10 research outputs found

    Numerical And Experimental Study Of Multi-Point Forming Of Thick Double-Curvature Plates From Aluminum Alloy 7075

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    The paper describes various rod type work tools intended for forming parts and their design peculiarities and technological processes they are used in. We present the device for multi-point forming thick double-curvature plates with the use of reconfigurable core punch and die in large temperature and speed range. The results of finite element modeling of forming and machining process are demonstrated. It is revealed that heating the work piece results in pressing of the rod into the work piece in the areas of maximum pressure. The depth of pressing depends on mechanical behavior of the material at forming temperature and force to forming rods. The paper presents the results of experiments on developing of multi-point forming plates

    Risk factors for urinary incontinence in patients undergoing radical robot-assisted prostatectomy

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    Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common cancers among men, and the tactic to treat this disease stage-depends directly. The “gold” standard for localized PCa is radical robot-assisted prostatectomy (RARP). Patients often have excessive surgery requirements and are concerned about the development of postoperative complications. One of the most frequent functional complications after this operation is urinary incontinence (UI), whose formation mechanism is not fully understood. Clinical studies have described many UI predisposing factors, but the results obtained are often contradictory, which requires a repeated and deeper study of the issue.Objective. To identify predisposing factors for urinary incontinence in patients undergoing radical robot-assisted prostatectomy.Materials & methods. The search results for the scientific databases PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library and PEDro, Wang-fang Database and CNKI, Edline were analyzed for the queries "robot-assisted prostatectomy", "radical prostatectomy", "incontinence", "predictors", "urinary incontinence".Results. The predisposing factors to UI after RARP were studied. The review discusses and illustrates in detail all known predisposing factors for UI and shows the inconsistency of the data obtained by different researchers, which once again emphasizes the need for further study of this issue.Conclusion. Despite the long history of studying postoperative complications of RARP, reliable and consistent data on all the risks of UI after RARP have not yet been obtained. Therefore, this literature review summarizes and analyzes the results of the latest research in recent years

    Choice of the optimal treatment strategy for patient with multifocal bladder cancer: clinical case

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    Transurethral resection of bladder is the standard surgical procedure for management of bladder cancer when it is suspected. Accurate clinical staging of the disease based on the histologic findings followed by further assessment of recurrence risks and risks of disease progression are vital for defining an optimal individualized treatment strategy. Early radical cystectomy (RC) is recommended for patients suffering from superficial bladder cancer at high risk for tumor recurrence.Patients diagnosed with bladder tumors with multifocal lesions as well as with tumor size > 3 сm are related to a group of high risk for cancer progression. In this case in order to take a decision about the benefits of radical surgery, it’s essential to remember that RC is considered to be a major surgical procedure with a broad range of both intraoperative and postoperative complications. The vast majority of patients experience a lower quality of life based on the development of different types of metabolic alterations as well as the necessity for using urinals or inability to have adequate urination control. Organ-preserving therapy with active follow-up is thereby preferably to conduct on young patients with active life position.In our clinical case we confirmed that such treatment strategy allows to establish adequate control over neoplastic process with less negative impact on patients’ quality of life


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    Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common cancer among elderly males in the countries of North America and Europe. The mean age of patients with PC is 72–74 years old. A decision on a treatment option for elderly patients must be based on their somatic status and desire. Today radical operations for locally advanced PC are most commonly performed in older age groups (over 70 years). This is associated with the improvement of both medical equipment and surgical techniques. The patients’ good surgery tolerability is combined with satisfactory oncological results. However, because of age, the regenerative capacities of the patients in this group are diminished and postoperative restorative processes are slower and more difficult. Quality of life was assessed in the patients aged over 70 years who had undergone radical surgery in  our clinic for PC in the past 2 years. Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ) является наиболее часто встречаемым злокачественным заболеванием среди пожилых мужчин в странах Северной Америки и Европы. Средний возраст больных РПЖ составляет 72–74 года. В отношении пожилых пациентов принятие решения о выборе метода лечения должно строиться на основании оценки риска прогрессирования заболевания с учетом соматического статуса и желания больного. В наши дни радикальное оперативное лечение локализованного РПЖ все чаще проводится пациентам старшей возрастной категории (старше 70 лет). Это связано как с совершенствованием медицинского оборудования, так и с улучшением оперативной техники. Хорошая переносимость пациентами операции сочетается с удов-летворительным онкологическим результатом. Однако ввиду возраста регенеративные возможности организма пациентов этой группы снижены, процессы восстановления в послеоперационном периоде протекают медленнее и труднее. Мы провели оценку качества жизни пациентов старше 70 лет, перенесших в нашей клинике радикальное оперативное лечение по поводу РПЖ за последние 2 года.

