413 research outputs found

    The Gravitational Levitation in Aerospace Technologies of Future

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    The discovery and research by the author of real magnetic charges in structures of atoms and substance allowed him to establish that atomic shells are electromagnetic, not electronic. It is the electromagnetic shells of atoms are the source of gravitational field which is the vortex electromagnetic field. Depending from the vector conditions the gravitational field can be both paragravitational (PGF) so and ferrogravitational (FGF). Between the masses (bodies, atoms, nucleons etc.) emitting of PGF is realized forces which pressing masses to each other. The masses emitting FGF are repelled from PGF sources, for example, from the Earth what represents the effect of Gravitational levitation (GL) discovered and investigated by present author. The effect of GL is widespread in Nature. For example, the volatility of so-called light gases (hydrogen, helium, etc.), as well as the convection processes in liquids and gases are determined by the GL effect. The principles of FGF generation developed by the author and technical generators of FGF, created on their basis, allow for the exit of people and loads from the gravitational field of Earth, as well as their return back, without the use of the jet thrust. However, in space, in the absence of PGF the GL effect does not work and traditional technology are needed for further spacecraft movements. Another important aspect associated with the use of FGF in aerospace projects is the possibility of creating artificial gravity on board the spacecraft which will allow to get rid of the state of weightlessness in long-term space voyages. To create artificial gravity the same FGF generators mentioned above are used. The main problem associated with the generation of FGF is of the need to use low temperatures, i.e., superconductivity conditions. However, the latter problem is significant only when the space vehicle is move in atmospheric conditions and is excluded when the FG-generators operate in deep space. In the future, it is possible to use of solid-state ferrogravitational materials (ferrogravitonics) that, like magnets, emit FGF at room and even elevated temperatures. The ferrogravitonics, like atoms of light hydrogen, will pushed out of the Earth’s gravitational field and there may even be such an interesting problem as their retention on Earth, since the forces of the GL will to throw away these materials into space

    The “Naked Electron”

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    The true sources of magnetic field, i.e., real magnetic poles (magnetic charges), turned out to be unrecognized in physical science due to the special conditions of their confinement in atoms and substance which are cardinally different from the confinement of electrons. In addition, Maxwell’s vicious electromagnetic concept in which electrons moving in atoms and substance were declared as direct sources of the magnetic field played a very negative role in story with confession of real magnetic charges. This concept was the result of the superficial and exceptionally erroneous impression of the Great Physicist from the Oersted’s famous experience. However, the world scientific community accepted this erroneous impression as the ultimate truth. Herewith true magnetic poles which are the real structural components of atoms and substances, were “buried alive”. Along with magnetic charges were ignored in physics and of such real spinor particles as true antielectrons, which were replaced by electron vacancies or Dirac holes. It is important to note that the above-recognized unacknowledged, spinor particles, together with electrons, constitute the electromagnetic atomic shells. The world electromagnetic theory, while ignoring the three fundamental particles, was forced to rely solely on the electron, which in modifications of various theoretical surrogates (magnetic moments, electronic vacancies and others) was forced to answer both for itself and for three unrecognized fundamental particles, that is, for two magnetic charges (magneton and antimagneton) and a real antielectron

    Gamma radiation exposure of MCT diode arrays

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    Investigations of electrical properties of long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) arrays exposed to gamma-radiation have been performed. Resistance-area product characteristics of LWIR n{+}-p photodiodes have been investigated using microprobe technique at T=78 K before and after an exposure to various doses of gamma-radiation. The current transport mechanisms for those structures are described within the framework of the balance equation model taking into account the occupation of the trap states in the band gap.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Semiconductor Science and Technolog

    Great Mistake of Great J. C. Maxwell

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    The Maxwell’s vicious electromagnetic concept which can also be defined as electric magnetism occurred as a result of superficial and, exclusively, erroneous impression of the Great Theorist on the famous Oersted Experience. The fateful concept for physical science: “electrons moving in a conductor are direct sources of a magnetic field”, was put forward by Maxwell in the absence of knowledge of real physical processes occurring in a conductor with an electric current. Paradoxical as it may see but this vicious concept, again thanks to the outward impression, has been accepted by the world physical community and dominates in physical science for almost 150 years, as an absolute truth. As the result the true sources of the magnetic field - real magnetic poles (magnetic charges) which are the structural components of atoms and substance, were “buried alive”. It is Maxwell’s vicious electric magnetism that suppressed the interest of scientists in the search for and detection of real magnetic charges in atoms and substance and pushed of the physical theory into the “swamp” of relativism. The author’s experimental and theoretical studies have shown that a main reason for ignoring magnetic charges and, and therefore, the emergence of a vicious concept of electric magnetism, is the radically different physics of the confinement of electrons and magnetic charges in the structures of Physical mass (in atoms, nucleons, substance and others)

    Formation of Spherical Nanoparticles BaTiO3 by Peroxide Method

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    Structure of barium titanate particles obtained by peroxide method was studied by SEM, X-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy and Raman scattering. Found, that particles have preferably a spherical shape with a diameter of 20-200 nm and contain both cubic and tetragonal phases. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3365

    Synchronous PWM control of four inverters feeding asymmetrical six-phase motor drive

