121 research outputs found


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    A complex of analytical studies of the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support, where the coal seam roof was a beam model, some laboratory experiments on samples made from optical and equivalent materials, as well as some mine experiments were was carried out. As a result of the studies, it was found that the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support of crushed rock depended on the compaction of the backfill array on which the roof rocks were based. It was experimentally proved that with external force, the coefficient of compaction of the backfill array changes according to the hyperbolic dependence, the maximum values of which were determined as a result of compaction of the supple support consisting of heterogeneous fractions of the starting material of a certain bulk density. The change in the stress-strain state of the lateral rocks in the coal array with a roadway depended on the bending stiffness of the stratified rock mass and the parameters of flexible structures used to support the roadway. When supporting the roadways with supple support structures, the convergence of the lateral rocks on the contour of the stoop roadway was observed exponentially until the support was completely compressed, while supporting the roadways with coal pillars, the displacement of the rocks on the contour of the roadway increased having linear dependence due to the destruction of the pillar. The stability of the lateral rocks, which determines the operational state of the excavation roadways, was ensured by the use of supple supports or stowing the mined-out space, taking into account the reasonable granulometric content of crushed rock, which ensured the maximum values of the compaction coefficient of the backfill array when the roof and coal seat got deformed.A complex of analytical studies of the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support, where the coal seam roof was a beam model, some laboratory experiments on samples made from optical and equivalent materials, as well as some mine experiments were was carried out. As a result of the studies, it was found that the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support of crushed rock depended on the compaction of the backfill array on which the roof rocks were based. It was experimentally proved that with external force, the coefficient of compaction of the backfill array changes according to the hyperbolic dependence, the maximum values of which were determined as a result of compaction of the supple support consisting of heterogeneous fractions of the starting material of a certain bulk density. The change in the stress-strain state of the lateral rocks in the coal array with a roadway depended on the bending stiffness of the stratified rock mass and the parameters of flexible structures used to support the roadway. When supporting the roadways with supple support structures, the convergence of the lateral rocks on the contour of the stoop roadway was observed exponentially until the support was completely compressed, while supporting the roadways with coal pillars, the displacement of the rocks on the contour of the roadway increased having linear dependence due to the destruction of the pillar. The stability of the lateral rocks, which determines the operational state of the excavation roadways, was ensured by the use of supple supports or stowing the mined-out space, taking into account the reasonable granulometric content of crushed rock, which ensured the maximum values of the compaction coefficient of the backfill array when the roof and coal seat got deformed


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    Trichomonas infection is a scientific and clinical problem in dermatology, urology, obstetrics and gynecology. This infection in men and women is often causes to urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, post-abortion infection, premature labor and other diseases. This literature review has shown that in spite of a lot of numbers of scientific data concerning the impact of trichomoniasis to urogenital bioceonosis of both men and women, there is no enough data about influence of trichomoniasis to urinary microecology in sexual partners. Meanwhile, this question is in the field of scientific and applied interest and need to be studied

    Ion-Pair Chromatography for the Determination of Capreomycin Sulfate Components and Related Substances

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    Chromatographic methods for the analysis of antibiotic degradation products are widely used to evaluate the quality of medicines. Natural multicomponent antibiotics, such as capreomycin, are the most challenging compounds in terms of developing analytical procedures for related substances. Capreomycin sulfate monographs of the leading pharmacopoeias do not contain specifications for related substances. The key requirement concerns the sum of the main components of capreomycin calculated by normalising the peak areas in the test solution chromatogram. Therefore, it is important to develop an analytical procedure for determining not only the main components but also related substances of capreomycin.The aim of the study was to develop an analytical procedure for determining both the main components (IA, IB, IIA, and IIB) and related substances of capreomycin by ion-pair ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC).Materials and methods. This study examined capreomycin sulfate powder, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Capreomycin sulfate solutions were analysed after artificial degradation (alkaline or acid hydrolysis) to demonstrate the resolution, selectivity, and efficiency of the experimental chromatographic system. The authors used an Agilent 1100 liquid chromatography instrument (Agilent Technologies) and chromatographic columns: Kinetex C18, YMC-Triart С18, ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18, ACQUITY UPLC BEH C8, ACQUITY UPLC BEH Phenyl, and ACQUITY UPLC CSH C18 (experimental procedure) or Acclaim C18, Zorbax SB-C18, and XBridge BEH130 C18 (The International Pharmacopoeia procedure).Results. In contrast to pharmacopoeial procedures, which evaluate only the component composition, the experimental procedure under the selected chromatography conditions can determine both the component composition and related substances of capreomycin. This advantage results from substituting a column packed with 1.7 µm particles for a 5 µm column required for pharmacopoeial procedures. The experimental procedure remains suitable for liquid chromatography instruments with a pressure limit of no more than 400 bar in the gradient elution mode with two mobile phases. According to the efficiency and selectivity evaluation, ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 columns (150 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) provide optimal peak resolution for capreomycin isoforms and related substances after artificial degradation of capreomycin.Conclusions. This experimental procedure based on ion-pair UHPLC may be used in the production and stability testing of capreomycin medicines to evaluate the API quality by the content of its main components and related substances

