109,987 research outputs found

    RVB gauge theory and the Topological degeneracy in the Honeycomb Kitaev model

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    We relate the Z2_2 gauge theory formalism of the Kitaev model to the SU(2) gauge theory of the resonating valence bond (RVB) physics. Further, we reformulate a known Jordan-Wigner transformation of Kitaev model on a torus in a general way that shows that it can be thought of as a Z2_2 gauge fixing procedure. The conserved quantities simplify in terms of the gauge invariant Jordan-Wigner fermions, enabling us to construct exact eigen states and calculate physical quantities. We calculate the fermionic spectrum for flux free sector for different gauge field configurations and show that the ground state is four-fold degenerate on a torus in thermodynamic limit. Further on a torus we construct four mutually anti-commuting operators which enable us to prove that all eigenstates of this model are four fold degenerate in thermodynamic limit.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Added affiliation and a new section, 'Acknowledgements'.Typos correcte

    The Allometry of Daily Energy Expenditure in Hummingbirds: An Energy Budget Approach

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    1. Within-clade allometric relationships represent standard laws of scaling between energy and size, and their outliers provide new avenues for physiological and ecological research. According to the metabolic-level boundaries hypothesis, metabolic rates as a function of mass are expected to scale closer to 0.67 when driven by surface-related processes (e.g. heat or water flux), while volume-related processes (e.g. activity) generate slopes closer to one. 2. In birds, daily energy expenditure (DEE) scales with body mass (M) in the relationship log (DEE)=2.35+0.68×log (M), consistent with surface-level processes driving the relationship. However, taxon-specific patterns differ from the scaling slope of all birds. 3. Hummingbirds have the highest mass-specific metabolic rates among all vertebrates. Previous studies on a few hummingbird species, without accounting for the phylogeny, estimated that the DEE–body mass relationship for hummingbirds was log (DEE)=1.72+1.21×log (M). In Contrast to the theoretical expectations, this slope \u3e1 indicates that larger hummingbirds are less metabolically efficient than smaller hummingbirds. 4. We collected DEE and mass data for 12 hummingbird species, which, combined with published data, represented 17 hummingbird species in eight of nine hummingbird clades over a sixfold size range of body size (2.7–17.5 g). 5. After accounting for phylogenetic relatedness, we found DEE scales with body mass as log(DEE)=2.04+0.95×log (M). This slope of 0.95 is lower than previously estimated for hummingbirds, but much higher than the slope for all birds (0.68). The high slopes of torpor, hovering and flight potentially explain the high interspecific DEE slope for hummingbirds compared to other endotherms

    Exact results for spin dynamics and fractionization in the Kitaev Model

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    We present certain exact analytical results for dynamical spin correlation functions in the Kitaev Model. It is the first result of its kind in non-trivial quantum spin models. The result is also novel: in spite of presence of gapless propagating Majorana fermion excitations, dynamical two spin correlation functions are identically zero beyond nearest neighbor separation, showing existence of a gapless but short range spin liquid. An unusual, \emph{all energy scale fractionization}of a spin -flip quanta, into two infinitely massive π\pi-fluxes and a dynamical Majorana fermion, is shown to occur. As the Kitaev Model exemplifies topological quantum computation, our result presents new insights into qubit dynamics and generation of topological excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Typose corrected, figure made better, clarifying statements and references adde

    Renormalization Group Approach to Strong-Coupled Superconductors

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    We develop an asymptotically exact renormalization group (RG) approach that treats electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions on equal footing. The approach allows an unbiased study of the instabilities of Fermi liquids without the assumption of a broken symmetry. We apply our method to the problem of strongly coupled superconductors and find the temperature T* below which the high-temperature Fermi liquid state becomes unstable towards Cooper pairing. We show that T* is the same as the critical temperature Tc obtained in Eliashberg's strong coupling theory starting from the low-temperature superconducting phase. We also show that Migdal's theorem is implicit in our approach. Finally, our results lead to a novel way to calculate numerically, from microscopic parameters, the transition temperature of superconductors.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, expanded presentation, final versio

