92 research outputs found

    Simplified exponential approximation for thermodynamics of a hard-core repulsive Yukawa fluid

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    Exponential approximation based on the first order mean spherical approximation (FMSA) is applied to the study of the structure and thermodynamics of hard-core repulsive Yukawa fluids. The proposed theory utilizes an exponential enhancement of the analytical solution of the FMSA due to Tang and Lu [J. Chem. Phys., 1993, 99, 9828] for the radial distribution function. From comparison with computer simulation data we have shown that at low density and low temperature conditions, where original FMSA theory fails, the FMSA-based exponential theory predicts a significant improvement.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Improved first order mean spherical approximation for simple fluids

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    A perturbation approach based on the first-order mean spherical approximation (FMSA) is proposed. It consists in adopting a hard-sphere plus short-range attractive Yukawa fluid as the novel reference system, over which the perturbative solution of the Ornstein-Zernike equation is performed. A choice of the optimal range of the reference attraction is discussed. The results are compared against conventional FMSA/HS theory and Monte-Carlo simulation data for compressibility factor and vapor-liquid phase diagrams of the medium-ranged Yukawa fluid. Proposed theory keeps the same level of simplicity and transparency, as the conventional FMSA/HS approach does, but shows to be more accurate.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Towards frustration of freezing transition in a binary hard-disk mixture

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    The freezing mechanism, recently suggested for a monodisperse hard-disk fluid [Huerta et al., Phys. Rev. E, 2006, 74, 061106] is extended here to an equimolar binary hard-disk mixtures. We are showing that for diameter ratios, smaller than 1.15 the global orientational order parameter of the binary mixture behaves like in the case of a monodisperse fluid. Namely, by increasing the disk number density there is a tendency to form a crystalline-like phase. However, for diameter ratios larger than 1.15 the binary mixtures behave like a disordered fluid. We use some of the structural and thermodynamic properties to compare and discuss the behavior as a function of diameter ratio and packing fraction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Virial expansions and augmented van der Waals approach: Application to Lennard-Jones-like Yukawa fluid

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    We argue that recently proposed [Melnyk et al., Fluid Phase Equilibr., 2009, Vol. 279, 1] a criterion to split the pair interaction energy into two parts, one of which is forced to be responsible the most accurate as possible for excluded volume energy in the system, results in expressions for the virial coefficients that improve the performance of the virial equation of state in general, and at subcritical temperatures, in particular. As an example, application to the Lennard-Jones-like hard-core attractive Yukawa fluid is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Marian Smoluchowski: A story behind one photograph

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    We discuss the photograph procured from the archives of the V. Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine dated by 1904 which shows Marian Smoluchowski together with professors and graduate students of the Philosophy department of the Lviv University. The personalia includes both the professors and the graduates depicted on the photograph with the emphasis on the graduates as being much less known and studied. The photograph originates from the collection of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, therefore a brief historical background on the activities of physicists in this society around that period of time is provided as well.Comment: 8 pages, 1 photograp

    Frustration of freezing in a two dimensional hard-core fluid due to particle shape anisotropy

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    The freezing mechanism suggested for a fluid composed of hard disks [Huerta et al., Phys. Rev. E, 2006, 74, 061106] is used here to probe the fluid-to-solid transition in a hard-dumbbell fluid composed of overlapping hard disks with a variable length between disk centers. Analyzing the trends in the shape of second maximum of the radial distribution function of the planar hard-dumbbell fluid it has been found that the type of transition could be sensitive to the length of hard-dumbbell molecules. From the NpT{NpT} Monte Carlo simulations data we show that if a hard-dumbbell length does not exceed 15% of the disk diameter, the fluid-to-solid transition scenario follows the case of a hard-disk fluid, i.e., the isotropic hard-dumbbell fluid experiences freezing. However, for a hard-dumbbell length larger than 15% of disk diameter, there is evidence that fluid-to-solid transition may change to continuous transition, i.e., such an isotropic hard-dumbbell fluid will avoid freezing.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Mean spherical approximation for the Lennard-Jones-like two Yukawa model: Comparison against Monte Carlo data

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    Monte Carlo simulation studies are performed for the Lennard-Jones like two Yukawa (LJ2Y) potential to show how properties of this model fluid depend on the replacement of the soft repulsion by the hard-core repulsion. Different distances for the positioning of hard core have been explored. We have found, that for temperatures that are slightly lower and slightly higher of the critical point temperature for the Lennard-Jones fluid, placing the hard core at distances that are shorter than zero-potential energy is well justified by thermodynamic properties that are practically the same as in original LJ2Y model without hard core. However, going to extreme conditions with the high temperature one should be careful since presence of the hard core provokes changes in the properties of the system. The later is extremely important when the mean spherical approximation (MSA) theory is applied to treat the Lennard-Jones-like fluid.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    On Julius Planer's 1861 paper "Notiz über das Cholestearin" in Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie

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    Brief review of the literature on the history of thermotropic liquid crystal discovery and the role of the observations reported by Julius Planer in his note published almost 150 years ago

    A mixed conctant problem for a system of two punches with angular points and a plate with partly stronger curvilinear hole

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    Побудовано систему сингулярних інтегрально-диференціальних рівнянь з ядрами Гільберта і логарифмічними ядрами для задачі про тиск системи двох жорстких штампів із кутовими точками на частково підсилений криволінійний контур нескінченної ізотропної пластинки. Методом механічних квадратур і колокації проведено дослідження впливу на напружений стан пластинки жорсткості підсилювальних ребер.The system of singular integral differential equations with Gilbert kernels and logarithmic kernels in problems of pressure of a system of two stiff punches with angular points on partly stronger contour of curvilinear hole in an infinite isotropic plate is built. It is explored an influence of the booster rib's stiffness on the plate's strained state by the method of mechanical quadrature and collocation