504 research outputs found

    Text classification using convolutional neural network committee training

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    The method of classification of textual information based on the apparatus of convolutional neural networks is considered. The word-by-word text conversion into dense vectors is considered. Testing was conducted on the text data of the sample “The 20 Newsgroups”, this sample contains texts distributed in 20 classes. The accuracy, the best of the convolutional neural network used in this work, on the test sample was ~ 74%. The accuracy of voting of neural networks using the Bagging algorithm was ~ 81.5%. Based on the review of similar solutions, a comparison was made with the following text classification algorithms: using the support vector machine (SVM, 82.84%), naive bayes classifier (81%), k nearest neighbor algorithm (75.93%), a bag of words

    Genetic Structure of Mongolic-Speaking Kalmyks

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/humbiol/vol73/iss6/4.Genetic polymorphisms of blood groups ABO and RH D, serum proteins HP, TF, and GC, and red cell enzymes ACP1, PGM1, ESD, GLO1, and SOD-A have been reported for three tribes (Torguts, Derbets, and Buzavs) of the Volga’s Kalmyk-Oyrats. The Kalmyks exhibit genetic markers that are characteristic of Central Asian populations, namely, high allelic frequencies for ABO*B, TF*C2, GC*1F, ESD*2, and GLO1*2, and the rare incidence of individuals with the RH-negative phenotype. Genetic distance measures reveal that close genetic affinities exist between the Derbets and Buzavs, but both populations differ significantly from the Torguts. Collectively as an ethnic group, the Kalmyks genetically resemble the contemporary Buryats of the Baikal region of southeastern Siberia and the Mongols of Mongolia. The transplantation of the Kalmyk-Oyrats from their homeland near Lake Baikal to their current residence (4500 km) near the Caspian Sea and their subsequent isolation for more than 300 years have not appreciably altered the gene frequencies from the parental populations for frequencies of standard genetic markers

    Population Genetics and Structure of Buryats from the Lake Baikal Region of Siberia

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    This is the publisher's version, which is also available electronically from http://www.jstor.org.See article for abstract


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    A number of thermometer, anthropometric and psychological characteristics of adult women of Slavic ethnicity is investigated. It is shown that mesendomorphiс index is positively correlated with body weight, massiveness of the skeleton of the lower extremities. There is a positive correlation between the mesendomorphiс index on one side and a score on a scale of cyclothymic and exalted accentuation on the other. At the same time on a scale giperthimic, unbalanced and emotive accentuation correlated with the mesendomorphiс index negative. The mezendomorfic index is positively correlated with the temperature of the skin surface of the pads of the fingers and earlobes, which indicates a higher level of microcirculation in these parts of the body in people whose somatic closer to endomorphically.Исследован ряд термометрических, антропометрических и психологических характеристик у взрослых женщин славянской этнической принадлежности. Показано, что индекс мезэндоморфии положительно коррелирует с массой тела, массивностью скелета нижних конечностей и грацильностью скелета верхних. Наблюдается положительная корреляция меду индексом мезэндоморфии с одной стороны и баллом по шкале циклотимической и экзальтированной акцентуации с другой. В то же время баллы по шкалам гипертимической, неуравновешенной и эмотивной акцентуации коррелируют с индексом мезэндоморфии отрицательно. Индекс мезэндоморфии положительно коррелирует с температурой кожной поверхности подушечек пальцев рук и мочек ушей, что свидетельствует о более высоком уровне микроциркуляции в этих частях тела у лиц, чей соматотип ближе к эндоморфному

    Eurasian Economic Union and prospects of development of transnational corporations in the frame of the globalization

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    The purpose of this article is to study the processes of regional integration and its particular features in the frame of the Eurasian Economic Union formation and their impact on the development of transnational corporations in the region. The authors used the scientifc and methodological basis including an integrated approach and economic, institutional and organizational methods, theoretical and methodological studies of domestic and foreign scientists. In order to achieve the defned aim of this research, the authors used the retrospective method and method of comparative analysis, studied the statistical data, including the reports of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the World Bank's ratings. The authors studied the historical background of the Eurasian Economic Union, analyzed the current economic situation in its Member States, and considered the experience of other regional alliances. According to the results of the research, the authors formulated the conclusions in the context of the most likely prospects for the development of transnational corporations in the frame of the integration of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union. In particular, the study of the experience of other regional associations presumes that the process of regional economic integration will have a positive impact on the dynamics of the attraction of foreign direct investment infows in the region. In addition, regional integration will mitigate the problem of "limited" markets of the Member States of the Economic Union and, therefore, will help to increase the amount of investment resources in the manufacturing industry and services sector of the economy. The creation of the common energy markets in the framework of the new regional association would strengthen the resource-oriented domestic large-scale business and prepare the groundwork for the emergence of new transnational corporations, cooperating within the Eurasian Economic Union. The research results can be applied in theory as a basis for the further studies of regional economic integration in the frame of the Eurasian Economic Union. Besides this, the analytical results of the research are of practical importance because they can be used for the purpose of the further development of the Eurasian Economic Union and harmonization of legislation of the Member States. © Spitsyn A. T., Kulubekova G. A. Text. 2016


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    A number of thermometer, anthropometric and psychophysiological characteristics in women with anancast accentuation of character in comparison to a similar group of women without this accentuation is investigated. It has been shown that a group of anancast women had a lower body and skin temperature, had a more hardy types of the nervous system (by tapping-test), asthenic and normostenic body type and a lower average body weight compared to a group without of this accentuation.Исследован ряд термометрических, антропометрических и психофизиологических характеристик у женщин с педантической акцентуацией характера в сравнении с аналогичной группой женщин, лишенных данной акцентуации. Показано, что группа женщин-ананкастов имела более низкую среднюю температуру тела и кожи лица, обладала более выносливыми типами нервной системы (по теппинг-тесту), отличалась астеническим и нормостеническим типом телосложения и более низкой средней массой тела в сравнении с группой, лишенной педантической акцентуации

    First records of six species of Lepidoptera from Kunashir Island (Russia)

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    This article presents the first records of six species of moths and butterflies from Kunashir Island. We report on the first records of Aemene obscura (Leech, 1889) from Russia (Kunashir Island), as well as Catocala dula Bremer, 1861, C. lara Bremer, 1861, C. dissimilis Bremer, 1861, Sphragifera sigillata (Menetries, 1859), and Argynnis sagana Doubleday, [1847] from Kunashir Island. Additionally, we provide commentary on distribution of Aberrasine aberrans (Butler, 1877)