    Особенности отравлений бензодиазепинами у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста

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    AIM OF THE STUDY To study benzodiazepine poisoning in geriatric patients compared to patients of working age.MATERIAL AND METHODS We examined 82 patients with benzodiazepine poisoning, hospitalized in the Department of Acute Poisoning and Somatopsychiatric Disorders of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine in 2020–2021, which were divided into age categories: young (18–44 years old), middle (45–59 years old) and older (over 60 years old) age. The presence of benzodiazepines in urine was confirmed by immunochromatographic analysis and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The concentration of phenazepam in the blood and urine was determined in 45 patients by GC-MS. Statistical processing of the material was performed using the IBM program SPSS Statistics 27.0. The median (Me), 25th and 75th percentiles were determined. The comparison of quantitative data was performed using non-parametric criteria, the level of significance was taken as p<0.05.RESULTS It was found that acute phenazepam poisoning prevailed in all age groups (90% of patients). Among young and middle-aged patients, moderate and deep stunning (GCS score 12–14) prevailed, and in older people moderate and severe poisoning prevailed (GCS score 3–12), with no statistically significant differences in blood concentrations of phenazepam between the groups. In patients of the older age group with benzodiazepine poisoning, compared to people of working age, the development of respiratory failure was statistically significantly more frequent — 13.8-fold, pneumonia — 12.6-fold, vein thrombosis of the lower extremities — 7.8-fold, trophic skin changes — 29-fold. The duration of treatment in older patients with benzodiazepine poisoning was 3.5-fold higher than in young and middle-aged patients, mortality in the older age group was 41%.CONCLUSION The course of acute poisoning with benzodiazepines, including phenazepam, in the elderly and senile age differs in comparison with persons of working age with a high incidence of complications and adverse outcomes.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Изучить особенности отравлений бензодиазепинами у гериатрических пациентов по сравнению с лицами трудоспособного возраста.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Обследованы 182 пациента с отравлением бензодиазепинами, госпитализированных в отделение острых отравлений и соматопсихиатрических расстройств НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского в период 2020–2021 гг., которые были разделены на возрастные категории — молодого (18– 44 года), среднего (45–59 лет) и старшего (старше 60 лет) возраста. Наличие бензодиазепинов в моче подтверждали методами иммунохроматографического анализа и газовой хроматографии– масс-спектрометрии (ГХ-МС). Концентрацию феназепама в крови и моче определяли у 45 пациентов методом ГХ-МС. Статистическая обработка материала выполнена с помощью программы IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0. Для данных определяли медиану (Mе), 25-й и 75-й процентили. Сравнение количественных данных проводили с использованием непараметрических критериев, за уровень значимости был принят р<0,05.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Установлено, что во всех возрастных группах превалировали острые отравления феназепамом (90% пациентов). Среди лиц молодого и среднего возраста преобладали больные в умеренном и глубоком оглушении (12–14 баллов по шкале комы Глазго — ШКГ), а в старшем возрасте — отравление средней и тяжелой степени (3–12 баллов по ШКГ), при этом статистически значимых различий концентраций феназепама в крови между группами не обнаружено. У пациентов старшей возрастной группы с отравлением бензодиазепинами по сравнению с лицами трудоспособного возраста статистически значимо чаще регистрировали развитие дыхательной недостаточности — в 13,8 раза, пневмонии — в 12,6 раза, тромбоза вен нижних конечностей — в 7,8 раза, трофических изменений кожных покровов — в 29 раз. Продолжительность лечения у пациентов старшего возраста с отравлением бензодиазепинами была выше в 3,5 раза по сравнению с лицами молодого и среднего возраста, летальность в старшей возрастной группе составила 41%.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Течение острых отравлений бензодиазепинами, в том числе феназепамом, в пожилом и старческом возрасте отличается при сравнении с показателями у лиц трудоспособного возраста значительно более высокой частотой развития осложнений и, как правило, наличием неблагоприятных исходов

