126 research outputs found

    Studying the problem of control and supervisory functions duplication in regional government

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    В статье рассматривается проблема в реализации надзорно-контрольных функций на региональном уровне, основная из которых заключается в дублировании полномочий надзорных органов. Авторы предполагают вариант методики для изучения причин возникновения подобной проблемы.The article deals with the problem in the implementation of state supervisory and control functions at the regional level, the bulk of which is duplication of supervisory structures. The authors suggest an option technique for the study of the causes of this problem

    Measurements of light background at large depth in the ocean

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    The mean intensity of Cerenkov emission from the products of K(40) decay and bioluminescence was measured at depths to 5 km. The intensity of ocean light background is found to depend upon depth and at the 5 km level is equal on averaged to 300 + or - 60 quanta/sq cms into spatial angle of 2 pi sterradian in transparency window. The amplitudes, duration and number of BL flashes were measured at various depths. The intensive flashes due to BL are shown to be observed rather seldom at depths over 4 km

    Informatization of public administration in Russia: historical and law development

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    Рубеж тысячелетий в России отмечен началом становления информационного общества, возрастанием роли информационно-коммуникационных технологий во всех сферах жизнедеятельности общества, в том числе и в государственном и муниципальном управлении. В связи с этим важным представляется изучение историко-нормативного аспекта информатизации государственного управления в России.Millennium in Russia has been marked with the beginning of the information society and the increasing role of information and communication technologies in all society spheres, including public administration. In this regard, it’s important to research the historical and law aspect public administration informatization in Russia

    Josephson tunnel junctions with strong ferromagnetic interlayer

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    The dependence of the critical current density j_c on the ferromagnetic interlayer thickness d_F was determined for Nb/Al_2O_3/Cu/Ni/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic \Ni interlayer from very thin film thicknesses (\sim 1 nm) upwards and classified into F-layer thickness regimes showing a dead magnetic layer, exchange, exchange + anisotropy and total suppression of j_c. The Josephson coupling changes from 0 to pi as function of d_F, and -very close to the crossover thickness- as function of temperature. The strong suppression of the supercurrent in comparison to non-magnetic \Nb/Al_2O_3/Cu/Nb junctions indicated that the insertion of a F-layer leads to additional interface scattering. The transport inside the dead magnetic layer was in dirty limit. For the magnetically active regime fitting with both the clean and the dirty limit theory were carried out, indicating dirty limit condition, too. The results were discussed in the framework of literatureComment: 8 pages, 5 pictures v2: major conceptual change

    Исследование социально-экономической детерминации рождаемости на основе анализа региональных панельных данных

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    The continuing fertility decline in Russia encourages the study of socio-economic factors influencing it as well as the relations between these factors. The contradicting results of international and Russian research do not allow unambiguous conclusions in this field. The paper aims to analyse the influence of socio-economic factors on the total fertility rate, as well as on fertility rates by birth order (first, second, third, and fourth with subsequent children). We hypothesise that the birth rate of the first and subsequent children is affected by various socio-economic factors. Using panel data econometric analysis, we examined the information on 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the period from 2005 to 2017. We applied fifteen main and three additional explanatory variables (regressors), which reflect demographic, economic and social (infrastructural) factors of fertility. The analysis includes the development of models with fixed effects for the total fertility rate and fertility rates by birth order, and examination of the interdependence of certain factors. As a result of the analysis, we revealed the differences in the influence of individual variables on the dynamics of fertility rates for the first child and subsequent children. For example, the influence of real monetary income on the birth order rates is gradually decreasing, while the influence of the unemployment rate, reserves-to-production ratio, and marriage rate is multidirectional. Additionally, in some cases, we discovered a negative relationship between the birth rate and number of regressors (the number of abortions, the share of the urban and working-age population, the pre-school enrolment). The research results can be considered by public authorities when developing the state demographic and social policy at the federal and local levels. © 2020 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.The article has been prepared with the support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project No 19–011–00566А “Large number of children as a social phenomenon”


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    The collapse of the Soviet communist political system led to forced public sector reforms in the respective countries. A rather complex system of public service has emerged in Russia over 25 years of reform. The purpose of the article is to conduct a stratification analysis of the current state of the public service in the Russian Federation in the context of public service reform by the case study method.The article presents a case study of the current situation of stratification of public servants in Russia. The analysis is based on the application of a group of methods: analysis of statistical data, a questionnaire survey of public servants and secondary data analysis.The analysis allowed for the stratification of public servants in Russia on the following parameters: type of service, branch of authority, level of authority, sectoral and territorial affiliation of government authorities, gender and age of employees, level of education, income, self-identity.</p

    Josephson tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic \Fe_{0.75}\Co_{0.25} barriers

