3,593 research outputs found

    Evolutionary dynamics of adult stem cells: Comparison of random and immortal strand segregation mechanisms

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    This paper develops a point-mutation model describing the evolutionary dynamics of a population of adult stem cells. Such a model may prove useful for quantitative studies of tissue aging and the emergence of cancer. We consider two modes of chromosome segregation: (1) Random segregation, where the daughter chromosomes of a given parent chromosome segregate randomly into the stem cell and its differentiating sister cell. (2) ``Immortal DNA strand'' co-segregation, for which the stem cell retains the daughter chromosomes with the oldest parent strands. Immortal strand co-segregation is a mechanism, originally proposed by Cairns (J. Cairns, {\it Nature} {\bf 255}, 197 (1975)), by which stem cells preserve the integrity of their genomes. For random segregation, we develop an ordered strand pair formulation of the dynamics, analogous to the ordered strand pair formalism developed for quasispecies dynamics involving semiconservative replication with imperfect lesion repair (in this context, lesion repair is taken to mean repair of postreplication base-pair mismatches). Interestingly, a similar formulation is possible with immortal strand co-segregation, despite the fact that this segregation mechanism is age-dependent. From our model we are able to mathematically show that, when lesion repair is imperfect, then immortal strand co-segregation leads to better preservation of the stem cell lineage than random chromosome segregation. Furthermore, our model allows us to estimate the optimal lesion repair efficiency for preserving an adult stem cell population for a given period of time. For human stem cells, we obtain that mispaired bases still present after replication and cell division should be left untouched, to avoid potentially fixing a mutation in both DNA strands.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    A Dorsal Hand Vein Recognition-based on Local Gabor Phase Quantization with Whitening Transformation

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    The hand vein pattern is a biometric feature in which the actual pattern is the shape of the vein network and its characteristics are the vein features. This paper investigates a new approach for dorsal hand vein pattern identification from grey level dorsal hand vein information. In this study Gabor filter quadrature pair is employed to compute locally in a window for every pixel position to extract the phase information. The phases of six frequency coefficients are quantized and it is used to form a descriptor code for the local region. These local descriptors are decorrelated using whitening transformation and a histogram is generated for every pixel which describes the local pattern.  Experiments are evaluated on North China University of Technology  dorsal hand vein image dataset with minimum distance classifier and the results are analyzed for recognition rate, run time and equal error rate. The proposed method gives 100 per cent recognition rate and 1 per cent EER for fusion of both left and right hands.Defence Science Journal, 2014, 64(2), pp. 159-167. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.465

    A new type of charged defect in amorphous chalcogenides

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    We report on density-functional-based tight-binding (DFTB) simulations of a series of amorphous arsenic sulfide models. In addition to the charged coordination defects previously proposed to exist in chalcogenide glasses, a novel defect pair, [As4]--[S3]+, consisting of a four-fold coordinated arsenic site in a seesaw configuration and a three-fold coordinated sulfur site in a planar trigonal configuration, was found in several models. The valence-alternation pairs S3+-S1- are converted into [As4]--[S3]+ pairs under HOMO-to-LUMO electronic excitation. This structural transformation is accompanied by a decrease in the size of the HOMO-LUMO band gap, which suggests that such transformations could contribute to photo-darkening in these materials.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Observation of sub-natural linewidths for cold atoms in a magneto-optic trap

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    We have studied the absorption of a weak probe beam through cold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optic trap. The absorption spectrum shows two peaks with the smaller peak having linewidth as small as 28% of the natural linewidth. The modification happens because the laser beams used for trapping also drive the atoms coherently between the ground and excited states. This creates ``dressed'' states whose energies are shifted depending on the strength of the drive. Linewidth narrowing occurs due to quantum coherence between the dressed states. The separation of the states increases with laser intensity and detuning, as expected from this model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    The statistics of particle velocities in dense granular flows