    Use of Personal Protection Equipment by Moscow Subway Passengers under Conditions of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The Subway is the most important means of transport in Moscow. The active flows of passengers in the metro can contribute to the spread of infectious diseases with airborne and contact mechanisms of transmission, including the coronavirus infection COVID-19. The aim of the study was to assess the level of adherence to the use of personal protective equipment (facial masks, gloves) by passengers of the Moscow Subway. Materials and methods. A prospective study based on a visual assessment of passengers in a rolling stock of the Moscow subway, with division into cohorts of those using masks and gloves (K1), using only masks (K2), using masks in violation of the rules of use (K3) and not using personal protection equipment (K4) was conducted. Observations were carried out during the 42nd and 43rd weeks of 2020 in various subway clusters with a division in time into morning, afternoon and evening hours. Additionally, passengers were ranked into groups by occupation during the trip. Statistical processing included the identification of frequencies, their 95 % confidence intervals. To compare the significance of differences in the prevalence of features in paired groups, the methods of 4-field tables (χ2 Pearson) were used. Results and discussion. 18053 observations were validated, covering 61.3 % of stations. Men accounted for 54.7 % (9867). During the observation period, the following shares were established: K1 – 5.2 % (95 % CI 4.9–5.5), K2 – 51.9 % (95 % CI 51.2–52.7), K3 – 26.9 (95 % CI 26.2–27.6), K4 – 16 % (95 % CI 15.4–16.6). The level of adherence to the proper use of PPE is significantly lower among men. Land lines have the lowest proportion of passengers using PPE. Among passengers using electronic devices and paper media, a higher proportion of those wearing masks with violation of the rules of use, compared to passengers without activities, was established. Among passengers using electronic devices, the proportion of those using gloves is the lowest. Within two weeks of follow-up, a significant increase in the frequency of PPE use was revealed

    Experience in managing patients with Churg-Strauss syndrome.

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    Our goal was to analyze the possibilities of impro­ving the diagnostics of CSS and to improve the effectiveness of treatment according to the existing literature and our own experience of long-term care for patients with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis or Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS). The medical histories of three female patients aged 26 to 46-years and a 20-year-old male patient were considered. The duration of the disease before the established diagnosis was 5-17 years. Anamnesis and medical documents analysis showed a typical CSS debut in the form of allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, which were recurrent after polypectomy, and respiratory disorders, which were regarded as bronchitis or bronchial asthma – corresponding to the first phase, also called the prodromal or allergic stage of CSS. The prodromal period lasts up to 10 years or more and is characterized by various allergic manifestations, more often –  pollinosis or bronchial asthma, that is difficult to control. But CSS can be suspected because of low effectiveness of the therapy with inhaled steroids, lack of effect of antibiotics and eosinophilia more than 10% that occurs periodically. Even in the third stage of CSS in systemic manifestations of vasculitis and severe secondary lesions of organs and tissues with functional impairment, constant intake of maintenance doses of corticosteroids and cytostatics allows to achieve stabilization of the process in patients with CSS

    Влияние программы энтеральной коррекции гомеостаза на гемореологический профиль при острых отравлениях разъедающими веществами

