploration

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    Migration methods are traditionally subdivided into two groups depending on carrying out the procedure of summing up the route by the method of common deep point (CDP): before and after summing up (pre- and post-stack migration in English variant). Despite the fact that while processing seismic data we use post-stack migration more often, pre-stack migration allows producing deep image of geological medium in more details that naturally increases the quality of interpretation of seismic exploration data. Therefore in the case when we need to study all the features of deep structure of geological environment, pre-stack migration will give us more informative result, especially while processing the data of areal seismic exploration in the areas with complicated tectonics. A variant of three-dimensional temporal finite-difference pre-stack migration has been proposed based on reverse extension of the wave field in temporal scale of depth, realized by solving of wave equation by obvious residual scheme. This approach guarantees a correct and steady solving of the problem of producing three-dimensional image of the environment demonstrated by practical example of processing the data, observed in Krasnolymansk area (Donbass region).

    Pediatric Tenoten in therapy of childhood nocturnal enuresis

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    Objective: to study the efficacy of pediatric Tenoten in the treatment of secondary nocturnal enuresis in children. Subjects and methods. A comparative randomized study of the results of treatment was conducted in 36 children aged 5 to 15 years with secondary enuresis, who received pediatric Tenoten (n = 18; Group 1) and fenibut (n = 18; Group 2). Tenoten (pediatric formulation) was given a sublingual tablet thrice daily for 2 months. Therapeutic effectiveness was evaluated by clinical parameters (the number of nocturnal enuresis episodes per month and anxiety scale scores). Results. There was a significant reduction or complete cessation of nocturnal enuresis episodes in the majority of children and a decrease in anxiety levels. Positive clinical changes were accompanied by a trend toward normalization of spectral coherent EEG characteristics. Conclusion. Treatment with pediatric Tenoten results in a reduction in the rate of nocturnal enuresis episodes and, in some cases, in their cessation, positively affects the psychological status of children, and improves the indicators of brain bioelectrical activity. The drug causes no adverse reactions and is well tolerated

    Application of computational and expert approaches to determining the type of postburn skin scars

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    Difficulties in choosing anti-scarring tactics are one of the topical problems in the management of children with sequels of burn injury. Therapeutic effectiveness can be enhanced, by making a more accurate diagnosis of the type of scar tissue, which allows the determination of an optimal combination of tools and methods for convalescent burn treatment. Despite that there are recent research works dedicated to the practice of unbiased methods, clinical examination is so far the most widespread method for scar assessment, which shows a high percent of medical errors in view of its subjectivity. The authors of this article propose an algorithm of scar type identification via binary regression and expert approach. The data of 109 clinical examinations of scars in 75 children admitted to the G.N. Speransky Children’s Clinical Hospital with burn scar were reviewed. The developed algorithms showed a high efficiency in identifying the type of a scar and were implemented in software that could define the probability of classifying the scar as one of the clinical and morphological types after entering the clinical exam data and scar age. The program is designed for both combustiology professionals and general practitioners

    The potential of vacuum therapy in the treatment of a newborn infant with severe thermal injury

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    The paper describes a clinical case of successful combination therapy in a newborn infant with severe thermal injury. When admitted to the hospital, the infant was diagnosed with third-degree flame burn covering 75% of the body surface and shock. Specialized emergency care involved antishock measures and replacement of vital functions, stepwise surgical interventions aimed to excise necrotic tissues and to restore lost skin tissue, and antimicrobial and symptomatic therapies. Topical treatment included the use of current wound coatings. Skin autocells were used for significant skin defect. Aacuum therapy was performed to stimulate repair processes and to prepare wounds for further skin plasty. The techniques of vacuum therapy included RENAS\S-GO and PICO apparatuses. Its efficiency was evaluated by microbiological, immunohistochemical, and planimetric examinations. Analysis of the decontaminating impact of a vacuum coating could establish its substantial effect in reducing wound bacterial contamination by 65% in the study group and by an average of 21% in the comparison group. That of immunohistochemical findings during vacuum therapy could reveal the high expression of two markers characterizing wound an-giogenesis. Comparative analysis of planimetric readings showed no significant differences in the use of vacuum therapy and current wound coatings. Thus, negative-pressure therapy creates favorable conditions for a wound healing process, providing effective wound decontamination and stimulating granulation tissue maturation as a factor to prepare for skin plasty


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    The literature data and the finding of our studies on the analysis of the correlation between the level of parathyroid hormone and supply of vitamin D of children (n=107) of early age are presented in the article.The serum level of vitamin D in the analyzed group of children was 24.8 [17.6–32.5] ng/ml, the median of the parathyroid hormone  was 21.0 [12.3–25.5] pg/ml. It has been established that children with optimal supply of vitamin D have significantly lower parathyroid hormone levels vs. the children with vitamin D insufficiency (25 (OH) D from 20 to 30 ng/ml) and deficiency (calcidiol values  below 20 ng/ml). The correlation between the level of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone was r=-0.18, p=0.035.The best supply of vitamin D was found in children of the first year of life – 25 (OH) D concentration was 29.95 [16.2–40.3] ng/ml.  The parathyroid hormone level (16.5 [10.7–23.8] pg/ml) in these children was reliably lower (p=0.05) vs. the children of the second  and third years of life. A positive correlation was established between the age of patients and the parathyroid hormone level (r=0.2,  p=0.05). Preventive doses of vitamin D were received by 42.1% of children. The blood serum concentration of 25 (OH) D in them  was higher (32.7 ng/ml), and the parathyroid hormone level was significantly lower (14.9 pg/ml) vs. the children who did not receive  cholecalciferol preparations (p<0.05).The obtained results demonstrate a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and the increased parathyroid hormone level that reflect  the importance of these hormones in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism and the opposite role in bone tissue calcification


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    The severity of burns depends both on their size and depth of affected tissues. The existing simple methods for estimation of the injured skin area are not precise, especially in children. During last decades, attempts were made to employ information technologies for more precise estimation of the skin area affected by the burn. Usually, a special template («skitsa») is used to represent a human body in a schematic way, allowing automatic calculation of affected area with high accuracy. It is especially important in children, since proportions of their bodies vary greatly at different ages.A computer graphic tool for estimation of area of burns was designed for the Department of Pediatric Burns. It uses an algorithm that allows to adjust burn data displayed on a two-dimensional template, taking into account the three-dimensional nature of the human body. Such correction increases burn area estimation accuracy. Additionally, this system allows using digital photographs of burn area for dynamic assessment of skin condition during treatment. A special algorithm is used to compensate for possible color distortions of the photographs in series, enabling better possibility of patient’s skin condition comparison at different times