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    Josephson tunnel junctions with the strong ferromagnetic alloy \Fe_{0.75}\Co_{0.25} as the barrier material were studied. The junctions were prepared with high quality down to a thickness range of a few monolayers of Fe-Co. An oscillation length of ξF20.79nm\xi_{F2}\approx 0.79\:{\rm {nm}} between 0 and π\pi-Josephson phase coupling and a very short decay length ξF10.22nm\xi_{F1}\approx 0.22\:{\rm {nm}} for the amplitude of the superconducting pair wave function in the Fe-Co layer were determined. The rapid damping of the pair wave function inside the Fe-Co layer is caused by the strong ferromagnetic exchange field and additional magnetic pair breaking scattering. Josephson junctions with Fe-Co barriers show a significantly increased tendency towards magnetic remanence and flux trapping for larger thicknesses dFd_{F}.Comment: contains 5 figure


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    The article is devoted to the description of the technical potential of the regional information and analytical system in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency increase “Resource Saving Matrix”. It justifies the relevance of this development, its elements (modules), the effect of the introduction into economic activity, as well as the recommended use of it as a platform for the implementation of the Smart Region project in terms of energy and housing and utilities. It is concluded that the Resource Saving Matrix is a resource for improving management quality and attracting investments in the energy sector.Описан технический потенциал региональной информационно-аналитической системы в области энергосбережения и повышения энергетической эффективности «Матрица РесурсоСбережения». Обосновываются актуальность данной разработки, ее элементы (модули), эффект от внедрения в хозяйственную деятельность, а также рекомендованное использование ее в качестве платформы для реализации проекта «Умный регион» в части энергетики и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства. Делается вывод о том, что «Матрица РесурсоСбережения» – это ресурс повышения качества управления и привлечения инвестиций в энергетическую отрасль

    Modification of the Heat-Shielding Coatings Based on ZrO2 by the Spreading Method

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    A method has been developed for applying a heat-shielding coating based on zirconium dioxide reinforced with ceramic fiber by manually spreading an aqueous slip followed by drying and calcining at 1200°C in an inert atmosphere

    Examination of Socio-economic Determinants of Fertility based on the Regional Panel Data Analysis

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    The continuing fertility decline in Russia encourages the study of socio-economic factors influencing it as well as the relations between these factors. The contradicting results of international and Russian research do not allow unambiguous conclusions in this field. The paper aims to analyse the influence of socio-economic factors on the total fertility rate, as well as on fertility rates by birth order (first, second, third, and fourth with subsequent children). We hypothesise that the birth rate of the first and subsequent children is affected by various socio-economic factors. Using panel data econometric analysis, we examined the information on 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the period from 2005 to 2017. We applied fifteen main and three additional explanatory variables (regressors), which reflect demographic, economic and social (infrastructural) factors of fertility. The analysis includes the development of models with fixed effects for the total fertility rate and fertility rates by birth order, and examination of the interdependence of certain factors. As a result of the analysis, we revealed the differences in the influence of individual variables on the dynamics of fertility rates for the first child and subsequent children. For example, the influence of real monetary income on the birth order rates is gradually decreasing, while the influence of the unemployment rate, reserves-to-production ratio, and marriage rate is multidirectional. Additionally, in some cases, we discovered a negative relationship between the birth rate and number of regressors (the number of abortions, the share of the urban and working-age population, the pre-school enrolment). The research results can be considered by public authorities when developing the state demographic and social policy at the federal and local levels.В ситуации продолжающегося снижения рождаемости в России возникает вопрос, какие социально-экономические факторы оказывают на нее влияние и как проявляется их взаимосвязь. Противоречивые результаты мировых и российских исследований не позволяют сделать однозначные выводы об этом. Целью статьи является анализ степени влияния социально-экономических факторов на суммарный коэффициент рождаемости, а также коэффициенты рождаемости по очередности рождения (первого, второго, третьего и четвертого с последующими детьми). Гипотеза исследования заключается в предположении, что рождаемость первых и последующих детей обусловлена различными социально-экономическими факторами. Методом эконометрического анализа панельных данных за период с 2005 г. по 2017 г. по 85 субъектам Российской Федерации были рассмотрены пятнадцать основных и три дополнительных объясняющих переменных (регрессоров), которые отражают демографические, экономические и социальные (инфраструктурные) факторы рождаемости. Для анализа были построены модели с фиксированными эффектами для суммарного коэффициента рождаемости и коэффициентов рождаемости по очередности рождений, в которых проверялась взаимообусловленность определенных факторов. В результате анализа были сделаны выводы о различиях во влиянии отдельных переменных на динамику коэффициентов рождаемости для первого ребенка и последующих детей: степень влияния уровня реальных денежных доходов на коэффициенты по очередности рождений постепенно снижается, влияние уровня безработицы, коэффициента фондов и коэффициента брачности носит разнонаправленный характер. Кроме того, в ряде случаев выявлен отрицательный характер взаимосвязи рождаемости с рядом регрессоров (число абортов, доля городского и трудоспособного населения, охват детей дошкольным образованием). Результаты данного исследования могут быть учтены органами государственной власти при разработке государственной демографической и социальной политики как страны в целом, так и ее отдельных субъектов.The article has been prepared with the support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project No 19–011–00566А “Large number of children as a social phenomenon”.Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ по проекту № 19–011–00566А «Многодетность как социальный феномен»