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    Background poisonings with corrosive substances in russia retains a high proportion among acute exotoxemias. They are accompanied by severe homeostasis disorders with changes in hemorheological pattern in particular.Aim of study To evaluate the effect of the enteral correction of homeostasis (ech) on the hemorheological patterns in patients with acute poisoning with corrosive substances.Material and methods Patients with chemical burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus of the 2nd-3rd degree and stomach of the 2nd-3rd degree who were treated at the n.v. sklifosovsky research institute for emergency medicine in 2017–2021 were examined. In 73 patients, ech was performed (study group), and 35 patients received standard treatment (comparison group). Indicators of hemorheological status were examined on the 1st, 3rd and 5th days in the course of ongoing therapy, as well as before and after intestinal lavage in patients of the study group. Statistical data analysis was carried out using the statistica 10 software package (statsoft, inc., usa).Results The first stage of ech, characterized by the use of intestinal lavage, has no negative effect on hematocrit, plasma viscosity and erythrocyte aggregation indices.The use of a glucosated enteral solution led to a decrease in plasma viscosity under normal hematocrit conditions at all follow-up periods. In patients of both groups, there was a decrease in blood viscoelasticity under conditions of high shear potential at all stages of the study, which indicates violations of the deformability of red blood cells. This process is more significant in individuals of the comparison group. The conducted studies have shown that standard treatment and ech for poisoning with corrosive substances have a corrective effect on the hemorheological profile aimed at stabilizing blood circulation, however, according to a number of indicators, the effect of ech is more pronounced.Conclusion The program of enteral correction of homeostasis and standard treatment for poisoning with corrosive substances have a unidirectional effect on the indicators of the hemorheological pattern. In cases of application of the enteral homeostasis correction program, the outstripping improvement of the majority of the studied hemorheological parameters is seen.ВВЕДЕНИЕ Отравления разъедающими веществами в России сохраняют высокий удельный вес среди острых экзотоксикозов. Они сопровождаются тяжелыми нарушениями гомеостаза, в том числе гемореологического профиля.ЦЕЛЬ Оценить влияние программы энтеральной коррекции гомеостаза (ПЭК) на показатели гемореологического профиля при острых отравлениях разъедающими веществами.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Обследованы пациенты с химическим ожогом слизистой оболочки пищевода и желудка 2–3-й степени, находившиеся на лечении в НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского в 2017–2021 гг. Из них у 73 проводили программу энтеральной коррекции гомеостаза (исследуемая группа) и 35 пациен­там — стандартное лечение (группа сравнения). Показатели гемореологического статуса исследовали на 1-е, 3-и и 5-е сутки на фоне проводимой терапии, а также до и после проведения кишечного лаважа у пациентов исследуемой группы. Статистический анализ данных проводился с помощью пакета программы Statistica 10 (StatSoft, Inc., США).РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Первый этап ПЭК, характеризующийся применением кишечного лаважа, не оказывает отрицательного влияния на гематокрит, вязкость плазмы и индексы агрегации эритроцитов.Использование глюкозированного энтерального раствора приводило к снижению вязкости плазмы в условиях нормального гематокрита во все сроки наблюдения. У пациентов обеих групп отмечалось снижение вязкоэластичности крови в условиях высокого сдвигового потенциала на всех этапах исследования, что указывает на нарушения деформируемости эритроцитов. Этот процесс в большей степени выражен у лиц группы сравнения. Проведенные исследования показали, что стандартное лечение и ПЭК при отравлениях разъедающими веществами оказывают корригирующий эффект на гемореологический профиль, направленный на стабилизацию кровообращения, однако по ряду показателей эффект ПЭК более выражен.ВЫВОДЫ Программа энтеральной коррекции гомеостаза и стандартное лечение при отравлениях разъедающими веществами оказывают однонаправленное действие на показатели гемореологического профиля. В случаях применения программы энтеральной коррекции гомеостаза определяется опережающая положительная динамика большинства исследованных гемореологических показателей

    Study of quality of life indicators in patients with atrophic postacne scars after laser ablation techniques

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the quality of life in patients with atrophic post-cancerous scars before and after the use of laser methods of scar correctionЦелью данного исследования стало изучение показателей качества жизни пациентов с атрофическими рубцами постакне до и после применения лазерных методов коррекции рубцов

    Functioning of Innovative Territorial Clusters

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    One of the basic directions of development of modern economy, closely related, primarily, to the innovative nature of this development is in the process of forming clusters. Regional and interregional clusters are considered as a priority inter-sectoral complexes that determine the development of post-industrial information economy at the national and regional level. Their development is associated with the processes of globalization and formation of the industrial structure of the information economy. The tasks of Russia's transition to innovative type of development are associated in particular with the need of formation of innovative clusters. Clusters as a form of spatial associations of enterprises is widespread in the Western economies. Taking into account the necessity of innovative development of Russia in the context of improving the competitiveness of industries and sectors in terms of integration of the country into the global economy, we consider it appropriate in this work to conduct a study of foreign experience of formation of clusters (Cherenkov, 2013). From the definition given by the founder of the modern theory of clusters by M. porter, that “...a cluster or industrial group, is a group of geographically neighboring interconnected companies and related organizations operating in a certain area, characterized by common activities and complementary to each other”. Keywords: cluster, territorial-production cluster, globalization, innovation JEL Classifications: P25, P28, R1, R1

    Влияние программы энтеральной коррекции на показатели окислительного стресса у пациентов с отравлениями психофармакологическими препаратами и разъедающими веществами

