4,129 research outputs found

    Construction of direction selectivity in V1: from simple to complex cells

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    Despite detailed knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the primary visual cortex (V1), the immense number of feed-forward and recurrent connections onto a given V1 neuron make it difficult to understand how the physiological details relate to a given neuron’s functional properties. Here, we focus on a well-known functional property of many V1 complex cells: phase-invariant direction selectivity (DS). While the energy model explains its construction at the conceptual level, it remains unclear how the mathematical operations described in this model are implemented by cortical circuits. To understand how DS of complex cells is constructed in cortex, we apply a nonlinear modeling framework to extracellular data from macaque V1. We use a modification of spike-triggered covariance (STC) analysis to identify multiple biologically plausible "spatiotemporal features" that either excite or suppress a cell. We demonstrate that these features represent the true inputs to the neuron more accurately, and the resulting nonlinear model compactly describes how these inputs are combined to result in the functional properties of the cell. In a population of 59 neurons, we find that both simple and complex V1 cells are selective to combinations of excitatory and suppressive motion features. Because the strength of DS and simple/complex classification is well predicted by our models, we can use simulations with inputs matching thalamic and simple cells to assess how individual model components contribute to these measures. Our results unify experimental observations regarding the construction of DS from thalamic feed-forward inputs to V1: based on the differences between excitatory and inhibitory inputs, they suggest a connectivity diagram for simple and complex cells that sheds light on the mechanism underlying the DS of cortical cells. More generally, they illustrate how stage-wise nonlinear combination of multiple features gives rise to the processing of more abstract visual information

    Climate-Vegetation-Feedbacks as a Mechanism for Accelerated Climate Change: The onset of the African Humid Period

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    Paleo-environmental records and models indicate that the African Humid Period (AHPabruptly ended about 5000-4000 years before present (BP). Some proxies indicate alsan abrupt onset of the AHP between 14,000 and 11,000 BP. How important are local orbitaforcing, ice-sheet forcing, greenhouse gas forcing, and the reorganization of the AtlantiMeridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) for changes in the African Monsoon/vegetatiosystem? Here we use transient simulations with climate-vegetation models of differencomplexity to identify the factors that control the onset of the African Monsoon/VegetationWe test the following hypothesis:(1) There is no indication for insolation-thresholds for the onset/break of the AHP.(2) Forcing from CO2/ice-sheets significantly controls the climate of North Africa.(3) CO2 fertilization contributes to the vegetation changes over North Africa.(4) A shutdown of the AMOC is as important as orbital insolation for the African Monsoon

    Time-convolutionless master equation for quantum dots: Perturbative expansion to arbitrary order

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    The master equation describing the non-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum dot coupled to metallic leads is considered. Employing a superoperator approach, we derive an exact time-convolutionless master equation for the probabilities of dot states, i.e., a time-convolutionless Pauli master equation. The generator of this master equation is derived order by order in the hybridization between dot and leads. Although the generator turns out to be closely related to the T-matrix expressions for the transition rates, which are plagued by divergences, in the time-convolutionless generator all divergences cancel order by order. The time-convolutionless and T-matrix master equations are contrasted to the Nakajima-Zwanzig version. The absence of divergences in the Nakajima-Zwanzig master equation due to the nonexistence of secular reducible contributions becomes rather transparent in our approach, which explicitly projects out these contributions. We also show that the time-convolutionless generator contains the generator of the Nakajima-Zwanzig master equation in the Markov approximation plus corrections, which we make explicit. Furthermore, it is shown that the stationary solutions of the time-convolutionless and the Nakajima-Zwanzig master equations are identical. However, this identity neither extends to perturbative expansions truncated at finite order nor to dynamical solutions. We discuss the conditions under which the Nakajima-Zwanzig-Markov master equation nevertheless yields good results.Comment: 13 pages + appendice

    Sparse solutions of linear Diophantine equations

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    We present structural results on solutions to the Diophantine system Ay=bA{\boldsymbol y} = {\boldsymbol b}, yZ0t{\boldsymbol y} \in \mathbb Z^t_{\ge 0} with the smallest number of non-zero entries. Our tools are algebraic and number theoretic in nature and include Siegel's Lemma, generating functions, and commutative algebra. These results have some interesting consequences in discrete optimization

    A Embrapa e a comunicação para a Agricultura Familiar: uma pesquisa exploratória no Distrito Federal.

