5,259 research outputs found

    Superconducting Dome from Holography

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    We find a regime in which a strongly coupled striped superconductor features a superconducting dome. This regime is signified by i) a modulating chemical potential that averages to zero, and ii) a superconducting order parameter that has a scaling dimension larger than 3/2 but less than or equal to 3. We also find that in this regime, the order parameter exhibits a mild dependence on the modulation wavelength of the stripe.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Enhancement of Critical Temperature of a Striped Holographic Superconductor

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    We study the interplay between the stripe order and the superconducting order in a strongly coupled striped superconductor using gauge/gravity duality. In particular, we study the effects of inhomogeneity introduced by the stripe order on the superconducting transition temperature beyond the mean field level by including the effects of backreaction onto the spacetime geometry in the dual gravitational picture. We find that inhomogeneity \emph{enhances} the critical temperature relative to its value for the uniform system.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Quantifying the non-Gaussianity in the EoR 21-cm signal through bispectrum

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    The epoch of reionization (EoR) 21-cm signal is expected to be highly non-Gaussian in nature and this non-Gaussianity is also expected to evolve with the progressing state of reionization. Therefore the signal will be correlated between different Fourier modes (kk). The power spectrum will not be able capture this correlation in the signal. We use a higher-order estimator -- the bispectrum -- to quantify this evolving non-Gaussianity. We study the bispectrum using an ensemble of simulated 21-cm signal and with a large variety of kk triangles. We observe two competing sources driving the non-Gaussianity in the signal: fluctuations in the neutral fraction (xHIx_{\rm HI}) field and fluctuations in the matter density field. We find that the non-Gaussian contribution from these two sources vary, depending on the stage of reionization and on which kk modes are being studied. We show that the sign of the bispectrum works as a unique marker to identify which among these two components is driving the non-Gaussianity. We propose that the sign change in the bispectrum, when plotted as a function of triangle configuration cosθ\cos{\theta} and at a certain stage of the EoR can be used as a confirmative test for the detection of the 21-cm signal. We also propose a new consolidated way to visualize the signal evolution (with evolving xHI\overline{x}_{\rm HI} or redshift), through the trajectories of the signal in a power spectrum and equilateral bispectrum i.e. P(k)B(k,k,k)P(k)-B(k, k, k) space.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Replaced to match the accepted versio

    Revitalization of Biomass Fuel by Implementing Ub Earthen Furnace to Support the Society\u27s Sustainability of Energy: a Case Study in the Subdistrict of DAU, Malang

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    The objectives of this study are to examine the likelihood of society in turning the use of the traditional and gas furnaces to the UB earthen furnace and to examine the potential reduction of the use of firewood and gas furnaces at Dau Subdistrict of Malang. Using descriptive analysis, this study found that the use of UB earthen furnace is able to reduce the use of firewood and gas furnace up to 50% and people\u27s tendency in willing to turn both firewood and gas furnaces into the earthen furnace increases up to 60% dealing with its benefits and costs which have been observed by several main aspects (including economical, technical, environmental, social, and health aspects)

    Efektifitas Media Charta Hasil Inovasi Berbasis Lampu Digital pada Pelajaran Biologi Materi Sistim Organ Manusia

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    Media carta berbasis lampu digital telah diteliti penerapannya pada sekolah MTs Negeri Mariai, SMP Negeri 11 Aimas dan MTs Al-Ma\u27arif 01 Aimas tanggal 8 bulan 4 tahun 2013 untuk mengetahui efektifitas dari media pelajaran pada mata pelajaran biologi pokok pembahasan sistem organ pada manusia. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif yang sistematik. Sampel dibedakan menjadi satu kelas kontrol dan satu kelas eksperimen tiap-tiap sekolah. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis, angket siswa, observasi teman sejawat dan dokumentasi. Uji analisis diberlakukan untuk menghitung validilitas, normalitas dan reabilitas. Uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji t. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai validitas yakni instrumen tes tertulis secara umum dapat dinyatakan valid. Uji reabilitas diperoleh 0,713 yang menandakan bahwa reabil, sedangkan uji normalitas diperoleh 0,079 sampai 0,777 yang menandakan data hasil tes normal. Hasil analisis uji t diperoleh untuk sekolah MTs Negeri Mariai t hitung yakni 5,74992 dan t tabel  yakni 2,01365 maka dinyatakan efektif. Hasil di sekolah SMP Negeri 11 Aimas diperoleh t hitung yakni  6.67707, t tabel yakni 2,0042 maka dinyatakan efektif , sedang di sekolah MTs Al-Ma\u27arif 01diperoleh t hitung  yakni 0.07084 t tabel  yakni  2,0313 maka dapat dinyatakan tidak efektif.&nbsp