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    Novel method of space-vector-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) has been disseminated for synchronous control of four inverters feeding six-phase drive on the base of asymmetrical induction motor which has two sets of windings spatially shifted by 30 electrical degrees. Basic schemes of synchronized PWM, applied for control of four separate voltage source inverters, allow both continuous phase voltages synchronization in the system and required power sharing between DC-sources. Simulations show a behavior of sixphase system with continuous and discontinuous versions of synchronized PWM

    Basic schemes of synchronized pulsewidth modulation for cascaded inverters of drive system with two DC-sources

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    Continuous and discontinuous schemes of synchronized pulsewidth modulation (PWM) have been applied for control of an open-end winding motor drive fed by cascaded inverters supplied by two dc-sources with non-equal voltages. Simulations illustrate behavior of these systems with algorithms of synchronized PWM. Spectra of multilevel phase voltage of open-end winding motor drives with synchronized PWM do not contain even harmonics and sub-harmonics during the whole control range, which is especially important for the medium-power and high-power systems.Представлены результаты исследования и моделирования режимов работы системы электропривода на базе асинхронного электродвигателя с разомкнутыми обмотками, подключенными к сдвоенным инверторам напряжения с синхронной модуляцией непрерывного и прерывистого типа, питающихся от двух изолированных источников постоянного напряжения. Показано, что в спектре многоуровневого фазного напряжения подобных систем с алгоритмами синхронной широтно-импульсной модуляции на всем диапазоне регулирования отсутствуют четные гармоники и субгармоники, что представляется особенно важным для преобразовательных систем повышенной мощности.Представлено результати дослідження та моделювання режимів роботи системи eлектроприводу на базі асинхронного електродвигуна з розімкненими обмотками, які підключено до подвоєних інверторів напруги з синхронною модуляцією неперервного та пeреривчастого типу, що живляться від двох ізольованих джерел постійного струму. Показано, що у спектрі багаторівневої фазної напруги таких систем з алгоритмами синхронної широтно-імпульсної модуляції у всьому діапазоні регулювання відсутні парні гармоніки та субгармоніки, що є найважливішим для перетворювальних систем підвищеної потужност

    Environmental aspects of post-operational bioremediation of the typical municipal solid waste landfill of the administrative district

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    The article deals with the environmental consequences o f testing the method o f biological remediation o f the closed typical municipal solid waste landfill of the administrative district. The essence o f the method consists in the introduction of adapted composites from aboriginal, adapted or modified biological systems, primarily microorganisms for catalysis o f the decomposition process o f the organic component of waste landfills and subsequent separation o f valuable recyclable materials. The article presents the results o f the impact assessment o f a typical solid municipal waste landfil

    Dual three-phase multiinverter system controlled by specialized algorithms of synchronized PWM: MATLAB-based steady-state analysis

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    Algorithms of synchronized pulsewidth modulation (PWM), based on special space-vector-based control scheme (with the use of minimal number of voltage space vectors), have been applied for synchronous control of four neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverters feeding six-phase (dual three-phase) drive on the base of asymmetrical open-end windings induction motor. It allows providing continuous synchronization and symmetry of the phase voltage of system during the whole control range for any ratio of voltage magnitudes of DC-sources, and for any configuration of DC-sources. Therefore, in this case four inverters of the system can be supplied by reduced number of insulated DC-sources (by one, or by two, or by three DC-sources instead of four DC-sources for standard system topology based on four two-level inverters). MATLAB-based simulations show behaviour of the system at steady-state control modes.Виконано дослідження системи шестифазного електропривода з асиметричним електродвигуном з розімкненими обмотками, який живиться від чотирьох інверторів з середньою точкою у колі джерела живлення, що регулюються на базі спеціалізованих алгоритмів синхронної векторної широтно-імпульсної модуляції (ШІМ). Зазначені алгоритми ШІМ, що базуються на використанні в схемі керування мінімальної кількості векторів напруги, можуть забезпечити безперервну синхронізацію та симетрію фазних напруг у системі в усьому діапазоні регулювання при будь-яких напругах джерел постійного струму і для будь-яких конфігурацій кіл джерел живлення. Зокрема, в даній топології системи можливе використання зменшеної кількості окремих джерел електроживлення (1-3 замість чотирьох, які використовуються у перетворювальних системах на базі 4-х стандартних дворівневих інверторів). Представлено результати математичного моделювання (на базі MATLAB) стаціонарних процесів у системі при різних алгоритмах синхронної ШІМ.Выполнено исследование системы шестифазного электропривода с асимметричным электродвигателем с разомкнутыми обмотками, питающимся от четырех инверторов со средней точкой в цепи источника питания, регулируемых на базе специализированных алгоритмов синхронной векторной широтно-импульсной модуляции (ШИМ). Указанные алгоритмы ШИМ, базирующиеся на использовании в схеме управления минимального числа векторов напряжения, позволяют обеспечить непрерывную синхронизацию и симметрию фазных напряжений в системе на всем диапазоне регулирования при любых напряжениях источников постоянного тока и для любых конфигураций цепи источников питания. В частности, в данной топологии системы возможно использование уменьшенного количества отдельных источников электропитания (возможно использовать от одного до трех источников, вместо четырех источников, используемых в преобразовательных системах на базе четырех стандартных двухуровневых инверторов). Приведены результаты математического моделирования (на базе MATLAB) стационарных процессов в системе при различных алгоритмах синхронной ШИМ