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    Este artigo tem como propósito apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória realizada com agricultores familiares do Distrito Federal acerca da imagem da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) no que se refere à relação e a comunicação com a agricultura familiar, tendo como ponto inicial a identificação de entraves na comunicação da empresa com esse segmento de agricultores

    Influence of non-local exchange on RKKY interactions in III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    The RKKY interaction between substitutional Mn local moments in GaAs is both spin-direction-dependent and spatially anisotropic. In this Letter we address the strength of these anisotropies using a semi-phenomenological tight-binding model which treats the hybridization between Mn d-orbitals and As p-orbitals perturbatively and accounts realistically for the non-local exchange interaction between their spins. We show that exchange non-locality, valence-band spin-orbit coupling, and band-structure anisotropy all play a role in determining the strength of both effects. We use these results to estimate the degree of ground-state magnetization suppression due to frustrating interactions between randomly located Mn ions.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 figures included, v2: replacement because of font proble

    Forming Resilient Rostered Ministers: a Proposed Model for First Call Ministry Formation for the North/West Lower Michigan Synod-ELCA

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    According to the Gospels, Jesus of Nazareth selected twelve men to be his disciples. Three years later, one of the twelve had betrayed Jesus and ended his own liferepresenting an apostolic attrition rate of eight percent. One challenge to Christian denominations today is the attrition rate of trained pastors and deacons serving in congregational settings. Research suggests that up to 50 percent of pastors leave congregational ministry within ten years of their ordination. Other sources dispute these figures. Although up to 20% may leave congregational ministry in favor of specialized ministries, further study, or retirement, a significant number report leaving because conflict and/or financial struggles simply wear them down or cause them to question whether the call was still upon them. This dissertation examines the rate of first call clergy attrition in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and offers a strategy that a synod can use to support its first call pastors and deacons in developing greater resilience in their first call and continuing to pursue their vocation as ordained ministers. Section One examines the available data on ELCA candidacy and attrition as well as some of the challenges reported by first-call pastors, especially those in the millennial generation. Section Two surveys current education strategies employed by the ELCA and other denominations for the first two to three years of pastoral ministry. Section Three makes scriptural and theological case for continuing review of first call formation and proposes a theory to undergird formation today. Sections Four and Five offer a strategy for a three-year first call formation curriculum designed to assist first call pastors and deacons to develop more resilient ix leadership and find joy in God’s call to public ministry for as long as God intends. Tables, a Glossary and the four-part strategy and supporting material are found in the appendix

    Crystal Structure of Thermotoga maritima α-Glucosidase AglA Defines a New Clan of NAD+-dependent Glycosidases

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    Glycoside hydrolase family 4 represents an unusual group of glucosidases with a requirement for NAD(+), divalent metal cations, and reducing conditions. The family is also unique in its inclusion of both alpha- and beta-specific enzymes. The alpha-glucosidase A, AglA, from Thermotoga maritima is a typical glycoside hydrolase family 4 enzyme, requiring NAD(+) and Mn2+ as well as strongly reducing conditions for activity. Here we present the crystal structure of the protein complexed with NAD(+) and maltose, refined at a resolution of 1.9 Angstrom. The NAD(+) is bound to a typical Rossman fold NAD(+)-binding site, and the nicotinamide moiety is localized close to the maltose substrate. Within the active site the conserved Cys-174 and surrounding histidines are positioned to play a role in the hydrolysis reaction. The electron density maps indicate that Cys-174 is oxidized to a sulfinic acid. Most likely, the strongly reducing conditions are necessary to reduce the oxidized cysteine side chain. Notably, the canonical set of catalytic acidic residues common to other glucosidases is not present in the active site. This, combined with a high structural homology to NAD-dependent dehydrogenases, suggests an unusual and possibly unique mechanism of action for a glycoside-hydrolyzing enzyme