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    We present measurements of the particle velocity distribution in the flow of granular material through vertical channels. Our study is confined to dense, slow flows where the material shears like a fluid only in thin layers adjacent to the walls, while a large core moves without continuous deformation, like a solid. We find the velocity distribution to be non-Gaussian, anisotropic, and to follow a power law at large velocities. Remarkably, the distribution is identical in the fluid-like and solid-like regions. The velocity variance is maximum at the core, defying predictions of hydrodynamic theories. We show evidence of spatially correlated motion, and propose a mechanism for the generation of fluctuational motion in the absence of shear.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Cosmological Implications of the Very High Redshift GRB 050904

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    We report near simultaneous multi-color (RIYJHK) observations made with the MAGNUM 2m telescope of the gamma ray burst GRB 050904 detected by the SWIFT satellite. The spectral energy distribution shows a very large break between the I and J bands. Using intergalactic transmissions measured from high redshift quasars we show that the observations place a 95% confidence lower limit of z=6.18 on the object, consistent with a later measured spectroscopic redshift of 6.29 obtained by Kawai et al. (2005) with the Subaru telescope. We show that the break strength in the R and I bands is consistent with that measured in the quasars. Finally we consider the implications for the star formation history at high redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Expanded introduction and discussio

    Control of Surficial Slides by Different Erosion Control Techniques

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    Many natural and embankment slopes fall due to the erosion of the top surficial soil mantle. Denudation of vegetation from soil slopes combined with the further steepening of slopes due to natural and man-made causes such as cuts result in such a type of failure. Essentially, the corrective measures appropriate for stabilizing these slopes comprise erosion control by establishing vegetation on the slope. The methods of vegetative turfing include asphalt mulch, coir/jute netting, geogrids and stone apron techniques. The paper sets forth the case history giving details of some of the relatively new techniques for erosion control on a hill road in India and evaluates the relative performance and the relative economics of these methods

    India\u27s First Venture Relating to Subsurface Drainage by Horizontal Drains

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    Landslides in the Nilgiris district in 1978-79 1 caused heavy damages to property and human life. The field studies indicated that in certain spots, the build up of excess hydrostatic pressure, caused by direct and indirect ingress of water into the soil mantle, is the main cause for certain landslides in the region. The paper attempts to give the total case history relating to a pioneering venture of its kind towards the correction of landslides undertaken in India. The case history assumes special significance in as much as the horizontal drains successfully installed for the first time in this country, provided the needed ocular demonstration of the efficacy of horizontal drains to the practicing engineers in India

    Analytic models of plausible gravitational lens potentials

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    Gravitational lenses on galaxy scales are plausibly modelled as having ellipsoidal symmetry and a universal dark matter density profile, with a Sersic profile to describe the distribution of baryonic matter. Predicting all lensing effects requires knowledge of the total lens potential: in this work we give analytic forms for that of the above hybrid model. Emphasising that complex lens potentials can be constructed from simpler components in linear combination, we provide a recipe for attaining elliptical symmetry in either projected mass or lens potential. We also provide analytic formulae for the lens potentials of Sersic profiles for integer and half-integer index. We then present formulae describing the gravitational lensing effects due to smoothly-truncated universal density profiles in cold dark matter model. For our isolated haloes the density profile falls off as radius to the minus fifth or seventh power beyond the tidal radius, functional forms that allow all orders of lens potential derivatives to be calculated analytically, while ensuring a non-divergent total mass. We show how the observables predicted by this profile differ from that of the original infinite-mass NFW profile. Expressions for the gravitational flexion are highlighted. We show how decreasing the tidal radius allows stripped haloes to be modelled, providing a framework for a fuller investigation of dark matter substructure in galaxies and clusters. Finally we remark on the need for finite mass halo profiles when doing cosmological ray-tracing simulations, and the need for readily-calculable higher order derivatives of the lens potential when studying catastrophes in strong lenses.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, matches published versio