635 research outputs found

    Academic stress and its effect on medical students’ mental health status

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    This review aimed to analyze the data on features of a medical students’ mental status and its dynamics in the course of study. The analysis was applied to the scientific publications (mainly over the past 5 years) on the issue of academic stress and medical students’ mental status in different countries from computer databases: PubMed, Medical-Science, eLibrary, Web of Science, and Scopu

    Nitric acid leaching of polymetallic middlings of concentration

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    Investigations into the nitric acid leaching of polymetallic middlings with the purpose of the maximal recovery of copper and zinc into the solution are performed. Using methods of mathematical planning of the experiment, the optimal process parameters are determined: ratio L: S = 5, the consumption of nitric acid is 80 cm3 per 20 g of the charge, and the process duration is 120 min. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc


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    The publication identifies the problem that arises in the era of change of values and ideals and the difficulties that young people face in this situation. As an effective factor that solves this rather complex task, one and the established areas of extracurricular educational work with students, based on historical and local history material, are presented. The concept of “social adaptation of students” in the practical development of extracurricular activities, combining various aspects of educational and extracurricular processes, is considered.La publicación identifica el problema que surge en la era del cambio de valores e ideales y las dificultades que enfrentan los jóvenes en esta situación. Como un factor eficaz que resuelve esta tarea bastante compleja, se presentan una y las áreas establecidas de trabajo educativo extracurricular con estudiantes, basadas en material de historia histórica y local. Se considera el concepto de "adaptación social de los estudiantes" en el desarrollo práctico de actividades extracurriculares, que combina varios aspectos de los procesos educativos y extracurriculares.В публикации обозначена проблема, возникающая в эпоху смены ценностных ориентиров и идеалов и трудности, с которыми сталкивается молодежь в данной ситуации. Как эффективный фактор, решающий эту достаточно сложную задачу, представлено одно и сформировавшихся направлений внеучебной воспитательной работы со студентами, основанное на историко–краеведческом материале. Рассмотрено понятие «социальная адаптация студентов» в практическом преломлении мероприятий внеучебной деятельности, объединяющих в себе различные аспекты учебно– воспитательного и внеучебного процессов

    Electroextraction of lead from a lead trilonate solution

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    Laboratory studies of the cathode process of the electroextraction of zinc from the trilonate electrolyte obtained after the purification of solutions after leaching lead cakes of zinc production are performed. The potential scan rate is determined by recording potentiodynamic curves; the optimal electrolyte acidity, the composition, and the temperature are established. Values of activation energy confirming the concentration nature of process polarization are found. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Optimization of Nanostructuring Burnishing Technological Parameters by Taguchi Method

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    On the basis of application of Taguchi optimization method, an approach for researching influence of nanostructuring burnishing technological parameters, considering the surface layer microhardness criterion, is developed. Optimal values of burnishing force, feed and number of tool passes for hardened steel AISI 420 hardening treatment are defined

    The Sharing Economy: Concept, Features, Development Prospects

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    The sharing economy is a new promising business model, which has not yet been sufficiently studied in the economic literature. This requires clarification of its essence and analysis of development prospects. To do this, the authors identified the basic concepts of the sharing economy; provide quantitative data on the volume of sharing industries; highlighted the problematic issues of the development of the sharing economy. The methodology of the author’s research included the use of methods for analyzing quantitative and qualitative characteristics, summarizing the analyzed information, describing, abstracting. It has been established that the penetration of elements of the sharing economy into various industries is very active today. The development of the sharing economy is an effective way to implement the sustainable development policy. The advantages of sharing are greater accessibility, clarity, cost-effectiveness of the forms of interaction used, compared to other areas of traditional business activities. The influence of the sharing economy is due to the fact that it creates an impetus for the development of traditional industries and changes the quality of socio-economic development


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    The work presents the results of epizootological monitoring of mass gastro-intestinal diseases of young poultry in the Irkutsk Region. As a result of the poultry sickness rate analysis covering the period, of 2006-2010 the following nosological units have been distinguished: colibacteriosis (37,3 %), salmonellosis (25,4 %), pasteurellosis (19,8 %), spirochetosis (14,4 %), staphylococcus diseases (2,9 %), infectiouslaryngotracheitis (0,2 %). The results of the monitoring research, indicated that gastro-intestinal diseases are caused, by a wide range of opportunistic pathogenic microflora agents. However, these bacteria groups are mostly represented by microorganisms Enterobacteriaceae family of Escherichia and Salmonella types. The research established not only wide diversity of the distinguished serological colon bacillus and. salmonella varieties, but also fluctuations in their proportion in the common structure of the distinguished culture in the examined time interval

    The state of implementation of the “Gymnastics” section of the physical education program for the of students of 1–11th grades

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    The state of health and the level of physical fitness of children are the parts of a serious problem that needs to be solved by teachers of physical education as well, but under modern conditions, this is not always possible. This studyis devoted to the identification of problems related to the above-mentioned issue, in which 78 respondents – teachers ofphysical culture from 52 secondary schools – took part. As a result of the study conducted by the method of questioning, it was found out that the most difficult to implement is the section “gymnastics”. The main problems are: the poor health of schoolchildren and poor physical fitness, the lack of sports and gymnastic equipment, as well as the increased workload of gyms. As an option to overcome the difficulties arising in the implementation of the section “Gymnastics”, many teachers are considering the possibility of using fitness technologies, however, in practice, only a smaller part of respondents implement them. The conclusion was made that the implementation of the gymnastics section in full under modern conditions is difficult to achieve, this is proved by the fact that the section is implemented in full only in 22% of educational institutions. It is necessary to adjust the physical education program for schoolchildren (within the section “Gymnastics”) or create such conditions for conducting lessons under which teachers will be given the opportunity to implement the developed programs in full

    On Calculation of Monomial Automorphisms of Linear Cyclic Codes

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. A description of the monomial automorphisms group of an arbitrary linear cyclic code in term of polynomials is presented. This allows us to reduce a task of code’s monomial automorphisms calculation to a task of solving some system of equations (in general, nonlinear) over a finite field. The results are illustrated with examples of calculating the full monomial automorphisms groups for two codes