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    RATIONALE Acute exogenous poisonings represent a serious medical problem due to the prevalence, severity of the course and high lethality. In their pathogenesis, an important place is given to oxidative stress (OS). Among modern methods of treatment of acute poisoning, the attention is drawn to approaches aimed at normalizing homeostatic indicators by cleansing the enteric environment, restoration of its barrier function.PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Assess the impact of the enteral correction program (ECP) on the parameters of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidant systems in acute exogenous poisoning.MATERIAL AND METHODS 119 patients who underwent treatment at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, of which 45 were with severe acute poisoning with psychopharmacological agents (PPPA) and 74 with poisoning with corrosive substances (PCS). The two study groups consisted of 40 patients with PCS and 23 patients with PPPA, whose standard therapy was supplemented with ECP. The ECP included making intestinal lavage on admission, the introduction of glucosed saline enteral solution in the following days; and for patients with PCS the treatment also included enteral nutrition and Pektovit.The comparison groups included 56 people (34 with PCS and 22 with PPPA) comparable to the patients of the study groups by sex, age, the type and severity of poisoning poisoning treated with standard therapy The severity of OS was assessed by the KMDA/TAA index which was calculated by means of measuring the concentration of malonic dialdehyde (as an LPO parameter) and total antioxidant activity in the blood plasma of the patients. Serum levels of nitric oxide stable metabolites were also measured.The analysis of the results was performed with the regard to patient’s age.RESULTS In patients of working age, regardless of the toxicant type, LPO activation occurred, which was expressed with an increased KMDA/TAA by 1.4–1.8 times compared to the norm. Using ECP at the study stages contributed to maintaining this balance level between pro- and antioxidants. In patients of comparison groups there was an increase in the LPO system imbalance, while KMDA/TAA exceeded the norm by 2.2–2.4 times that was statistically signifi cantly different from the parameters in the study groups.Older patients showed decreased levels of LPO products, the total antioxidant activity compared to the normal for the age, and, as a result, a decrease in KMDA/TAA by 1.3–1.5 times in PCS and by 2–2.4 times in PPPA. This is due to the low adaptive potential of this category of patients. In this age group, ECP contributed to a moderate activation of LPO, which provided the trend towards normalization of OS parameters.CONCLUSIONS The use of the enterable correction program has a positive impact on the dynamics of oxidative stress parameters, ensuring the maintenance of oxidative processes at the level required for an adequate protective reaction of the body to chemical injury.АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ Острые экзогенные отравления представляют серьезную медицинскую проблему в связи с распространенностью, тяжестью течения и высокой летальностью. В их патогенезе важное место отводится окислительному стрессу (ОС). Среди современных методов лечения острых отравлений внимание привлекают подходы, направленные на нормализацию гомеостатических показателей посредством очищения энтеральной среды, восстановления ее барьерной функции.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Оценить влияние программы энтеральной коррекции (ПЭК) на показатели перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) и антиоксидантной системы при острых экзогенных отравлениях.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Обследованы 119 пациентов, проходивших лечение в НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского, из которых 45 были с тяжелыми острыми отравлениями психофармакологическими препаратами (ОПФП) и 74 — с отравлениями разъедающими веществами (ОРВ). Две исследуемые группы составили 40 пациентов с ОРВ и 23 пациента с ОПФП, стандартная терапия которых была дополнена ПЭК. В нее было включено проведение кишечного лаважа при поступлении, введение глюкозированного солевого энтерального раствора в последующие дни, а для пациентов с ОРВ входили также энтеральное питание и прием препарата Пектовит. Группы сравнения составили 56 человек (34 — с ОРВ и 22 — с ОПФП), сопоставимых с пациентами исследуемых групп по полу, возрасту, виду и тяжести отравления, которым проводили стандартную терапию.Выраженность ОС оценивали по коэффициенту КМДА/ОАА, для расчета которого в плазме крови пациентов измеряли концентрацию малонового диальдегида — МДА (как показателя ПОЛ) и общую антиокислительную активность. Также измеряли содержание в сыворотке крови стабильных метаболитов оксида азота. Анализ результатов проводили с учетом возраста больных.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ У пациентов работоспособного возраста вне зависимости от вида токсиканта происходила активация ПОЛ, что выразилось в увеличении коэффициента КМДА/ОАА в 1,4–1,8 раза по сравнению с нормой. Использование ПЭК на этапах исследования способствовало поддержанию данного уровня баланса между про- и антиоксидантами. У пациентов групп сравнения происходил рост дисбаланса в системе ПОЛ, при этом КМДА/ОАА превышал норму в 2,2–2,4 раза, статистически значимо отличаясь от показателей в исследуемых группах.У пациентов старшего возраста обнаруживались сниженные по сравнению с возрастной нормой уровни продуктов ПОЛ, ОАА и, как результат, снижение КМДА/ОАА в 1,3–1,5 раза при ОРВ и в 2–2,4 раза — при ОПФП. Это связано с низким адаптационным потенциалом данной категории больных. В этой возрастной группе ПЭК способствовала умеренной активации ПОЛ, что обеспечивало тенденцию к нормализации показателей ОС.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Использование программы энтеральной коррекции оказывает положительное влияние на динамику показателей окислительного стресса, обеспечивая поддержание окислительных процессов на уровне, необходимом для адекватной защитной реакции организма на химическую травму