1,383 research outputs found

    Frequency spectra of short-period variations of cosmic ray

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    Frequency spectra for different periods of solar activity were calculated by 5-minutes data of a neutron super-monitor, (altitude 3340 m, cutoff rigidity is 6, 7 GV, counting rate is about 4.5.10 per hour). It was shown that shifting of the spectrum power from low-frequency range to high-frequency range takes place from minimum to maximum of the solar activity. It was reliably distinguished the peak with 160-minutes period coincided with the period of the Sun's atmosphere oscillation and some types of geomagnetic pulsation by the method of accumulation of the frequency spectra. It was conducted the comparison of cosmic ray spectra with spectra of geomagnetic field for the same point of the registration and at the same period

    On the structure of the geomagnetic field at great distances from earth

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    Solar wind and current sheet considered in determining shape of magnetosphere boundary and calculation of magnetic field line

    Activity of cholinesterases of blood and heart in rats of different sex and age during muscular loads and hypokinesia

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    The activity of acetylcholinesterase (Ache) and butyrilcholinesterase (Bche) in the blood and the heart of 3 and 13 month old control male rats is considerably lower than in female rats. In 25 month old rats, no sex differences in the Ache and Bche were revealed in the heart. In 3 and 13 month old male and female rats, under conditions of muscular exercises, the Ache and Bche activity is lower, and in hypokinetic male rats -- higher than that in respective control animals. In all the rats, irrespective of sex, age, and motor conditions, Ache and Bche activity tended to decrease from the sinoatrial node to the heart apex

    On the localization of discontinuities of the first kind for a function of bounded variation

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    Methods of the localization (detection of positions) of discontinuities of the first kind for a univariate function of bounded variation are constructed and investigated. Instead of an exact function, its approximation in L2(-∞,+∞) and the error level are known. We divide the discontinuities into two sets, one of which contains discontinuities with the absolute value of the jump greater than some positive Δmin; the other set contains discontinuities satisfying a smallness condition for the value of the jump. It is required to find the number of discontinuities in the former set and localize them using the approximately given function and the error level. Since the problem is ill-posed, regularizing algorithms should be used for its solution. Under additional conditions on the exact function, we construct regular methods for the localization of discontinuities and obtain estimates for the accuracy of localization and for the separability threshold, which is another important characteristic of the method. The (order) optimality of the constructed methods on the classes of functions with singularities is established. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Fluorinated Graphene Dielectric and Functional Layers for Electronic Applications

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    Future electronics technology is expected to develop from rigid to flexible devices. This process requires breakthroughs in material properties, especially flexibility, in combination with desirable electrical insulating, semiconducting, or metallic properties. Graphene, being one of the recently developed two-dimensional (2D) materials, presents great promise as an active layer in a wide spectrum of electronics devices and, first of all, in field-effect transistors (FET). The development of optimized dielectrics for the graphene active layer is critical for graphene applications. The carrier transport in graphene films takes place at interfaces with dielectric or semiconductor substrates; therefore, the quality of such interface and the interaction of graphene films with nearby dielectric layers (charge carrier scattering) determine the device performance. Generally, the development of dielectric materials aiming at high performance device operation, proper mechanical properties, and low-temperature fabrication is not progressing well since the graphene thin film is very sensitive to surface conditions of dielectric layers. Solving the problem with dielectric layers in the case of nonorganic printed and flexible electronics is especially acute. As it is demonstrated in the present chapter, dielectric layers fabricated from fluorinated graphene suspension or in its combination with graphene oxide are the most promising for graphene-based flexible, printed, and transparent electronics

