54 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Benih dengan Trichoderma Viride dan Pseudomonas Fluorescens terhadap Keterjadian Penyakit Bulai (Peronosclerospora Maydis) pada Berbagai Varietas Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

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    Penyakit bulai (downy mildew) yang disebabkan oleh jamur Peronosclerospora maydis merupakan penyakit yang banyak merusak tanaman jagung dan dapat menimbulkan kehilangan hasil sampai 100%. Salah satu alternatif pengendalian yang mulai dikembangkan saat ini adalah pemanfaatan agensia hayati. Trichoderma spp. dan bakteri Pseudomonas fluorescens memiliki potensi sebagai agensia hayati. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh jamur T. viride, bakteri P. fluorescens, dan kombinasi keduanya terhadap keterjadian penyakit bulai (P. maydis) pada varietas jagung lokal, jagung hibrida, dan jagung manis melalui perlakuan benih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jamur T. viride, bakteri P. fluorescens, serta kombinasi keduanya tidak berpengaruh terhadap keterjadian penyakit bulai pada tanaman jagung melalui perlakuan benih. Namun perbedaan varietas jagung berpengaruh nyata terhadap keterjadian penyakit bulai, varietas lokal mempunyai sifatketahanan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan varietas lainnya

    Perceived Peer Social Support dan Psychological Distress Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan psychological distress antara mahasiswa yang memiliki perceived peer social support dengan mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki perceived peer social support. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan alat ukur HSCL-25 untuk mengetahui psychological distress partisipan dan data demografis untuk membedakan antara partisipan yang memiliki perceived peer social support dengan yang tidak. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 666 mahasiswa S1 program reguler Universitas Indonesia yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik acak. Teknik statistik yang digunakan adalah independent sample t-test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan psychological distress yang signifikan antara mahasiswa UI yang memiliki perceived peer social support dengan mahasiswa UI yang tidak memiliki perceived peer social support. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena psychological distress tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh perceived peer social support, tetapi juga faktor-faktor lain.Keywords: HSCL-25 questionnaire, perceived peer social support, psychological distress, students random samplin

    Analisis Finansial Dan Pemasaran Keranjang Bambu Di Desa Sigodang, Kecamatan Panei, Kabupaten Simalungun

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    Bamboo was potencial matter as the substitution of wood, especialy in bamboo basket making. Bamboo basket processing was slowly developed by small industries. This cased aims to determine the financial feasibility and marketing of bamboo basket. To determine the financial feasibility analysis through Cost-Revenue Ratio (R / C), Capital Return Time (Payback Period) and Break Even Point (BEP) analysis. To determine marketing margins distribution used snowball sampling method. The results showed that the financial analysis processing bamboo basket was feasible by R / C was more great than 1 (1.62 and 1.63). There are 3 channels of marketing of bamboo baskets, and the most efficient marketing was channel I

    Sifat Kepribadian Dan Stres Psikologis Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia

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    Previous researchs showed that there is a relationship between personality trait andpsychological distress. This study aims to describe the dominant personality traits among thestudents of University of Indonesia (UI) and to investigate the relationship between dominantpersonality traits of the students and the psychological distress. This is a quantitative studywith 702 undergraduate students at UI. The participants were recruited through randomsampling. The instruments of the study were Neuroticism Extraversion Openness PersonalityInventory (NEO-PI) for determining the dominant personality trait, and the HopkinsSymptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) for measuring their psychological distress. The resultshowed that the most common dominant personality trait found in this study was neuroticism(31,5%). There was a significant relationship between dominant trait neuroticism withpsychological distress among the students of Universitas Indonesia (r = 0,415, p < 0.01). Thedominant traits among the students of UI were consecutively were neuroticism,conscientiousness, openness to experience, extraversion, and agreeableness. The students withthe dominant trait of neuroticism possessed high level of psychological distress. Noassociations were found between psychological distress and other dominant personality trait

    Phenomena Conflict, Anxiety, and Depression for Cancer Survivor One Year and After Have Therapy in General Hospital

