21 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population: a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold

    Park furniture with regional accent in contemporary land development solutions - the example of Glinka village in Silesian voivodeship

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    Pod wp艂ywem przemian technicznych, spo艂ecznych i ekonomicznych wsp贸艂czesna wie艣 zmienia sw贸j dotychczasowy charakter, powoli odchodz膮c od tradycyjnej formy. Zmiany te dotycz膮 m.in. sposobu zagospodarowania terenu, w kt贸rym coraz cz臋艣ciej zauwa偶alne jest zanikanie odr臋bno艣ci kulturowej. O ile kszta艂towanie zabudowy wiejskiej jest cz臋sto kontrolowane przez przepisy prawa miejscowego, o tyle kszta艂towanie teren贸w zieleni w tym obszar贸w integracji spo艂ecznej tworzone jest zwykle jedynie w oparciu o indywidualne gusta. Dlatego bardzo istotne jest u艣wiadamianie zar贸wno spo艂eczno艣ci lokalnej jak r贸wnie偶 decydentom na poziomie lokalnym i ponadlokalnym, jak wa偶ne w harmonijnym kszta艂towaniu obszar贸w wiejskich jest ich kompleksowe traktowanie. G艂贸wnym celem artyku艂u jest zwr贸cenie uwagi na potrzeb臋 kszta艂towania krajobrazu obszar贸w wiejskich zgodnie z tradycj膮 i miejscow膮 kultur膮. Zjawisko to jest zar贸wno istotne w kszta艂towaniu strefy prywatnej, jak r贸wnie偶 publicznej, gdy偶 obie te przestrzenie w podobny spos贸b wp艂ywaj膮 na zachowanie 艂adu przestrzennego i maj膮 wp艂yw na podtrzymanie ci膮g艂o艣ci tradycji regionalnych.Technical, social and economic influences caused changes in traditional village character, that slowly moves towards more contemporary forms. These changes relate to, among others, land development. Frequently the land development looses distinctiveness of its own cultural identity. The development of rural housing is often controlled by local law, while the development of green areas and areas of social integration can be freely designed. Their development is usually only based on individual taste. Therefore, it is very important to raise cultural awareness of the local community as well as local and regional authorities, as they are the key stakeholders in the process of harmonious rural areas formation. The main aim of this article is to draw attention to the issue of rural landscape development in reference to the local tradition and culture. It is important in the development of private areas, as well as the public space. They both affect the upkeeping of spatial harmony and maintaining the continuity of regional tradition

    Analytical and numerical simulation of glomerular filtration rate : with application of Mathematica program

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    Wst臋p i cele: W pracy przedstawiono wzory pot臋gowo-wyk艂adnicze do obliczania przybli偶onej warto艣ci szybko艣ci filtracji k艂臋buszkowej (GRF). Pokazano pr贸b臋 klasyfikacji warto艣ci referencyjnych poziomu kreatyniny oraz zakres贸w warto艣ci GFR. W artykule podano przyk艂ady oblicze艅 przybli偶onej warto艣ci filtracji k艂臋buszkowej dla warto艣ci prawid艂owych dla obu p艂ci. Materia艂 i metody: Wykorzystano materia艂 teoretyczny z literatury przedmiotu. Zastosowano metod臋 analityczn膮 i numeryczn膮 z wykorzystaniem programu Mathematica. Wyniki: Obliczono analitycznie i numerycznie warto艣ci poziomu kreatyniny dla przypadku warto艣ci prawid艂owych oraz nieprawid艂owych. U偶ywaj膮c program Mathematica opracowano interpreatcj臋 graficzn膮 wynik贸w w postaci wykres贸w 2D oraz 3D. Wniosek: Zastosowanie programu numerycznego Mathematica pozwala na wykonanie symulacji zar贸wno numerycznej jak i graficznej wzoru pot臋gowo-wyk艂adniczego okre艣laj膮cego szybko艣膰 filtracji k艂臋buszkowej.Introduction and aim: The paper presents exponential and power formulas for calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GRF). An attempt was made to classify the reference values of creatinine level and ranges of GFR values. The article gives examples of calculations of the approximate value of glomerular filtration for both female and male. Material and methods: Theoretical material from the subject literature has been used. An analytical and numerical method have been applied using the Mathematica program. Results: Analytical and numerical values of creatinine values were calculated for the case of normal and abnormal values. Using the Mathematica program, graphical interpatation of results in the form of 2D and 3D charts was developed. Conclusion: The use of the numerical program Mathematica allows the simulation of both the numerical and graphical exponential and power formula determining the rate of glomerular filtration

