14 research outputs found

    Capacity Planning at a Tactical Level in Hospital Departments

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    Part 2: Knowledge-Based ServicesInternational audienceThe purpose is to describe the essential components and output of the tactical planning process and to explore context-related variations in the applicability of the planning process for hospital departments. The paper is based on a multiple-case study of three hospital departments’ planning processes at a tactical level, wherein the department manager’s support of the planning process was found to be essential. This study illustrates how an active tactical planning process can provide for numerous potential measures to adjust capacity and how they may vary in different contexts. An active tactical planning process provides the ability to move from current short-term, costly fire-fighting measures to more proactive capacity adjustments within hospital departments, which allow the department to stay under budget while keeping waiting times and queues within limits

    Uuden johtosarjasuunnittelutyökalun käyttöönotto

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    Wärtsilä engines are delivered with comprehensive cable harnesses that include sensors, actuators, and data gathering units, among other things. Wärtsilä is in a transition phase between CAD softwares. The harness design tool in the new CAD is about to be taken into use for portfolio engines. The purpose of this thesis is to research what is needed for Wärtsilä and Citec to be able to start using the new harness design tool for portfolio engine design. A way of working is developed for qualifying standard electrical component models for harness design. A way of working is also developed for the creation of harness assemblies with the new tool. The new harness design tool features an automated system for checking for design violations. The creation of new rules for the checker is researched. The developed ways of working are validated by carrying out a pilot project in design production environment. Manuals / learning material are produced on the ways of working that have been developed. As a result of this thesis, Wärtsilä and Citec are able to transition to the new CAD software when designing harnesses. Several recommendations intended for Wärtsilä and the CAD developer on how to improve the harness design tool are made.Wärtsilän moottorit toimitetaan kattavilla johtosarjoilla, jotka sisältävät muun muassa antureita, toimilaitteita ja tiedonkeräämisyksiköitä. Wärtsilä on siirtymävaiheessa CAD-ohjelmistojen välillä. Johtosarjasuunnittelutyökalu uudessa CAD-ohjelmistossa tullaan ottamaan käyttöön portfoliomoottoreiden suunnittelussa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tutkia, mitä tarvitaan, jotta Wärtsilä ja Citec voisivat ottaa käyttöön uuden johtosarjasuunnittelutyökalun portfoliomoottoreiden suunnittelussa. Standardisähkökomponenttimallien määrittelyyn johtosarjasuunnittelulle on kehitetty toimintatapa. Myös johdinsarjakokoonpanojen luomiseen tarkoitettu toimintatapa on kehitetty uudelle suunnittelutyökalulla. Uudessa suunnittelutyökalussa on automatisoitu järjestelmä, jonka tarkoituksena on suunnitteluvirheiden havaitseminen. Uusien sääntöjen luomista on tutkittu. Kehitetyt toimintatavat on validoitu suunnittelutuotantoympäristössä toteutetun pilottihankkeen kautta. Kehitetyistä työtavoista on luotu käsikirjoja / oppimateriaalia. Työn tuloksena Wärtsilä ja Citec pystyvät siirtymään uuteen CAD-ohjelmistoon johdinsarjojen suunnittelussa. Useita Wärtsilälle ja CAD-kehittäjälle suunnattuja suosituksia annetaan koskien sitä, miten johdinsarjasuunnittelutyökalua voidaan parantaa

    Managerial attitudes and perceived barriers regarding evidence-based practice: An international survey

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    <div><p>Evidence-based practice (EBP) in management is still in its infancy. Several studies suggest that managers in businesses and other organizations do not consult the scientific evidence when making decisions. To facilitate its uptake, we need to better understand practitioner attitudes and perceived barriers related to EBP. In medicine and nursing, an abundance of research exists on this subject, although such studies are rare in management. To address this gap, we surveyed 2,789 management practitioners in Belgium, the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. Our findings indicate that most managers we studied have positive attitudes towards EBP. However, lack of time and a limited understanding of scientific research are perceived as major barriers to the uptake and implementation of EBP in management. Studies in other professions where EBP is far more established also report similar barriers. We discuss the implications of our findings for practice, education and research, providing suggestions to enhance use of EBP in management practice.</p></div