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    Introduction. Psychosocial distress emerges in cancer disease. This research explores experience of conflict, anxiety, and depression in one year cancer survivor. Methods. Data were collected through in-depth semi structured interviews with fifteen participants when seeking treatment at a public hospital in Bandung. Result. There nine themes emerge: anxiety about cancer's spread and recurrence, changing relationships with a partner, 'labeling' from oneself and others, physical discomfort along treatment, psychological discomfort along treatment, self-concept, religious/spiritual, hiding diagnose and complain, and deficit information about cancer. But, four themes among were not characterized with conflict, anxiety, and depression. Conflict, anxiety, and depression impact condition of the client cancer. Discussion. Experience of conflict, anxiety, and depression became the basis for the development of management system service and provision of facilities for integrated mental health nursing therapy

    Perancangan Sistem Pemantauan Panel Surya Pollycristalline Menggunakan Teknologi Web Firebase Berbasis IoT

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    Penelitian ini memaparkan Pengukuran sistem online berbasis Web dan Android pada photovoltaic (PV) tipe Polycrystalline. Rancangan sistem monitoring photovoltaic online ini dengan memanfaatkan NodeMCU sebagai mikrokontroler sekaligus wifishield untuk mengirimkan data melalui koneksi jaringan internet. Konsep Internet of Things yang didesain menggunakan ESP 8266 yang terdapat pada NodeMCU agar alat dapat terkoneksi ke internet. Sensor dalam membaca arus dan tegangan yang mengalir dari&nbsp; panel surya menggunakan sensor INA219. Untuk kombinasi sistem Arduino IDE yang telah diprogram pada pembacaan arus dan tegangan yang diterima, kemudian dikirimkan melalui koneksi jaringan internet menggunakan modul NodeMCU. Selanjutnya data yang terkirim dapat dimonitor melalui website firebase yang dapat di tampilkan menggunakan personal komputer maupun smart phone. Data yang ditampilkan di website terdiri dari tegangan, arus dan daya. Hasil Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa Galat dari pembacaan tegangan dan arus sensor INA219 dengan multitester digital adalah masing – masing 0.28% dan 2.29 %. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh keterbatasan multitester dalam membaca nilai pengukuran yang kecil. Pada alat sistem Solar charge controller berfungsi untuk menjaga tegangan yang masuk dari panel surya sesuai dengan tengangan kerja baterai ± 12 Volt. Data pengukuran yang ditampilkan mempunyai waktu update 1 detik. Informasi ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai tambahan referensi dan analisa untuk pemasangan Sistem Energi Terbarukan (Photovoltaics) di Sumatera Utara

    Study Adsorption Desorption of Manganese(ii) Using Impregnated Chitin-cellulose as Adsorbent

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    - Study adsorption desorption of manganese(II) using impregnated chitin-cellulose as adsorbent has been carried out. Chitin was extracted from snail shell and cellulose isolated from rice straw. Chitin and cellulose were impregnated using thiourea as impregnant agent. Characterization of chitin and cellulose was performed using FTIR spectroscopy, determination of water content, and ash content, while impregnated chitin-cellulose was characterized using FTIR spectrophotometer and X-Ray diffractometer. The adsorption of Mn(II) on impregnated chitin-cellulose was studied through determination of adsorption time and the influence of Mn(II) concentration, while desorption was carried out sequentially using various reagents. The results shown that chitin and cellulose from extraction processes are has similar FTIR spectrum compared to chitin and cellulose standard. The FTIR spectrum of impregnated chitin-cellulose shows both vibration of chitin and cellulose appeared and indicated successfully impregnate. These results were also equal to XRD pattern analysis. The water and ash contents of chitin are 0.038% and 0.043 while for cellulose are 0.184% and 0.165%, respectively. The adsorption of Mn(II) on chitin and cellulose are quite similar kinetically, while adsorption of Mn(II) on impregnated chitin-cellulose is higher at the same time with chitin and cellulose. In the low concentration of Mn(II), adsorption phenomena are similar on chitin, cellulose, and impregnated chitin-cellulose. Desorption process of Mn(II) on the adsorbents shows sodium etilenediamine tetra acetate able to desorp Mn(II) up to 68% higher than other reagents