    A Physical Model for Co-evolution of QSOs and of their Spheroidal Hosts

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    At variance with most semi-analytic models, in the Anti-hierarchical Baryon Collapse scenario (Granato et al. 2001, 2004) the main driver of the galaxy formation and evolution is not the merging sequence but are baryon processes. This approach emphasizes, still in the framework of the hierarchical clustering paradigm for dark matter halos, feedback processes from supernova explosions and from active nuclei, that tie together star formation in spheroidal galaxies and the growth of black holes at their centers. We review some recent results showing the remarkably successful predictive power of this scenario, which allows us to account for the evolution with cosmic time of a broad variety of properties of galaxies and active nuclei, which proved to be very challenging for competing models.Comment: Invited talk at the Specola Vaticana Workshop on "AGN and Galaxy Evolution", Castel Gandolfo, 3-6 October 2005, 10 pages, 2 figure

    From First Galaxies to QSOs: feeding the baby monsters

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    We present a physical model for the coevolution of massive spheroidal galaxies and active nuclei at their centers. Supernova heating is increasingly effective in slowing down the star formation and in driving gas outflows in smaller and smaller dark matter halos. Thus the more massive protogalaxies virializing at early times are the sites of faster star formation. The correspondingly higher radiation drag causes a faster angular momentum loss by the gas and induces a larger accretion rate onto the central black hole. In turn, the kinetic energy of the outflows powered by the active nuclei can unbind the residual gas in a time shorter for larger halos. The model accounts for a broad variety of dynamical, photometric and metallicity properties of early-type galaxies, for the M_BH -- \sigma relation and for the local supermassive black-hole mass function.Comment: 6 pages, contributed paper to Proceedings of the Conference on "Growing Black Holes" held in Garching, Germany, on June 21-25, 2004, edited by A. Merloni, S. Nayakshin and R. Sunyaev, Springer-Verlag series of "ESO Astrophysics Symposia

    The cosmic growth of the active black hole population at 1<z<2 in zCOSMOS, VVDS and SDSS

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    We present a census of the active black hole population at 1<z<2, by constructing the bivariate distribution function of black hole mass and Eddington ratio, employing a maximum likelihood fitting technique. The study of the active black hole mass function (BHMF) and the Eddington ratio distribution function (ERDF) allows us to clearly disentangle the active galactic nuclei (AGN) downsizing phenomenon, present in the AGN luminosity function, into its physical processes of black hole mass downsizing and accretion rate evolution. We are utilizing type-1 AGN samples from three optical surveys (VVDS, zCOSMOS and SDSS), that cover a wide range of 3 dex in luminosity over our redshift interval of interest. We investigate the cosmic evolution of the AGN population as a function of AGN luminosity, black hole mass and accretion rate. Compared to z = 0, we find a distinct change in the shape of the BHMF and the ERDF, consistent with downsizing in black hole mass. The active fraction or duty cycle of type-1 AGN at z~1.5 is almost flat as a function of black hole mass, while it shows a strong decrease with increasing mass at z=0. We are witnessing a phase of intense black hole growth, which is largely driven by the onset of AGN activity in massive black holes towards z=2. We finally compare our results to numerical simulations and semi-empirical models and while we find reasonable agreement over certain parameter ranges, we highlight the need to refine these models in order to match our observations.Comment: 31 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Knots in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We show that knots of spin textures can be created in the polar phase of a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate, and discuss experimental schemes for their generation and probe, together with their lifetime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exact solution of a 2d random Ising model

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    The model considered is a d=2 layered random Ising system on a square lattice with nearest neighbours interaction. It is assumed that all the vertical couplings are equal and take the positive value J while the horizontal couplings are quenched random variables which are equal in the same row but can take the two possible values J and J-K in different rows. The exact solution is obtained in the limit case of infinite K for any distribution of the horizontal couplings. The model which corresponds to this limit can be seen as an ordinary Ising system where the spins of some rows, chosen at random, are frozen in an antiferromagnetic order. No phase transition is found if the horizontal couplings are independent random variables while for correlated disorder one finds a low temperature phase with some glassy properties.Comment: 10 pages, Plain TeX, 3 ps figures, submitted to Europhys. Let
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