    Experience of the using natural sorbents as a preventive food

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    Увага спеціалістів прикута до різних напрямків до оцінки впливу важких металів (ВМ) на організм людини з метою профілактики негативних наслідків та збереження здоров’я що має особливе значення для населення промислових територій. У зв’язку з тропністю ВМ навколишнього середовища до репродуктивної системі вагітної жінки, проведені складні багатопланові дослідження, які дозволили в натурних умовах Дніпропетровського регіону оцінити застосування біопрофілактики негативного впливу металевого навантаження з використанням пектинвміщуючих харчових добавок. Для проведення пектинопрофілактики за результатами попередніх обстежень було відібрано 40 жінок – мешканок дослідних районів м.Дніпро, у крові яких визначали перевищення концентрацій токсичних металів – свинцю і кадмію відносно існуючих нормативів або на рівні металоносійства (вище 0,2 мкг/мл). Оцінка ефективності застосування пектинопрофілактики негативного впливу ВМ на організм проводилась у вагітних жінок шляхом порівняння даних біомоніторингу, показників порфіринового обміну до і після вживання пектинвмісних добавок – «драже пектинового», виробленого Асоціацією “Сума технологій” м.Київ. Після тритижневого вживання драже пектинового середня концентрація свинцю та кадмію в крові жінок статистично достовірно зменшилась на 25-30%, що спостерігалося у 50-80% обстежених жінок при достовірному посиленні реальної елімінації металів-токсикантів на фоні зниження активності маркеру токсичної дії свинцю – амінолевулінової кислоти. Використання пектинопрофілактики сприяло зниженню вмісту у крові свинцю та кадмію при посиленні їх ренальної елімінації, а також відновленню метаболізму мікроелементів в організмі вагітних, що розцінюється як позитивний результат, якій буде сприятиме підвищенню адаптації жінок в у умовах промислових міст.The attention of specialists is focused on different areas direction of the impact of HM on the human body for the prevention of the negative consequences and preserve health. It is particular importance for the population of industrial territories. Due to the tropism of the HM of the environment to the reproductive system of the pregnant woman, complicated multidimensional research has been carried out. It allowed to assess the use of bioprophylaxis of the negative effects of the metal loading in the Dnipropetrovsk region using pectin-containing nutritional supplements. According to the results of previous surveys or pectin prophylaxis 40 women - residents of the experimental regions of Dnipro city were selected, whose blood levels were determined by the excess of concentrations of toxic metals - lead and cadmium according to current norms or at the level of metal carriers (above 0.2 μg / ml). The estimation of the effectiveness of pectin prophylaxis of the negative effects of VM on the body was carried out in pregnant women by simile of the data of biomonitoring, porphyrin metabolism indices before and after the use of pectin containing additives - "Pectic Pill", produced by the Sumy Technologies Association in Kyiv. After three weeks of taking pectic dragee, the average concentration of lead and cadmium in the blood of women was statistically significantly reduced by 25-30%, which was observed in 50-80% of the examined women with a significant increase in the real elimination of metal-toxicants against the background of decreased activity of the toxic marker of lead - aminolevulinic acid. The use of pectin prophylaxis promoted to decrease the content of lead and cadmium in blood when renal elimination increased and also to repair of metabolism of trace elements in the body of pregnant women. It is regarded as a positive result, which will increase the adaptation of women in the conditions of industrial cities

    Leadership potential of professional teacher associations in Russia: Formation of middle leaders

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    This research study is aimed at investigating distributed leadership practices in the Russian school system, of which professional teacher associations (PTA) constitute a distinct feature. In particular, we set out to investigate the PTA leadership potential, as well as the role and specific personal characteristics of middle leaders in the Russian school education system. These associations are formed by the school administration on the basis of subject areas, bringing together teachers of maths, history, etc. Teachers join PTAs on a voluntarily basis. The key function of such organisations consists in the implementation of innovative educational approaches and techniques. In order to analyse their leadership potential, we carried out a sociological survey among the employees of high-profile secondary schools (gymnasiums and lyceums) situated in the major Russian city of Ekaterinburg. The research methodology comprised structured interviews with 110 respondents, along with in-depth interviews with 2 school directors, 4 school deputy directors and 6 heads of professional teacher associations. Our results show that the fundamentals and principles of distributed leadership are actively implemented in Ekaterinburg schools. The school administrations encourage the creation of professional teacher associations grouped around subject areas, delegating to these structural units the functions of improving the quality of teaching the respective subjects and disseminating educational innovations, at the same time as fulfilling the requirements of the state and regional education authorities. Such associations are headed by middle leaders, who are nominated by their colleagues and whose candidacy is approved by school seniors, taking into account their professional achievements, experience of leading pedagogical innovations and the presence of the right personal qualities necessary for productive collaborative work. These people perform the role of mediators, operating at the interface between various levels within the school. Although viewed as a school’s personnel reserve for the positions of principals and head teachers, our respondents consider themselves to be ‘more teachers’ or ‘innovators in education’ than administrators. The development of the leadership qualities of such professionals in the Russian school system is shown to be hindered by a ‘glass ceiling’ – a certain limit in their career growth. This discouraging factor results in some middle school leaders searching for professional self-realization opportunities outside the school system, in the spheres of business, science or culture that are believed to provide more opportunities for self-advancement. © 2019 National Research University Higher School of Economics. All rights reserved