    Classification of timber and wood theft as one of the forms of forest damage

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    Due to the need to ensure protection of the forest environment against so鈭抍alled forestry damage, the Polish legislator introduced a number of legal solutions (both in the field of criminal law and the law of misdemeanors), aimed at eliminating human behaviors that harm the forest as a priceless good. Despite the multiplicity of legal regulations, in practice there are situations of improper use (i.e. incorrect legal classification of an act), which in turn translates into the level of forest legal protection as property of special value. The paper analyses criminal law (sensu largo) in terms of penalizing behaviors that are a manifestation of forest damage, but also indicates their correct application in the situation of for example felling and then theft of wood or theft of wood itself. It should be pointed out that the current provisions on the protection of forest property, contained in the Penal Code (PC) of 1997, as well as the Code of Misdemeanors (CM) of 1971, differ significantly (while for the legal qualification: felling and then the theft of trees on the basis of PC should reach for the disposition of the provision of Article 290 of the PC in conjunction with Article 278 PC, then under the CM, only the provision of Article 120 of the PC). The non鈭抲niformity of penal provisions and provisions regulating liability in the event of an offense aimed at ensuring the protection of forest property against forest damage creates a necessity to clarify them, but also to indicate an appropriate model for the classification of acts subject to their instruction

    Bakteriologiczne zanieczyszczenie pomiotu kur niosek w zale偶no艣ci od ich wieku

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    Analytical and numerical simulation of glomerular filtration rate for african race with interpretation in Mathematica program

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    Wst臋p i cele: W pracy przedstawiono wzory pot臋gowo-wyk艂adnicze do obliczania przybli偶onej warto艣ci szybko艣ci filtracji k艂臋buszkowej (GRF). Pokazano pr贸b臋 klasyfikacji warto艣ci referencyjnych poziomu kreatyniny oraz zakres贸w warto艣ci GFR. W artykule podano przyk艂ady oblicze艅 przybli偶onej warto艣ci filtracji k艂臋buszkowej dla m臋偶czyzny i kobiety rasy afryka艅skiej. Materia艂 i metody: Wykorzystano materia艂 teoretyczny z literatury przedmiotu. Zastosowano metod臋 analityczn膮 i numeryczn膮 z wykorzystaniem programu Mathematica. Wyniki: Obliczono analitycznie i numerycznie warto艣ci poziomu kreatyniny dla przypadku m臋偶czyzny i kobiety rasy afryka艅skiej. U偶ywaj膮c program Mathematica opracowano interpretacj臋 graficzn膮 wynik贸w w postaci wykres贸w 2D oraz 3D. Wniosek: Zastosowanie programu numerycznego Mathematica pozwala na wykonanie symulacji zar贸wno numerycznej jak i graficznej wzoru pot臋gowo-wyk艂adniczego okre艣laj膮cego szybko艣膰 filtracji k艂臋buszkowej w przypadku rasy afryka艅skiej.Introduction and aim: The paper presents exponential and power formulas for calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GRF). An attempt was made to classify the reference values of creatinine level and ranges of GFR values. The article gives examples of calculations of the approximate value of glomerular filtration for both male and female of african race. Material and methods: Theoretical material from the subject literature has been used. An analytical and numerical method have been applied using the Mathematica program. Results: Analytical and numerical values of creatinine values were calculated for male and female of african race. Using the Mathematica program, graphical interpretation of results in the form of 2D and 3D charts was developed. Conclusion: The use of the numerical program Mathematica allows the simulation of both the numerical and graphical exponential and power formula determining the rate of glomerular filtration for the case of african race

    Wyst臋powanie wybranych zoonoz na terenie wojew贸dztwa lubelskiego w latach 2000-2010

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