    Noise reduction in functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals by independent component analysis

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is used to detect concentration changes of oxyhemoglobin and deoxy-hemoglobin in the human brain. The main difficulty entailed in the analysis of fNIRS signals is the fact that the hemodynamic response to a specific neuronal activation is contaminated by physiological and instrument noises, motion artifacts, and other interferences. This paper proposes independent component analysis (ICA) as a means of identifying the original hemodynamic response in the presence of noises. The original hemodynamic response was reconstructed using the primary independent component (IC) and other, less-weighting-coefficient ICs. In order to generate experimental brain stimuli, arithmetic tasks were administered to eight volunteer subjects. The t-value of the reconstructed hemodynamic response was improved by using the ICs found in the measured data. The best t-value out of 16 low-pass-filtered signals was 37, and that of the reconstructed one was 51. Also, the average t-value of the eight subjects&apos; reconstructed signals was 40, whereas that of all of their low-pass-filtered signals was only 20. Overall, the results showed the applicability of the ICA-based method to noise-contamination reduction in brain mapping.open1

    A Method to Extract P300 EEG Signal Feature Using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for Lie Detection

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    The progress of today's technology is growing very quickly. This becomes the motivation for the community to be able to continue and provide innovations. One technology to be developed is the application of brain signals or called with electroencephalograph (EEG). EEG is a non-invasive measurement method that represents electrical signals from brain activity obtained by placement of multiple electrodes on the scalp in the area of the brain, thus obtaining information on electrical brain signals to be processed and analyzed. Lie is an act of covering up something so that only the person who is lying knows the truth of the statement. The hidden information from lying subjects will elicit an EEG-P300 signal response using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) in different shapes of amplitude that tends to be larger around 300 ms after stimulation. The method used in the experiment is to invite subject in a card game so that the process can be done naturally and the subject can well stimulated. After the trials there are several results almost all subjects have the same frequency on the frequency of 24-27 Hz. This is a classification of beta waves that have a frequency of 13-30 Hz where the beta wave is closely related to active thinking and attention, focusing on the outside world or solving concrete problems


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    This community service activity aims to be able to improve the ability of students to study mathematics, Indonesian and civic education and English during the current pandemic. In this case, the free guidance course in question is learning that is carried out outside school hours and is free of charge from students. With community service activities (PKM) carried out in each Faculty, it is a program that really helps the community with things like today. Where students participate in helping to educate the nation's life. Moreover, especially in the selection of community service locations (PKM), students are required to be smarter and more literate with educational problems that occur at community service locations (PKM). From the teaching system, it appears that the condition of the school is good in teaching its students. But again, the problem of technology seems to need to be introduced and used when teaching in the classroom. With the help of these media can provide renewal for students that make them enthusiastic, active, and interested in the learning process.Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan &nbsp;untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempelajari mata pelajaran matematika, bahasa Indonesia dan pendidikan kewarganegaran dan bahasa inggris dimasa pandemi &nbsp;seperti saat ini. &nbsp;Dalam&nbsp;hal ini Kursus bimbinagan gratis &nbsp;yang dimaksud &nbsp;&nbsp;adalah &nbsp;pembelajaran yang dialakukan diluar jam sekolah dan tidak dipungut biaya sedikitpun dari peserta didik. Dengan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) yang dilakukan disetiap Fakultas merupakan program yang sangat membantu masyarakat dengan perihal seperti saat ini. Yang dimana mahasiswanya ikut serta dalam membantu mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Terlebih lagi khususnya dalam pemilihan lokasi pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) mahasiswa dituntut untuk lebih cerdas dan lebih melek dengan permasalahan-permasalahan pendidikan yang terjadi di lokasi pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) nanti. Dari sistem mengajar, tampak kondisi sekolah sudah baik dalam mengajar anak muridnya. Namun balik lagi kepermasalah teknologi sepertinya perlu diperkenalkan dan digunakan ketika mengajar di kelas. Dengan adanya bantuan media tersebut dapat memberikan pembaharuan bagi siswa yang membuat mereka semangat, aktif, serta minat dalam proses pembelajaran