    Опухоль почки крупных размеров, имитирующая внеорганную опухоль забрюшинного пространства: клинический случай

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    The retroperitoneal space may be a site for a broad spectrum of both rare benign and malignant tumors that are in turn a focus of primary or metastatic involvement. Sarcomas, lymphomas, and different epithelial tumors (of the kidney, adrenal, and pancreas) constitute the bulk of retroperitoneal tumors. Detection of a large-sized tumor located at one of the renal poles may raise the question of whether this mass is a kidney tumor or an extraorgan retroperitoneal tumor adjacent to or growing into the kidney. In view of significant differences in treatment procedures for various retroperitoneal tumors, when the origin of the mass is unknown, there is a need for an individual approach to defining the optimal therapeutic and diagnostic tactics, by attracting specialists in allied fields. Забрюшинное пространство может являться местом локализации широкого спектра как редких доброкачественных, так и злокачественных новообразований, являющихся, в свою очередь, очагом первичного или метастатического поражения. Большую часть опухолей забрюшинного пространства составляют саркомы, лимфомы и различные опухоли эпителиального происхождения (почки, надпочечника, поджелудочной железы). При выявлении крупной опухоли, расположенной у одного из полюсов почки, может встать вопрос о том, является ли данное образование опухолью почки или же внеорганной опухолью забрюшинного пространства, прилегающей к почке или прорастающей в нее. Ввиду значительных различий в методиках лечения разных опухолей забрюшинного пространства в случае неясного генеза образования для определения оптимальной лечебно-диагностической тактики необходим индивидуализированный подход с привлечением специалистов смежных специальностей

    Выбор оптимальной тактики лечения у пациента с мультифокальным опухолевым поражением мочевого пузыря: клинический случай

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    Transurethral resection of bladder is the standard surgical procedure for management of bladder cancer when it is suspected. Accurate clinical staging of the disease based on the histologic findings followed by further assessment of recurrence risks and risks of disease progression are vital for defining an optimal individualized treatment strategy. Early radical cystectomy (RC) is recommended for patients suffering from superficial bladder cancer at high risk for tumor recurrence.Patients diagnosed with bladder tumors with multifocal lesions as well as with tumor size > 3 сm are related to a group of high risk for cancer progression. In this case in order to take a decision about the benefits of radical surgery, it’s essential to remember that RC is considered to be a major surgical procedure with a broad range of both intraoperative and postoperative complications. The vast majority of patients experience a lower quality of life based on the development of different types of metabolic alterations as well as the necessity for using urinals or inability to have adequate urination control. Organ-preserving therapy with active follow-up is thereby preferably to conduct on young patients with active life position.In our clinical case we confirmed that such treatment strategy allows to establish adequate control over neoplastic process with less negative impact on patients’ quality of life.При подозрении на опухоль мочевого пузыря стандартным методом установления окончательного диагноза является трансуретральная резекция мочевого пузыря. Точное определение по данным гистологического заключения стадии заболевания с последующей оценкой рисков рецидива и прогрессии опухоли позволяет выбрать оптимальную для каждого пациента тактику лечения. У пациентов с поверхностным раком мочевого пузыря, имеющих высокий риск прогрессии опухоли, рекомендуется выполнение ранней радикальной цистэктомии (РЦЭ).При мультифокальном поражении мочевого пузыря, наличии опухолей размерами > 3 см еще на этапе установления диагноза пациент может быть отнесен к группе высокого риска прогрессии. В такой ситуации при принятии решения о выполнении радикального оперативного лечения следует помнить, что РЦЭ является масштабной операцией, сопряженной с широким спектром как интра-, так и послеоперацинных осложнений. У большинства пациентов отмечается выраженное ухудшение качества жизни, связанное как с развитием различного рода метаболических нарушений, так и с необходимостью ношения мочеприемников или с невозможностью осуществления адекватного контроля над актом мочеиспускания. В связи с этим у молодых пациентов с активной жизненной позицией следует отдавать предпочтение органосохраняющему лечению с активным динамическим наблюдением.Описанный нами клинический случай подтверждает, что такая тактика позволяет осуществлять адекватный контроль над опухолевым процессом без выраженного негативного влияния на качество жизни пациента


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    <p>Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common cancer among elderly males in the countries of North America and Europe. The mean age of patients with PC is 72–74 years old. A decision on a treatment option for elderly patients must be based on their somatic status and desire. Today radical operations for locally advanced PC are most commonly performed in older age groups (over 70 years). This is associated with the improvement of both medical equipment and surgical techniques. The patients’ good surgery tolerability is combined with satisfactory oncological results. However, because of age, the regenerative capacities of the patients in this group are diminished and postoperative restorative processes are slower and more difficult. Quality of life was assessed in the patients aged over 70 years who had undergone radical surgery in  our clinic for PC in the past 2 years.</p><p> </p

    Large-sized kidney tumor mimicking an extraorgan retroperitoneal tumor

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    <div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>The retroperitoneal space may be a site for a broad spectrum of both rare benign and malignant tumors that are in turn a focus of primary or metastatic involvement. Sarcomas, lymphomas, and different epithelial tumors (of the kidney, adrenal, and pancreas) constitute the bulk of retroperitoneal tumors. Detection of a large-sized tumor located at one of the renal poles may raise the question of whether this mass is a kidney tumor or an extraorgan retroperitoneal tumor adjacent to or growing into the kidney. In view of significant differences in treatment procedures for various retroperitoneal tumors, when the origin of the mass is unknown, there is a need for an individual approach to defining the optimal therapeutic and diagnostic tactics, by attracting specialists in allied fields. </span></p></div></div></div

    Numerical and experimental research of pure bending of beams made of the titanium ABVT-20 alloy with different properties for tension and compression under creep conditions

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